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Chaos Manor Special Reports

Joanne Dow's Diatribes

Part Three

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

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Joanne Dow is a very old friend. She is a communications engineer, a veteran of the Genie days, and has a wealth of experience.

She has taken up the task of documenting the subject of Islam, particularly as regards women. I do not agree with everything she says. Joanne has both detractors and fans. Her diatribes tend to be long, and there are a lot of them, so I have decided to give them their own pages. This is the second such page. The first is here.

I will fill in some past editions over time. I also update this in batches rather than daily.

I want to make it clear that I do not agree with everything she says, and my views of Islam vary depending on the country and the sect. Joanne generally concentrates on finding the most extreme positions, and it would be easy reading only her posts to get a false impression of the world situation. I'm willing to publish replies but they must be in a reasonable format, at reasonable length, and in language no more intemperate than she employs.

My Turkish friends in particular are appalled at her diatribes. I understand. Most Turkish intellectuals support the Turkish constitution which mandates a secular state, and would strenuously resist imposition of sharia and other strict interpretations of Muslim law. This is not what Joanne complains of. Those who have long known me know that I have a high regard for the Turkish Army. Turkey sent troops to our aid in Korea, and I for one will never forget that.

I post her diatribes because she finds incidents that ought to be thought alarming by everyone, Christian, Muslim, secular humanist, atheist, or indeed anyone civilized.

 * * * *


Diatribes Part ONE

Diatribes Part TWO


Diatribes Part ONE

Diatribes Part TWO






Daily Diatribe 20070505

I posted yesterday about the thought crime legislation that is being considered in our legislative branch.

JW: CAIR Cheers "Thought Crime" Bill Passage
JW: "Rice is clearly looking for a way to forge a US surrender of Iraq to its nemeses Iran and Syria"

Hugh Fitzgerald treats us to some facts about Mohammed that this ill conceived legislation could prevent ever being brought to light. After all, facts are no defense against "thought crime" any more than it appears our Constitution is any defense against thought crime legislation.

JW: Fitzgerald: The folly of thought-crime legislation


The on-stage "dry rapist", Akon, is suffering some fallout from the Al Sharpton treatment of Don Imus. Verizon is pulling their sponsorship of his recordings as ring tones and of a concert tour. They are also, it seems, pulling sponsorship for a Gwen Stefani tour that featured Akon as the opening act. It is Akon and the rappers like him who refer to black girls and women as "nappy headed ho's". They are the ones who put the phrase into Imus's head from which they so inopportunely erupted leading to his firing (and lawsuit about the firing.) Akon should thank Sharpton for waking a sleeping dragon there. Conservatives are fuming. And Akon is most massively misbehaving. "Gotcha, donkey dung!"

MM: Verizon Wireless ends Akon partnership


Giggle time here: It seems that rumors are circulating in Gitmo that many of the pro-bono lawyers wanting the "fame" of defending the detainees are gay or Jewish. So the prisoners are having nothing to do with them. It is sort of pleasant to see them hoist by their own petard of religious bigotry. After all, their reason for being there in the first place is their tendency to act out their bigotry that is a part of their basic faith.

I don't agree with See-Dubya at HotAir in his assessment that this is "Sad" in the title below. I have to admit, however, that seeing it as a giggle thing may be a little cruel on my part. It just seems appropriate when a bad person refuses a lifeline in an attempt to spring him from his imprisonment because of that which makes him bad in the first place.

HA: Sad: Gitmo detainees snub their suspiciously "gay" and/or "Jewish" lawyers


Over on Islam Watch they have published Joseph C. Meyers' review of (Pakistani) Brigadier S. K. Malik's "The Quranic Concept of War". This is the Mohammedan equivalent, perhaps, of Carl von Clausewitz' "Vom Kriege" ("On War").

One of the first points that Meyers brings to the fore is that it SEEMS as though nobody in the military, state department, or government has compiled any body of knowledge about how Mohammedans, the terrorists we are fighting, face, conceive of, and practice war. Makik's book is an excellent starting point. The short form is something like, "As with every other aspect of life the Qur'an also governs war."

Then he goes on to reveal how the Qur'an declares war as horrible and absolute evil EXCEPT if it is in defense of Mohammedanism or advances Mohammedanism towards converting the entire world to Mohammedanism. The following is an important paragraph from Meyer's article in this regard. It defines jihad.

The exegesis of the term jihad is often debated. Some apologists make clear that nowhere in the Quran does the term "Holy War" exist; that is true, but it is also irrelevant. War in Islam is either just or unjust and that justness depends on the ends of war. Brohi, and later Malik, make clear that the ends of war in Islam or jihad are to fulfill God's divine purpose. Not only should that be a holy purpose, it must be a just war in order to be "Holy War."

Bluntly speaking, the goal is to fight until the world is Mohammedan. There is no defeat acknowledged as even being possible. Jihad, working towards the end goal, never ceases and cannot cease while even one solitary Mohammedan is still alive. Note that there is nothing which declares this. Instead the Qur'an makes it clear that this cannot happen because it is God's declared will that Mohammedans take over the world. Therefore this level of ultimate defeat is impossible. It is literally a thought that the Mohammedan indoctrinated mind can entertain.

Meyers reveals Malik discussing the nature of war:

Malik argues that the "nature and dimension of war" is the greatest single characteristic of Quranic warfare and distinguishes it from all other doctrines. He acknowledges Clausewitz's contribution to the understanding of warfare in its moral and spiritual context. The moral forces of war, as Clausewitz declared, are perhaps the most important aspects in war. Reiterating that Muslims are required to wage war "with the spirit of religious duty and obligation," the author makes it clear that in return for fighting in the way of Allah, divine, angelic assistance will be rendered to jihad warriors and armies. At this point The Quranic Concept of War moves beyond the metaphysical to the supernatural element, unlike anything found in western doctrine. Malik highlights the fact that divine assistance requires "divine standards" on the part of the warrior mujahideen for the promise of Allah's aid to be met.

Consider that even a "threat" of an "impediment" to spreading the doctrine is a casus belli the state of war in Mohammedanism is perpetual. You can not define an end. All you can do is define levels and kinds of hostilities.

Then we have four very important paragraphs in today's context:

Malik uses examples to demonstrate that Allah will strike "terror into the hearts of Unbelievers." At this point he begins to develop his most controversial and conjectural Quranic theory related to warfare - the role of terror. Readers need to understand that the author is thinking and writing in strategic terms, not in the vernacular of battles or engagements. Malik continues, "when God wishes to impose His will on his enemies, He chooses to do so by casting terror into their hearts." He cites another verse, "against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts) of the enemies of Allah . . . ." Malik's strategic synthesis is specific: "the Quranic military strategy thus enjoins us to prepare ourselves for war to the utmost in order to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, known or hidden, while guarding ourselves from being terror-stricken by the enemy." Terror is an effect; the end-state.

Malik identifies the center of gravity in war as the "human heart, [man's] soul, spirit, and Faith." Note that Faith is capitalized, meaning more than simple moral courage or fortitude. Faith in this sense is in the domain of religious and spiritual faith; this is the center of gravity in war. The main weapon against this Islamic concept of center of gravity is "the strength of our own souls . . . [keeping] terror away from our own hearts." In terms of achieving decisive and direct decisions preparing for this type of battlefield first requires "creating a wholesome respect for our Cause"-the cause of Islam. This "respect" must be seeded in advance of war and conflict in the minds of the enemies. Malik then introduces the informational, psychological, or perception management concepts of warfare. Echoing Sun Tzu, he states, that if properly prepared, the "war of muscle," the physical war, will already be won by "the war of will." "Respect" therefore is achieved psychologically by, as Brohi suggested earlier, "beautiful" and "handsome ways" or by the strategic application of terror.

When examining the theme of the preparatory stage of war, Malik talks of the "war of preparation being waged . . . in peace," meaning that peacetime preparatory activities are in fact part of any war and "vastly more important than the active war." This statement should not be taken lightly, it essentially means that Islam is in a perpetual state of war while peace can only be defined as the absence of active war. Malik argues that peace-time training efforts should be oriented on the active war(s) to come, in order to develop the Quranic and divine "Will" in the mujahid. When armies and soldiers find limited physical resources they should continue and emphasize the development of the "spiritual resources" as these are complimentary factors and create synergy for future military action.

Malik's most controversial dictum is summarized in the following manner: in war, "the point where the means and the end meet" is in terror. He formulates terror as an objective principal of war; once terror is achieved the enemy reaches his culminating point. "Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision we wish to impose . . . ." Malik's divine principal of Islamic warfare may be restated as "strike terror; never feel terror." The ultimate objective of this form of warfare "revolves around the human heart, [the enemies] soul, spirit, and Faith." Terror "can be instilled only if the opponent's Faith is destroyed . . . . It is essential in the ultimate analysis, to dislocate [the enemies] Faith." Those who are firm in their religious conviction are immune to terror, "a weak Faith offers inroads to terror." Therefore, as part of preparations for jihad, actions will be oriented on weakening the non-Islamic's "Faith," while strengthening the Islamic's. What that weakening or "dislocation" entails in practice remains ambiguous. Malik concludes, "Psychological dislocation is temporary; spiritual dislocation is permanent." The soul of man can only be touched by terror.
Terror is an integral part of Mohammedan warfare. It is an end goal in Mohammedan warfare. It is not a means to make you do what they want. It is a means to remove your will to fight. Please read the whole thing, a couple of times. There is a lot more explication in the whole article. I have only touched on some pieces of it that seem most pertinent by MY filters. My filters are not perfect.

Then ask yourself, "Is my faith in freedom and a just God strong enough that I cannot be terrorized into submission? Ask if you think this nation's faith in freedom with or without the "just God" part is strong enough.

If not, don't you think it is time to do something to prevent the risk of losing our will and faith thus falling to an ultimate filthy evil? NOW is the time we have the time and luxury, perhaps, to weed out those who believe in this immoderate proper Mohammedanism from all the rest? These moderates we could weed out now will assuredly fall either to us or to their immoderate "brothers" if we do not recognize what it is we are fighting and how it fights.

IW: The Quranic Concept of War




Daily Diatribe 20070506

The leftist element in this country, e.g. DailyKos, is despondent over the recent French election results. Nicolas Sarkozy won. He is very unashamedly pro-American. And he clearly understands the Mohammedan threat. This has brought out the fun loving French youth in droves. Well, at least the riot loving Mohammedan youth are out in droves - rioting, of course.

If you think you cannot win, threaten, If you cannot win, cheat. If cheating is not enough, whine. If whining is not enough, riot. This is what the mature French "youth" (read Mohammedan youth even though the media never spells it out in two words or less) are doing. Sarkozy won. He has vowed to take back his country. The Mohammedans are rioting. But, do remember, that this sequence is not finished yet. There is still at least one more step: If rioting is not enough, kill. Watch for it.

To think that our left idolizes the French, at least under Chirac. They want our country to emulate France. Can we expect them to threaten, cheat, whine, AND riot the next time we have national elections?

(I like Charles's site so I am pointing his direction. He has a nice collection of coverage.)

LGF: Youthophobia in France
LGF: Sarkozy Wins - A New Direction for France
LGF: 'Youths' Rioting in Paris
LGF: More Violence in France
LGF: 'Youths' and Their Cars


The Associated (with Terrorists) Press works very hard to avoid being critical of terrorists in any way. Charles has a prime meat example. Some Palestinian terrorists opened fire at a UN elementary school. The AP claims it is impossible to know who or why they opened fire because their faces were covered. This ignores the wee little detail that the terrorists clearly announced why they were going to shoot over bull-horns before they started shooting. Do NOT trust what comes from Associated Press if it in any away involves Mohammedans or Terrorists. For that matter I am not sure I trust AP at any level. I'd want independent corroberation even if they reported that there were 10 tornados in Kansas yesterday.

LGF: Palestinians Open Fire on UN Elementary School


I wonder what Disney thinks of this.

LGF: Video: Death Cult Mickey Mouse Teaches Islamic Supremacism


Palestine Media Watch has the story that goes with that video. With this level of indoctrination can these children be saved or must they be destroyed for our own life and safety?

PMW: Hamas steals Mickey Mouse image to teach hate and Islamic supremacy


Fox News isn't all far right conservative commentators. Alan Colmes is off fairly far to the left without being wackoid left. He is strongly anti-war in Iraq. So he ends up interviewing the David Chavarria, the producer of a documentary following a marine company's tour of duty in Iraq. David and the film's director JD Johannes made it simply as a non-political documentary of the Marine unit, which Johannes used to be part of, for its tour of duty in Iraq. The intent was to cover day to day events, soldier morale, and that sort of thing. The intent was to cover the other news, what was never seen over here. We see the car bombings. We do not see the road building, the school construction, or any of the other positive things in which our troops participate with the Iraqis.

Colmes was clearly a frustrated man as he tried to turn it into a political anti-war tool of some sort or find a "conservative bias" hook on which to hang claims of bias to discredit the film. It just didn't work for him. Poor fella.... {^_-}

"Outside the Wire" is an important documentary. Sadly, few in this country will probably ever see it.

HA: Video: "Outside the Wire" producer on H&C; Colmesy injects politics


Michael J. Totten has a guest columnist on his blog, Noah Pollak. Noah has posted comments about a David Horovitz editorial in the Jerusalem Post. In the article Horovitz's criticism of the entire government and IDF in the post and pre Lebanon years. One interesting point dovetails neatly with the comments yesterday which highlighted Brigadier S. K. Malik's "The Quranic Concept of War." In that discussion it comes out that terror itself is an end goal of Mohammedan warfare. With that in mind this paragraph of Noah's is most telling.

"In its sections on the six years preceding the [2006] conflict," Horovitz writes, "the commission tracks a process in which the IDF concedes sovereignty at the Lebanon border to Hizbullah. Nothing less. An abandonment of the elementary protection of northern Israel in the face of an extremist guerrilla army utterly committed to the defeat of Israel. . Hizbullah amassed its arsenal of missiles and rockets. It deployed along the border. And it gradually created a situation where it was able 'to act when and how it wished, without any military response from Israel.'"

It sounds like at least the government of Israel has been successfully and thoroughly terrorized, eh?

MJT: What Does Winograd Say?


By way of introduction, "Mr. (Timothy R.) Furnish, Ph.D (Islamic History), is Assistant Professor, History, Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody, GA 30338. Mr. Furnish is the author of Holiest Wars: Islamic Mahdis, their Jihads and Osama bin Laden (Praeger, 2005)."

Islam Watch has posted an article by Dr. Furnish which goes into detail about the origins of the rampant anti-semitism manifested by the Mohammedan religion and its adherents. This is not a new phenomenon. Furnish tracks it back to its beginnings with Mohammed himself as early as 622 CE.

Dr. Furnish cautions about making too broad a judgment of the descriptions of Mohammed's treatment of prisoners of war.

Now, this was a brutal time and a brutal society, in many ways. And in his treatment of "unbelievers" Muhammad is not unlike some of the divinely-sanctioned rulers in the Hebrew Scriptures, such as Joshua or David. (He is, however, most unlike the Jesus of the New Testament.) Nonetheless, there is no getting around the fact that the man whom Muslims believe to have been God's last spokesman on Earth not only denigrated, but ordered the slaughter of, his fellow monotheists - and this long before the Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion or Ariel Sharon ever existed.

I observe here that the Jewish religion has outgrown such barbaric practices many centuries ago. The Mohammedan religion has not and perhaps cannot outgrow this. First the Qur'an requires violence towards Jews and utter intolerance of them. Second Mohammed is declared as the ideal man for all Mohammedans to emulate. He performed these despicable deeds. So this must be Allah's will even today. Thus while the Jews could and did outgrow the early Old Testament violence the Mohammedans have not and by all indications will never outgrow their violence unless they discard most of their holy documents. (Over 97% of the Qur'an's mention of jihad involve violent jihad, for example.)

I recommend reading the whole article, of course.

IW: Anti-Semitism in Islam: Israel Didn't Start the Fire



8226 Mohammedan terrorist attacks since 9/11.


Daily Diatribe 20070507

Thanks to John Bartley for finding a remarkably consistent fat fingering I make. It's PBS not PHS. With my eyes and the font on this computer the difference is easy to overlook.


In a brief note the MEMRI Blog cites a news item about al-Qaeda in Iraq using a UAV for the first time. The attack attempt in Kurdistan failed. But it is a troubling development, nonetheless.

MEMRI Blog: Al-Qaeda In Iraq Uses UAV For First Time


"Rattlesnake", our British friends in Iraq are being hit unusually hard at this time. Here is a report from Michael Yon about a successful attempt to kill some of the folks who set IEDs.

MY: Rattlesnake


""Incapable of making peace" means: won't just lay down and be slaughtered." (video)

LGF: Hamas Wants a 'True Solution'


The BEEBE seems to be becoming aware of the Mohammedan threat in England, perhaps a day late and a shilling short and perhaps worse than that. At any rate they are noticing a problem. They ran this scare piece last night (as you read this).

LGF: BBC: 'A Warning to Britain'


Last week the BBC reported that Britain's MI5 intelligence service was monitoring at least 2,000 terror suspects in the UK.

Today we learn that report was incorrect. The actual number of Islamic terrorists on MI5's watch list is closer to 4,000.

I wonder how many our FBI is tracking. {o.o}

LGF: Britain's Rather Large Problem


Just who is the bigots here? David Horowitz and Robert Spencer took out an ad in the Emory University student newspaper, "A Public Service Announcement by the Terrorism Awareness Project." It criticized Jihad by listing things it is with cites from Osama bin Laden and Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Emory U officials jumped immediately to the conclusion that this was offensive to some people on campus citing "expressions of a selective, reductive, and hurtful nature toward particular groups on the Emory campus,..." And then they proceeded to condemn it.

As I see it the act of the Emory officials drawing any conclusion that the advertisement was offensive to particular groups on the Emory campus they were THEMSELVES bigots. The advertisement specifically criticizes violent Jihad and specific radical Mohammedans who practice violent Jihad. It singles out no other group, no race, no religion, no color, not even any degree of hair straightness. What group on the Emory campus would be offended? Do they have people on campus who practice Jihad? If they do there is, based on frequency of mention, a 97% chance that these people are violent Jihadis. Are thugs and criminals a protected group that Emory University wishes not to annoy? Or did the Emory officials make the logical error that since all Jihadis are Mohammedans that all Mohammedans must be either Jihadis or angered by references to violent Jihad as practiced by radical Mohammedans? Do they fail to realize moderate Mohammedans DO exist and recognize that the Jihad, as the radicals practice it, is inherently violent?

Emory University must either be bigots or are tacitly admitting that they have active Jihadis on campus. Either way that university is in deep Bandini (tm). (Bandini is THE name for um er fertilizer....)

JW: Emory U's Religious Left Can't Handle the Truth


Today Michael J. Totten discusses his take on the Winograd report on the Israeli efforts in Southern Lebanon. At the very least, he declares, the IDF Chief of Staff had not even a vaguely accurate idea of Lebanese politics. His declared perception was off in dream-land with little or no connection to reality.

He provides some useful perceptions.

MJT: "Better a Thousand Israeli Invasions."


Susan MacAllen has a nice article up on Islam Watch today that zeros in on enigmatic Turkey, it's legacy from the 1400s and its more modern legacy of secularism from Mustafa Kamel Ataturk. She describes the slow inroads the imams are making in Turkey, how it is impossible for those who are not Mohammedan to construct places of worship, and how the military has, in the past, enforced Turkey's secular Constitution in the face of attacks from zealots who have insinuated themselves into the government.

Turkey bears watching. It's future will be very important to us as well as its own citizens.

IW: Turkey: At The Crossroads of Islamofascism's Rise in the West






Daily Diatribe 20070523

A person at Jerry Pournelle's site commented about my diatribes and mentioned Palestinian Media Watch as a good source of rather damning information for the Mohammedans and Palestinians in particular. The direct link to PMW is first below followed to the link to Jerusalem Post that "ariel" provided.

I'll make a couple notes about my coverage here. PWM would be used more as a source if I had an extra half hour or so to fit it into my browse schedule, which is overly large already. The sources I tend to use are also either good sources with direct reference to primary sources to back their dialogs. I try to spend a fair amount of time trying to find people who are working to abate the menace from within Mohammedanism. That may give an impression that the danger is not as great as it is in reality. These ARE people who need consideration and support. I also am not bashful about sounding quite "extreme" or "alarmist" from time to time. The message needs to get out. And the more it scares people into action the better UNTIL it gets so bad they are not moved towards rational action. This is why I stress "act now rather than later." If we act later the mess will be worse and the actions we must take will be more drastic with the potential worst case being massive nuclear attacks and our army active in our country to protect us from militarily armed jihadis - and an attendant suspension of all aspects of our privacy. (Not that I don't see computers producing that latter state of affairs with or without government intervention. But that is a whole different rant.)

There are some key points I try to make. The first point recognizes that the basic documentation for Mohammedanism stresses violence, hatred for non-Mohammedans, the destruction or subjugation of infidels, the utter lack of most of the rights we consider important, the often extreme mistreatment of women, and so forth. What I see in Mohammedanism is a virtual negation of most things the secular Christian West holds dearest to its heart. A second point that I probably should deal with more often is the little detail that the Mohammedans are out breeding us. (In this regard it might be to our benefit to create a really solid percentage based tax credit for each child born to a tax payer. The credit should be constant across the board. Consider it a "remove the market" anti-abortion tool as well as an anti-Jihadi tool.) A third point is that I do recognize that there are Mohammedans who really just want to get on with their lives and live in peace. To a real extent they are apostates as the Jihadis argue so effectively that their children are easily turned to radicalism. These are people who draw comfort, somehow, from Mohammedanism and do not want to reject it; but, they also find the violent aspects of Mohammedanism rather disgusting. We need to find a way to help them. There are other points. These are the ones at the forefront of my thoughts today.

Another point I have been toying with quite gently even in my own mind is the concept that it may be time to attack Mohammedanism's basis. There are aspects of Mohammedan history that are at least as murky the process by which the Bible was trimmed down to the King James version that most Christians use. Non-Mohammedans need to study the era in which the Qur'an was stabilized and written down and loudly note that this is a potential hole in the entire picture. We also must note that the Hadiths and Sunnah are most definitely not the direct word of Allah. We also must examine the Qur'an or at least take advantage of non-Mohammedan experts who have spent a great deal of effort to master it and openly discuss its basic internal nonsense, raise the suspicion that "Allah" and Mohammed were in reality the same individual, and note the Qur'an's basic errors of fact. (Now, errors of fact don't stop a religion. But they do sow some doubt. Un, I look at "Creation Science" when I say this. {^_-}) This falls basically into my suggestion that Mohammedans are VERY sensitive to criticism of the "religion" so it may be time to heavily criticize and even ridicule the "religion". Certainly heavy criticism is called for. A LOT more cartoons may be called for. And we need to point out in detail its hypocrisies, particularly about depictions of Mohammed. There is quite a portfolio of images of Mohammed by Mohammedan artists that should be exposed every time they whine about it being improper to depict anybody let alone Mohammed.

Basically - we need to do something. Now is better than later. I'd invite "ariel" to take up the effort as well. The more people urging that we deal with Mohammedans and providing unimpeachable evidence of why the better.

(Note, Palestinian Media Watch is distinct from Palestine Media Watch. The former one is the one in the Jerusalem Post article and is the better one for primary "what the Palestinians are saying publicly". Between the Palestinian Media Watch page and MEMRI you can get a really good idea of what the Mohammedans are really saying publicly on their media. Sometimes it helps to see this for yourself.)

Palestinian Media Watch
JPost: Got it?


From the shoot yourself in the foot department we have the recent firing or discharge of 56 Arab linguists from the military because they are gay. We underutilize the non-Mohammedan Arabic speakers we have in this country. We are vastly understaffed for Arabic translators and speakers. And because of superstitions we should have gotten over decades ago when it became apparent that sexual orientation is not an infinitely malleable "choice" we've just summarily tossed 56 of the valuable resources we have been using who performed honorably causing no divisiveness in the ranks but were gay. That has got to be one of the stupidest things our military has done in this entire war. Was this because of an order from the top, the very top, or simple rigid unforgiving and stupid "policy?" Who has the proximate responsibility for this monumental act of asininities? I want to include him in my anti-prayers, figuratively speaking. If God helps those who get up and make their ultimate efforts to help themselves then we have just lost God from our team.

It is bad enough we apparently tossed a Chaldean Christian Iraqi trying to reach the US and safety who could have been an excellent translator for the military. (I am speaking of the young fellow that Todd Bensma back traced to Iraq from the US border near Brownsville in the article cited by Hugh Hewitt that I cited yesterday.) One could argue that was one person stupid. This is 56 person stupid, monumentally stupid. The United States of America is its own worst, most lethal enemy.

FN: House Members Seek Hearings on Dismissed Gay Arab Linguists


Hugh Hewitt has several articles on the immigration compromise bill. I remain unconvinced. And with the government's past record with the 1986 bill which was never implemented that this bill is a non-starter. The probationary "floppy card" or "not-a-Z-visa" given right off the bat is a stopping point right there. The failure to slam shut the southern border with a serious large scale construction process before doing ANYTHING else is a non-starter.

We have inside what we have. The sooner we stop the flow the smaller the additional number of bad as well as "acceptable" new problems come across the border. Once we stabilize the leak we can work to stabilize what we have inside.

Building up the border patrol takes too long. The Border Patrol people cite problems training up new agents to the Spanish language proficiency desired. I will admit that this is probably far more training than a simple high school class. It'd be good if the agents recognized accents as well as the words and meanings. Perhaps higher pay and less risk of incarceration might be a good thing. And perhaps they should not be imprisoned with the general prison population. A military prison, as befits their quasi military role as armed agents, would be a better place to put them. They might live through their terms of imprisonment. (I do not really expect the two agents imprisoned recently over a procedural violation will live out their terms.)

We also MUST drop the "politically correct" nonsense of treating illegal immigrants from "special interest", terrorist, nations the same as those from other nations where economic reasons for the immigration are more likely. Two groups come from the terrorist nations, good people who are trying to escape (Todd Bensman's example illegal immigrant, for example) and bad people trying to sneak in and set themselves up as sleeper agents with malign purposes ahead.

The provisional piece of floppiness (read the Kyle interview) needs to have an expiration date on it as a spur to the government to push the completion of the border fence and the full staffing needed to sanely handle the Z visa processes in less than 16 years of sitting in a filing cabinet awaiting an agent with time to act on it.

And finally, there are other staffing issues way beyond those of the Border Patrol which must be dealt with. Not ONE provisional floppy or whatever visa should be issued until we have trained staff to weed out the bad ones right off the top. There must be a procedure to take the potentially bad ones, segregate them, examine them in more if not complete detail, and make a reasonable decision whether or not they get the visa even if this takes three weeks or two months. We want very much to avoid giving terrorists a "get in and out of America free" card of any sort.

HH: An Interview With Senator Kyl
HH: The actual Kyle interview transcript
HH: An Interview With Secretary Chertoff (Secretary Weasel if you ask me.)

Note the Todd Bensman article's animated graphic link in this next link to Hugh Hewitt. The very last thing you see if you track it though is the route from the Middle East through Canada into the US through our Northern Border. Also note the interview.

When considering what to do about the illegal aliens from Mexico who are in this country consider this point from Bensman's interview with Hewitt.

TB: Well, that's what Mexico's new ambassador told me in an interview a couple of months ago, when I asked him about special interest aliens, which is a bureaucratic term with which he was immediately familiar. He was very intimately familiar with that term, and everything about them, which tells you something right there. And he acknowledged that if one of these guys is a bad guy and gets through, there's going to be a problem. They're going to shut down that border, and there's going to be a disruption in the $25 billion dollars worth of remittances that go back, and that is their primary national interest.

People have been decrying the Z-visa and the worker visa plans. Such a plan is absolutely required if we are going to keep Mexico on the team. It is that simple. This is REALLY big money to them. This is why I have made the suggestion that a sorter 2 year visa renewable after a year at home might be better than 4 years and a year at home. Or even better might be seasonal visas for the harvest season that are infinitely renewable each year allowing the worker to go home to his family after harvest season with a nice package of wages. We can use the workers. They can use the money. The synergy is a good one, especially if we make it Mexico only as explicit recognition that Mexico is on the team.

HH: Todd Bensman's Latest


"We pray that Israel would come back and rule us again," says one tired and incredibly disgusted Palestinian. He is tired enough of the whole thing to utter this incredible sentence and risk death over it. That is how bad the Hamas violence has gotten over there. Palestine is a nation that died as it was born. It needs a proper burial. Maybe Israel SHOULD go back with the proviso that "you tell us who are the Hamas terrorists and we will eliminate them for you." Then the Israelis should also utterly control the education and media in Palestine to literally brain wash them into being civilized people. It might be a very interesting experiment if the street Palestinians are disgusted enough with the Jihadis. (Strange, that would not be all that different from what we are doing in Iraq's roughest areas today. And it seems to be working.) 1:40 is the magic time code marker. But the entire clip is short and worth it to get a feel for how desperate it has become in Palestine today.

LGF: Video: Bloodshed and Anarchy in Gaza


I started this whole thing because of outrageous falsifications of news reporting in the Main Stream Media due to a pervasive far left bias. That led to LittleGreenFootballs at the time. This was during the recent Israeli retaliatory incursion into Lebanon to damage Hezbollah. Reporting of that affair was extremely biased (Hezbollah could do no wrong and tell no lies while Israel was supposedly bombing ambulances - both items that LGF debunked as one of the leaders of the effort.) LGF then led me to realize just how serious the Mohammedan threat was.

Here is an example of the liberal left using name calling when it can not support it's claims with facts. Tim Cavanaugh takes a round-house swing at the conservative bloggers who note that the recent Pew poll of US Mohammedans is more than a little daunting maybe even frightening. LGF took issue with the way Associated Press diddled around with its headline for the story. Cavanaugh claimed LGF was "hoppin' mad" some AP word manipulation on their headline for the recent frightening Pew poll of US Mohammedans. Liberal bias? I'd say more like liberal hatred for conservatives.

(Frightening not because I think we'd lose to US Mohammedan Jihadis but because we might go so far as to wipe them out if pushed too far. I do not want to be a party to that; but, if driven to that extremity I'd be in their doing what I could to facilitate it. We must eliminate the radicals now lest we have to destroy them all later. {o.o})

LA Times: LGF is 'Hoppin' Mad'


LittleGreenFootballs led me other blogs. LGF and Michelle Malkin led me to JihadWatch where Robert Spencer holds forth with a few associates. Today he is officially mourning the passing of one of the foremost moderate voices in modern Pakistan, Tashbih Sayyed. Voices against the Jihadi Mohammedan movement do exist and some are courageous enough to speak out, even in Mohammedan countries. Sayyed was one such gentleman.

JW: Tashbih Sayyed, 1941-2007


It was inevitable that Jihad Watch led me to its companion Dhimmi Watch. A Dhimmi is a non-Mohammedan who accepts complete subjugation to his Mohammedan masters. He is in essence a slave to all Mohammedans. Dhimmi Watch reports on examples of life as a Dhimmi. This report is from Iraq. As was probably inevitable the Mohammedan extremists have made life so utterly miserable to the Assyrian Christians that they have all bug abandoned all their holdings in Baghdad. According to the Qur'an there is no way for a kufir, an unbeliever, to deal with a Mohammedan as an equal. This is the sort of results we can expect if we are ever forced to surrender and are allowed to live.

DW: Baghdad Assyrian District Emptied; Churches, Monasteries Abandoned


As I mentioned LGF led me to Michelle Malkin (and others). Today Malkin is fulminating over Chertoff and the immigration amnesty er compromise. She picks a case of a repeat illegal immigrant who is also a child rapist loose and on his way to Mexico due to a DHS screw-up.

MM: Attention, Michael Chertoff: Get to the bottom of this screw-up


Michelle also points towards some other open borders issues.

MM: The comprehensive open-borders goodie bag MM: Open-borders goodie bag update


She also takes on the "Truthers", the idiots who think the WTC collapse was a controlled demolition ordered by Bush to spur the war in Iraq and other nefarious things. (These are SERIOUSLY deranged individuals who continue long after their "proofs" have been disproven by careful analysis, some by the very people they suggest you ask to prove their point!

MM: The boundless idiocy of the Truthers


Michelle started HotAir, the world's first video blog. Today Michelle has a vent from last May up because it conveniently demonstrates why we MUST NOT give illegal aliens from special interest nations a free pass. She feels we must not give any a free pass of any sort and frequently discusses why. She has a good point.

HA: Vent


Today HotAir has episode three of "Sands of Passion." Don't ask. Follow the link. Follow the next link to episodes 1 and 2 if you've not seen them. Then return to watch episode 3. It's a treat.

HA: Video: "Sands of Passion," episode 3


Both LGF and HotAir brought this one up. It is Amnesty International showing its innate stupidity and bias again. This one is rather hateful. Perhaps Amnesty International should be on their own lists of hate mongers? I'm including this because I know how Jerry's readers feel about this very hypocritical organization. {^_-}

HA: Wednesday stupid: Is Dick Cheney worse than Darth Vader and Hobgoblin?


Follow this HotAir link through to the video at "Kamangir (Archer)". This is what we have to look forward to if we let the Mohammedan Jihadis win. This is what their moderates came to this country to get away from. This is what we are importing with the radical Saudi and Hamas financed and trained imams for new mosques in the US. This is an atrocity.

HA: Video: Police brutality against Iranian women


From the above core group I branched out. One of the good ones these days is Micheal J. Totten. He posts an article written last year about his trip to Gaza. He tends to get close to all sides and comes out with astounding reports such as this one, today. It is very long. And it is filled with pictures. It is important background.

This is one thing from the report that caught my eye.

"Another pattern that's unusual," he said. "They use the civilian population as human shields." It's not really unusual. Hezbollah did the same thing in Lebanon. Fighters in Iraq do it there, too, although some in Iraq also deliberately murder Iraqis.

I wonder if the IDF spokesman really thought that or was simply saying something he expected would be politically correct. The Qur'an defines who is and is not a combatant. Every Mohammedan is officially a combatant against every kufir, who is by definition also a combatant. It's these little details that get you if you ignore them.

MJT: The Story of Gaza


Another worthwhile offshoot of the core group is Islam Watch with its analysis articles such as this one by Ibn Warraq. He explores any possible relationship Islam might be able to have with secularism. Moslem to Western Man, "What is this thing called sec-u-lar-ism? There is no Arabic for it."

IW: Islam and Secularization


Then Islam watch has this article by Amil Imani about "Democide" in Iran. As he points out "Democide" is "The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder." This is what is happening in Iran today. Life under a completely Sharia Shi'ite state is not pleasant or nice for the average people.

IW: Islamic "Democide" in Iran


This led to side trips to excellent sites like the "Jawa Report", "Confederate Yankee", Patterico, Red State, Pajamas Media, and just a whole lot of others. Most of the core sites above have links to large numbers of different blogs that tend to be conservative. They do include links to saner Democrats as well in most cases. And from time to time they all point to Cox and Forkum for political cartoons.

Cos & Forkum


Finally, Sometimes in life you must take sides and take a stand.

HA: Video: "An Open Mind"


One additional note about LGF, Charles is a techie sort who has written and then rewritten his own blog software. "He's one of us," says I.


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 ================== Daily Diatribe 20070506 The leftist element in this country, e.g. DailyKos, is despondent over the recent French election results. Nicolas Sarkozy won. He is very unashamedly pro-American. And he clearly understands the Mohammedan threat. This has brought out the fun loving French youth in droves. Well, at least the riot loving Mohammedan youth are out in droves - rioting, of course. If you think you cannot win, threaten, If you cannot win, cheat. If cheating is not enough, whine. If whining is not enough, riot. This is what the mature French "youth" (read Mohammedan youth even though the media never spells it out in two words or less) are doing. Sarkozy won. He has vowed to take back his country. The Mohammedans are rioting. But, do remember, that this sequence is not finished yet. There is still at least one more step: If rioting is not enough, kill. Watch for it. To think that our left idolizes the French, at least under Chirac. They want our country to emulate France. Can we expect them to threaten, cheat, whine, AND riot the next time we have national elections? (I like Charles's site so I am pointing his direction. He has a nice collection of coverage.) LGF: Youthophobia in France LGF: Sarkozy Wins - A New Direction for France LGF: 'Youths' Rioting in Paris LGF: More Violence in France LGF: 'Youths' and Their Cars ### The Associated (with Terrorists) Press works very hard to avoid being critical of terrorists in any way. Charles has a prime meat example. Some Palestinian terrorists opened fire at a UN elementary school. The AP claims it is impossible to know who or why they opened fire because their faces were covered. This ignores the wee little detail that the terrorists clearly announced why they were going to shoot over bull-horns before they started shooting. Do NOT trust what comes from Associated Press if it in any away involves Mohammedans or Terrorists. For that matter I am not sure I trust AP at any level. I'd want independent corroberation even if they reported that there were 10 tornados in Kansas yesterday. LGF: Palestinians Open Fire on UN Elementary School ### I wonder what Disney thinks of this. LGF: Video: Death Cult Mickey Mouse Teaches Islamic Supremacism ### Palestine Media Watch has the story that goes with that video. With this level of indoctrination can these children be saved or must they be destroyed for our own life and safety? PMW: Hamas steals Mickey Mouse image to teach hate and Islamic supremacy ### Fox News isn't all far right conservative commentators. Alan Colmes is off fairly far to the left without being wackoid left. He is strongly anti-war in Iraq. So he ends up interviewing the David Chavarria, the producer of a documentary following a marine company's tour of duty in Iraq. David and the film's director JD Johannes made it simply as a non-political documentary of the Marine unit, which Johannes used to be part of, for its tour of duty in Iraq. The intent was to cover day to day events, soldier morale, and that sort of thing. The intent was to cover the other news, what was never seen over here. We see the car bombings. We do not see the road building, the school construction, or any of the other positive things in which our troops participate with the Iraqis. Colmes was clearly a frustrated man as he tried to turn it into a political anti-war tool of some sort or find a "conservative bias" hook on which to hang claims of bias to discredit the film. It just didn't work for him. Poor fella.... {^_-} "Outside the Wire" is an important documentary. Sadly, few in this country will probably ever see it. HA: Video: “Outside the Wire” producer on H&C; Colmesy injects politics ### Michael J. Totten has a guest columnist on his blog, Noah Pollak. Noah has posted comments about a David Horovitz editorial in the Jerusalem Post. In the article Horovitz's criticism of the entire government and IDF in the post and pre Lebanon years. One interesting point dovetails neatly with the comments yesterday which highlighted Brigadier S. K. Malik's "The Quranic Concept of War." In that discussion it comes out that terror itself is an end goal of Mohammedan warfare. With that in mind this paragraph of Noah's is most telling. “In its sections on the six years preceding the [2006] conflict," Horovitz writes, "the commission tracks a process in which the IDF concedes sovereignty at the Lebanon border to Hizbullah. Nothing less. An abandonment of the elementary protection of northern Israel in the face of an extremist guerrilla army utterly committed to the defeat of Israel. … Hizbullah amassed its arsenal of missiles and rockets. It deployed along the border. And it gradually created a situation where it was able ‘to act when and how it wished, without any military response from Israel.’” It sounds like at least the government of Israel has been successfully and thoroughly terrorized, eh? MJT: What Does Winograd Say? ### By way of introduction, "Mr. (Timothy R.) Furnish, Ph.D (Islamic History), is Assistant Professor, History, Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody, GA 30338. Mr. Furnish is the author of Holiest Wars: Islamic Mahdis, their Jihads and Osama bin Laden (Praeger, 2005)." Islam Watch has posted an article by Dr. Furnish which goes into detail about the origins of the rampant anti-semitism manifested by the Mohammedan religion and its adherents. This is not a new phenomenon. Furnish tracks it back to its beginnings with Mohammed himself as early as 622 CE. Dr. Furnish cautions about making too broad a judgment of the descriptions of Mohammed's treatment of prisoners of war. Now, this was a brutal time and a brutal society, in many ways. And in his treatment of “unbelievers” Muhammad is not unlike some of the divinely-sanctioned rulers in the Hebrew Scriptures, such as Joshua or David. (He is, however, most unlike the Jesus of the New Testament.) Nonetheless, there is no getting around the fact that the man whom Muslims believe to have been God’s last spokesman on Earth not only denigrated, but ordered the slaughter of, his fellow monotheists — and this long before the Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion or Ariel Sharon ever existed. I observe here that the Jewish religion has outgrown such barbaric practices many centuries ago. The Mohammedan religion has not and perhaps cannot outgrow this. First the Qur'an requires violence towards Jews and utter intolerance of them. Second Mohammed is declared as the ideal man for all Mohammedans to emulate. He performed these despicable deeds. So this must be Allah's will even today. Thus while the Jews could and did outgrow the early Old Testament violence the Mohammedans have not and by all indications will never outgrow their violence unless they discard most of their holy documents. (Over 97% of the Qur'an's mention of jihad involve violent jihad, for example.) I recommend reading the whole article, of course. IW: Anti-Semitism in Islam: Israel Didn’t Start the Fire ### {^_^} 8226 Mohammedan terrorist attacks since 9/11. ================== Daily Diatribe 20070507 Thanks to John Bartley for finding a remarkably consistent fat fingering I make. It's PBS not PHS. With my eyes and the font on this computer the difference is easy to overlook. ### In a brief note the MEMRI Blog cites a news item about al-Qaeda in Iraq using a UAV for the first time. The attack attempt in Kurdistan failed. But it is a troubling development, nonetheless. MEMRI Blog: Al-Qaeda In Iraq Uses UAV For First Time ### "Rattlesnake", our British friends in Iraq are being hit unusually hard at this time. Here is a report from Michael Yon about a successful attempt to kill some of the folks who set IEDs. MY: Rattlesnake ### "“Incapable of making peace” means: won’t just lay down and be slaughtered." (video) LGF: Hamas Wants a 'True Solution' ### The BEEBE seems to be becoming aware of the Mohammedan threat in England, perhaps a day late and a shilling short and perhaps worse than that. At any rate they are noticing a problem. They ran this scare piece last night (as you read this). LGF: BBC: 'A Warning to Britain' ### Last week the BBC reported that Britain’s MI5 intelligence service was monitoring at least 2,000 terror suspects in the UK. Today we learn that report was incorrect. The actual number of Islamic terrorists on MI5’s watch list is closer to 4,000. I wonder how many our FBI is tracking. {o.o} LGF: Britain's Rather Large Problem ### Just who is the bigots here? David Horowitz and Robert Spencer took out an ad in the Emory University student newspaper, "A Public Service Announcement by the Terrorism Awareness Project." It criticized Jihad by listing things it is with cites from Osama bin Laden and Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Emory U officials jumped immediately to the conclusion that this was offensive to some people on campus citing "expressions of a selective, reductive, and hurtful nature toward particular groups on the Emory campus,..." And then they proceeded to condemn it. As I see it the act of the Emory officials drawing any conclusion that the advertisement was offensive to particular groups on the Emory campus they were THEMSELVES bigots. The advertisement specifically criticizes violent Jihad and specific radical Mohammedans who practice violent Jihad. It singles out no other group, no race, no religion, no color, not even any degree of hair straightness. What group on the Emory campus would be offended? Do they have people on campus who practice Jihad? If they do there is, based on frequency of mention, a 97% chance that these people are violent Jihadis. Are thugs and criminals a protected group that Emory University wishes not to annoy? Or did the Emory officials make the logical error that since all Jihadis are Mohammedans that all Mohammedans must be either Jihadis or angered by references to violent Jihad as practiced by radical Mohammedans? Do they fail to realize moderate Mohammedans DO exist and recognize that the Jihad, as the radicals practice it, is inherently violent? Emory University must either be bigots or are tacitly admitting that they have active Jihadis on campus. Either way that university is in deep Bandini (tm). (Bandini is THE name for um er fertilizer....) JW: Emory U's Religious Left Can't Handle the Truth ### Today Michael J. Totten discusses his take on the Winograd report on the Israeli efforts in Southern Lebanon. At the very least, he declares, the IDF Chief of Staff had not even a vaguely accurate idea of Lebanese politics. His declared perception was off in dream-land with little or no connection to reality. He provides some useful perceptions. MJT: “Better a Thousand Israeli Invasions…” ### Susan MacAllen has a nice article up on Islam Watch today that zeros in on enigmatic Turkey, it's legacy from the 1400s and its more modern legacy of secularism from Mustafa Kamel Ataturk. She describes the slow inroads the imams are making in Turkey, how it is impossible for those who are not Mohammedan to construct places of worship, and how the military has, in the past, enforced Turkey's secular Constitution in the face of attacks from zealots who have insinuated themselves into the government. Turkey bears watching. It's future will be very important to us as well as its own citizens. IW: Turkey: At The Crossroads of Islamofascism’s Rise in the West ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070508 I bet there is an utterly heart broken Turkish immigrant in New Jersey today. Serdar Tatar's father is apparently a thoroughly Westernized legal immigrant from Turkey. Serdar Tatar has been arrested on terrorism charges. Muslim Tatar, the father, is described by the chef, Joseph Hosslinger, at the pizzeria that Tatar owns as being very westernized. So how is it that his son has radicalized enough to become involved in a hate plot against US soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ? I imagine he is rather heartbroken about this and bitter about the radical imams his children were exposed to at the local mosques. Read first even though it is the latest report. MM: The Jersey Jihadists--and more on the John Doe hero; another John Doe tipped off authorities separately; Gaffney: Congress must protect John Does No good deed goes unpunished. MM: Terrorist plot in Cherry Hill, NJ; illegal aliens among alleged plotters; a John Doe turned them in; press conference at 2:30pm Eastern; Fort Dix has been a refuge for ethnic Albanians; details from the complaint; Dix responds Fox News FN: 'Unsung Hero' Store Clerk Cracked Jihad Terror Plot Fox News backgrounder FOX Facts: Background on Fort Dix LGF's take on it. Note Charles caught the NYT not even mentioning that the would be terrorists were Mohammedans. LGF: Major Terrorism Bust in New Jersey Robert Spencer also noted this and posted proof - note the search results. JW: Fort Dix jihad plot: New York Times ignores the obvious CNN's take CNN: Moles helped smash alleged terror cell ### Mohammedan advocates are already out there saying the young men in the Ft. Dix plot have nothing to do with Mohammedanism, we must not "equate actions with religion." Nobody told that to the plotters who expressly declared they were doing it in the name of their religion and Allah. LGF: Islamic Terrorism in Fort Dix Plot LGF: 'I'm Doing It In the Name of Allah' ### CAIR is catching on that it looks bad if they do not say anything about home grown terrorists. They figured they had to react "properly" to the Ft. Dix plot and appear to be anti-terrorist. But they softened their punch by reminding Mohammedans to report any apparent backlash against Mohammedans in the form of discrimination or the like. LGF: CAIR Does the Multicultural Two-Step ### For all the criticism of our military as dumb, can't do anything, dregs and worthless bums by the likes of Kerry, Murtha, et al the character of the Marines was revealed yesterday in Alma, Michigan. A U.S. Marine died saving two children from the surf on a North Carolina beach. How many of the Kennedies, Kerries, Murthas, Pelosis, or Reids would do that or even consider doing that? Please note this story. Somebody recently criticized some of what I have written, which is admittedly somewhat over the top - intending to wake up the somnambulant folks who are ignoring problems figuring they will go away if ignored to death. He pulled out the "moral high ground" argument. Who has the moral high ground? Is it marines like the above who save lives at the expense of their own here at home or even more selflessly give their lives that the Iraqi people will have a chance of living without the oppression they experienced under Saddam or would suffer under either the radical Sunnis (Al-Qaeda in Iraq) or the radical Iranian supported Shias like Al-Sadr's crowd? Or is it Pelosis who are working to see to it that Iraq turns into the debacle that we had in Vietnam just as reports of remarkable turn arounds in Anbar and other parts of Iraq are starting to be noticed? I also note in regards to any moral high ground at any cost strategy that you can be right and dead because you insisted on doing the right thing. Doesn't this moot your being on the moral high ground? Regardless of that Master Sgt. Michael Wert clearly inhabited the moral high ground as a way of life without carrying it so far he could not defend that moral high ground as needed. May he rest with God. FN: Marine Drowns Saving 2 Boys Off North Carolina Beach ### In case anybody has any doubts of the "moral high ground" sort with regards to fighting Mohammedans Sheik Shady Suleiman (yes, that is his name) the deputy spiritual leader to Sheik Tad Din "Uncovered Meat" al-Hilali declares it is proper, sometimes, to kill children in religious warfare. Now, off hand I'd say many of our more notorious multiple murder people could play off Sheik Suleiman claiming the moral high ground. What WE consider morals and what Mohammedanism "officially" considers morals are not quite polar opposites. But they are close enough to being polar opposites that any claims we might have for "moral high ground" would be meaningless to the radical Mohammedan. Remember that these are people who are ordered, by Allah's revealed words in the Qur'an, are required to cut off heads, maim, and torture all infidels. (But they have to offer the infidel two other options, first: become a Mohammedan and participate in their atrocities or submit as a dhimmi - a third class citizen just barely above "slave". I do not see either as a viable choice.) Also remember that the Qur'an declares that Mohammed himself is the perfect exemplar of a Mohammedan man for all others to emulate. He is the man who ordered tortures such as cutting off the left arm and right leg or right arm and left leg for infidels captured on the battlefield. He is the man who lined up several hundred kafirs, who'd been defending themselves from Mohammed on his return to Mecca from Medina, and methodically hacked off their heads. Where does "moral high ground" fit in this equation? It is a nonsense phrase. Is it wrong to hate those who hate you and act on that hatred? LGF: Aussie Sheik: It's OK to Kill Kids in Battle ### Back at Associated Press we have this amusing change on the title of an article about the Hamas Mickey Mouse clone. Note the two different title likes. The first one was accurate. The second one came about after Charles linked to it in an article of his own. The AP simply is unable to admit that Hamas and Fatah are both terrorist organizations and TV shows like this one train children to be terrorists virtually from birth. Associated Press is simply pathetic. It also certainly has no morals to even think of parading on any high ground. {^_-} LGF: AP Revised Headline: Hamas Mouse Preaches Resistance ### Let's see, 750 cars the first night. 500 cars the second night. And 70 to 100 cars a night on the average French night. That suggests there may be a half life function here. [mumble] I suppose it will be a week or more before they manage to get down to the [cough] background radiation level of automobile destruction. These youths are virtually all Mohammedan youths from the self-imposed Mohammedan areas of France. To ME this rather strongly implies there is something basically wrong with the religion that it prompts its youth to behave so wrongly and feel it is the right thing to do in the name of Allah. The religion itself is evil. It's followers are poor suckers devoid of any skills at critical thinking. It is carefully trained out of them in the Mohammedan based schools. LGF: Second Night Car Toll: 500+ ### The Mohammedans may not need the nuclear bomb. They have a better one, the population bomb. Swadhin explains this over at Islam Watch. Unfortunately, as Jerry has patiently explained lo these many years, prosperity is an excellent birth control mechanism. The Qur'an, however, exhorts Mohammedans to produce new generations of Mohammedans in great numbers whenever the religion is "threatened". Since it is perpetually threatened the results are obvious. Also unfortunately Swadhin's writing style is rather "in your face". Nonetheless, it's worth reading if Mark Steyn doesn't already have you convinced on this detail. (Swadhin quite plainly has had some rather unfortunate dealings with Mohammedans, perhaps from his or her own family. The language used makes me think of somebody who has been rejected by family and friends over ideological matters.) IW: The Population Bomb ? Why Islam World's Fastest-growing Religion ### Also on Islam Watch Adrian Morgan has started a two part essay on how Britain encouraged the radicalism and terrorism that led to the bomb plots that have given them severe headaches and burning indigestion in their tubes. IW: How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism, Part 1 ### Pajamas Media has a nice video about Iranian arms found in Iraq. Maj. Martin Weber, an explosives expert, is very careful to avoid any form of speculative comment about how Iranian arms appeared in Iraq. But he is very positive from a wide range of experience that they are of Iranian manufacture. And he describes why he believes that. The video is worth the trouble to watch it. PJM: Iranian Weapons. American Lives. ### And after this much intensity I have to leave you with a giggle. Live Video: The Copper Clapper Caper ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070509 Of sanctuary cities, illegal alien terrorists, and more... It is coming out that the three Duka brothers who were among the would be terrorist plotters nabbed by the FBI lived for 24 years in the US. They were poor drivers. They collected 19 tickets among them. But police NEVER CHECKED THEIR IMMIGRATION STATUS. They operated in sanctuary cities. The Federal Government should yank all funding to sanctuary cities. And if the sanctuary cities are still sanctuaries one year later the Federal Government should yank all aid to the state in which the city exists. Exposing citizens to this level of danger simply because of feel good political correctness is intolerable. But of course, no "good deed" goes unpunished. Consider that these men were thanking the US for the 1999 Kosovo rescue. They were thanking the cities for ignoring their immigration status when they received their tickets. They were thanking the states for ignoring their immigration status when issuing them their drivers licenses. Perhaps most important is an answer to the question, "What turned them from seemingly regular Americans for 23 years and more into people who were concerned about finding heavy concentrations of people on Ft. Dix so they could maximize the casualty count from their proposed activities?" When we get that answered we must put an end to it. If that means some "naturalized" imams must be exported, imprisoned alone (to avoid infecting other prisoners with their hate), or shot then so be it. Note that the young fellow of Turkish extraction was the son of a very secularized legal immigrant from Turkey, a country that has a million secularists who are determined enough to keep Turkey as secular as it is that they will all march in protest to attempts by radicals to take over the government. Regarding young Tatar I wonder if his father knew what was happening and was intimidated from reporting it or if his father simply didn't know. If his father approved, then this country is really in deep Bandini and had best start digging ourselves out NOW using whatever weaponry that might require in legal forums as well as on the streets. For THAT I would support pulling our troops home and letting Iraq know that if they become a problem again we will not be so nice the next time - and mean it in spades. Something the government is either doing for convenience of talking to the citizens or through utter, unmitigated, and unforgivable ignorance is exemplified by their ONLY mentioning Al Qaeda as the source of the ideals under which these young men worked. Iranian run and supported Hezbollah is fully as virulently evil as Al Qaeda. It's time the media admitted and recognized this. It is time the government recognized it and admitted it. (And it is time that the FBI stops getting "sensitivity training" from Hamas in the US, which goes by the name of CAIR.) FN: Brothers Charged in Terror Plot Lived Illegally in U.S. for 23 Years ### Srdja Trifkovic has written an article for Chronicles Magazine about our "no good deed goes unpunished" would be Ft. Dix terrorists. He highlights some interesting equations. Former Yugoslavia, Albanian. and Mohammedan all put together is Kosovo. Our government is, for reasons I cannot fathom, hiding this little equation that rather highlights the potential for an independent Mohammedan Kosovo is likely to become a Jihadist black hole, as Srdja terms it. I would see it more as the opposite, a white hole radiating terrorists across the world from a city in which the friendly boisterous inhabitants gleefully pull crosses from church cupolas, destroy Christian businesses, and in general methodically ethnically cleans Kosovo of anything not Mohammedan. But it's all innocent boisterous fun. Be sure you understand that. (Thanks to Jihad Watch for the link.) Chronicles magazine: Kosovo Blowback Reaches America ### It appears the route to radicalism for our Ft. Dix plotters was the good old Internet. MSNBC has the report. Robert has a little bit of commentary. JW: Fort Dix jihad plotters recruited through Internet ### Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes both make some less than flattering remarks about how we set ourselves up for these terrorist plotters. JW: NR symposium on the Fort Dix jihad ### Some perspicacious people might ask, "So how did the Duka brothers get here in the first place?" The answer is depressingly obvious. "Then came in via Mexico (with their parents), of course." I am shocked! I am positively shocked that anybody other than those nice friendly reconquista Mexicans come over that border. As a general rule nice people don't have to come in illegally. MM: How did they get here? Answer: Three came across the Mexican border ### And then Michelle got really wound up and took no prisoners about the odd man out on the six terrorists, Agron Abdullah. He is the personification of "no good deed goes unpunished" in this event. He was the arms dealer who was to supply the other 5. He was a trained sniper during the war in Kosovo and was given safe haven in the US through Ft. Dix under the Clinton Administration. This was to protect them from the Serbs. As thanks for our consideration Abdullah has turned around and acted to destroy some of us. Michelle pulls no stops describing this and other aspects of the event. MM: Jersey Jihadists, open borders, and the thanks we get ### After her column Michelle also links an interesting document titled: NRO: Fort Dix Jihad: The Media Misses the Point It’s not about the organization, it’s the ideology. ### I remarked that Hezbollah (or Hizbullah and other variants) is as deep and determined a threat as Al Qaeda. And out government is catering to them in various ways. Furthermore they are run by Iran, Iraq's next door neighbor. And their arms are run into Lebanon from Syria, another of Iraq's next door neighbors. Both borders are long and quite crossable. What is mentioned even less frequency are the Hezbollah bases in the Americas. Charles points out three articles regarding this. From the third of the articles we have this bombshell: Many terrorism analysts and experts rate Hezbollah as the best organized and most competent Islamist terrorist organizations in the world. With an annual budget of likely well over $100 million coming from Iran, Syria and its criminal operations in the West, it boasts more than 25,000 men under arms. Having pushed Israel out of its security zone in southern Lebanon and the American and French peacekeepers out of Beirut, they are arguably the most successful terrorist organization of the modern era. All three articles are must reads - unless you like to sleep at night. LGF: NBC Notices Hizballah in South America ### There are liberal Mohammedan Arabs. Some of them are authors. MEMRI highlights three of them. These authors do not think highly of the radicals who have hijacked the Mohammedan religion and turned it to violent Jihad. I must applaud their speaking out. As much as I'd like to and long to believe their take on Mohammedan theology I must remain skeptical. Violence is way to embedded in the Qur'an, Sunnah, and Hadiths for their arguments to be persuasive on other grounds than humanity rather than dogma. MEMRI: Liberal Arab Authors Criticize Support for Terrorism in Arab and Muslim Society ### I like this little piece and Michelle's title for it. This ties right back to the issues surrounding "moral high ground" and Constitutional issues raised by a reader a few days ago. It's OK for me but not for thee refers to the New York Times using data mining to uncover potential ways to increase their subscription base as being the "ok for me" part while the government's attempts to datamine to find terrorists as being the "but not for thee" part. Personally I'd rather have the government data mining for terrorist activities than a crumby newspaper like the Times datamining to see if I am a suitable subscriber. MM: Data-mining for me, but not for thee ### As Michelle Malkin remarks The Mudville Gazette is a good read after an overdose of the MSM alarm and panic over how awful things are in Iraq. It is a little disjoint. Sometimes the language may get a little rough when describing situations encountered. But it is basic ground truth from many different eyes in Iraq. Most of the word is encouraging. Even Ramadi is starting to show a peaceful side to existence. The Mudville Gazette ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070510 Christopher Hitchens visits his old place, his old home town of Finsbury Park, now home of the by now infamous Finsbury Park Mosque. This represents a mentally wrenching change from when he was there in his youth. "It was a working-class neighborhood, with a good number of Irish and Cypriot immigrants. Your food choices were the inevitable fish-and-chips, plus the curry joint, plus a strong pitch from the Greek and Turkish kebab sellers." Now it is women in burqas and hijabs, a smell of Algeria, and screaming Mohammedan extremists like al-Masri. All this happened in a generation. "How did a nation move from cricket and fish-and-chips to burkas and shoe-bombers in a single generation?" If you were to ask me I'd answer "Multi-culturalism." Read Hitchens' comments to get his thoughts. VanityFair: Londonistan Calling ### I left the Detroit area and Michigan as soon as had my degrees from the University of Michigan. It was already a rather depressing area. In particular Detroit itself was a festering boil on the face of the United States. I've never looked back. Nor has Detroit looked forward in that whole time. Less than two days after 6 men, 3 of them illegal aliens, were arrested for plotting terrorism the City Council of Detroit has passed a sanctuary city law. It proves the city is still as dumb today as it was the day I left the state to live elsewhere. No, I take that back, it is dumber than when I left that time. I came back to visit a couple times between '68 and '75. Each time Detroit was getting more and more blighted, both intellectually and morally. Now the city has tacitly approved of terrorism against the United States of America with its ill considered new law. The Federal Government should withhold all funds destined for the City of Detroit until the city changes its policy regarding illegal aliens. Had there been no illegal alien sanctuary cities the Duka brothers would not have even been in the US to take part in that plot. LGF: Detroit Bans Police from Asking Immigration Status ### The savvy Jihadi supporting Mohammedan groups in the US are now holding off two days before screaming about the imaginary islamophobia and fears of discrimination and hate crimes. (It is a fact that the number of real hate crimes against Mohammedans in the US each year is a very small fraction of the hate crimes against Jews in the US in the same year.) Mohammedan advocacy groups are now screaming about the Ft. Dix Six. How predictable... How droll... But to liven it all up the whines now come with liberal dosages of threat. Wayne Perry reports on Sohail Mohammed, a lawyer who represented scores of detainees after the 2001 attacks as he commits the intellectual error of associating someone who notes that nearly all terrorists are Mohammedan with declaring that all Mohammedans are terrorists. This is a well known logical fallacy. So Mohammed erects a straw man and then dutifully demolishes in flames. And it is reported as if it made sense in dutiful Associated Press dhimmitude manner. Not wanting to be left out CBS also got in their licks on this tired pathetic theme. LGF: NJ Muslims Whine, Issue Veiled Threats JW: "When the government says 'Islamic militants,' it sends a message to the public that Islam and militancy are synonymous" JW: Cue standard "Muslims fear backlash, deplore terrorism" story ### An anti-war British computer expert experienced a rude awakening when he decided to work with some young Mohammedans who were also anti-war. But their anti-war and his were two different things. Theirs led to 7/7 in London. He saw it coming and tried to alert the authorities in the area and they rebuffed and ignored him. They woke up on 7/7. All over the world the wake up call is coming in the form of Mohammedan instituted violence. The second link highlights this in a brief format. The third link is to a cluster of information of this sort known on YouTube as kasper10623. He appears to be British. The clips he posts are mostly from Britain. And do remember that Britain like France is one of the two most active terrorist export sites in the world. It is time we wake up, smell the manure, and start shoveling it out. LGF: Video: Anti-War Computer Expert's Rude Awakening YouTube: Islamic Fundamentalism YouTube: kasper10263 ### So Death Cult Mickey was not really taken off TV by Hamas. They changed their mind and have declared that he is going to remain on the air and actively indoctrinating Palestinian children to be good little Jihadists and kill, maim, torture, and bomb when they grow up. Meanwhile the press is going out of its way to whitewash the vile propaganda spewing Death Cult Mickey. LGF: Death Cult Mickey Still on the Air ### And Associated Press got caught with its pants down and an actual article headline that uses Jihad without scare-quotes around it has appeared. David Porter wrote about the Ft. Dix "three brothers and three others" with Jihad actually in the title line. And in the article Porter even says several rather derogatory things about these Jihadis and their strange way of showing gratitude. He also points out that the plot had ended its planning stages and was entering the heavy weapons acquisition stage. It was stopped none too soon, it seems. As a side note maybe I am wrong in presuming that Muslim Tatar, the father of Serdar Tatar, would be appalled at his son's activities. This is not proof that he's upset at his son's activities rather than his son's being stopped from becoming a martyr. He is trying to provide an alibi for his son in a small way. In an interview with AP on Wednesday, Tatar's father, Muslim Tatar, 54, denied that his son had made deliveries to Fort Dix. However, Christie said the younger Tatar spoke of delivering pizzas on the tapes made by informants. N.J. jihad plot stopped just in time, feds say ### Julia Gorin discusses the Ft. Dix Six, the three brothers and three others. She also comments about how she was strongly against out intervention in Serbia and Kosovo. "It will come home to haunt us." Well, it did. As she comments it is wise to learn the historical context of foreign conflicts before believing tails of atrocities and victimhood. Frankly, in that little intervention, Clinton screwed up badly. FPM: Balkan Muslim Gratitude ### The Muslim Prophet Muhammad said, "Baddala deenahu, faqtuluhu" -- if anyone changes his religion, kill him (cf. Bukhari vol. 9, bk. 84, no. 57). Pakistan has a new apostasy bill to implement this this. At present it is only a draft bill. But it portends a sea change in Pakistan towards radical Mohammedanism and full Shar'ia law. DW: Pakistan: New apostasy bill to impose death on anyone who leaves Islam ### Meanwhile Christians are receiving letters suggesting they convert. This is part of the historical implementation protocol for Qur'an 9:29, the convert, accept dhimmi status (near slavery), or die. FN: Pakistan Christians Receive Threatening Letters Urging Conversion ### With regards to the Ft. Dix Six one notes "and then there were ten." CNS reports that the FBI knows the identities of the other four New Jersey suspects. There's just not enough evidence yet to pick them up. MM: What about the other four? ### Speaking of incompetence, impotence, stupidity, Israel. and Lebanon Noah Pollak has some interesting and trenchant notes to append to the Winograd report of the Israeli governmental gaffes. He takes on UNIFIL noting that it is also incompetent, impotent, stupid, weak, and in general worthlessness - except perhaps to Hezbollah. MJT: UNIFIL, Unfulfilled ### Adrian Morgan has posted parts 1-4 of his two part "How Britain Encouraged Radicalism and Terrorism" article at Islam Watch. (Forward links are at the bottom of each article.) It seems he expanded the article beyond his first intentions. There is more meat to chew on. And it is very good meat. The British MI5 basically ignored the 7/7 bombers, their leaders, and the Pakistani Jihadi conveyer belt of would be Jihadis going to Pakistan to train and coming back to Britain to plan and execute terror. Al Muhajiroun members acted as if there were an "agreement" or truce between themselves and the UK. As long as the authorities did not interfere with them, there would be no terror attacks on British soil. They called this agreement a "Covenant of Security". As long as Al Muhajiroun’s terrorist operations happened offshore, MI5 and the Blair government seemed not to care about the group’s activities. In 2005, immediately after 7/7, former Al Muhajiroun members announced that the "Covenant of Security" was over. ... Al Muhajiroun members acted as if there were an "agreement" or truce between themselves and the UK. As long as the authorities did not interfere with them, there would be no terror attacks on British soil. They called this agreement a "Covenant of Security". As long as Al Muhajiroun’s terrorist operations happened offshore, MI5 and the Blair government seemed not to care about the group’s activities. In 2005, immediately after 7/7, former Al Muhajiroun members announced that the "Covenant of Security" was over. IW: How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism, Part 1 ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070511 Kuwait, Saudi Arabia's "mixed messages" neighbor, has revealed both a conservative side of Mohammedanism and a quite moderate side at the same time over the same event. The newly elected Kuwaiti education minister declares she will not wear a veil on the job. Dr. Nouriya Al-Subeeh is a strong lady and has stirred up a hornet's nest of conservatives who are, for a change, meeting the hornet's nest the conservatives' actions has stirred up. The reaction to the conservatives is very encouraging proof that Mohammedans can be moderates, at least on some small issues. MEMRI: Kuwaiti Education Minister Would Not Wear the Veil ### And in Iraq we have a tribal leader showing at least some good sense if not moderation. Sheikh Majid Suleiman, the head of the Al-Duleim tribes in Al-Anbar, has accused Al-Qaeda of fighting Iraqis rather than Americans. So his tribes will fight Al-Qaeda. I wonder if Pelosium will hear of this or figure out what it means. After all, Pelosium is even denser than Iridium. So I am not holding my breath. MEMRI: SUNNI TRIBAL HEAD IN IRAQ: AL-QAEDA A CANCER IN OUR LAND ### So Farfur, the Palestinian Death Cult Mickey Mouse, is either not political propaganda or aimed at children according to the Palestinian Information Minister. Since Farfur is clearly aimed at children that leaves the "not political propaganda" part. It is clearly Mohammedan propaganda but for two issues. It is the Qur'an's religions teachings so it is not propaganda and it is religious not political. Now the latter is clearly questionable in that there is no division between the political life and the religious life in Mohammedanism. The former is a point of view. The whole thing is phrased delicately to support their decision to leave Death Cult Mickey on the air teaching children to hate. MEMRI Blog: Palestinian Information Minister to Hamas TV: No Political Propaganda Aimed At Children ### Who pulls their strings? The Associated Press reveals very clearly who is pulling their strings these days. Charles cites an article on the fires in Georgia and Florida that features an utterly out of context reference to CAIR and no mentions of other religions to pull it back into a context. Oh lookee every body how nice and wonderful these Mohammedans are! Folks, it's time to write to your media outlets and tell them to find another source that does not have so many Mohammedan strings attached. LGF: Pay No Attention to the Radical Islamist Behind the Curtain ### Eighty two hundred seventy five deadly Mohammedan terrorist attacks have taken place in the name of Mohammedanism world wide since 9/11. If you make some rough play with the numbers that works out to almost exactly 4 deadly terrorist attacks per day, day in and day out, that are taking place in the name of Mohammedanism and perpetrated by Mohammedans. Christians have indulged in their share of terrorism. But now many honest terrorist attacks have taken place in the name of Christianity in that time? How many in the name of Buddhism? How many in the name of any other religion? Or for that matter how many deadly terrorist attacks have taken place since 9/11 in the name of the dreaded anti-religion atheism? It is only the Mohammedans who seem to be inspired to terrorism and deadly terrorist attacks on such a scale. (The Tamil Tigers are pikers compared to the Mohammedans.) And still the Mohammedan imams who scream about the nearly non-existent Islamophobia in the US still claim Mohammedanism is a religion of peace by quoting their Qur'an out of context. 5:32 does say, "If you kill one person, you kill humanity. If you save one person, you save humanity.” The full thing reads: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. This is followed by 5:33 which reads as follows. The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. So if any child of Israel slays one person it is as if he slew the whole people; and if he saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. They were warned. The Jews continued to defend themselves against Mohammed's activities. So Mohammed prescribed a suitable punishment, pure and utter barbarism. Such is the religion of peace. Where Jesus taught compassion and forgiveness Mohammed taught terror, torture, and everything Jesus was against. Which one is the religion of peace? Hm? I believe what you do not what you say, Mr. Imam, Mr. Sheikh, Mr. Ayatollah, Mr. Mohammedan. And for MOST of you who are vocal as people claiming to speak for all Mohammedans I believe I see a record of disgusting lies. (Translations from the Muslim Student Association website at USC.EDU.) JW: Fort Dix area Muslims condemn plot; say that Islam teaches peace MSA: Qur'an 5:33 ### Well, the Mohammedan apologists in the media missed their cue by a few heartbeats. They are out there describing these fine young men as being paragons of virtue, "responsible, hardworking and very religious." Could it be, might it be, that "very religious" is the CAUSE of their behavior rather than a presumptive preventative inoculation against their behavior? How many extremist terrorists have we had described this way in the past. The mantra has become so predictable it's pathetic. JW: Parents of Fort Dix plotter: But he's nice, religious ### Time for a revisit with two words, Pam Hess. She's right, you know. We made this mess. Now it's about real live people who cannot take care of themselves until we clean up the thugs we turned loose. It shouldn't be about politics. This is about people. YouTube: Pam Hess on Iraq YouTube: Reporter Setting The Record Straight On Iraq (CNN) ### Pam Hess said it was about the people. This is a plea from one of those Iraqi people asking the US to please stay and fight. (Thanks Michael J. Totten for the pointer.) NY Daily News: A Baghdad plea: U.S. should stay and fight ### Child executions in Iran, nice friendly Religion of Peace Iran. Shar'ia law leaves women and children as victims. Follow the links to Gateway Pundit's site to see Nazanin Adshin-Jam's album's "Someday the Revolution Song". FN: Video: Nazanin Afshin-Jam on child executions and shari’a in Iran ### The Bible has its contradictions, which lead to varying interpretations and Christian or Jewish sects. But for real fun with contradictions in a Holy book the Qur'an stands above them all. Syed Kamran Mirza has some fun with something as simple as how Allah created man and from what. It's a light but citation filled read that points out just how ridiculous a book the Qur'an is when inspected critically. It also points out how we could work to discredit the whole book and religion simply by quoting the Qur'an over and over and over again showing its contradictions. Regardless, Mirza has posted a fun read. IW: Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070512 Abandoning Iraq by declaring the "war is lost" and coming home will abandon the women of Iraq and indeed all Mohammedan women to a terrible fate. Girls are adults at 9. They can be tried and stoned to death for adultery, their word in a court of Shari'a law is worth half that of a man, a woman can be tried for adultery on one man's word (a man can only be tried for adultery on the word of two men or 4 women), and a girl of 9 can be forced to consummate a marriage to a (often much older) man she was forced to marry as early as 6 years old. The presence of our GIs in Iraq has been giving women a chance. They can vote, drive, us a cell phone, hold a job an their own bank accounts, and are generally protected from the more predatory males floating around their neighborhoods. If our GIs go half the population of Iraq goes back into 7th century slavery, for women are little more than baby producing slaves of the men in her life. Maybe on Mother's day Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, and other top dawg Democrats will reflect on this and what our presence means to millions of mothers in Iraq and around the world. And while they are at it they should contemplate the first time that the United States of America faced off with the Mohammedans and why. The war lasted 15 years. We utterly defeated the Ottoman Empire's Barbary pirates. 15 long protracted expensive years gained us about 200 years of respite. And the pathetic Democrats and defeatist news media are ready to fold our tents and declare our own defeat in only 4 years? What a pathetic batch of losers. Maybe the United States of America has earned some severe punishment at the hands of somebody. But if the Mohammedans win over us they will own the world. Every man, woman, and child will be forced to live under a set of self-contradictory 7th century laws that were regressive even for that age. Do YOU want to condemn your mother this way? FN: U.S. Presence in Iraq Promotes Muslim Feminism ### In a move that may be too little too late Europe is moving towards monitoring the Imams of Hate in radical mosques around Europe. If WE are not doing this already, we should start soonest. (And I propose that this goes for any religion. The Christians still bear a stigma for the number and violence of their extremists' encounters with abortion clinics and information providers. The disagreement should NEVER have turned to the kind of violent encounter or even intimidating encounter that happened. So, yes, all religions should be so monitored. And I can hear the howls of protest and anger from the Scientologists already.) LGF: Signs of Intelligent Life in Europe ### Paging Pelosi! Paging Reid! Paging Dean! Paging Clinton! You need to read this. Al Qaeda is revealed to have specific plans to take over the Sunni heartland of Iraq and turn it into a militant Islamic state once American troops have withdrawn is causing alarm among US intelligence officials. Of course, I feel like knocking heads at the Times of London and asking if they think Iran and their puppet Hezbollah would not just love to take over the rest of Iraq as their own terrorist breeding grounds? But they do have it at least half right. That is more than most media and most of our governmental officials. So they're ahead of the game. ToL: Al-Qaeda planning militant Islamic state within Iraq ### One place we are very clearly winning is the Philippines. “They’re really contributing a lot to the overall security,” said Hermogenes Esperon, the Philippine military chief of staff. “They’ve spent so much for their deployment. We should be reciprocating, but they’re not demanding anything in return but our commitment to work with them in the fight against terrorism.” Indeed, that is all we ask in return. We can't eliminate terrorism without some help from those facing terrorist problems themselves. By the way, how many years was it before we officially "left" the Philippines after WW-II? I wish I could knock that information into the head of Pelosium and the head of Cant Reid with a clue-by-12. But that will never be. Besides, their heads are so hard and dense they'd break even a steel clue-by-12. LGF: US Efforts Bear Fruit in Philippines ### I've highlighted how Britain was stupid and encouraged extremists while letting them get away almost anything (murder, bombs, shootings, terror) as long as this all happened outside Britain. Then one day it started happening at home, too. The United States of America is not in the least above this level of stupidity. As Robert Spencer put it, "The intrepid Paul Williams has a report in Canada Free Press (thanks to all who sent this in) about his visit to Islamberg, New York, a camp run by the jihadist Jamaat ul-Fuqra group. The inhabitants wouldn't let him into the compound, but he talked to some of the locals, and found out a good deal...." There are training camps just like Islamberg, New York in "Hyattsville, Maryland; Red House, Virginia; Falls Church, Virginia; Macon, Georgia; York, South Carolina; Dover, Tennessee; Buena Vista, Colorado; Talihina, Oklahoma; Tulane Country, California; Commerce, California; and Onalaska, Washington. Others are being built, including an expansive facility in Sherman, Pennsylvania." Why indeed does the FBI and our government let this go on? Maybe this is why Shrub and company act like closing the borders is pointless at this time. It's already too late. JW: Islamberg, New York: "You can hear gunfire up there. I can't understand why the FBI won't shut it down" ### A simple small billboard sign at a Baptist Church is creating a maelstrom of controversy. On side it reads "Don't be deceived the message of "Islam" is submit - convert - or die. Not salvation in Jesus Christ". On the other side it reads "When is the last time you heard of a Jew or Christian with a bomb strapped to their body?" The local Islamists are all in an uproar screaming like their teats are in wringers. Michelle Malkin has more details, to which I will note the actual order is convert, submit, or die as stated clearly in Qur'an 9:29. She points to an alternate source not as positively Allah's word. She also posts some pictures of the outright hatred expressed by Mohammedans - in London. MM: Church sign about Islam offends Muslims ### In a news item from Iraq we here that the firmly Iranian SCIRI party in Iraq is breaking its ties with Iran's Ayatollah Kahmeini. This bears watching to see if it is a mere "image spiffing" or if it's the real McCoy with SCIRI falling in line with Al Sistani, one of the more sensible folks over there in Shi'ite portions of Iraq. Bombshell? I dunno. Color me cynical. Important? Without a doubt... HA: Bombshell: SCIRI splits with Iran, swears loyalty to Sistani ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070513 Here are some Muslims that earn my respect to the total of about 2% of the entire population of a country, Turkey. About one million five hundred thousand people carried anti-government banners, red and white Turkish flags, and pictures of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of secular Turkey. They are protesting the attempted take-over and abrogation of the Turkish Constitution by radical Islamists. They want to maintain a government of law according to their Constitution. Some articles of the their constitution are marked as being immutable, literally unchangeable by any means. The radical imams have been trying to abrogate these sections which weld secular law into place in Turkey. And a WHOLE LOT of Turks are willing to put their lives on line in the face of radical threats to rally in Turkey to prevent the imams from taking over and imposing Shari'a law. These Muslims I am not against. To be honest I'd recommend to them that a change to a real faith might be in order as Allah is a rather broken concept for a deity the way Allah always contradicts what Allah says as if Allah has a hugely split personality and is quite delusional. But that's a conclusion for them to reach by inspection of their religion themselves. In the meantime I applaud their ability to maintain an almost civilized level of separation between what is secular and what is religious law. By Mohammedan standards these people are apostates, though. So I wish them luck if the jihadis gain control or even a modestly stronger foot hold in Turkey. The Mohammedans I am against are the ones who declare I must convert, submit, or die with a heavy emphasis on the "die" part, the Jihadis. Yahoo via LGF: Turks rally against pro-Islamic leaders ### Meanwhile, attempt-to-be secular Pakistan's government is fighting to preserve Pakistan as a semi-secular nation. Troops have been given the order to shot rioters to kill. It's bad there and getting worse. For example, a few hours after the article Charles pointed to appeared a new one appeared indicating that the Pakistani Chief Justice has been murdered in his home by terrorists. Yahoo via LGF: Extra troops as Karachi death toll mounts Yahoo: Gunmen kill top court official amid Pakistan violence ### Tancredo came out as a "get out of Iraq" idiot. And Robert Spencer is supporting him. Here is what I wrote as a comment, Robert, please sit down with Hugh and watch this the first and third of these three CSPAN videos of Pamela Hess. Then you will understand my comment below: Pamela Hess on CSPAN - pick the first video for a bit then the third. Regardless of how and why we got there at this point in time "it's about the humanity of the thing." If we leave we become instant monsters abandoning such moderate Mohammedans as may exist, such Mohammedans as simply want to get through a day, earn some money on a job, and get home without the threat of thugs or Jihadis weighing heavily on their mind. We must give them a chance as a way of preserving our own humanity. If we simply bail out now we might as well take up our nukes and take out any Mohammedan population center of more than 10,000. (Even if that means Londonistan and Dearbornistan as well.) It might work and would not make is GREATER monsters except by raw numbers than a simple pull out from Iraq would make us. If we bail we will have admitted we are ethically and morally bankrupt. If we stick it out until the jihadis can be reduced and the police and military enhanced to the point that jihadi activities can be contained and not make a mess of all Iraqi lives. If we do that, no matter what happens, we will have retained OUR humanity. If Iraq backslides into being a Jihadi Center Of The Universe, we can "do it again", probably more messily because we've used up our stocks of precision munitions. But we get to do it again without already being moral and ethical monsters. I do NOT want to be part of a country that finds it must unleash its nuclear might on 1.3 gigapersons around the world in order to try to preserve our way of life. I do not want to have to be a monster. We should work NOW to prevent that potential requirement in the future. It's about humanity, theirs and ours. Like it or not, we are stuck in Iraq. We need to find an efficient solution to exiting that preserves OUR humanity by helping bring to the surface their humanity. JW: Tancredo: We Need To Disengage From Iraq ### It appears quite certain at this time that we did get Mullah Dadullah. His body has been shown to the press and the Taliban is now at least partly admitting his death. This is important. But do expect him to be replaced. But for the moment the Taliban Zarqawi is dead and not yet replaced. HA: Report: “Taliban Zarqawi” killed in fighting in southern Afghanistan; Update: NYT, BBC reporters view body; Update: NATO confirms; Update: Video of body added ### Then here at home we have John Edwards. Here are his instructions for his followers for Memorial Day. He is politicizing the event. When God handed out morals and ethics Edwards took the day off. He certainly has less class than a serial killer. HA: Silky Pony plans to politicize Memorial Day ### Yesterday HotAir featured a report that SCIRI was splitting with Iran. Today they note "As Gilda Radner used to say, "Never mind."" SCIRI is denying the report. So the actual status is a great big "I dunno!" HA: SCIRI denies split with Iran, Maliki agrees to bigger Sunni role in security ### "Anwar Shaikh was a Jihadist turned apostate of Islam and became one of first and prominent critics of Islam of modern times. This is a part of his famous book, 'Islam, The Arab Imperialism'." All eight chapters are online at Islam Watch as are other articles by him that Islam Watch has available. If you click on his name at the top of the page below you'll reach his personal page with a tribute to him posted on the event of his death, November 26th, 2006. This is a man who knew the Jihadi perspective and Qur'an from the inside. Humanity, simple every day humanity of the sort all human beings can access if they reach inside themselves, pulled him away from Mohammedanism entirely. IW: Islam: The Arab Imperialism - The Prophet Muhammad? ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070514 As LGF put it in their pointer: "LGF operative Kasper captured an interesting clip from UK TV, on the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq." YouTube: Iraq: 82nd Airbourne. ### When you get a real interview with a failed suicide bomber you are as close to ground truth about what is going on as you can get. And it appears that CNN did not spin this. Don't view this one right before bed time. It is chilling and nightmare producing. When asked if he still wanted to perform a martyrdom operation if he got out his simple answer is, "Of Course." When asked why he explains the Qur'an tells him to. LGF: Video: CNN Interviews Suicide Bomber ### The rights of the husband in a marriage are virtually limitless. This pile of misogyny being interviewed goes to gross out extents to make this point. Like I say, the Saudis must disappear from the face of the Earth if we're to have real peace. I hope we can effect that by somehow converting them into civilized beings rather than trying to kill them all. LGF: Saudi Gross-Out Video of the Day ### In an event reported almost everywhere (I picked the NYTimes below) the IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, inspectors have concluded that Iran has worked out the kinks in their centrifuge lines and now have 1300 centrifuges online refining uranium. A bomb is not going to be very far away. I surely hope he and Kahmeini have been made aware of the fact that if it is used all either of them have to do is become known to be in ANY Mohammedan city in the world for that city to cease to exist, UN or no UN. I put that "UN or no UN" phrase in there because one of the specific reasons for the UN's existing at all is to prevent another nuclear war. WW-II was enough for this world. And the UN has given up on that part of its purpose. Once they have been proven ineffective we should evict the UN on 1 hour notice then take over the building with troops ordered to shoot ANY remaining UN staffers found in the building. And nobody is to be allowed out of the building carrying anything, even their own briefcase. Only their wallets, credit cards, and identity documents would be allowed out of the building. HotAir also has some interesting background data. For example, a document showing a sphere collision process was found last year. The only use for sphere collision with nuclear material involved is a bomb. NYT: Atomic Agency Concludes Iran Is Stepping Up Nuclear Work HA: UN inspection shows Iran’s enrichment capabilities greater than thought ### Robert Spencer writes about the million and a half person protest against the attempt by Mohammedan imams to take over the Turkish government against its constitutional immutable rejection of political Mohammedanism. In the process Robert touches on the question, What is a moderate Mohammedanism? In Turkey's case it was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's rejection of the political aspects of Mohammedanism. It was a very direct rejection, too. This is pretty much what is required to be a moderate Mohammedan, one who can support a secular government with laws that are not based on Sharia laws. It is pretty much what is required for a Mohammedan to be able to be a real human with neighbors who are not Mohammedan or are a different sect of Mohammedan. As Turkey goes we should watch. This sequence in motion now should say a very great deal about how we must deal with Mohammedans. Can we wean them from the violence or must we be rough about it? JW: Turks rally against pro-Islamic leaders ### Michael J. Totten has an interesting graph you all should see. It clearly shows the Democrats have no intestinal fortitude. MJT: US Deaths In Vietnam and Iraq ### Islam Watch has posted one of History of Jihad's history articles. This one covers Rome and Sicily from 812 to 1571. Some of the "editorial" comments are a little extreme. I should hope we will not have to go that far. But the lesson of history is that we must be as bloody as the Jihadi Mohammedan enemy or we will not win. Attempting negotiation results in your head being cut off. And these days it would be on the news at 11. (And the MSM would be ecstatic over the viewer ratings with no care whatsoever that they will be next.) IW: History of Jihad against the Italians in Rome & Sicily (812 -1571) ### notes that the Iranians are saying they need nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The link below is their idea of peaceful purposes. Eliminating all infidels will bring peace. The Qur'an says so. It also orders "fight on until all infidels are converted, submissive dhimmis (slaves to all Mohammedans rather than any specific owner), or dead. They also note there have been 8306 violent attacks by Mohammedan Jihadis since 9/11. Where are the bomb wearing Christians? Jews? Buddhists? Hindus? Jains? Confuscians? or even atheists? It's time to get the point. Mohammedanism is evil. Many Mohammedans are not. While we can protect them we MUST weed out the evil ones. But how? I suspect ridiculing the origins and teachings of the religion might help. RoP: Behold the Peace of Islam: Picture of the Week. ### Cartoon for the day: C&F: Hamas Kindergarten ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070315 Well, I watched the Republican Candidate debate. Coming out of it there are two candidates I would vote for, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and Fred Thompson. (Think about it.) Giuliani commented that other issues that face this great country of ours are more pressing than any litmus test on abortion. We need to attack abortion. I've been saying for well over a decade now that the way to "attack" abortion is to reduce the market for the procedure not outlawing it. While we address the very real menace from Mohammedan Jihadis and the radicalization process whereby moderate secular Mohammedans are turned into Jihadis willing to kill themselves even though they are not by any means "disaffected poor" we can also address reducing the market for abortion without creating a hugely divisive mess by changing what laws we have now that are working, poorly admittedly. But we have a more or less stable situation. Destabilizing it during a war that is as important as that against Jihadis is a seriously damn fool stunt. 'Nuff said. Fox News has the whole debate on line - if you can tolerate the absurd number of ads for Liberty Mutual towards whom I have developed a strong aversion due to the Pavlov conditioning attempts. FN: Showdown in Dixie ### Let's see, how long ago was it that I said if we pull out of Iraq prematurely we'll have to go right back in? Terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna seems to agree with me. And unfortunately if we go back in we will not be able to be as nice about it as we were the first time and are at this time. But the liberals still seem to have a glassy eyed stare as they mumble, "Must pull out. Must discredit Bush. Must discredit Cheney. Must rejoice at Tony Snow's cancer recurrence. Must hate all conservatives. Must make sure they fail. The country does not matter. Conservative failure is all that matters." (I tried a dose of Daily Kos and Huffington today. I am ashamed to realize that these people are Americans. The potty mouthed little brats need a good "you'll eat standing up for the next two weeks" spanking.) LGF: Expert Says Iraq Will Become 'Terrorist Disneyland,' Dems Say 'So What?' ### Jihadis from the European wing of Al Qaeda (Abu Hafs al-Masari Brigade) are promising a bloodbath in France over Sarkozy's win. I hope Sarkozy has the "necessary parts" to reply in kind and up the ante significantly. I hope the French support him when he does. As obnoxious as their leadership has been they do not disserve their radical Mohammedans. Nobody disserves that - other than perhaps other radical Mohammedans as we see happening in "Palestine." The problem here is that Sarkozy is already trying to be kissy kissy with anti-US leftists. Sigh! LGF: Islamic Terror Threats Against France ### View two or three weeks of Qassam rockets that hit Israel then view a live shot followed by celebration and cries of "Allahu Akbar" from the launch site. Then follow links for even more. The Palestinians have NEVER ceased fire in any significant way even for all the concessions that Israel has given them. That is now virulent their hatred is for the success of a free society compared to their miserable hate filed existance which Allah and Mohammed prescribed for them in the Mohammedan scriptures. LGF: Video: Palestinian Terror Rockets Up Close ### Congressman Bennie G. Thompson, who appears to be in CAIR's pocket, is gearing up to remove tipster immunity from the transportation-security bill to which it was attached as a rider and passed with a 304-121 vote seven weeks ago. Watch what happens and what results follow. The tipster immunity provision is a KEY element of homeland security. If we fail to adopt it the CAIR folks can proceed to prosecute people like the kid who blew the whistle on the Ft. Dix Six. LGF: Democrats Siding with CAIR Against Tipsters ### Ah, Dearbornistan is proving "difficult" again. They seem to be source for some of the financing for a jihadi effort to achieve an autonomous region in Montenegro. Finance for this seems to flow through Kosovo (which is perhaps Clintons second biggest mistake after letting Osama bin Laden roam free) and Dearbornistan, the Detroit suburb. (Gee, I remember that as a middle class American area in the 50's and 60s. How times change, eh?) LGF: Albanian terror suspects appear in Montenegro court ### The capture and arrest of the 172 Al-Qaeda jihadis in Saudi Arabia may have been a major coup. They were preparing massive attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. The goal was to make oil very scarce and hammer the United States. JW: Saudi Arabia: Captured Al-Qaeda Jihadists Confess to Massive Terror Plot ### So much for our hopes of improvement at the UN under Ban Ki-Moon. He is now an Organization of the Islamic Conference lapdog. We really have to get out of the UN or hammer it rather directly in its pocketbook. It is very vividly demonstrating its invalidity in today's world and its uselessness for protecting the free world. Sigh, I had hopes for the man, too. JW: U.N.: Ban Vows to Boost Cooperation with Islamic Conference ### After the Ft. Dix Six attacks the CAIR officials screamed about the potential for anti-Mohammedan bias. There have not been any so far. Robert Spencer investigates it on HotAir's vent today. HA: Backlashophobia ### Gitmo detainee complains about the awful torture he faces. He receives too little entertainment. sigh. We're such nasty people, aren't we? I mean really - the torture is too much - unscented deodorant and shampoo, dull reading material, and all that. Sheesh, where is our hospitality? Snicker - so boredom is an advanced interrogation technique, maybe? JW: Suspected jihadist claims "mental torture" at Guantanamo Bay: unscented deodorant and shampoo, dull reading material ### Two beers - what do you think the poor soul, home in Iran to visit family after being granted asylum in Norway, received for punishment from the Iranian mullahs court? A tongue lashing? A few lashes and a strong talking to? 20 or 30 lashes and a stern admonition? Nope - 130 crippling lashes. Look at the picture of the results and read about it. Aftenposten: Whipped for two beers ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070516 Seriously, folks, what should be done when a critical trial for public safety comes up before a judge who is as dumb as a stump about the key background to the case? Judge Peter Openshaw broke into the questioning of a witness about a Web forum used by alleged Islamist radicals. “The trouble is I don’t understand the language. I don’t really understand what a Web site is,” he told a London court during the trial of three men charged under anti-terrorism laws. This is NOT a good thing when the trial is one about terrorism and web postings that incite it. IMAO judges have a duty to stay abreast of modern society which may form a background to cases that come before them or else recuse themselves if they find themselves getting confused on key concepts. LGF: UK Judge Baffled in Internet Terror Trial ### Honor killings exist and are practiced in modern day Mohammedanism even in countries where the laws explicitly prohibit the practice. LGF: Honor Killing in Manchester ### I've mentioned Daily Kos before but tended not to post links. The level of raw hatred for Americans present on that site is astounding. Charles Johnson has posted a transcript of several messages that talk about gassing Joe Lieberman as a good thing, "Given a choice between my dog and Lieberman, I'd gas him without thinking twice." That's bad. But go down a little further to what "TeresaInPa" posted. And THESE people accuse us and LittleGreebFootballs of being a hate filled site. LGF: Daily Kos Kids: Lieberman Should Be Gassed ### It is not what was said to which the Mohammedans object so much as who says it. If the deceased Mohammedan scholar Muhammad Husayn Haykal or the Mohammedan apologist Karen Armstrong say something about Mohammed marrying his daughter-in-law after his adopted son divorced her then it's OK and nobody complains. But it Robert Spencer talks about this quoting the Qur'an using the MSA translations of the Qur'an, which were done by Mohammedans for Mohammedans, then he is evil, taking it all out of context, making it up, or even all three at once. Robert Spencer uses the reaction of Mohammedans to precisely this incident as cited in the Qur'an 33:37 with a link to the MSA translations. He also cites other incidents of it making a big difference WHO says something rather than what was said. Talk about Mohammedanism approvingly then you can discuss some of the "Prophet" Mohammed's nastier habits, double-dealings, treachery, sexual debauchery, and child abuse. Talk about the same incidents with the same quotes as I did, with disapproval, and you get screamed at by the same Mohammedans who approved of the quotes when placed in an "approving" context. The lesson is that the more radical and Qur'am aware Mohammedans fully realize that the Qur'an cannot stand up to honest critical examination and exposure of its absurdities, crudities, and its disgusting and inhumane practices. Robert is somewhat bemused by his supposed super-power of inserting passages he composed into the Qur'an. For that is what must be happening if he made up the passages he quotes. {^_-} I find it amusing, too. JW: Author of the Qur'an and Hadith? ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070517 It seems Syrian liberal author Nidhal Na'isa agree what will be the outcome of Mohammedans getting nuclear weapons and dominates the world: annihilation to the last person alive. I don't think either of us see that actually happening. But we both see a major kill off that will continue until we're back in a world where people cannot reach out and kill someone quite as easily as we can now. By way of introduction: Syrian liberal author Nidhal Na'isa began his career in journalism as a teenager, at the government dailies Al-Thawra and Syria Times, but today he is a vocal opponent of the Arab regimes and the pan-Arab ideology, as well as of Islamism and Islamist terrorism. He has written that due to the Islamist "tsunami," the Middle East could be declared an "intellectual disaster zone"; that if one were to try to sell pan-Arab identity to "the bushmen and the cannibals" they wouldn't buy it; and that the pan-Arab media is "a harbinger of ill, pain, and destruction." In contrast, he praises the West for its humanism and its respect for the individual, and writes that, given the current state of affairs in the Arab world, the real question is not "why does the West hate us?" but rather why it does not. MEMRI follows this introduction with some excerpts from recent articles written by Na'isa. It's good reading written by a Mohammedan Moderate of the sort we should wish existed in more vocal and greater numbers. MEMRI: Syrian Liberal Nidhal Na'isa On the West, Pan-Arabism, Islamism, and Al-Jazeera ### The threat of lawsuits is a technique CAIR is learning. The Islamic Society of Boston has already pioneered and mastered the technique as a means to silence their critics and the media. Our society makes of lawsuits an effective tool for censorship of free speech from people who cannot afford to fight with the very deep pockets of Saudi Arabian supported organizations in the US. We need a modified legal process which weeds out these lawsuits at a very early stage and stings the people who file them very heavily. When you find that your own institutions are being used against you I should think that would be a clarion call to modify your institutions. It is bad enough when opportunistic lawyers use the techniques to harass small business owners as a form of extortion. When the techniques are used to stifle free and factual speech that is beyond the pale. It is also very obvious that we must deal with Saudi Arabia, the home of the ultra radical Wahhabi Islam sect they are exporting world wide. (I do rather predict that before all is said and done Saudi Arabia will be on the incoming end of an American and possibly a world wide attack designed to reduce it to an inconsequential speck in the desert with its oil under real or nominal international control - if we decide to do it before the nukes have come out of the Iranian stable. The same thing will likely have to happen to Iran, too.) Pajamas Media: Before CAIR and the Flying Imams…the Islamic Society of Boston had already pioneered the use of lawsuits to silence their critics and the media. ### Abu Hamza al-Masri appears to be a rather bad egg. He served 7 years in British jails for " fomenting racial hatred and urging his followers to kill non-Muslims." He tried to establish a Jihadi training camp in Oregon. (It'd probably have been not unlike Islamberg and others.) The US is trying to extradite him. He and his lawyers are pulling every trick in the captured and published Al-Qaeda playbook. Hopefully the British judge will allow the US to have this failed explosives maker. (He lost his eye and his hand attempting to make an explosive during Al-Qaeda training. He uses his glass eye and hook to good psychological advantage.) JW: US argues for extradition of jihadist cleric from UK ### Condi Rice states that the people in Palestine earnestly desire peace. Of course, they also acknowledge that the grave is quite peaceful. Their Hamas faction decided that their Fatah faction's head, Mahmoud Abbas, must die. So they filled a tunnel under a road Abbas was scheduled to take with explosives. This was discovered in time to prevent the attack. It is rather ironic such levels of violence are practiced in the name of earnestly desired peace, isn't it? As Robert Spencer notes, the Gaza strip has always been this way while Palestinians lived there. Hamas plotted to kill Abbas - claim ### In an interview at FrontPage today, Mary Habeck, a professor at Johns Hopkins and author of a book about the jihadists entitled Knowing the Enemy, makes a number of observations about the jihad ideology, and why more Muslims don't stand up to the jihadists, that are worth looking at more closely. Both Spencer's comments about the article and the article itself bear examination. Spencer notes that Habeck seems to have a view that most Mohammedans disagree with the Jihadi's view of Jihad while he believes they are vastly outnumbered. Habeck may be correct within the US, particular for the older demographics. Spencer is certainly correct when the issue is considered on a world wide basis. (This, however, MAY be due to most of the Mohammedans world wide being able to parrot the Qur'an but knowing nothing substantive about its inhumane content.) This is a significant point but certainly does not discredit Habeck's comments. Something in the Front Page Magazine interview that caught my eye is this exchange: FP: How can the United States defeat the jihadis? Habeck: Patience, persistence, and a global effort. We need to be thinking about the long term and about the ideological battlefield -- how do we win over 1.2 billion Muslims and thus keep them from joining the extremists? How do we help to strengthen Islamic states around the world, states that will carry on the bulk of the fighting with these extremists, even while we pressure them to reform, end corruption, and become more liberal? We also need to see that leaving Iraq will only embolden global jihadis to attack us more, not less, and that our security depends on security and reform over there. Read the whole Front Page Magazine article to see how the exchange ends, especially her final description of Mohammedanism. JW: Johns Hopkins prof: Jihadists' "definition of jihad is quite different from that generally accepted by Muslims today" ### HotAir lays an interesting bombshell regarding the Ft. Dix Six. It appears that the INS knew about the Ft. Dix Six illegal aliens for 16 years and did nothing about it. Their application for asylum was stalled in the paperwork mill for 16 years with the INS doing nothing about it. I bet that made it easier to radicalize those illegal aliens. "The [INS] official said asylum claims routinely sat in “filing cabinets” for a decade or more." HA: Newsweek: INS knew and did nothing about Fort Dix Six aliens — for 16 years ### {^_^} Be sure to visit Cox and Forkum's commemoration of Armed Forces day. ================== Daily Diatribe 20070518 Saudi Arabian citizens face the same problems we do with regards to schools teaching pernicious ideas. MEMRI has collected several reactions in the Saudi Arabian press to the arrests of the 7 terrorist cells. They mostly call for the government to crack down hard on both radical imams and teachers of hatred in classrooms. Even one of the multinational schools teaching in English is infected with the jihadi hate virus. But then, it is nearly impossible to escape that hate virus if somebody teaches the Qur'an. I wish these (few? many?) moderates some luck. MEMRI: Saudi Press Reactions to the Arrest of Seven Terrorist Cells in Saudi Arabia ### Just off hand I think it is time for the FBI to reverse its policy on not monitoring hate on campus, particularly Mohammedan hate for the rest of us. University of California Irvine just had a week long hate fest. LGF has collected some gems about it. The first shows some basic censorship by the Mohammedans. The second is an innovative Rabbi's method of ridiculing the hatred being preached on the campus. The third involves a cinderblock attack on a car, which happened to have been driven by an FHI agent with business on campus. LGF: Video: UC Irvine MSU Antisemitism Revealed LGF: Rabbi Mocks Hatefest at UC Irvine LGF: UC Irvine Muslim Students Attack FBI Agent with Cinderblock ### I guess Iran is warning us that it will obliterate Israel with 10s of thousands of missiles. I note that 4,000 of their typical missiles seem to have caused damage but little loss of life in Israel. I suspect they could survive 40,000 missiles and come back to obliterate significant parts of Iran. It should be interesting and tragic. JW: Friday Sermon in Iran: If Iran Is Attacked, Tens of Thousands of Missiles Will Be Fired at Israel ### Robert Spencer and Daniel C. Peterson articulate some very critical features of Mohammedanism in the 7th century and the modern incarnations of it. It's rather critical not to judge Mohammed by 21st century standards. Polygamy in the 7th century COULD be and usually was a very charitable act. And it's important not to judge Mohammed by 21st century standards for categories of behavior that did not even exist at the time. In the 7th century context many of his laws were major advances towards charity and rights for women. But those same standards imported into the 21st century are unbearably oppressive and evil. Unfortunately the Qur'an states is that Mohammed is for all time the ideal example of behavior. Jihadis are taking his exact example taken out of any meaning of its 7th century context and imported it to the 21st century literally. If the moderates could draw a different lesson of Mohammed making the world BETTER for the people. With that model a very honorable and just Mohammedanism could be evolved. This would strip away most of the Sharia law and reduce the Hadith and Sunnah to history lessons. From those history lessons and the Qur'an one then extracts the central (apparent) fact that Mohammed made some worthwhile changes to the face of the 7th century Arab life. Therefore the religion, Islam, should do likewise in the 21st century. Mohammed stripped off most of the polygamist baggage of his fellow Arabs and cleansed religion of nonsense. That should be continued today as a ritual of cleansing Mohammedanism of sham rituals like its idolatry of kissing the black stone in the Kaaba, stoning mock demons, and the like. The dietary an health laws in the Qur'an should be taken as advances over the original background. So today should the religion make statements about 21st century standards of cleanliness and safe activities. Pork might become OK over time but extra-marital sex laws might be brought more up to date with both men and women censured for acts outside marriage with rape being punishable on the basis of modern forensic evidence rather than "say so" or "proof of adultery" when the woman gets pregnant. A modernized Mohammedanism that grew as above could command a real position of respect on the religions landscape of the world. It's sad that this ideal has been hijacked by virulent jihadis who accept the 7th century "improvements" Mohammed made as a model for all time in entirely too literal a sense. Thanks to Robert and Daniel for clarifying this position in my mind. It is very important that the 7th century minded Jihadis be dealt with without the attendant destruction of those willing to move to the 21st century and work to improve it by being even more humane the other religions. Mimi Geerges Show: What Would Muhammad Do? (WWMD) ### Robert Spencer has uncovered a report of a fatwa from the most respected institution in the world of Sunni Mohammedanism, Cairo's Al-Azhar University. It's troublesome in the 21st century world when men and women may find themselves working together yet religious proscribes this. The fatwa declares a workaround for the problem. Sit down and put down your drinks and swallow whatever food or drink is in your mouth. That's a fair warning. I had to clean my monitor. A woman is allowed to be alone in the presence of her male children. And under at least the Sunni version of Sharia law if a woman suckles anybody that person becomes her foster child. Therefore, if she suckles the man with whom she must work together then it is legal for them to work together unshaperoned. This is all based on Sahih Muslim 3425: 'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hadhaifa, lived with him and his family in their house. She (i. e. the daughter of Suhail came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Salim has attained (purbety) [sic] as men attain, and he understands what they understand, and he enters our house freely, I, however, perceive that something (rankles) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to her: Suckle him and you would become unlawful for him, and (the rankling) which Abu Hudhaifa feels in his heart will disappear. She returned and said: So I suckled him, and what (was there) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa disappeared. DW: Al-Azhar fatwa on adult suckling ### The left's insistence that we judge behavior of immigrants by the standards of their original homes is "racism of lower expectations." That phrase is Tarek Fatah's coinage. I find it particularly apt. Tarek Fatah is part of the "Muslim Canadian Congress" a moderate Muslim group pushing towards integrating their moderate Islam into Canadian secularism. He and Farzana Hassan-Shahid another member of MCC are targeted by name in a death threat left on the organization's answering machine. The death threat also includes all others working for that organization. This is how the Jihadis keep the moderate Muslims from speaking out. Rafi Aamer writes about it today on Islam Watch. IW: The Price of Dissent ### What if you found a mass grave and nobody in the mass media noticed? GWP: Iraqis Observe Moment of Silence to Mark "Mass Graves Day" ### {^_^} Staying in Iraq is the humane thing to do. 300,000 people in massed graves may be something we can prevent happening again. But not if we abandon Iraq to the jihadis. ================== Daily Diatribe 20070000 There's a new truce today. There's a new truce tomorrow. Everyday there is a new truce in Palestine. One of the latest ones broken was between Fatah and Hamas. Someone it was the dreaded Jews in Israel who broke that truce to which they were not even a party. But nevermind, just a few hours later the truce was really broken as Hamas tried to ambush a convoy that was carrying a senior intelligence officer loyal to Abbas. They had tunneled out under the street and filled the tunnel with explosives. Fatah was tipped off and the ambush never happened. But the truce died for real. LGF: Palestinian Truce Watch ### With broken truces and who really broke them in mind it might be morbid amusement for you to listen to Lord Andrew Phillips vilify the US in a BBC interview in which he declares Hamas' leader, Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, to be a moderate Mohammedan. Maybe if the damn fool de facto part of the British Government opened his eyes a little further he'd note the billions in aid that flowed into the territory and flowed right back out as Qassam rockets aimed at Israel rather than on building materials and food. If the energy spend on the Qassam rockets, explosive belts, and killing each other were spent on rebuilding Palestine it'd be a nice place to live. But that would undermine the Jihadi message that both Fatah (Abbas) and Hamas (Haniyeh) preach. The only difference is Fatah says "later" and Hamas says "now" for attacking Israel and wiping it out. LGF: British Lord: 'To Hell with America' ### Gee, Palestinians would really like to set up their own anti-terrorism center to coordinate anti-terrorist activities around the world. That is like setting the fox to guard the henhouse. And they expect us not to notice. I bet Pelosi doesn't. JW: Palestinian diplomat raps attempt to link terrorism to Islam ### Watching prisons for jihadi activity is very worthwhile. The Aussies have nailed a terrorist cell within their own Super Max prison who were planning terrorist attacks in Oz. The Aussies arguably have more on the anti-Jihadi ball than we do. (They certainly have more on the ball than President Shrub.) JW: Prison converts to Islam planned terror attacks in Australia ### Robert misses a point. He takes on Jennifer Yeske of BVU for a rather outrageous statement, "There is nothing in the Qur'an that violates human rights". He goes to great and readable lengths to prove that is a complete misstatement of facts. But sadly, poor Yeske is right. You see, human rights, as well as everything else in our moral lives, flow from Allah and were delineated in great detail in the Qur'an. Thus in no way can the Qur'an be declared to violate the human rights it defines. But, dear Jennifer, I vastly prefer OUR defined and discovered human rights far more than those delineated in the Qur'an. And indeed, the Qur'an is very nearly the antithesis of what we see as decent human rights. It is all in who you allow to define human rights. I prefer ours. JW: "There is nothing in the Qur'an that violates human rights" ### This is what we have to look forward to if the Jihadis win. We should ALL remember. 350,000 to 500,000 methodically slaughtered in 9 years. WARNING: descriptions of incredible violence by Turks against the Pontian Greeks. May 19th - Pontian Greek Genocide Remembrance Day. ### Read this first. Blair's successor is expected to accelerate the British pull out from Iraq. HA: UK papers: Blair’s successor expected to accelerate pullout from Iraq ### Then read this. Basra, where the British troops failed, is already virtually in the hands of Iran. HA: Must read: Basra set to disintegrate as Shiite militias overrun city ### Those are the things that lead me to feel we should just give up, pull back into Kurdistan, and leave Iraq behind in a Korean style non-loss, non-victory. Michael J. Totten also experiences these feelings. Then he ran across Frederick W. Kagan's article in the weekly Standard. He points out the magnitude of the stakes involved. Our pulling out would be a massive Jihadi and especially Al-Qaeda recruitment incentive. They claim they forced the Russians out of Afghanistan. That helps recruitment. If they can claim they pushed the US out of Iraq the sky's the limit. With 1.4 BILLION Mohammedans world wide we cannot afford that kind of a recruitment drive. We would have to either abjectly surrender to the Jihadis and face millions of deaths as they take over the US and slaughter our citizens. Or we would be reduced to nuking their strongholds, and all the people, guilty or innocent, that are even remotely nearby those strongholds. We'd have to make large regions of the world unlivable for decades to centuries. Either way we lose. Simply closing our borders is not going to work. Missiles exist. Nuclear bombs exist. We are utterly dependant on world trade. And our government very steadfastly refuses to close our borders to prevent our internal population if illegal aliens and terrorists from getting bigger. If we do not win in Iraq we lose - - - - everything. We are truly damned if we do and damned if we don't do. The weekly Standard: Don't Abandon the Iraqis The high stakes of the war ### In the meantime exposure and ridicule may be the best ways to deal with the Jihadis. Vel Nirtist makes a nice start of it with reference to the Somali taxi drivers in Minnesota. They do not want to carry alcohol in their cabs, even sealed in bottles inside duty free bags. They might be contaminated by it. Or so some of their imams claim. Nirtist points out a wee little problem. Virtually everything about their job and their life in the United States is contaminated by alcohol, the paint in their homes to the gasoline in their cars. Nirtist doesn't have my somewhat eclectic thirst for articles on science, both physical and medical. A decade or so ago I ran across an article about a man who had a strange plight. He was perpetually drunk by all legal standards. Some abnormality in his gut led to more than usual amounts of fermentation taking place. So his blood alcohol level seldom if ever fell below 0.1% even if he'd spent a week under careful observation in the hospital (or jail.) This led to the casual remark that we all have some residual level of alcohol in our bodies due to similar fermentation processes that are simply better attenuated by other body processes. I just love the irony. And thanks to Nirtist for reminding me of this obscure article from years ago. {^_-} IW: Minnesota Muslims' dilemma ### Incoming - what the residents of Sderot Israel put up with every day. Squeamish alert - if you are squeamish don't read it. This is nice fine moderate Hamas in action. And Jimmy Carter SUPPORTS those Hamas bastards. And Olmert dithers. Israeli Insider: American reporters witness the sheer terror of rockets in Sderot ### This is the full Guardian article about the British giving away Basra to the Iranians. This is an utter irredeemable disgrace on their part. UK Guardian: 'Welcome to Tehran' - how Iran took control of Basra ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070520 For those trying to figure out the 326 page (PDF pages) immigration act compromise proposal Hugh Hewitt has posted pointers to solid data. it very much appears that the much trumpeted "triggers" before which illegal aliens cannot be made legal have holes in them through which probably about 90% of the illegal aliens will same before one bit of the trigger conditions is met by poured concrete or erected fencing. Another commentator saw the bill as a guarantee that for the foreseeable future the US will have a one party political system. Hewitt has posted links to an online browsable version, the PDF version, and his eight prior remarks about the bill. If you have a leaky sinking boat what do you do first, bail, patch the leak, or open another hole? This bill opens another hole before it starts to patch the leak. What needs to be done could be expressed in a dozen or two simple sentences in a bill of this sort. Patch the leak, as in build the paid for and authorized border fence and hire another 6000 BP agents, absolute minimum. Protect the legal asses of the BP agents with an absolute protection if the person damaged is an illegal alien, drug smuggler, or both. Then start bailing the boat. Any illegal alien who is caught in any form of arrest receives about 20 or 25 embedded RFID chips where removal scars would show and a tattoo on the buttocks. If they are ever found in the US again they are shot upon identification. Enforce existing legal penalties for employers who hire illegal aliens. Eliminate welfare for illegal aliens and their families. Then we apply a real bracero program such as we had. It was ended so that unemployed West Va coal miners could be employed to pick fruit rather than the braceros. The coal miners had no idea what they were doing, hated the job, and killed a good part of the Southern California fruit industry, the farm I am sitting on is one of them. Those who can document paying taxes regularly and being employed regularly would be invited to come forward. They are put in line for a real green card after 10 more years with a restricted ID card. Then we award points for "good features". One good feature would be "speaks fluent understandable English." Let that be worth say 3 years. "Can read a contract" is good for 5 years. Has never collected unemployment, 2 years if provable. And I am sure there are others. These points subtract from the 10 year waiting period. The more Americanized and better employed the immigrant is already the more welcome he is. BUT, he MUST have a clean record with the law. And finally we must revise our concept of "Born in the USA" is automatic citizenship. It should be born in the USA, educated in exclusively English speaking schools with passing grades, and if old enough is gainfully employed. At the time the parents become citizens the prior provision is waved and the children are citizens automatically if still minors. With the prospects of no employment and no welfare a lot of the illegal aliens would go home of their own accord. The ones indulging in illegal behavior would have chipping and deportation as an automatic extension to any penalty even a DMV parking ticket. (Yeah, I am being extreme. Best to start extreme and accept the position you really want on compromise.) We need a Constitutional amendment such as will never happen. But it is fun to dream. "No legislator nor executive branch officer may vote upon, sign, or veto any bill until he or she certifies in writing that he or she has read the entire bill and understands it. If it becomes obvious that he or she had not really met those conditions he or she is summarily booted out of office with no pension." Yes, that WOULD stall the legislative process dead. Is that really such a terrible thing? HH: Summary Of The Fine Print Read, And NZ's Easy To Use Text ### Michelle Malkin is also upset with the bill. But she says little and provides pointers to others. One is the Powerline Blog which has an article about McCain's "F**KYOU!" to Senator John Cornyn (R-TX). The article builds the context for the outburst and raises the question whether McCain has the temperament to be a President. Is he liable to go off half cocked at a fatally wrong time? At the bottom of the story Scott provides this, "UPDATE: Hugh Hewitt has been reading the bill and has collected links to his comments on it here. Hugh writes separately in a message to us today: "The bill's indifference to terrorism is stunning." Hugh links to NZ Bear's online version of the draft immigration bill and Bear's solicitation of commentary on it here. If Hugh Hewitt, a law professor, makes that sort of a comment this bill is something that must be repaired or voted out of existence pronto. PL: "F*** you": The inside story ### This sort of thing is what we have to look forward to in this country if we do not start NOW working on our borders to secure them. And we must discover and deal with all the radical jihadi bands in the US that we can find. Islamberg New York is likely a good starting point. LGF: French Pro-US Festival Canceled After 'Al Qaeda' Threats ### And then we have Pelosi basically stating right out front, "What this bill needs is a whole lot more amnesty." Why settle for 5 million new Democrat voters when she could get all 20 million? It is going to be an up hill fight. HA: Pelosi: What this bill needs is a whole lot more amnesty ### On Sunday a militant (supposedly) Al-Qaeda group bombed a movie district of Tripoli, Lebanon. Some of their refuges in a Palestinian refugee camp were reduced to rubble. Several militants died. It is claimed that they were wearing explosive vests they never detonated. On Monday (over there) (supposedly) the same group detonated another attack in a Christian area of Beirut injuring 12 and killing a 63 year old woman. If you cannot create, then destroy, eh? In a way I pity these bombers and their "brothers". Every human being has at least a tiny seed of greatness in them. It needs to be nurtured most carefully. Suicide bombings rather moot the need to nurture their soul's seed of greatness leaving only a mess for some other poor souls to clean up. Note that while the officials claim that the same militant group that committed the Sunday bombing has been claimed to be responsible for the Monday blast they deny their connection with it. If not them then perhaps it is Hezbollah taking advantage of the chance to sow terror without it rebounding on them? JW: One woman killed, 12 injured in an explosion in Christian Beirut neighborhood ### Allahpundit at Hot Air has another interesting take on it. How about it was the Syrians doing what they can to prevent the UN investigation into Hariri's assassination. It is expected the investigation will point its finger directly at Damascus. The argument is very convincing. Word is that Assad has been promising just this sort of event to the UN Security Council. HA: Terror in Beirut: Bomb explodes outside shopping mall, killing one ### Michael J. Totten has an interesting write-up of Bernard Kouchner, the mew foreign minister of France under Sarkozy. It appears that Kouchner is a very interesting man. This may illuminate some of the direction France will take as it grows out of the Villepin/Chriac years. MJT: Soldiers Without Borders ### Mumin Salih reveals some of the more egregious episodes of outright vindictive vulgarity in the Qur'an. (Allah (heh) devoted one full (but very short) chapter of the Qur'an to curse out Mohammed's uncle, Abul Uzza Ibn Abdulmuttalib. And singles out the very eloquent Al waleed Ibn Almugheera, a chief of the Quraysh, for special cursing. (The nearest translation is son-of-a-bitch.) Such a PETTY god we have in Allah, really. Or was that really Mohammed speaking and not Allah? Did Allah quit speaking to Mohammed through Gabrielle when Mohammed left Mezza and the devil took his place? That COULD explain the dramatic difference between the Meccan and Medinan chapters of the Qur'an. IW: Allah's Vulgar Language in the Quran ### When I was a child my favorite story was the Hans Christian Andersen classic "The Little Mermaid". (Mind you, the Disney version may be OK. But MY version was an OLD English translation of Hans Christian Andersen's story.) I also had the chance to visit the Copenhagen and see the statute in the harbor. She remains my favorite. So this photo is tragic and funny together. I do not have the Jihadis destroy her. This photo is a reminder of how they treat women. LGF: Little Mermaid in a Hijab ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070521 Consider that I have gone ballistic over the proposed immigration bill. It has some good points; but, it does not guarantee doing something about the national security aspects of immigration as a first thing. Plug the leaks then bail the boat. The wall MUST be built. As Rudy Giuliani, as at least one voice in the news, calls for it should be physical with electronics support. HA: FoxNews: Guiliani on Hannity and Colmes. (See the Third video) ### A solid voice in the wilderness is Hugh Hewitt. He took the time to read the entire bill and attempt to analyze it. I pointed that out in the Daily Diatribe previous to this one. Hewitt has weighed in again. He has posted 7 suggested fixes and an eighth suggested amendment that would materially help implement the bill, which is an issue virtually beyond comprehension as it is written now. It's almost sad that he's too smart to run for President and have his life ruined by slavering media. HH: Necessary Amendments And An Argument For Discretion ### The pressure is off. The Assad regime in Syria can do anything they want. The New York Observer states this in some detail in this article. The results are NOT heartwarming. Dissidents are being rounded up and given absurdly long sentences, for example. Nancy was REALLY good for the Syrian people - NOT! After Pelosi’s Syria Visit, Dissidents Cower ### Marching orders have gone out to the radical liberal youth in America from Daily Kos, "Film everything they do." It would be good advice for the Republicans to do to the Democrats, as well. Record EVERYTHING they say in public. Build damning narratives. Post them on YouTube and other video sites. (YouTube is pretty well dominated by liberals. So conservative videos are often taken down for spurious reasons.) The Kossian brownshirts are trying to take over the country. LGF: The Kos Youth Are Watching ### The Canada Free Press follows up its article on Islamberg with another one exposing some of the other compounds around North America. And what seems to be FBI agents seem to routinely banquet there instead of clean them out. (Despite the name most of the report covers more goings on in and around Islamberg, which law enforcement types try to claim does not exist if you phone them for information.) CFP: Islamberg not the only radical Muslim compound flourishing in North America ### The FBI incident on the University of California Irvinistan takes on some new dimensions in this "Bakersfield Californian" report. The FBI agent made it very clear his vehicle was a law enforcement vehicle as it was surrounded on a dead end street. He blew the siren and used the PA system. He was investigating the truck which had its signs painted out and no visible license plates. During a week long event for radical Mohammedan types this is not in the least an unreasonable thing to do. FBI: agent was investigating vehicle when confronted by student ### O'Reilley was off today, apparently. Michelle Malkin hosted "The Factor" as the stand-in. She had fun. And she ate the immigration bill alive. HA: Michelle hosts The Factor ### Michael J. Totten, who has been in Lebanon and talked with the "behind the scenes" power structure also figures that the thought that the recent terrorist attacks in Beirut are al Qaeda is laughable. Let's all chant together, "Syria, Syria, Syria!" Then we need to thank Nancy Pelosi for breaking ranks and turning the monsters loose by at least partially legitimizing them. MJT: Violence in Beirut Continues ### Re Jimmy Carter: Visit today's Cox and Forkum cartoon. Guilt Complex ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070522 The big "doh!" Now it's official that Al Qaeda ordered Zarqawi to plan attacks on our country from Iraq. This (see link) and preserving our humanity are the big reasons why we must win in Iraq. For our humanity we must try until it really hurts. To avoid Iraq becoming a terrorist exporting region we must continue well after the pain gets excruciating. If we lose, we face Hell on Earth. FN: Newly Declassified Papers Detail Bin Laden Plan for Terror Attacks Against U.S. ### Replace "this is your country" with "this is a Muslim country" for in reality Al-Huwaidar was speaking of a Muslim country, Saudi Arabia. MEMRI: 'This Is Not a Western Conspiracy': Saudi Reformist Wajeha Al-Huwaidar Publishes Sequel to Her Satirical Poem 'When' ### A nutcase goes berserk on the Virginia Tech campus. That pushes an important event in Iraq almost completely out of the news. The British turned Maysan province over to the Iraqis. Michael Yon was there. So were a lot of other media people. But their stories were too boring, not in accord with news media politics, or were otherwise buried. Now, whether this turnover really means that the government really is in control of Maysan or not, I cannot say. But training Iraqi troops to take over control and then giving them control is the right way to get out of Iraq with our humanity. Then we can test the situation from outside. Did the government KEEP it clean? Did the government intentionally let it be a terrorist haven? In other words, do we have to do it over again, rougher the second time around? MY: Mysan, A Small Battle in the Media War ### In "Breaching America", Hugh Hewitt points to a four part article in the San Antonio News Express detailing one illegal alien's path from Iraq to just across the border near Brownsville, Texas. And from the sounds of things, if the fellow volunteered to be an interpreter, he'd be of immense service to the US. As it turns out he is a Chaldean Christian. Nevertheless his path to the US is one traveled by fairly large numbers of "Arabs", not just Chaldean Christians trying to escape oppression, torture, and death. Our borders are porous. The more money you have the more porous they prove to be. For national security the fence needs to be built and completed, all 2000 miles need to be blocked for illegal entry. In a second article Hewitt suggests, "Every Senator Should Read The Bensman Series From The San Antonio Express News". HH: "Breaching America" HH: Every Senator Should Read The Bensman Series From The San Antonio Express News ### Charles Johnson calls this "Iranian Talk Show From Hell". I call it "Iranian Talk Show From ... well ... Iran." But I don't really see much salient difference. Do you? And of so, why? Iran, today, is hell. Iran under the Shah that Peanut hated so much he chopped off aid to his horrible oppressive regime and its dreaded Savak was a MUCH nicer place than it is today. The Savak caused much less disruption to Iraqi life. And the Iraqis did not face this kind of state sponsored hatred of others. LGF: Iranian Talk Show From Hell ### And for news of the Mohammedan Weird, Professor Ezzat Attia of Al Azhar University in Egypt picked up enough static for his breast feeding fatwah as a way for an unrelated man and woman to work together that he has had to retract it. Mohammedans make Christians at their strangest look downright sober and upright. Of course, the fact that Christians aim at being decent human beings while working with a New Testament with very few laws but a lot of more or less polite recommendations while the Mohammedans are stuck with the Qur'an, a remarkably hate filled document. LGF: Weird Fatwa Update ### Melanie Phillips has an extensive essay regarding the relationship between Mohammedanism and Liberalism. She starts by defining the two terms as she is using them. First of all, let me define my terms and say what I mean by Islamism and liberalism. Islamism is the politicised version of Islam which mandates jihad, or holy war against the infidel and conquest of the non-Islamic world for Islam. I’m well aware of the argument that there’s no difference between Islamism and Islam: that’s a theological argument for others to have. By liberalism I mean the commitment to a free society, founded above all on the separation of secular government from religious worship — from which follow the concepts of equal respect for all people, freedom of conscience, tolerance and the rule of law. These two concepts, Islamism and liberalism, are currently engaged in a fight to the death. My argument is that liberalism is in danger of losing this fight because it has so badly undermined itself and departed from its own core concepts that it is now paralyzed by moral and intellectual muddle. Liberalism is the creed of modernity. The driving force behind the Islamic jihad is the fight against liberalism and modernity. All the iconic conflicts — Iraq, Israel, Kashmir, Chechnya, Sudan —are secondary to the fundamental aim of the jihad to prevent liberalism and modernity from destroying Islam May I humbly suggest reading the whole thing, now? (Then ask yourself if either Ron Paul or Jimmy Carter have enough awareness of the real world to find the correct bathroom in a convention center twice running without any assistance.) One feature of modern Liberalism she fails to address is their absolute idealism. Absolute Idealism led Jimmy Carter astray when he withdrew the US support for the Shah of Iran leading directly to the problems we have today with Iran and Hezbollah. Arguably the Jihadi take over in Iran and the US non-response to it emboldened the Osama bin Ladens of the world. Idealism is good. It is your guide. It is your destination marker. But one seldom manages to step from say the paint pots of Yellowstone to the suburbs of St. Petersburg, Florida in one step. It is a journey. If you must get "there from here" with minimal distractions then you arrange each step to take you closer to your destination. You might drive from the geysers to an airport in Wyoming. From there one might fly to Denver. From Denver one might fly through Dallas to somewhere nearer the destination point in St. Petersburg, since direct flights seem rather rare these days. In Iran the Shah was a step from a Communist oriented and rather repressive "freely elected democracy" to a modern secular democracy. That it had to make a side trip through Dallas er through the Shah is an unfortunate delay that has proven to have been rather necessary in retrospect. (It seems that President Bush made the same "single step" mistake. Moving from the openly anti-American Saddam to "our dictator" who stomped jihadi dissidents might have been more sensible. Pressure "our dictator" to prepare his country for democratic rule, educate the children with a good secular education, and so forth, so that when he dies the country can move one more step towards the ideal state. Our Liberals and the Democratic Party leadership seem to have taken a weird muddle of heavy duty corruption and absolute ideals as their guide. As such, we're in deep trouble, again. Please do read Phillips's article. It might help make sense of what I just typed above. Melanie Phillips: Liberalism v Islamism ### Being a pessimist I see this Pew research poll as showing we are already in deep doodoo that is coming up over our waders. JW: Fitzgerald: Your work is being graded, but not by us Marisol's take on it: JW: "One in four" of U.S. Muslims under 30 "say suicide bombings to defend their religion are acceptable at least in some circumstances" ### Robert Spencer analyzes why secular Turkey is not Moderate Mohammedan Turkey in today's HotAir Vent. Moderates, to prevail, must explicitly reject political Mohammedanism. Otherwise there will be periodic recrudescences of radical and literalist Jihadi Mohammedanism. HA; Robert Spencer discusses Modern Turkey ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070523 A person at Jerry Pournelle's site commented about my diatribes and mentioned Palestinian Media Watch as a good source of rather damning information for the Mohammedans and Palestinians in particular. The direct link to PMW is first below followed to the link to Jerusalem Post that "ariel" provided. I'll make a couple notes about my coverage here. PWM would be used more as a source if I had an extra half hour or so to fit it into my browse schedule, which is overly large already. The sources I tend to use are also either good sources with direct reference to primary sources to back their dialogs. I try to spend a fair amount of time trying to find people who are working to abate the menace from within Mohammedanism. That may give an impression that the danger is not as great as it is in reality. These ARE people who need consideration and support. I also am not bashful about sounding quite "extreme" or "alarmist" from time to time. The message needs to get out. And the more it scares people into action the better UNTIL it gets so bad they are not moved towards rational action. This is why I stress "act now rather than later." If we act later the mess will be worse and the actions we must take will be more drastic with the potential worst case being massive nuclear attacks and our army active in our country to protect us from militarily armed jihadis - and an attendant suspension of all aspects of our privacy. (Not that I don't see computers producing that latter state of affairs with or without government intervention. But that is a whole different rant.) There are some key points I try to make. The first point recognizes that the basic documentation for Mohammedanism stresses violence, hatred for non-Mohammedans, the destruction or subjugation of infidels, the utter lack of most of the rights we consider important, the often extreme mistreatment of women, and so forth. What I see in Mohammedanism is a virtual negation of most things the secular Christian West holds dearest to its heart. A second point that I probably should deal with more often is the little detail that the Mohammedans are out breeding us. (In this regard it might be to our benefit to create a really solid percentage based tax credit for each child born to a tax payer. The credit should be constant across the board. Consider it a "remove the market" anti-abortion tool as well as an anti-Jihadi tool.) A third point is that I do recognize that there are Mohammedans who really just want to get on with their lives and live in peace. To a real extent they are apostates as the Jihadis argue so effectively that their children are easily turned to radicalism. These are people who draw comfort, somehow, from Mohammedanism and do not want to reject it; but, they also find the violent aspects of Mohammedanism rather disgusting. We need to find a way to help them. There are other points. These are the ones at the forefront of my thoughts today. Another point I have been toying with quite gently even in my own mind is the concept that it may be time to attack Mohammedanism's basis. There are aspects of Mohammedan history that are at least as murky the process by which the Bible was trimmed down to the King James version that most Christians use. Non-Mohammedans need to study the era in which the Qur'an was stabilized and written down and loudly note that this is a potential hole in the entire picture. We also must note that the Hadiths and Sunnah are most definitely not the direct word of Allah. We also must examine the Qur'an or at least take advantage of non-Mohammedan experts who have spent a great deal of effort to master it and openly discuss its basic internal nonsense, raise the suspicion that "Allah" and Mohammed were in reality the same individual, and note the Qur'an's basic errors of fact. (Now, errors of fact don't stop a religion. But they do sow some doubt. Un, I look at "Creation Science" when I say this. {^_-}) This falls basically into my suggestion that Mohammedans are VERY sensitive to criticism of the "religion" so it may be time to heavily criticize and even ridicule the "religion". Certainly heavy criticism is called for. A LOT more cartoons may be called for. And we need to point out in detail its hypocrisies, particularly about depictions of Mohammed. There is quite a portfolio of images of Mohammed by Mohammedan artists that should be exposed every time they whine about it being improper to depict anybody let alone Mohammed. Basically - we need to do something. Now is better than later. I'd invite "ariel" to take up the effort as well. The more people urging that we deal with Mohammedans and providing unimpeachable evidence of why the better. (Note, Palestinian Media Watch is distinct from Palestine Media Watch. The former one is the one in the Jerusalem Post article and is the better one for primary "what the Palestinians are saying publicly". Between the Palestinian Media Watch page and MEMRI you can get a really good idea of what the Mohammedans are really saying publicly on their media. Sometimes it helps to see this for yourself.) Palestinian Media Watch JPost: Got it? ### From the shoot yourself in the foot department we have the recent firing or discharge of 56 Arab linguists from the military because they are gay. We underutilize the non-Mohammedan Arabic speakers we have in this country. We are vastly understaffed for Arabic translators and speakers. And because of superstitions we should have gotten over decades ago when it became apparent that sexual orientation is not an infinitely malleable "choice" we've just summarily tossed 56 of the valuable resources we have been using who performed honorably causing no divisiveness in the ranks but were gay. That has got to be one of the stupidest things our military has done in this entire war. Was this because of an order from the top, the very top, or simple rigid unforgiving and stupid "policy?" Who has the proximate responsibility for this monumental act of asininities? I want to include him in my anti-prayers, figuratively speaking. If God helps those who get up and make their ultimate efforts to help themselves then we have just lost God from our team. It is bad enough we apparently tossed a Chaldean Christian Iraqi trying to reach the US and safety who could have been an excellent translator for the military. (I am speaking of the young fellow that Todd Bensma back traced to Iraq from the US border near Brownsville in the article cited by Hugh Hewitt that I cited yesterday.) One could argue that was one person stupid. This is 56 person stupid, monumentally stupid. The United States of America is its own worst, most lethal enemy. FN: House Members Seek Hearings on Dismissed Gay Arab Linguists ### Hugh Hewitt has several articles on the immigration compromise bill. I remain unconvinced. And with the government's past record with the 1986 bill which was never implemented that this bill is a non-starter. The probationary "floppy card" or "not-a-Z-visa" given right off the bat is a stopping point right there. The failure to slam shut the southern border with a serious large scale construction process before doing ANYTHING else is a non-starter. We have inside what we have. The sooner we stop the flow the smaller the additional number of bad as well as "acceptable" new problems come across the border. Once we stabilize the leak we can work to stabilize what we have inside. Building up the border patrol takes too long. The Border Patrol people cite problems training up new agents to the Spanish language proficiency desired. I will admit that this is probably far more training than a simple high school class. It'd be good if the agents recognized accents as well as the words and meanings. Perhaps higher pay and less risk of incarceration might be a good thing. And perhaps they should not be imprisoned with the general prison population. A military prison, as befits their quasi military role as armed agents, would be a better place to put them. They might live through their terms of imprisonment. (I do not really expect the two agents imprisoned recently over a procedural violation will live out their terms.) We also MUST drop the "politically correct" nonsense of treating illegal immigrants from "special interest", terrorist, nations the same as those from other nations where economic reasons for the immigration are more likely. Two groups come from the terrorist nations, good people who are trying to escape (Todd Bensman's example illegal immigrant, for example) and bad people trying to sneak in and set themselves up as sleeper agents with malign purposes ahead. The provisional piece of floppiness (read the Kyle interview) needs to have an expiration date on it as a spur to the government to push the completion of the border fence and the full staffing needed to sanely handle the Z visa processes in less than 16 years of sitting in a filing cabinet awaiting an agent with time to act on it. And finally, there are other staffing issues way beyond those of the Border Patrol which must be dealt with. Not ONE provisional floppy or whatever visa should be issued until we have trained staff to weed out the bad ones right off the top. There must be a procedure to take the potentially bad ones, segregate them, examine them in more if not complete detail, and make a reasonable decision whether or not they get the visa even if this takes three weeks or two months. We want very much to avoid giving terrorists a "get in and out of America free" card of any sort. HH: An Interview With Senator Kyl HH: The actual Kyle interview transcript HH: An Interview With Secretary Chertoff (Secretary Weasel if you ask me.) Note the Todd Bensman article's animated graphic link in this next link to Hugh Hewitt. The very last thing you see if you track it though is the route from the Middle East through Canada into the US through our Northern Border. Also note the interview. When considering what to do about the illegal aliens from Mexico who are in this country consider this point from Bensman's interview with Hewitt. TB: Well, that’s what Mexico’s new ambassador told me in an interview a couple of months ago, when I asked him about special interest aliens, which is a bureaucratic term with which he was immediately familiar. He was very intimately familiar with that term, and everything about them, which tells you something right there. And he acknowledged that if one of these guys is a bad guy and gets through, there’s going to be a problem. They’re going to shut down that border, and there’s going to be a disruption in the $25 billion dollars worth of remittances that go back, and that is their primary national interest. People have been decrying the Z-visa and the worker visa plans. Such a plan is absolutely required if we are going to keep Mexico on the team. It is that simple. This is REALLY big money to them. This is why I have made the suggestion that a sorter 2 year visa renewable after a year at home might be better than 4 years and a year at home. Or even better might be seasonal visas for the harvest season that are infinitely renewable each year allowing the worker to go home to his family after harvest season with a nice package of wages. We can use the workers. They can use the money. The synergy is a good one, especially if we make it Mexico only as explicit recognition that Mexico is on the team. HH: Todd Bensman's Latest ### "We pray that Israel would come back and rule us again," says one tired and incredibly disgusted Palestinian. He is tired enough of the whole thing to utter this incredible sentence and risk death over it. That is how bad the Hamas violence has gotten over there. Palestine is a nation that died as it was born. It needs a proper burial. Maybe Israel SHOULD go back with the proviso that "you tell us who are the Hamas terrorists and we will eliminate them for you." Then the Israelis should also utterly control the education and media in Palestine to literally brain wash them into being civilized people. It might be a very interesting experiment if the street Palestinians are disgusted enough with the Jihadis. (Strange, that would not be all that different from what we are doing in Iraq's roughest areas today. And it seems to be working.) 1:40 is the magic time code marker. But the entire clip is short and worth it to get a feel for how desperate it has become in Palestine today. LGF: Video: Bloodshed and Anarchy in Gaza ### I started this whole thing because of outrageous falsifications of news reporting in the Main Stream Media due to a pervasive far left bias. That led to LittleGreenFootballs at the time. This was during the recent Israeli retaliatory incursion into Lebanon to damage Hezbollah. Reporting of that affair was extremely biased (Hezbollah could do no wrong and tell no lies while Israel was supposedly bombing ambulances - both items that LGF debunked as one of the leaders of the effort.) LGF then led me to realize just how serious the Mohammedan threat was. Here is an example of the liberal left using name calling when it can not support it's claims with facts. Tim Cavanaugh takes a round-house swing at the conservative bloggers who note that the recent Pew poll of US Mohammedans is more than a little daunting maybe even frightening. LGF took issue with the way Associated Press diddled around with its headline for the story. Cavanaugh claimed LGF was "hoppin' mad" some AP word manipulation on their headline for the recent frightening Pew poll of US Mohammedans. Liberal bias? I'd say more like liberal hatred for conservatives. (Frightening not because I think we'd lose to US Mohammedan Jihadis but because we might go so far as to wipe them out if pushed too far. I do not want to be a party to that; but, if driven to that extremity I'd be in their doing what I could to facilitate it. We must eliminate the radicals now lest we have to destroy them all later. {o.o}) LA Times: LGF is 'Hoppin' Mad' ### LittleGreenFootballs led me other blogs. LGF and Michelle Malkin led me to JihadWatch where Robert Spencer holds forth with a few associates. Today he is officially mourning the passing of one of the foremost moderate voices in modern Pakistan, Tashbih Sayyed. Voices against the Jihadi Mohammedan movement do exist and some are courageous enough to speak out, even in Mohammedan countries. Sayyed was one such gentleman. JW: Tashbih Sayyed, 1941-2007 ### It was inevitable that Jihad Watch led me to its companion Dhimmi Watch. A Dhimmi is a non-Mohammedan who accepts complete subjugation to his Mohammedan masters. He is in essence a slave to all Mohammedans. Dhimmi Watch reports on examples of life as a Dhimmi. This report is from Iraq. As was probably inevitable the Mohammedan extremists have made life so utterly miserable to the Assyrian Christians that they have all bug abandoned all their holdings in Baghdad. According to the Qur'an there is no way for a kufir, an unbeliever, to deal with a Mohammedan as an equal. This is the sort of results we can expect if we are ever forced to surrender and are allowed to live. DW: Baghdad Assyrian District Emptied; Churches, Monasteries Abandoned ### As I mentioned LGF led me to Michelle Malkin (and others). Today Malkin is fulminating over Chertoff and the immigration amnesty er compromise. She picks a case of a repeat illegal immigrant who is also a child rapist loose and on his way to Mexico due to a DHS screw-up. MM: Attention, Michael Chertoff: Get to the bottom of this screw-up ### Michelle also points towards some other open borders issues. MM: The comprehensive open-borders goodie bag MM: Open-borders goodie bag update ### She also takes on the "Truthers", the idiots who think the WTC collapse was a controlled demolition ordered by Bush to spur the war in Iraq and other nefarious things. (These are SERIOUSLY deranged individuals who continue long after their "proofs" have been disproven by careful analysis, some by the very people they suggest you ask to prove their point! MM: The boundless idiocy of the Truthers ### Michelle started HotAir, the world's first video blog. Today Michelle has a vent from last May up because it conveniently demonstrates why we MUST NOT give illegal aliens from special interest nations a free pass. She feels we must not give any a free pass of any sort and frequently discusses why. She has a good point. HA: Vent ### Today HotAir has episode three of "Sands of Passion." Don't ask. Follow the link. Follow the next link to episodes 1 and 2 if you've not seen them. Then return to watch episode 3. It's a treat. HA: Video: “Sands of Passion,” episode 3 ### Both LGF and HotAir brought this one up. It is Amnesty International showing its innate stupidity and bias again. This one is rather hateful. Perhaps Amnesty International should be on their own lists of hate mongers? I'm including this because I know how Jerry's readers feel about this very hypocritical organization. {^_-} HA: Wednesday stupid: Is Dick Cheney worse than Darth Vader and Hobgoblin? ### Follow this HotAir link through to the video at "Kamangir (Archer)". This is what we have to look forward to if we let the Mohammedan Jihadis win. This is what their moderates came to this country to get away from. This is what we are importing with the radical Saudi and Hamas financed and trained imams for new mosques in the US. This is an atrocity. HA: Video: Police brutality against Iranian women ### From the above core group I branched out. One of the good ones these days is Micheal J. Totten. He posts an article written last year about his trip to Gaza. He tends to get close to all sides and comes out with astounding reports such as this one, today. It is very long. And it is filled with pictures. It is important background. This is one thing from the report that caught my eye. “Another pattern that’s unusual," he said. "They use the civilian population as human shields.” It's not really unusual. Hezbollah did the same thing in Lebanon. Fighters in Iraq do it there, too, although some in Iraq also deliberately murder Iraqis. I wonder if the IDF spokesman really thought that or was simply saying something he expected would be politically correct. The Qur'an defines who is and is not a combatant. Every Mohammedan is officially a combatant against every kufir, who is by definition also a combatant. It's these little details that get you if you ignore them. MJT: The Story of Gaza ### Another worthwhile offshoot of the core group is Islam Watch with its analysis articles such as this one by Ibn Warraq. He explores any possible relationship Islam might be able to have with secularism. Moslem to Western Man, "What is this thing called sec-u-lar-ism? There is no Arabic for it." IW: Islam and Secularization ### Then Islam watch has this article by Amil Imani about "Democide" in Iran. As he points out "Democide" is "The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder." This is what is happening in Iran today. Life under a completely Sharia Shi'ite state is not pleasant or nice for the average people. IW: Islamic “Democide” in Iran ### This led to side trips to excellent sites like the "Jawa Report", "Confederate Yankee", Patterico, Red State, Pajamas Media, and just a whole lot of others. Most of the core sites above have links to large numbers of different blogs that tend to be conservative. They do include links to saner Democrats as well in most cases. And from time to time they all point to Cox and Forkum for political cartoons. Cos & Forkum ### Finally, Sometimes in life you must take sides and take a stand. HA: Video: “An Open Mind” ### One additional note about LGF, Charles is a techie sort who has written and then rewritten his own blog software. "He's one of us," says I. {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070524 One thing that really puts a burr under my saddle is direct lies in News reporting. Another thing is not checking facts. NBC is clearly guilty of one or the others of these. They filed a story about Pinnacle Dragon Skin SOV-3000 Body Armor Vest being far better than the Interceptor body armor currently used by the military. Brigadier General Mark Brown utterly fisks the NBC report in detail with proofs and details about why the Pinnacle product is excrement as far as the DoD is concerned. In all test cases one penetration is a failure. In the first test, with the Pinnacle CEO present and on film, the pinnacle body armor failed. A round penetrated from the front. This was the simple new vest two shots to the front, two to each side, and two to the rear at room temperature. Then the vest simulated a worst case - soldier out of vehicle under it with the vehicle leaking oil. The vests are immersed in oil then dried out. The same protocol of 8 shots is fired at the vest. Two shots went through the Pinnacle, one from the front and one from the back. Again, the Pinnacle CEO was present even though the media story indicated he was not. General Brown continues: Okay. Temperature cycle is very important, and I already alluded to it. If you are deploying from the Fort Polk area of Louisiana, where it gets quite hot, and you're loading your body armor, you don't wear the body armor on the aircraft. You load the body armor in the belly of the aircraft, and then you go up to 30,000 or 40,000 feet for transit to Baghdad or Fallujah or wherever you're headed. It's 110 (degrees), 120 (degrees) in Fort Polk, Louisiana, and then when you get up to altitude, it's minus 25 (degrees), and then when you land back down in Baghdad or Kandahar, it's 120 degrees. So what happens is that puts very much of a stress and strain on the product. This was an X-ray of the product prior to that environmental temperature cycling test. This is what it looked like after that cycle. As you see -- if you get a chance to come up here afterwards, each one of these discs has some glue, some adhesive; that temperature cycle and that high temperature and that low temperature play havoc on that adhesive, causing it to delaminate and fall to the bottom of the vest, much like a roll of quarters or a roll of nickels. When that happens, it leaves voids in the armor protection. Again, we didn't see that prior to taking the shot, because the test protocol is you X- ray, you shoot, you re-X-ray. The back shot, both first and second rounds, were complete penetrations, obviously because there was nothing there. That area covers vital organs -- spine, heart, aortic arch, others -- so it failed. ... Pinnacle SOV-3000 Level IV Dragon Skin suffered catastrophic failure of the ceramic disc adhesive between minus-60 below and 120 degrees and 160 degrees. Minus-60 degrees below are temperatures we experience at Camp Ripley, Minnesota; Alaska; Korea; and at 10,000 feet in Afghanistan, and other places. One hundred twenty degrees, we can experience that nearly in Washington, D.C., but certainly at places like Phoenix in the National Training Center, not to mention Baghdad. The design is sensitive to extreme temperatures and failed to maintain ballistic integrity at temperatures below ambient in OIF. The failure mode caused the disc to delaminate and accumulate in the lower portion of the armored vest and expose the vital organs. Thirteen first or second shots, it failed four of eight initial subtests with the threat baseline, which is 7.62 by 63 millimeter armor-piercing AP M2 ammunition. The bottom line is it does not meet Army standards. Furthermore, the Pinnacle vest is 43#. Maximum practical load for a soldier is "officially" 1/3 the soldier's weight. Some soldiers are as light as 150#. We're overweight already. The Interceptor vest with the same coverage and no penetrations in the same tests is 28#. NBC was the organization guilty of this outrageous lie or accepting the lies of Pinnacle's CEO or media department without critical review. The second link is the real gold here. The first sets the stage. The third item is the slide show for the second item. Regarding the first item note what General Brown says about adequate numbers of vests for Iraq in the second link's prefacing remarks - more than 1 per soldier. Another NBC claim shot dead. Shame. If NBC will lie like this about protective body armor what else do they routinely lie about? (...Especially in Olberman's ravings?) This is what fisking means to bloggers, item by item demolishing another's outrageous lies in detail. Look up "fisking" on Wikipedia. DefenseLink: Guard’s Lack of Equipment Puts U.S. at Risk, Chief Says Read the whole shameful story here (DefenseLink) DefenseLink: Slide show for the link above ### THIS Fox News report describes real torture. Compared to it the dreaded water-boarding is nothing at all. Fox News has revealed a how to al Qaeda field manual for torture. They use blow torches, meat cleavers, electric drills, irons, and other devices to force people to talk or simply to harm them. If you are squeamish, beware. What they talk about is REALLY rough stuff. We MUST defeat this enemy at almost any cost other than becoming as bad as our enemy. And even that might be passable as long as we can pull away from it later and say, "Not today." We'll have to be able to say that over and over again day in and day out after this is over. If we cannot do that for one reason or another we have lost. I say this is a place we should not go before going to something not quite as dreadful, nukes. FN: ‘How-to’ Manual Found in Al Qaeda Safe House Shows Disturbing Torture Methods ### This one is so bad I can't look at it myself. It is REALLY bad. It is illustrations from the manual and some pictures of victims. The Smoking Gun: Torture, Al-Qaeda Style ### Hugh Hewitt has his weekly column up - badly typed. (There are many missing spaces in the text.) The main and biggest objection to the new amnesty er immigration bill is that it does not begin to dream even a smidgin of a bit about security let alone do anything to improve our national security. Instead it enshrines every error ever made on any border crossing or port of entry to the US. It enshrines every illegal border crossing ever made. 5700 were captured crossing the border leading to an estimate by normal estimation methods that about 20,000 to 40,000 made it through undetected. So far about one or two dozen of them have proven to be terrorists. That suggests maybe ten or twenty dozen really are potential active terrorists. 12 out of 6,000 would be 1 out of every 500 is a low end figure for the number of terrorists caught. That suggests around 2000 potential active terrorists would be enshrined in this nation able to move around unimpeded with employment and everything else as cover. Is that a good idea? This time it's really not for oil, it's for national security that our people in the legislature MUST stop this bill cold in its tracks. HH: What Will The Jihadists Do? Apply For Their 601(h) Probationary Status, Of Course ### Ibrahim Cooper eats - - - well - - - what are prairie muffins made of? Hopper is the top dog CAIR spokesman. He is here being interviewed by Tucker Carlson about the Pew Research survey of US Mohammedans. Watch the Hoop dodge, weave, dance, and broken field run from Carlson's questions. It is verbal poetry in motion. It also makes Hooper's denials seem rather hollow and false, too. LGF: CAIR on Pew Poll: Support for Al Qaeda Nothing to Worry About ### Associated Press is writing a puff piece about a terrorist who was tried and sentenced to death in absentia in Jordan, not some biased place like Israel or the US. Yet the AP still denies he is a terrorist. Instead he is a dedicated man with a cause. Read about it and tell me that AP is not biased and a tool of the Mohammedans; but only if you think you can prove your point rather solidly. I don't have the time to fisk an amateur attempt. LGF: AP's Glowing Portrait of a Terrorist ### North Carolina took a big step towards dhimmitude Thursday. They are allowing people to swear on the Qur'an rather than self-affirmation or on the Bible. Robert Spencer takes issue with this proving it is a meaningless oath due to taqiyya and kitman. The former is formally permitted or even required lying to infidels if it advances Mohammedanism. The latter is the process of lying by withholding the greater part of the truth. Actually no oath from a Jihadi means anything. But the danger is that some Christian jurors might not realize this and think the oath means something real. DW: North Carolina: Qur'an can be used in courtrooms ### Meanwhile our government in DC is so preoccupied with Iraq that it is actually aiding the Jihadis in Bosnia! It's another fine piece of the Clinton legacy, of course. DW> U.S. Selling Out Bosnian Christians to Muslims, Serb Leader Says ### Dr. Zubdi Jasser is an MD and a Mohammedan who feels his religion has been hijacked. He is one of the interviewees in the suppressed CPB financed documentary, "Islam vs Islamists". (Incidentally Oregon PBS has arranged to distribute the film to the nation's PBS stations. So it may actually appear somewhere near you, sometime in the future.) HA: Vent: Erick interviews Dr. Zuhdi Jasser ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070525 Militant Mohammedanism isn't the only threat the West faces. Another pair of "threats" come from the far East, China and India. Both are getting their acts together and are trying to move into the 21st century. The sheer mass of their populations will make that difficult. As far as I can see the Indian situation is controlled chaos. The Chinese situation is to a degree an enigma. I make the presumption that the Chinese leadership is canny enough and driven by the overall Chinese heritage to learn from the history of the West. The Soviet Union and Generalissimo Franco come to mind. The Soviet Union example shows that a Communism cannot compete at all effectively with a capitalism. There's nothing like "income" as a motivator for workers and for management alike. The Generalissimo Franco example is a little more obscure, I suspect. The aspect of his example I find most interesting is that he was a ruthless dictator who grabbed his nation by the ears and dragged it into the modern European economy of ideas and finance. He literally prepared Spain to be a democracy effective on his death. And he put into place mechanisms to effect the change. With those two examples a lot of China's internal machinations start to make sense. Add in a dollop of "there's a lot of here, here" and you can see that they have a nation sized laboratory. They have broken it into semi-autonomous regions (divisions in a large corporation) and given each one a basic set of marching orders and limits with "anything goes within those limits." This idea came from Loren's recent visit to Guangzhou. If a person in Guangzhou is on the street that person has business there, go places or clean it. He never saw a "bum". And the atmosphere there reminded him of the US in the 50's. "Can do" was every where. "Can make" also was everywhere. It was all relatively new, modern, clean, and virtually every space was "working" in some way or another even if it was open space to prevent the closed in oppressed feelings that lead to worker discontent. Other parts of China seem to have different marching orders. And it appears the authorities at the top keep hands off until violations get to hard to ignore. They then stomp in and make replacements and adjustments. It is still a rather restricted environment. It's as if the leaders at the top are looking for the best ways to push China into a place in a mostly capitalistic world with all the dynamism that entails at the same time they are trying to instill self-discipline on the people it is pushing into being able to handle making their own decisions and judgments after decades of autocracy from the top. It seems to be working. And, yes, I do realize I may be utterly nuts in this analysis. It just happened to fall together from Loren's recounting his trip, what I read in the news, some radio advertisements for investment in China (government PR), and some fun exchanges with a Chinese correspondent in Guangzhou. His view and Loren's view each fill in pieces of a nice picture. Anyway, China is not shirking its responsibility to its people to have as much of a military as we have. Well, make that three times as much as we have since there are about three times as many of them as of us give or take carload lots. Someday they are going to eclipse us, and probably own us through our currency debts to them. As we decline, following Europe into the sunset (or Mohammedan domination) they are ascending to world leadership status. If the worst case scenario happens to the US they must be in position to preserve the concept of civilization from the Jihadi Mohammedans. Our military is virtually panicking about China's advances, satellite killer missile, and so forth. But China would be failing its people if they did not develop them. Someday "Let the US defend the world" is simply not going to work. Furthermore they have two nuclear maniacs on their borders, Pakistan and Korea. They also have a third nuclear power on their borders, India. And Pakistan hates India. Of course, India is not so fond of Pakistan, either. So they have a volatile situation. What idiot in our government had the lack of ability to rub two brain cells together and figure out that what the DoD (or at least news reportage of the DoD) is all breathless about was utterly predictable and inevitable? I suspect the Chinese approach to taking us over is purely economic. When they own us they point to the deed and take over. If they are VERY smart they will preserve us as a wild human preserve providing lots of fun entertainment and gadgets that the Chinese don't seem to dream up for themselves quite as well as we do. Once we develop the idea they can take it and run. After all. At any given IQ level they have three times as many people as we have. And they start off with a modest IQ advantage to begin with. (And THAT is the real reason IQ is being suppressed as a measurement concept in the US today. The liberals can't stand being dumber than others. You can see it in their intellectual snobbery.) Our key over here is "clever ideas", "new ideas", and thinking outside of the box that was outside the box we started in. In my idle moments I imagine such a world as would contain the US preserved pretty much as a source of ideas in pretty much its state a decade or so ago with China providing the dynamo that takes our ideas and builds them as it becomes more free and flexible. Anyway, here is a pointer to the Fox News breathlessness. FN: Pentagon Report Says China's January Missile Test on Satellite, Other Actions Cause for Concern ### Michael Yon has a nice message from Iraq for Memorial day. He wants to remind people that soldiers do get shot. They do kill. But in Iraq they are creating something special even as some imams try to twist it in strange ways. Mosul is still not a "safe" city. It is far safer than it has been since the real early days of the so called insurgent actions. He also cites the city of Hit, 100 days ago a battle ground. Today it is peaceful, people are painting over the bullet pocked walls, opening shops, and volunteering for the police force. The city is starting to return to something akin to normal with people getting along at getting along. So while we have lost men there and we made some wrong decisions, we're Americans and somehow do muddle through. If at first you don't succeed, our successful people try again a different way. (Our Congress tries to just shovel more of the same old nonsense on problems to try to solve them, making it worse, of course.) MY: A Memorial Day Message ### Hugh Hewitt is asking for input from counterterrorism professionals. His problem is that he cannot see how giving a provisional visa starting immediately upon passage of the McCain/Kennedy immigration proposal is going to be a good thing for the country from a counterterrorism perspective. Contact information is on his web site in this article. Chertoff thinks it is a good idea. Hugh doesn't. So Hugh is asking for professional opinions, particularly if he can quote them with attribution. HH: Calling All Counterterrorism Professionals: A Crucial Question For You ### So yesterday there was the release of that al Qaeda torture manual that was captured in April when a terrorist house was seized and a victim of their torture was rescued. Fox News remains the only outlet that released any details of the story. CNN mentioned that it existed. NO OTHER MSM OUTLET SAID BOO about it. It does not match their narrative that these are good old Iraqi boys trying to recapture their country from the American torturers. We have a case of pure raw Jihadi Mohammedan evil and the MSM is afraid to cover it. Is THIS how we WIN against terrorism? Is our news media our friend or our dedicated enemy if it sells more news advertising hits? LGF: Media Totally Ignore Al Qaeda Torture Manual ### Steve Emerson scores a direct hit on MPAC, Muslim Public Affairs Council, veiled spokescreature Edina Lekovic. She claims the MPAC is in there pitching and leading the fight against Jihadi terrorism. Emerson provides three quotes, two from some years ago by MPAC and one my the UCLA newspaper Al-Talib with Lekovic as one of the two managing editors, “When we hear someone refer to the great Mujahid (someone who struggles in Allah’s cause) Osama bin Laden as a ‘terrorist,’ we should defend our brother and refer to him as a freedom fighter, someone who has forsaken wealth and power to fight in Allah’s cause and speak out against oppressors. We take these stances only to please Allah.” Do watch the video. The deer in the headlights look she achieves is wonderful beyond belief. This was on ABC with the Jihadi's precious lefties watching in abundance. She was caught in taqiyya. Her heart was pure so her tongue could lie. LGF: Video: Emerson Confronts MPAC Spokeswoman ### The US missed a golden opportunity to call some Mohammedan radical bluff. They've been whining that they need more security. So our damn fool Chertoff or his department at least, issued then grants to beef up their security. He SHOULD have offered guards of OUR choosing who would also monitor the sermons as their real job. Isn't ANYBODY in our government in any position of effective power actively looking out after OUR interests rather than their own really short term interests? LGF: Homeland Security Now in Business of Protecting Mosques ### The way I can tell that the surge is working is rather simple. It is one of the techniques I learned to discover some of the fun hyper secret work being done around me. Trick 1 is, "What are they suddenly not talking about?" Trick 2 is, "Who is complaining?" Trick 2 is best used in a larger setting than within a department, of course. On the International scale when something starts working those with something to lose start squealing like shot hogzillas. (Georgia grows BIG pigs! Google hogzillaII if you are that far out of the loop.) Well, Iran has been squealing like a stuck pig with lots of threats. Now Saudi Arabia, with designs on the Sunni portion of Iraq, is also in there raising the deci-Bels of the "America must surrender" chants. I take it that Patraeus has something to be really proud of going on there. LGF: Our Friends the Saudis Support the Dems ### Remember the numbers in the Pew poll of Mohammedans report? Here is an example of the numbers. JW: Texas jihad suspect convicted on weapons charge ### So far nobody (but Robert Spencer) has "gone there." A radical UK lay imam was recycled er deported back to Jamaica. Note especially the last sentence that Spencer quotes. It has incredibly diverse implications if you contemplate it a few minutes. JW: "He argued his talks came from the Koran and if he was on trial so was the holy text" ### The idiot darling of the right, Dinesh D'Sousa comes up with this gem, "Can you name two previous wars that have been fought between the Shia and the Sunni?" Spencer raises his hand and begs to be picked to answer. Spencer rattles off 10 such wars one of which started just recently in Yemen and another of which was during D'Sousa's life so far. The first fight was the massacre that marked the split of Sunni and Shia in 680. In round numbers that is 1300 years instead of 1400 Spencer claims in his introductory sentence. So I have to subtract a couple points from a perfect score here. Robert did mention that there are plenty more wars in those years to add to the total. But he didn't name them all. I do award back the couple points for an expert "pound the point home with far more cites than were officially needed." He gets a perfect score. {^_-} The answers are rather interesting. This has been a LONG on going war. And it points out why I figure that if Mohammedans win and establish a Mohammedan Earth that the fighting still will not end until no two male Mohammedans can get within "commuting distance" of each other. The human species will die out with a whimper. And God will cry. JW: "Can you name two previous wars that have been fought between the Shia and the Sunni?" ### This one's all over the blogs. I like Spencer's highlighting. Tawfiq Hamid speaks up in the WSJ about how Mohammedans could end "islamophobia" once and for all. It's rough medicine for them, though. JW: How to end "Islamophobia" ### Investors Business Daily points out some side results of the Pew Research Center's recent work. They could only find about 2.5 million Mohammedans in the US not the 6 to 7 million CAIR claims from a study they commissioned. They point out that the respected scholar CAIR commissioned for their study was neither a demographer, respected (in that field), nor at all independent (as a board member for CAIR.) Furthermore the CAIR board member non-demographer declares he made a "guesstimation." But the 6 million to 7 million number is the one our precious credulous media always quotes. What happened to fact checking? Either number shows we are hurting if 5% support al Qaeda. That's a LOT of potential suicide bombers, bomb plotters, plane suicide pilots, gasoline tanker terrorists, and whatnot, isn't it? IBD: CAIR's Fuzzy Math ### Diana West sums up the real meaning of the numbers from the Pew poll regardless of the happy face spin from most of the MSM. Somehow 183,000 (or even some 70000 or so if you use the Pew poll population figures) that people in this country who approve of suicide bombings is something to be quite concerned about. Does this mark the start of real violence inside the US? If so, what is our appropriate response? WT: Media bombs ### Over on Islam Watch Showan Khurshid has a rather sarcastic long essay on "Islam, the Exceptional Ideology." He notes many items of logical utter silliness in the Qur'an such as why should a merciful Allah exhort its followers to kill unbelievers? If it needs doing Allah could surely do it for itself more efficiently. This needs to receive WIDE distribution in the US and Europe as these are the kinds of questions Mohammedans try not to think about because they really do undermine Mohammedanism. IW: Islam, the Exceptional Ideology ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070526 "This ring is Allah. If you don't let me cut your hair, I will punch you with this ring" is the Newsday quote from an altercation between a Mohammedan youth and a younger Sikh youth. Sikhs consider their hair is a gift from God and should never be cut. If you go to the Newsday original you'll note that they tell you the victim's religion but not the accused. Although that quote is a VERY broad hint that the Pakistani (another very broad hint) youth was Mohammedan. Look forward to more of this as we continue to appease the Mohammedans who break laws. JW: "This ring is Allah. If you don't let me cut your hair, I will punch you with this ring" ### Iran is experiencing a high rate of inflation. Officially it is 15% but observers figure it's higher. The official state bank lending rate was 14%. The private banks were up around 17% to 28%. Ahmadinejad does not seem to like the private banks. He just lowered the official state interest rate to 12% rather astounding and confounding financial people everywhere. It has caused a huge sell-off on the Iranian stock exchange. Bank stocks are falling through the floor. JW: Iran interest rate cut sparks panic selling ### The New York Times had a fit of honesty and "interviewed more than 40 Iraqi politicians and citizens and consulted recent surveys of public opinion in Iraq." The basic conclusion is that the Iraqis and their leaders both expect that a US pull out would lead to utter chaos in the nation. The Democrats in this country expect that would settle out rather quickly. If so then it'll settle out to Al Qaeda in the Sunni areas and Iran in the Shi'ite areas, and lots of terror spawn living in both to be exported to the rest of the world on oil money. (Also look for the price of oil to get up high enough to break the US economy.) Murtha in particular takes the no chaos just a short term transient of violence stance. And he is a leader in the legislative branch. NYT survey: Most Iraqis, military leaders predict chaos if U.S. pulls out ### Chapter four of Anwar Sheikh's examination such purpose Prophethood may have in Mohammedanism. In this chapter among the things he traces is the humble beginnings in Mecca where Allah chastised Mohammed much as any man to the astounding verse 33:56 in which Allah praises Mohammed, the roles are reversed. "Lo! Allah and His angels shower praises on the Prophet (Muhammad). O ye who believe also shower praises on him and salute him with a worthy salutation." (The Confederates, XXXIII: 56) As Anwar remarks, This is absolutely incredible! In all other religions, it is man who worships God but in Islam, it is God who worships man (Muhammad). Yet the Muslims call themselves monotheists! They are surely the worst idolaters on earth. This is the way to discredit the Qur'an. IW: Islam: The Arab Imperialism - The Purpose of Prophethood ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070527 A couple days ago Hugh Hewitt asked for some comments on the compromise immigration bill. Hewitt does not think much of it. I don't. Nor do those who have written replies. The first link is one I saved up from yesterday. The second is today's posting. As Hewitt remarks do read the latest from Todd Bensman. Hewitt has a BIG link sentence to Bensman's latest. It covers the plight and US handling of the Iraqi Chaldean Christians, remnant Catholics that amounted to 4% of the Iraqi public. The radicals are proceeding to kick them out on threat of death. This is an element of evil in Iraq that I am not sure how we can cope. Saddam tolerated them. The Mohammedans seem to be kicking them out. At that point one must ask, are there any innocent Iraqis left? Surely there are. But how do we find them? And if there weren't, what is our next step? One next step might be to propose to the UN that oil resources are so critical to all mankind that they are appropriated to the UN for the mutual benefit of all mankind. But I am sure the average reader here can see the MASSIVE problems that provides. Another next step is the US becomes an honest to God imperialist nation and simply takes over governance of the world with criteria for keeping the US nose out of "your nation". Fail the criteria and we "do something about it". How we do something about it is unspecified but guaranteed to be most unpleasant to the national leaders that prompted our action. I don't like either idea. But I hope they start some thinking. Those of you who read the first link soon after it went up should probably take a look at it again. There are updates that are quite interesting. HH: Calling All Counterterrorism Professionals: A Crucial Question For You HH: Calling All Counterterrorism Professionals, Part 2 ### The original Palestinian terrorist (sympathizer/recruiter) who posted the utterly hateful and hate-filled video from yesterday has disabled embedding it into other web pages and has deleted all comments to it after a spate of comments about how evil it was. Charles made a copy and posted it himself. The link is in Charles's posting about it below. LGF: YouTube Lets the Jihadis Delete Comments? ### The Muslim Brotherhood is the incredibly vile organization that started all this radical mess in the 1920's. So of course the Democrats must consult with them and converse with them, in Egypt - against the wishes of the Egyptian government. David Price (D-NC), Gwen Moore (D-WI), Jeff Fortenberry (R - NE) and Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV). What in (censored) is the Republican doing there? It looks like all good sense in this country has fled. And the efforts or our soldiers is all in vain, thanks to liberals. Scroom! LGF: Democrats Meeting with Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt ### This is your Homeland (In)Security at work. A dry run for a terrorist attack appears to have happened on Northwest Airlines Flight 327 from Detroit to Los Angeles on June 29, 2004. It was not entered into the DHS database until four, that's 4, days later. And that was only in response to an inquiry from the White House Homeland Security Council. Chertoff is NOT competent to hold his position. He utterly lacks any ability to keep the United States secure. In point of fact he seems to be actively working to make the US less secure, which is beyond mere incompetence. LGF: New Details on Northwest Airlines Terrorist Dry Run ### Furthermore the musician on the controversial flight 327 was involved in a similar incident on a prior flight. Spencer highlights the pertinent portion that you might have missed at the bottom of the LGF reference. It is at the bottom of the quote. JW: Musician on controversial Flight 327 involved in similar incident on earlier flight ### In the interest of fairness here, I've complained about Clinton picking the wrong side in Serbia. Shrub has continued this by ignoring the good Christians in Serbia who are watching the Mohammedans who have co-opted Kosovo destroy centuries old cultural landmarks that happen to be Christian institutions. At the very least Shrub should pull all US support for any activity that supports the Mohammedans in Kosovo rather than perpetuate the outrage. Hugh Fitzgerald writes about it below. DW: Fitzgerald: Selling out the Serbs ### Marisol notes how forward looking our moderate Kuwaitis can be. Un, I think they have made it to the 17th century MAYBE.... DW: Female Kuwaiti education minister sworn in without wearing veil, some parliamentarians fuming ### Robert Spencer opens a new feature at HotAir, "Blogging the Qur'an." He plans to read the Qur'an over several months with commentary to other aspects of Mohammedan scriptures. This Sunday's post explains what he intends to do over the next few months. It should be interesting. HA: Blogging the Qur’an ### Even liberals are against the proposed immigration bill. Bill Kristol comes out against it - for the same reason the rest of us are against it. HA: Video: Bill Kristol opposes the immigration compromise ### Denis Schulz takes on the manner in which US Universities are coddling, bowing, and scraping to Mohammedans and filling their students with the multi-cultural twaddle that an imam calling women who are not swaddled down in hijab and burqa are "uncovered meat." It's a fun read as well as being somewhat bitter. Just what ARE we pouring into the heads of our students? IW: Mollycoddling Islam and Dawah in Buena Vista University ### In closing for the day I note that Ali Sina has a very good point in the essay below. It is one we should all bookmark and reread periodically. It is intolerance we should be fighting, not faith. IW: Fight Intolerance, Not Faith ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070528 Part three of Hugh's Counterterrorism Professionals discussion is up. This one has comments by a former NNSA, National Nuclear Security Administration, employee. He describes the clearance process. Aside from the name of the agency issuing the clearance his experience echoes mine for my years with a security clearance. 6 months to a year after applying you were granted or denied a clearance after an investigation request was issued. Compare that to the 24 hours background checks that the stupid Bush/McCain/Kennedy terrorism facilitation act requires as the maximum delay. HH: Calling All Counterterrorism Professionals, Part 3 ### Ayaan Hirsi Ali is raising the hackles of Mohammedans in Australia, it seems. They are issuing veiled threats of bloody mayhem. This should be interesting. LGF: Ayaan Hirsi Ali Visits Oz, Muslims Seethe ### Spain has something on the ball. They managed to crack a Mohammedan Jihadi recruitment ring. They caught 15 in that round up. LGF: Got 15 in Spain ### On the Homeland Security front here is an OIG report on the handling of the flight 327 dry run. Michelle comments liberally and to the point. MM: Document drop: OIG report on the handling of Flight 327 ### If this checks out the link between Al Qaeda and Saddam is nailed down. PJM: The Missing Link? ### And I'd like to close with a heartfelt and honest thank you to all the men and women in our armed forces and especially those who have given their all in the defense of our freedoms. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070529 Syria basically admits its culpability for the Hariri assassination in a note to the UN that it will increase its terrorism in Lebanon if the UN continues to pursue the international tribunal under Chapter 7 of the UN charter. That is not the action of an innocent party. But then, has Syria ever been an "innocent" party to anything? MEMRI Blog: Lebanese Daily: Syria Will See Approval Of International Tribunal As Attack Against It ### The Islamic Society of Boston has been filing harassment lawsuits against every critic of its planned mega-mosque project. These lawsuits were designed to shut up the critics. They claimed "defamation". It would appear that the truth is still a defense against accusations of defamation. But now, how about they be forced to pay all court and lawyer costs plus damages to the defendants reputation and such. It's time to slapp them back, hard. But at least the defendants won. The ISB has withdrawn all 17 lawsuits. Discovery was getting too close to discovering real juicy bits of information ISB would rather not have revealed. The article towards which Charles points is long and highly informative about the cases. The ISB's decision to drop all of its claims against all of the 17 defendants it sued back in 2005 alleging "defamation" and accusing them of conspiring to violate its civil rights comes just months after the defendants -- who included a Muslim cleric, a Christian political science professor and the Jewish daughter of Holocaust survivors, as well as Boston civic leader William Sapers and national terrorism expert Steven Emerson -- had begun through their lawyers to conduct discovery into the ISB's financial records, its receipt of millions of dollars in funding from Saudi Arabian and other Middle Eastern sources, its contributions to certain organizations and the records of certain of its officers and directors. The ISB's abandonment of its lawsuits comes only weeks after two of its original Middle Eastern Trustees, Walid Fitaihi of Saudi Arabia and Ali Tobah of Egypt, suddenly resigned as Trustees just before they were required to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts court hearing the case. There were also some questionable land sale deals involved as the second older link shows. This should he all brought out in court as should happen with counter defamation suits filed by the former defendants, if they do it and can afford it. LGF: Breaking: Islamic Society of Boston Drops Lawsuits LGF: Jacoby: Boston Mosque's Saudi Connection ### It is pretty clear that madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided that the democrats will win the next election and give the world away to the Iranian and al Qaeda radicals. I hope he is wrong. LGF: Video: 'America Is Like a Battery Running Out. They Are Done For.' ### We have this item from the normalizing relations Iranian style handbook, part 1. First we jail all the undesirables, including some representatives of our friends who are busy weakening our enemies. One of George Soros's "scholars" and a UCI agitator are among those rounded up and imprisoned just prior to the talks between the US and Iran. Iran is not at all interested in peace talks. It's interested in spreading its virulent brand of Shi'ite Mohammedanism across the world at ANY expense. LGF: Iran Detains UC Irvine 'Peace Activist' ### Taqiyya is the Mohammedan mode of lying to infidels while keeping their hearts pure, as long as it is to advance Mohammedanism. A common form of Taqiyya is the often claimed question Did you know Jihad does NOT mean 'Holy War'?" and companion statement that is usually attributed to the Bukari Hadiths, "The most excellent jihad is that for the conquest of oneself." Unfortunately an exhaustive search of Bukari's Hadiths fail to locate this one. And nobody ever cites the Hadith number. JW: What Muhammad said? ### Anybody with doubts that we are fighting a GLOBAL war on terrorism should ask why al Qaeda is financing Jihad operations in Mauritania. Any suggestions other than global jihad? And note the sourcing for the financing. JW: Jihadists on trial in Mauritania ### Then we have Jihadis in Ethiopia, too. JW: Grenade attack on Ethiopian crowd kills at least six ### And the Pakistani government is getting overwhelmed by terrorists. And Pakistan has nukes. Say "Good Bye World" if the Jihadis take over Pakistan. At that point Global Thermonuclear War becomes more likely than it ever was with the former Soviet Union around. Then Adrian Morgan goes into great detail on the whole deteriorating situation in Pakistan. JW: Pakistani authorities powerless to apprehend jihad terrorist IW: Pakistan: An Ally's Crisis Deepens, Part 1 ### The restrictive Mohammedan dress code is so important in Iran that the Iranians have arrested nearly 15,000 people on morals charges, chiefly the dress code violations, and that chiefly women. DW: Iran: 14,635 arrested in morals campaign ### Meanwhile Saudi Arabia, even MORE restrictive than Iran, declares something like "Human rights? We don't need no steenkin' help with Human Rights. We know our rights." Like {censored} they do! Certainly not by OUR standards. They don't come within a country lightyear of our standards. DW: Human Rights Violations? We'll Handle it ### Six months ago Anbar was declared lost in a not-so-secret Marine intelligence report leaked to the Washington Post last summer. Today Anbar is rapidly pulling itself together. JD Johannes declares, "Six months later most of Anbar has moved the opposite direction and is being won politically and on the ground." Read his lengthy "OUTSIDE the WIRE" (tm) report. OTW: Kharmah Awakens ### I'm gonna be nasty and make you click through on this one to avoid telegraphing anything. Bryan does that on the Hot Air page with the link to the remarks of a PhD in philosophy serving in Iraq as sergeant with the 3rd Infantry Division. Gee, our soldiers are dumb dead end kids, says Kerry, Murtha, et al. If a PhD in philosophy is a dead end kid then what are Kerry and Murtha? Hm? HA: Is Iraq in a civil war? ### Dessert - video behind Ray Charles singing "America the Beautiful." PJM: America the Beautiful ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070530 "We'd better give the Mohammedans their way. Otherwise they will kill us when we are non-compliant with their demands." Is this the message we get from the religions involved in this tantrum killing in Anaheim. The victims are Hindu. The culprit is a Mohammedan piqued that another daughter of the man and his daughter that were murdered had broken off an engagement over religions reasons. You don't DO that to a Mohammedan. They don't like it. They feel persecuted. That allows them to do anything. Besides, blood price for a mere Hindu is almost nothing. The perp was on his way "out", perhaps out of the country when he was apprehended at Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport. I wonder where his ticket would have taken him. That'd let me know if I am too far over the top here or not. Fox News: Authorities Believe Religious Differences Played Role in Slaying of California Father, Daughter ### And Michelle answers the big question, Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a VERY Mohammedan and rather primitive state that experiences routine honor killings condoned by Sharia law. Yeah, this was a young Mohammedan Male proto-Jihadi temper tantrum my a man never taught to control his emotions and behavior to Western standards. MM: The Dhanak murders ### I have two extraordinarily long reads for you folks today. The first is the shorter of the two, a discussion of Ahmadinejad's Mahdism. That is his strong belief in the return of al Mahdi, the 12 imam who is in occultation at this time according to Shi'ite tradition. That means he disappeared rather than died and was buried. He is supposed to come back at some time nobody knows when and lead the world to Shi'ite Mohammedanism. Ahmadinejad very firmly believes in Mahdism and happens to believe he has word from Allah of when al Mahdi will return, very soon now. The link below is a MEMRI analysis of Ahmadinejad and his Mahdism. It's illuminating. The left accuses Bush of being an end times Christian. They should take a closer look at the Ahmadinejad they wish the US to negotiate with. The man is a raving lunatic maniac. And he has powerful clerical backing. MEMRI: The Doctrine of Mahdism In the Ideological and Political Philosophy of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Mesbah-e Yazdi (pdf) ### The second one is from a pointer on Michael J. Totten's site. It is a very long essay, almost a book, about Tariq Ramadan by Paul Berman. Ramadan is the direct descendant of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is VERY easy to get excited over and then discover that he's really an extreme radical rather than the progressive secular Mohammedan he sometimes seems to be. Paul Berman explains this. He also explains how Sayyid Qtub fits into the picture of the growth if Salafist (ultra-orthodox) Mohammedanism and the growth of the suicide cult aspect of extreme Mohammedanism. The Saudi Wahabbi sect is an outgrowth from the Muslim Brotherhood. So this paper is also a good description of how the world ended up as it is today with respect to radical Sunni Mohammedanism. The Sunni Mohammedans begat the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood begat Wahabbism. And Wahabbism begat al Qaeda. The two papers, this one and the Ahminejad paper help explain how the world arrived where it is today. It also makes it pretty clear that there are two things they hate about the US. First we are not Mohammedan. And worse than that is that we are in a position of practical power far greater than any Mohammedans. That makes us oppressors even as we try to help them yank themselves into a real 21st century life style. THe New Republic: The Islamist, the Journalist, and the Defense of Liberalism. ### ( US Navy + Gulf of Hormuz + Iran negotiations ) * end of 60 day UN deadline = LOTS of pressure with a clear indication that Iran will face US guns for real if it does not end its nuclear program very soon now. That video shows a serious amount of firepower aimed at Iran. LGF: Dollard: What No One's Telling You About the US-Iran Talks ### Interview with Annie Jackson who reported the possible dry run on flight 327 is interviewed on Fox News. And Charles adds a report of a Saudi "student" who entered the country with false documents at an east coast airport. "Borders? BORDERS? We don't need no steenkin borders!" That seems to be our governments attitude. I wish Bush would get his mind out of Iraq and let the soldiers do their thing without micromanagement for political reasons. And then maybe me might have time to address the REAL border control issues we have. LGF: Jacobsen on the Missing Saudi 'Student' You Haven't Heard About ### Steve Emerson is perhaps the first American to publicly recognize the danger to the US from the radical Mohammedans. He remains a foremost expert regarding Mohammedan Jihadi terrorism and its proponents. He has just slam dunked Edina Lekovic into the creditability outhouse holding tank. In an interview a week or so ago (video at the link) he quizzes Lekovic on some Muslim Public Affairs Council radical statements and a statement in Al-Talib, the UCLA Mohammedan newspaper, that was published with her listed as a managing editor. She has tried to defend herself on the web with a string of lies that Emerson then explodes in her face. He has copies of the paper available and shows her strong association with the paper and strongly jihadi writings in that paper for several years. So much for truth at MPAC, eh? She is their spokescritter. LGF: Steven Emerson Exposes MPAC Spokeswoman's Lies (Again) ### So now photography is coming under attack in the extremely Mohammedan nation of Bangladesh. Photography, ya see, is against the Qur'an's rules about images if living things. It's just horrible this photography thing. So as usual - we have death threats. DW: Photography students in Bangladesh receive death threats for violating Islamic law ### A Mohammedan in Norway is trying to get away with murder. He murdered his wife. But that's OK, he says, because it was an honor killing. I wonder if Norway will cave in and allow this Sharia law provision to trump their own laws or not. One can hope for sanity on their part. But I bet the guy gets off. DW: Norway: Iranian killed wife, but pleads 'not guilty' ### One of the provisions of Mohammedan law is that you cannot change your religion once you are a Mohammedan. There is no way. And they force that on all Mohammedans. Hugh Fitzgerald discusses this odious provision. Freedom of thought and religion is something the radicals hate. And the radicals seem to be taking over almost everywhere. DW: Fitzgerald: This is Islam. You can't get out. ### Robert Spencer quotes Greg Sheridan in "The Australian": SIX years after the 9/11 terror attacks that destroyed the World Trade Centre in New York and killed almost 3000 people, a majority of American Muslims do not believe the attacks were carried out by Arabs. And more than one-quarter of young US Muslims believe suicide bombings can be justified in some circumstances. These shocking and tragic findings, which come from the Pew Research Centre, tell us much about why the war against Islamist terror is going to last for generations. The West is losing the information and propaganda war against Islamist extremism. It is not losing because it is being insufficiently kind to Muslims at home or in the Middle East. JW: "The reason we are losing the battle of information and ideas is because the coherent religious and ideological position that al-Qa'ida represents has an extraordinary degree of support within the Muslim world" ### Michelle cites a case in point for Hugh's comments about leaving Mohammedanism. Lina Joy, a Malaysian woman who has renounced Mohammedanism and adopted Christianity. The supreme court of the land has ruled that she cannot change her religion. Where is freedom? Mohammedans, of course, cheered the decision. (They'd threatened to riot, burn, pillage, murder, and rape if the courts allowed her to change.) MM: The persecution of Lina Joy, continued ### Meanwhile in Pakistan an anti-apostasy bill has appeared before the National Assembly. Under the bill's provisions Apostasy would be formally punishable by death. The Christian Examiner: Apostasy bill would require death for leaving Islam ### What good is a no-fly list... ...if a banned passenger can still get on a plane? Michelle Malkin asks that question with regards to the Atlanta man with a very resistant strain of Tuberculosis who, against doctors "strong suggestions" boarded a plane to Europe. Was caught up with in Europe and ordered NOT to fly home. And instead flew to Canada and drove across the border even though his name was on the no-admittance list. So much for security, eh? MM: What good is a no-fly list... ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070531 Michael Yon describes current action in Hit (pronounced Heat), one of Iraq's more violent areas. Well, it was violent until recently. Colonel Crissman shows how it's done. Whether Shrub intended it or not (papers already written but secret now may reveal the answer in ten or twenty years) he may have done the right thing. Whether or not Bush intended it his apparent ineptness in Iraq may have worked to our advantage the same as the LBJ and Democratic Party ineptness and indeed treachery in Vietnam can be traced to the fall of the Soviet Union. We were present in Hit. Some of our actions caused the citizens to more or less want us out. We left. Al Qaeda in Iraq moved in. After a period of AQI corruption and violence Hit has welcomed back the soldiers following General Patraeus's plan of local involvement. The sequence of actions of taking Iraqis from rule by thug to rule by law back to rule by thug and now rule by law may be precisely what is needed to show the contrasts and show the tribal leaders the very real benefits of rule by law. The plan is working marvelously. We're a Hit in Hit. (Sorry - puns are hard to pass up.) And Col. Crissman may be in trouble with his bosses. He saw an action that was clearly needed, took advantage of materials at hand, and defused a very nasty situation by pushing forward a plan to arrest a corrupt "General" in the Iraqi police. Michael Yon has the story. It's news the MSM never prints. Yet it has exciting but quiet action, success, and shows how it should be done. MY: The Final Option ### The AP based report from Baghdad is flying pig worthy at LGF - on two counts. The US being called in to help and second that AP got it wrong and in an anti-Mohammedan manner. It turns out this is a fight between two extremist Sunni Jihadi groups, Al Qaeda and the more home grown Islamic army and 'Jaish al-Mujahideen' (The brigades of the 1920 revolution in another account). The latter are know to be largely military and intelligence officers of the former regime as well as members of the Baath Party. LGF: AP Flying Pig Watch ### The pointer to the above was sent to me ahead of my normal news run. This item greeted me tonight as the first item on Fox News. Yup, we are doing the right thing now. And by accident the earlier snafus and partial withdrawls may have set the stage beautifully for what is now happening. We are seeing Iraqis civilians and tribal leaders call our military, that is basically honorable despite some lapses that do not go unpunished, to quell problems with other Mohammedams. In this case residents of a rough Sunni Baghdad area called in our troops to quell the Sunni based Al Qaeda in Iraq forces. Way to go GIs! Fox News: Baghdad Residents Call for U.S. Help to Battle Al Qaeda ### Wajeha Al-Huwaidar has some interesting words to describe a woman's life in Saudi Arabia, always as literally a possession of a man and entrained within five levels of trap from which meaningful escape is quite impossible. At the end she has some "fightin' words" (to an American at least) to say about Saudi Arabian men. MEMRI: Saudi Women's Rights Activist Wajeha Al-Huwaidar: For Saudi Women, Every Day Is a Battle ### I am rapidly becoming a member of the Hugh Hewitt fan club. The man can think and can perform very basic simple arithmetic correctly. He even asks the right questions before he applies the arithmetic. The immigration bill is about as dead as it can be at this point. And it is taking down the Republican party with it. The salvation for the party will be in amendments to the bill that require closing the borders, real enforcement rather than yo-yo enforcement, and THEN the rest of the bill little modified from what it is now except that nothing takes place until enforcement is in place. If only it were possible to put in the bill a sense of the Legislature statement that if construction and enforcement lag and voters get at all restive the President is up for impeachment. The Democrats like time tables. How about a time table for completion of the ENTIRE Southern border security network and a material start on security for the Northern border? Miss the time table and face impeachment.< p/> HH: Can Any Immigration Bill Be Saved? ### On Hugh's site Dean Barret also makes a trenchant observation about the Romney campaign. It reminded me of the first election I clearly remember adults talking about it around me. In 1952 Adlai Stevenson, a brilliant but far enough off to the left my parent's didn't think much of him, lost to Dwight Eisenhower. The Republicans ridiculed him for being an egghead. Mitt, too, might suffer the same fate in a Democratic party turn around. On another level the Democrats, particularly the far left, preen about their obviously higher intelligence. So when a hyper intelligent Republican comes up against them they feel an instinctive hatred for his being so much more intelligent than they are. And this is at the same time they decry the "IQ" test. It'll make an interesting study to watch this. Hugh's article that spurred the above musing is below. HH: When Media Pit-Yorkies Attack ### Remember the Al Qaeda torture manual released a weekor so ago. Have you encountered ANY mention of it in the US Main Stream Media? Po' babies, it violates their meme. It also highlights that they are NOT on our side. Jawa: Media Ignoring Al-Qaeda Torture Manual ### By the way - an easy way to get to your Senators - at least while the Amnesty bill is up for vote. The pro-amnesty folks put these numbers in service. But, what the heck, others can use them, too. Jawa: Dial 1-800-Amnesty ### So much for any progressive features in Iran. Ahmadinejad has ordered a heavy duty crackdown on academics who talk with foreigners. He has gone completely wackoid. I wonder what the inside story on this is. JW: Talk to foreigners and we will view you as a spy, Iran warns academics ### Iran is also starting to annoy NATO. Iranian built arms are appearing in Taliban hands. That is flat out proof that there is commerce between the various brands of extremists. There is no reason whatsoever to believe that this commerce has not been going on for decades. JW: Iranian arms to Taliban bother NATO ### Who do YOU want to lead us as the terrorists get more skilled and can plan better? Best think on that now. They ARE getting more skilled and more clever with the media. At least that is the FBI view; and, I rather suspect they are dead on right. JW: 'High tempo' of terrorist chatter: FBI ### If you say anything derogatory about Mohammed you can die for it in Pakistan. This is an example of life under Sharia. Do you want it here? Do you believe it should exist anywhere given that it is a concept that spreads like an infections disease? Asia News: Another Christian condemned to death for blasphemy, without any proof ### The US based extremist black centrist Mohammedan group Nation of Islam may be on the road to investing in the repressive regime in Sudan against US sanctions. Members of the Nation of Islam are in Sudan learning about "investment opportunities." Yeah, right. Sudan Tribune: US Treasury warns investors from circumventing Sudan sanctions ### For your friendly neighborly eco-happy note of the day, those nice cute spiraly things called Compact Fluorescent Lights must be disposed of properly lest the 4 mg of mercury they contain turns your home into a superfund site. Thank the wisdom of your legislators for outlawing the good old incandescent bulbs before a GOOD alternative was available. It's just like "get the lead our of gasoline - so we can put something worse in its place." {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070601 "Jesus Christ!" exclaimed Joanne somewhat profanely as she read the caption on this MemriBlog entry. It shows some clips from a kindergarten graduation ceremony at the Islamic Association of Gaza shown on Hamas TV. The adults who are doing this to children are utterly unspeakable monsters who are beyond the pale. And these children will never be redeemable into a decent society. If we try they'll be a lurking bomb ready to explode in any handy mall or other group of people. This is the kind of thing that really has me worried that a "nuclear option", with real nukes or merely with equivalent overall kill power, may be the only solution if those goes on another rather few years. Watch it and cry for these little children being groomed to die for Allah, And if THAT is Allah's wish then Allah is Satan himself. And Shrub both sends them money and refuses to close our borders to keep them out. MEMRI TV: Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony at the Islamic Association in Gaza on Hamas TV ### US Mosques are often terrorist recruiting centers. Charles Johnson reveals another case, a Florida mosque. They could have a banner on the front of their mosque, "Jose Padilla prayed here and was recruited here." Florida Mosque Hosted Mujahideen, Jihad Preacher ### This is the situation in Southern Thailand. Mohammedans are butchering Buddhists who are merely trying to get along with their lives. Come up to a Buddhist. Ask him for some of what he is selling. As he turns to pick it up behead him with a knife. On days like this it is hard to remember the nice fellows I worked with when I worked at Magnavox Torrance, or the surgeon who performed some repair work recently, or all the other nice friendly Mohammedans who themselves cannot stomach the violence. On days like this I get a savage urge to scream, "kill them all and let Allah sort them out." I hate days like this. And it only gets worse. {o.o} JW: "Thai Buddhists will never live peacefully. You will be killed cruelly" ### Human rights human schmights, we don't see no steenkin human rights! The Qur'an defines all the human rights you can ever get, slaves. Human rights will never trump Mohammedanism. (Yes, I am still angry at what Hamas is doing to this poor defenseless 5 year olds in the name of Mohammedanism.) National Council of Resistance of Iran - Foreign Affairs Committee : Iranian regime’s judiciary advisor defends the inhumane punishment by stoning ### Hot Air has audio of former US Ambassador to the UN diplomatically ripping the head of the UN IAEA, ElBaradei, a new orifice. The US would be better off with Bolton's plain talk in the UN again. HA: Audio: Bolton unloads on Iranian stooge ElBaradei ### Here's the report of this incident that asked the right questions. The Taliban had a mass pep rally of some 10,000 people near the Pakistani border with Afghanistan. Why was it allowed to go on without getting bombed flat? "Exit question: What’s the excuse this time? Or should that question be directed to Musharraf?" HA: 10,000 mass near Pakistani border for Taliban pep rally ### This would never fly in the US, at least this week. If it flies in Europe it MIGHT be made to fly in the US with the right sophistry about the Constitution. In Europe they outlaw Nazis, Nazism, and expressions of Nazi hatred. Why not do that to the other religion/ideology that is preaching hatred and wiping out whole peoples in the world today? IW: How About Abolishing Islam? ### From the "It's all the Israelis' fault", Mohammedans in India are busy blaming the Israelis for Mohammedan on Mohammedan violence and bombing. The level of hypocrisy in that leaves me breathless. India Muslims: ‘Hyderabad blast a conspiracy to break Muslim unity’ ### So we all complain about the fourth rate California schools around here. So when a Californian won the national spelling bee I found myself scratching my head in wonderment. Now I learn to day that he was home schooled. THAT makes sense now. MM: Spelling bee champ was home-schooled ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070602 I'll presume you are all well aware of the coverage for the JFK terror plot. I do have comments to make to add to some of the coverage. For example CNN's lead article on this story declares, "An official described the suspects as "al Qaeda wannabes."" I have problems with this. They are far more likely to be associated with Hezbollah than directly with Al Qaeda. While Al Qaeda and Hezbollah do trade aid it is best to tag the plot properly. Otherwise we will find ourselves fighting phantoms. Since this is an Associated (with terrorists) Press article you can take it to the bank there are some subtle and not so subtle errors and biases in the report. And it will be substantially the same on Fox News and CNN. Fox did trim the wannabe remark. And right on cue one terror suspect's family claims the suspect was falsely arrested according to this Fox News report LGF has some good coverage including links to earlier postings about the Jamaat al-Muslimeen group. And Hot Air is "all over it". Note the Hot Air report about one suspect wanting a Venezuelan visa to visit Iran. That is a Hezbollah connection as much as any hinted Al Qaeda connection. And Michelle has some good links. LGF: Breaking: Terror Plot at Kennedy Airport HotAir: Feds bust terror plot at JFK airport in NYC? Update: PDF of complaint added; Update: Suspect wanted Venezuelan visa to visit Iran MM: Busted: NYC terror plot Updated with criminal complaint ### Our Mohammedan Congressman, Keith Ellison, reveals his anti-Semitism, which should not be surprising given his Nation of Islam roots. LGF: Keith Ellison and the Muslim Brotherhood ### The Pakistani Jihadis are now targeting women to drive women back into their proper "slavery" to their male owner. It Pakistan caves to the radicals we are in deep "fertilizer", too. Do I need to remind anybody that they have nukes in Pakistan and that the Jihadis are crazed enough to use them? LGF: Islamic Misogyny Surging in Pakistan ### Of course, Palestine is not immune to the same disease. Female TV personalities are being targeted by a splinter group. LGF: Islamic Group Threatens to Behead Women Newscasters ### Bush has lost Lou Dobbs. That suggests he's basically lost everybody from his former power base, too. His immigration bull er bill is purely excremental waste of paper and bits on a disk. And Bush is instructing the nation about diversity when we're the most diverse society on Earth. And the real problem is not race or diversity, it is our nation's basic core security. It is our nation's basic core rule of law in the face of some 12 million scofflaws. If the bill sealed the boarder in as timely a manner as possible and THEN dealt with the resident illegal aliens we'd be in far better shape. Hm, I wonder if we could build one way, outgoing, gates into the wall. The signal being, "If you want to go home and stay home, feel free." HA: Video: Dobbs levels Bush for impugning amnesty opponents’ motives ### Totten discusses Al Qaeda in Lebanon. As a person who has dug around in the non-Hezbollah and some Christian towns in Hezbollah controlled Lebanon more than most his words have some juice to them. The end update to his report is very interesting. The government has given the military its own leash in dealing with the terrorists. I presume that includes the other Syrian based terrorist groups, too. (But I bet it's hands off Hezbollah for now.) MJT: Al Qaeda in Lebanon. ### So we only let people out of Guantanamo if they are no longer a threat? Pakistan's Daily Times reveals that Abdullah Mehsud, with a former address of Guantanamo but released some years ago has been working to destabilize the Pakistani government. He instigated the murder of 13 men, women, and children. 100 terrorists armed to the teeth assaulted the home of the political agent of Khyber Agency, Syed Amiruddin Shah. The official was not at home at the time. But much of his family was. I'd call the radical or orthodox Mohammedans a cancer upon society more often. But I hesitate because one of the more drastic cancer therapies is radiation. I hope it's not time for nukes. We need to work hard to see to it that such a time never comes. Daily Times: Editorial: Descent into nihilism and anarchy ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070603 Gee, this is surely not a surprise. "UK Islamic Studies Departments Teaching Jihad" says a British government report. How is it one spells "Duh!" these days? Now if only the left hand, right hand, and head of the British Government could collaborate in a sensible way they might limp to some sort of a confusion - - - oops, conclusion. IW: UK Islamic Studies Departments Teaching Jihad ### Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki gives Hamas its marching orders. And he had a meeting with Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah. I wonder if that means things are heating up for Israel. JW: Iran Urges Hamas To Fight On ### Iran is against illicit sex, modulo THEIR definition if illicit sex. An Iranian official has defined a "temporary marriage" or "mutah". Of course, they are a long standing practice. A brief marriage that ends after the affair or sex acts. But if it's done right it's not prostitution. Go figure. The Mohammedans are EXPERTS at Double Think. "Temporary marriage is God's rule. We must aggressively encourage that," state-run television quoted Interior Minister Mostafa Pourmohammadi as saying. DW: Iran official encourages temporary marriages to fight "illicit" sex ### Bonehead Bush is back to financing the terrorists. I guess we have to fight ourselves because "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists" and his contributions to the PLO/Fatah make us one of the terrorists supporting countries. How convenient. Now that we have to fight ourselves Iran won't have to. DW: Boycott? What Boycott? ### Our Democratic party leadership really does not get it. Russell Defreitas, one of the JFK terrorists, explicitly complained about Israel's war with Hezbollah. He said nothing about Iraq. So Murtha claims that the attack plot was spurred by our war in Iraq. There is a mental block here to the truth that the Democrats cannot get past. Are they in some kind of trance? Are the too dumb to figure out what to wipe with toilet paper? Or are they really so against Bush that they are willing to bring the nation down with Bush? Whatever, Murtha is showing the brain power of a sand flea. HA: Murtha: Iraq war inspired JFK terror plot ### /> While I was perusing an article Ali Sina posted today on Islam Watch I decided to click on his name to see some of the other things he's posted. He is an apostate from Mohammedanism. And his first article listed is his reasons. It's a shame more Mohammedans do not see the inherent evil in the religion and either do something to change the religion or bug out of it. Every time such attempts to change the religion comes along, though, the main stream Mohammedanism cries "Apostate!" And the believers in the newly retooled Mohammedanism are hounded and killed. Ask the Ahmadiyyad's if you doubt me. IW: Why I Left Islam ### And if you think our TSA are bad check out this article in the UK Daily Mail about their equivalent "guards". Activities involve sleeping on the job, chatting with friends well away from and looking away from the plane being guarded, bragging about bagging the job despite of criminal records, and more. Maybe we should stop flights from Britain until they straighten this out a tad? UK Daily Mail: Call to suspend flights to U.S. after guards are filmed sleeping on the job ### Pajamas Media interviews Walid Shoebat, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood and PLO terrorist who left Mohammedanism about Jihadis on campus. It's 18+ minutes of condensed information about why we have such activities on campus. His image of the past, present, and future is very grim. Will it take a nuke to wake us up? PJM: Video: Terror War on Campus ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070604 Look up "BPPV" on WikiPedia. That's why I'm REALLY short today. {O.O} ### British "Truthers" are coming out from their cesspools. LGF: Video: 60% of UK Muslims Deny 7/7 Bombings ### We all know the answer here. It bears repeating. LGF: What If Israel Had Abducted BBC's Johnston? ### Be afraid, very afraid. At least one Muslim cleric is bragging about the would be Jihadis approaching him for his blessing. He SAYS he refuses it but for the wrong reasons. And he refuses to tell the authorities "who". JW: Australian Muslim university students "fatwa shopping" for clerical permission to wage jihad ### "Three radical Islamic front groups have been named by federal prosecutors as participants in a criminal conspiracy to support Hamas — including the Council on American Islamic Relations. Po' babies! LGF: A Really Bad CAIR Day ### Not yet, eh? I've been saying the Saudis are a problem for a LONG time. I wish Shrub would get the point. But I doubt he's capable of it after what he has proposed doing about immigration and what that did for his party. JW: Saudi Imam to Pakistani jihadists: not yet, my brothers ### The Saudis do not have any concept of freedom of religion except for Mohammedans. DW: Saudi official says non-Muslims can worship -- in private ### This bozo just doesn't get it. We have laws in this country about the practice of polygamy and this Mohammedan ignores that. DW: New Hampshire Muslim leader: Polygamy is not so bad, and hey, fewer than 20,000 Muslims in America practice it ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070605 It seems the amnesty bill has holes. But then, what do you expect from a bill as large as this one? Here are twenty of them already discovered. A quick scan of the list shows they are doozies, too. And some of the loopholes are not, necessarily, loopholes in a practical sense of fairness. If an illegal alien acquired a taxpayer ID number and has paid taxes on earned income in proper with tax laws then credit for Social Security contributions made seems like something that is "fair". If it is denied I would be hard put to condemn the resultant rioting on anything but extreme bad taste. Rioting is rather gauche, ya know. And THIS one would get the riots, probably when a big fat lawsuit should overturn the provision, which would open the door for other kinds of problems. That is the subject of loophole 19. On the other hand loophole 18, on the other paw, is a huge hole into which a requirement to pay back taxes flushes away. 20 Amnesty Loopholes in the Shamnesty Bill ### Gonna be fun near Syria this summer. Syrians are arming its military to fight a war with Israel. This will be a little difficult for Israel since that will also mean renewed problems on the Hezbollah front. Will the US eventually become involved? Will the Israelis preempt again? What happened to Assad's assurances to la Pelosi that he was ready to pursue the peace process? LGF: Syrian MP Confirms: Syria Arming for War ### I remember parts of the Detroit area when I was a child were decaying from their original standings. The Hamtramck area was a rather wealthy area at one time. It had decayed to an area inhabited by the lower middle class, at best, when I was just becoming a teenager. By the time I left the Detroit area with little intention of looking back as I slammed the door it was turning into high end black ghetto. I understand 10 years after that it was pure slum. Such is the decay process. At one time Time magazine was largely a true journalistic enterprise. It's reporters dispassionately reported the news and placed opinion in opinion areas distinct from the factual reporting. It was, as I remember it, quite free of the modern slants and cynicism and indeed activism we see today. This decay, too, took about 30 or 40 years to reach its current sad state. While I might also note that journals like Scientific American seemed to follow the same general decay process in tandem with Time and other formerly respectable journals what inspired my observations is the LGF note about Israeli media showing a strong anti-war activist agenda, as Syria arms and mobilizes for war. He wondered about the decay process. I assert that it is a basic factor of growth and decay. Change is constant. Fox News for all its apparent bias towards the conservatives seems to be more free of the corrosive cynicism and activism than any other main stream media today. Whether this is by design or by accident I am not sure. They ARE faced with corrupted primary feeds from Associated Press, for example. That would weaken any systematic bias towards the right. But the relative lack of an activist slant to the news reporting places Fox News about where Time was 45 years ago. The news ecosystem is filling gaps left by the old time leaders with fresh blood. It's still sad to see the media being so fuggheadedly (thicker than thick headed fog who therefore speaks before thinking) sure that we are not facing a global threat from Mohammedan extremists who feel now is the time to shift from Meccan phase to Medinan phase of dealing with the world's non-Mohammedan peoples. Note that in Mecca Mohammed was weak. So he worked to get along with the kufirs. In medina he'd gained enough strength he figured it was time take charge. As a result mayhem and booty became the watchword. This distinction is important to know. We MUST convince them at the very least that they are in Meccan mode and if pushed the kufir peoples will push back hard enough to really hurt. LGF: Israeli Media Admit Anti-War Agenda ### Defense lawyer Sean Maher unsuccessfully argued that Hashmi should await trial at his parents' Flushing home, instead of solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, calling him a "humanitarian" and "an intellectual, not a terrorist." Read about his attacking the officers at the airport at the time of his arrest. Which are his true colors, his lawyer's view or what is revealed by his actions? {^_-} LGF: Extradited jihadist attacked officers at time of arrest ### A Mohammedan convert became a little suspicious about the work of a Mohammedan charity and reported it to the FBI. It seems he did not convert all the way or maybe was converted to the Ahmadiyyad branch of Islam, Al Islam - Ahmadiyyad. (Sometimes that link works... else this Wikipedia one works. Either way, HE is a good man by enlightened Western standards. LGF: Former employee recounts suspicious activities of Islamic charity at trial ### Is there a common disease that leads short timers at the head of Democratic governments to lose their minds? Tony Blair has pledged one million pounds to "improve" Islamic Studies courses at universities. What is likely to happen with the money is additional recruiting not more honest teaching, unless there is one HECK of a leash on that rather modest sum of money, by the time its spread around - one fully "burdened" professor at maybe 10 universities, maybe 20 if costs are lower than I thin is not much of a dent compared to the tens of millions per university that the Saudis have been known to spend bribing colleges. DW: Blair pledges £1 million to "improve" teaching of Islamic studies at universities ### Meanwhile the British PC brigade has convinced their air force to ban "nose art", the decorative, usually female pictures on the noses of planes. Thus the British show their true Dhimmi mind set. DW: PC brigade ban pin-ups on RAF jets - in case they offend women and Muslims ### The British do not have a monopoly on affirmation of Dhimmitude status by any means. A Dutch political party has tried to muzzle a young party member who is working to assure the rights of Mohammedan apostates. And they have the GALL to complain when we do not give those who abuse the rights of others anything but a free pass. It also shows the lengths to which politicians will go to assure their election in the face of what they know is right. SIGH! DW: Dutch political party, fearing it will lose Muslim votes, tries to muzzle party member who is working to protect Muslim apostates ### This was just sent to me in an email. It describes a woman journalist's experiences and feelings in repressive Saudi Arabia. It is so silly ... and so Mohammedan. LATimes: In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil ### Coincidentally Islam Watch posted a transcript of an address by Azam Kamguian that discusses, among some other things, the status of women under Sharia law. By Mohammedan standards the Saudi Arabian rules are "right". If we allow cultural relativism as an excuse for the Mohammedans to enforce their restrictive ways outside their Mosques, ANYWHERE, we have lost our minds, morality, and direction in life. IW: The Lethal Combination of Tribalism, Islam & Cultural Relativism ### In the article below Jesse Petrilla takes us on a tour of the Kosovo that is real rather than the carefully orchestrated tour of Kosovo the authorities reserve for visiting dignitaries. It gives a good description of why Clinton backed the WRONG SIDE in Kosovo. The Mohammedans there have made life for the remaining Christians a living Hell. The radical Jihadi terrorists run the city. They have done to the ancient churches, cathedrals, and monasteries of the city what the Taliban did to the Buddha statues. Everywhere Mohammedans move in death, violence, and destruction follows. IW: Trip to Emerging Islamist Terror-Hub of Kosovo and Bosnia ### This is a great explication of the threat to the Western ideals and way of life from the Mohammedans. IW: West's Islam Threat ### Just for the record I LOVE this political ad... YouTube: Where's the fence? ### And Cox & Forkum is a good one today, too. C&F: Courting Disaster ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070606 Saudi intellectuals are debating whether women should be allowed to drive. Dig the reasons these intellectuals provide for disallowing women the right to drive even though more and more they are working outside the home. Dr. Al-'Eid warned that driving would lead women to leave their homes more often, wear makeup, and uncover their faces, and would also undermine men's custodianship over them. It might even (gasp) lead to the women wearing makeup and taking off their hijab to see better then they drive. Worst of all we have a threat to her status as a possession. "Another consequence of this will be the diminishing of men's guardianship over women. If a women drives, she will have a certain degree of independence, and she will come and go, travel, and so on. This will also lead to an increase in suspicions. When she has her own car, she will go out and return late." I guess what he is saying is that Mohammedans have so little self control and discipline that they cannot be trusted not to go utterly wild when women don't wear hijabs. And men might discover the women really are smarter simply because they're not as lazy and indolant as the men. MEMRI: Saudi Intellectuals Discuss on LBC TV Whether Women Should Be Allowed to Drive ### The New York Times admits to burying the JFK airport plot even before all the details were known. Readers questioned this. NYT answered. They decided it wasn't newsworthy because it didn't have the immediacy they need to spur sales of dead trees. It is this sort of attitude that is rendering them superfluous as an outlet for news. This is why they are going bankrupt. Ah well. LGF: NYT Defends Burying JFK Plot Story ### Iran has been caught shipping arms to the Taliban. NATO troops have intercepted a shipment of C3, RPGs, EFP components, etc. Betcha we do nothing about it because the UN will ignore the evidence. JW: Document: Iran Caught Red-Handed Shipping Arms to Taliban ### ### It has been remarked that Al Qaeda is quite adept at using computers for tasks such as recruiting and information dissemination. UK police have found a "terror hoard" on one man's computer. The man is a defendant in a "36-year-old (who) faces a series of charges under the Terrorism Act, including possession of instructions on how to make a detonator and explosive device and instructions on the use of chemicals and bombing strategies. He denies the charges." Bombers can be home grown. Discounting the JFK incident as some news commentators and the NYT did lulls us into a false sense of complacency. That ain't good. ### I'll have to catch up with the rest later. Work overload has hit. But Universal Studios WILL get their upgrade for the audio and show control system for WaterWorld - or we'll die trying. {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070607 Universal got cold feet, rightly so, about shutting down WaterWorld during peak season. The install is put off til September. So with the pressure off I'm goin' to town tonight. For those interested in the nits of what happened on the 7th with the amnesty bill Michelle Malkin is all over it with a fine tooth comb. Go and find out who voted to allow gang members, terrorists, and other criminals qualify for the shamnesty. Today's last posting was at 06:29 PM on the 7th. ### In his latest podcase Fred Thompson gets there most of the way with regards to Iran and its penchant for hostages. The podcasts are quite time limited. So maybe that is why he did not draw the obvious parallel between what we face with Iran today and what the fledgling United States of America faced from the Barbary pirates. In both cases it's blatant piracy and hostage taking. The only solution to demands for Dane Geld is kill the Dane. Jefferson made a bold move that lead to over a decade and a half, not just a puny little 4 years, closer to four times four years, to complete. But we did defeat the Barbary pirates, part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire of typically Jihadi, imperialistic, Mohammedans. (Note that it took the British nearly another decade to put a final finish on the whole affair since our win left the corsairs leery of us but not of the nations that were paying their Dane Geld like proper Dhimmis. It was not finally finished until the French destroyed the pirate city in Algiers and took control of the area in 1830, nearly 30 years after we started putting down the pirates.) We face hostages, blackmail, soon nuclear blackmail, if something is not done soon. We are called upon to make sacrifices, for many the supreme sacrifice. We must be prepared and willing to face that call or face absolute subjugation to an odious ideology. It's our choice. I hope that the United States of America still has what it takes to make the right choice, freedom. ABC Fred Thompson Podcast: The New Hostages ### I am even inclined to wonder of the Israelis still have it in them to pull off the ultra-bold sort of maneuver that lead to the destruction of Saddam's Baghdad reactor. I received this pointer to a poorly sound synchronized copy of "Raid On The Reactor", the story of the IAF's attack on the Baghdad nuclear reactor. This kind of act is what's needed now. And it is out of range for the Iraqis. So some of OUR pilots must be called upon to make what will likely be a supreme sacrifice and neutralize as many Iraqi nuclear related sites as possible with as much precision as possible. They will face conditions that will probably result in the lost of many or even most of their lives. It is easier for them to make that call than it is for a civilized person to ask it of them. This is as it should be. But at some time a civilized person must make such a call if freedom is to live on in this world. It's the ideology, guys. Google Video: Raid On The Reactor. ### MEMRI published an article by H. Varulkar which examines "Who is behind Fath Al-Islam?" That is the "Al Qaeda" group that is committing disruptive terrorism in Lebanon leading to a rather gung-ho response by the Lebanese military and government. The simple answer is Syria. He supports this with documentation. Syria is landlocked. So it practices its imperialistic aims on the land with suicide bombs which are basically land piracy. It's he ideology, guys. MEMRI: Who Is Behind Fath Al-Islam? ### It appears very obvious that Syria is attacking the sovereign state of Lebanon through its proxy Fath Al-Islam. Jihad Watch has this report of the latest blast targeting Christian civilians, although to Mohammedans there is may be no such concept as "civilian", particularly among Kufirs. The key point, however, is we have one sovereign state which is a member of the UN attacking, via a proxy organization, another sovereign state which is a member of the UN. Who wants to place bets about whether the UN blames Israel for this before it does anything to stop Syria? It's the ideology, folks. JW: Explosion kills one, wounds three in Christian area north of Beirut ### Being apostate from Mohammedanism is a death penalty offense within Sharia law. Being a "bad Muslim" is not far from being apostate. It is not far enough to have prevented the death of a Mohammedan scholar and dish washer's brother in Montreal. Yup, it's a violent ideology in addition to being imperialistic, guys. JW: Montreal man killed by his brother for being a bad Muslim ### Under Mohammedanism every decision about a woman's life is made by the men in her life. She has no say in it, herself. This is carried to a bit of an extreme in Chad. If a woman is bleeding to death the doctors have to wait for the husband's approval to treat her. But they also have to wait for her brothers, uncles, father, and other males in her life to approve of the treatment, too. Many die waiting. It's the ideology, again. DW: Islam Presents Life-Death Challenge in Chad's Hospitals ### OK, it's a different ideology; but, just the same, it's the ideology, kids. The SF moonbats are trying to ban the Blue Angeles from the city. That's SO San Franciscan, ya know. HA: Moonbats seek to ban Blue Angels from San Fran ### Islam Watch has published a Mark Steyn article. He is always a good read. I don't visit his web side often enough. He's more general commentary than immediate news commentary. This one, again, demonstrates that "It's the ideology, folks." It's an ideology of insanity. And one wonders if our response to that ideology of insanity is itself just a touch insane. How do you appease instanity? IW: An Ode to Islamophobia ### It's rare I find myself in agreement with a Democrat, particularly one who is very tight with the labor unions. But Bryon Dorgan is against the Shamnesty Bill for a set of good reasons and closes with exactly what should be done. We must secure our borders and then provide for the status of those already here. HA: Video: Byron Dorgan dismembers the “grand compromise” ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070608 I've mentioned a few times that the Jihadis seem to be very adept at using the resources of the web for their own purposes. Today MEMRI posted an article showing how the Jihadis use the internet resources for informing their "mujahideen" of news from Western media as a means of building their morale and determination to push on. Our own media are serving as tools for our enemies. Is that right? Should we do something about it? Can we legally do something about it? A message titled "Attention Anyone Who Carries a Sniper Rifle," posted November 3, 2006 on the forum, called attention to a Spiegel TV show which discussed, among other things, a new acoustic device of American manufacture intended for use against snipers in Iraq. [2] The message explained that the device "includes several microphones that allow the soldiers in the Hummer to determine the location from which a shot was fired... [and thus to pinpoint] the mujahid's position." In response to the message, a forum participant advised the mujahideen to "use silencers, or to take advantage of some background noise [by] firing the shot when the noise occurs and thus camouflaging its sound." [3] When we get a good idea we should not brag about it until we see the enemy countering the idea regularly. Then we mention it publicly as a clever idea that used to work. We also need to be very open to innovation and clever ideas. Provide the soldiers with modular tools so they can improvise. Americans do like to tinker. That's a source of ideas. Let's nurture it. Above all we must realize we are fighting a war in a field of open and nearly instantaneous information transmission. And we must not underestimate the intelligence and creativity of the enemy with regards to using that information. (Can we seed their information stream with false data such as led to a Soviet pipeline explosion when stolen software proved to have been subtly hacked before it was leaked?) MEMRI: How Islamist Internet Forums Are Used to Inform Mujahideen of News from Western Media ### Information is critical on another front. Our Media should make sure to broadcast the portions of Jihadi videos that cite their religious underpinnings, such as this one in which the happy martyrdom of former Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah is extolled. We are fighting a very sick and non-functional culture of destruction. But as noted above. Sick and non-functional is not "dumb" or "unintelligent". Such brilliance as it has is simply directed towards anti-social goals as we see it. MEMRI: Senior Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan Commander: "This Summer Will Be... a Sword that Will Crack Your Skulls Open; Your Centers Will be Blown Up and Your Limbs Will Be Scattered" ### It appears that the page 37 of the New York Times unimportant JFK airport plot had wider implications than anybody publicly has thought. It appears that the terror probe is widening into other countries. LGF pointed towards this AP report on the plot probe widening into other countries. AP Yahoo: Official says JFK terror probe widening ### The Lebanese have been mugged more recently than we have. That makes them a little more conservative of their sovereignty than we seem to be at present. They are no longer issuing automatic visas to Arabs who land in their country. Now the Arabs have to apply for visas at the Lebanese consulates in their home countries. I like Robert's take on it. {^_-} JW: Lebanon considering stopping issuing visas-on-arrival to Arabs ### Steve Emerson has quit prodding the now discredited MPAC spokescritter Edina Lekovic and is attacking the Muslim Public Affairs Council directly over its record. It tries to claim it is our best of buddies for dealing with the Jihadis. But Emerson points out on the CounterTerrorismBlog that this is not necessarily even near the truth of the matter. To give but one example, MPAC Executive Director Salam al-Marayati, in the Los Angeles Times in March 2003, blasted what he called “the FBI’s policy of targeting people because of their race and religion” and added, “That’s what (the FBI has) been doing since the attacks, and we don’t know of any case that has resulted in the arrest, indictment or prosecution of a terrorist.” So according to MPAC, there is no war on terror, just a war on Islam. And a June 2006 study by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has concluded that the frequent use of “War on Islam” mantra specifically results in the radicalization of the “homegrown” jihadists. What hurts more is that we seem to have fallen for some of this "stuff" as a nation. I am an electronics engineer by training. So let me draw from that training an analogy. If I have two manufacturers who are delivering me parts that are supposed to be within 5% of nominal value. It is customary to perform a statistical analysis by selecting some small number of items from the batch and giving them a thorough incoming quality inspection. If there is a failure the entire batch is checked or returned to the vendor. If those from company A fail more often than those from company B guess which one is causing us more for the parts. Which one to we "distrust" more? Which one should we inspect more carefully as the parts come in until we are satisfied they have their quality problem under control. Yes, that does amount to corporate profiling. How is that different from racial profiling? If the goal is to make all people safe and we notice that people from Fubarigan are more likely to cause us quality of life problems it should be obvious that we watch their behavior more carefully. We do not stop looking at others. But we sample a greater percentage of them when we see them in a group of people about to board a plane or if a group of "obviously" Fubariganis are walking around the mall we sort of step away from them a bit and watch them more closely. Yes, this is racial profiling. What, pray tell, is wrong with it other than that it ticks off Democrats and "liberals"? CTB: MPAC: Who's Changing the Subject? ### Tanker truck explosions are a known terrorist technique. The British have discovered Jihadi DVDs that discuss the techniques. So they are right to be concerned about this. They propose intercepting tankers at random check points to prevent this. As I read the article that triggered my "I don't THINK so!" skepticism. I don't think it's that easy. But it is a good idea to watch for this and try to prevent it happening. I hope OUR police are watching for this as well considering that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has admitted planning to do in the Sears tower in Chicago that way. JW: British anti-terror police concerned about tanker truck bombs ### Even Singapore has its Al Qaeda terrorists. They have arrested five Jihadis since late 2006 including four members of Jemaah Islamiah, a Southeast Asian Al Qaeda militant group. They'd planned to crash a plane into Singapore's airport to shut it down and cripple the economy. JW: Singapore detaining five jihadists ### Robert notes that the State Department is so desperate for Arabic speakers it is letting envoys curtail current assignments in order to study Arabic. They've been turning away non-Mohammedan Arabic speakers quite routinely, which is foolish. Robert closes with "The lack of resources may be over. The lack of realism persists." I don't see the lack of resources being over. Arabic, I understand, is an exceptionally hard language to learn requiring 5 years for even someone adept at learning new languages and able to immerse in Arabic 24/7 for a period. I wish they would simply start hiring some Christian Arabic speakers and have done with it. But they seem to be allergic to good sense like that. JW: State desperate for envoys to learn Arabic ### Robert Spencer Fisks AP's Eric Gorsky's article titled "Young U.S. Muslims face mistrust." The concept is that the Pew poll was skewed by youthful bravado. Robert's last comment is telling in this regard. JW: "Christian children ride motorcycles. A percentage of Muslim youth say suicide bombings are justified. Chalk it up to youthful rebellion and telephone survey bravado." ### "Aggressive misunderstanders: "There have been no terrorist attacks by the alleged militants in Sandzak, authorities said, but they allegedly assaulted moderate Muslims in the area, disrupted their prayers and accused them of failing to practice 'true' Islam."" Ahem.... JW: Three misunderstanders of Islam arrested in southern Serbia ### Michelle Malkin takes on another flaw that was more or less masked by the more obvious flaws in the shamnesty bill. The new immigration bill had some proposed penalties and requirements with regards to those holding the provisional or Z Visas. Cities are routinely ignoring, INTENTIONALLY ignoring, illegal aliens. They may arrest one, which should lead to his or her deportation, and release them. Often they go on to commit more crimes often involving death of Americans. The "sanctuary cities" will continue to do this under any new shamnesty bill, as well. Perhaps cities which declare that they will not participate in enforcement should lose any Federal assistance INCLUDING FEMA assistance? We need to get their attention so that we can get rid of the foreign criminals that litter our society. This is particularly true because of the terrorists or would be terrorist among those illegal aliens. MM: Sanctuary Nation or Sovereign Nation: What can you do? ### CNN == Corrupt News Network? Seems so. Caught putting money in the cookie jar so to speak. HA: CNN’s bad news ### Needless to say these two clips from MEMRI-TV have me foaming at the mouth. They're about wife beating and how it's permitted and even REQUIRED by the Qur'an, Allah's word. For my part Allah can go hack to the Hell that spawned him. HA: Video: Koranic wife-beating double feature ### "The British University and College Union describes itself as the largest national association of lecturers and academic related staff. And of all the burning education issues - budgets, standards and more - discussed at its recent conference, I am astounded to see which one has been assigned as the 'top story' on the union's website. The answer: An academic boycott of Israel, due to continuing violation of Palestinian rights." The following Islam Watch article reveals the UCU to be a collection of fuggheaded drones cutting themselves off from a hand that feeds them. IW: Dissecting the British Academic Boycott of Israeli Academics ### Adrian Morgan is writing a long article, three parts so far, titled the "Muslim Brotherhood's Long-Standing War On The West." It might better be titled "A Legacy of Hatred." It reveals very solidly that the anti-Jewish movement among Arabs is nothing new. It was in place in the early 1920s as virulently as it is now in Palestine. Hamas, for example, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood organization. They take the Qur'an very seriously and very literally. Their actions speak to the source of the Qur'an, Satan, as I see it. Follow the links at the bottom of each part for the next one, although part 4 is not up yet. IW: Muslim Brotherhood's Long-Standing War On The West; Part 1 ### Just who are the evil ones, the Palestinians or the Israelis. Watch this video and see if you can say "The Israelis" and look at yourself in the mirror again. Video of the Day #5: Israeli Soldiers Rescue Palestinian Girl . . . From Palestinians (Who Paralyzed Her) ### This is something that gets done to a slave rather than an employee or peer. It happened in Saudi Arabia. "A woman schoolteacher, one of the suspects in the murder of an Asian housemaid in March, has admitted her torturing the maid until she was dead." But the maid was (probably) only a Hindu so what's the problem with that? (Even if the maid was Mohammedan the Saudi attitude is that they are more equal than others so, again, how could killing the maid matter?) Arab News: Woman Tortured, Killed Maid for Being ‘Lazy’ ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070609 Iran declares that the US will suffer greatly if we attack Iran. Oil prices will reach $250/bbl and economies will collapse. I for one am quite sanguine about bringing an utter end to everything in Iran other than the oil producing areas. Of course, if we do that we should finish the job and do the same to the rest of the Middle East. That'd be a little rough on the good Mohammedans in the area. But it's getting harder to avoid the same kind of snippish reaction I had to my depression era mother who reminded me constantly of all the starving children in China. Finally one day I got so angry I snapped back, quicker than thought, "Name two." I caught hell for it. But I never heard about the starving people in China again, either. It is hard to maintain a "protect the moderate Mohammedan" stance when the vast majority of them around the world are actively pledged to the destruction of everything that reeks (as they see it) of freedom. That means they are dedicated to my death if they get the chance. Those others living around them have children who fall in with the death to Americans crowd. Were I President I'd call in the Iranian ambassador, the nearest one to the US at the moment, and whisper in his ear, "Iran can be vaporized. Destroy your reactor. Destroy your processing facilities. Eliminate your fissiles - we'll pay you a fair market price for them. Or we will do it for you and not be particular about not hitting Tehran and the various major shrines in Iran. In fact the shrines go with the first wave. Then we play a recording of the warning over VOA and any other media that can reach Iran so that the "moderates" have a "get FAR out of Dodge" warning 'cause Dodge ain't gonna be there tomorrow. I wonder what they would do. The key here is that we must mean it. That comes when Iran is just about ready to turn it on, the point of no return. That MIGHT shock the whole remaining Mohammedan world into reexamining their faith and stances. I figure Pakistan will go into spasms and maybe launch something. So it'll suffer, too. But maybe the "tough love" will wake up enough of the rest of the Mohammedan world to the fact that there is never going to be an all Mohammedan world. I dunno - it all sounds so monstrous I don't think it should be done. But it also seems to be absolutely necessary. And it becomes more so with each passing day. Someday we will have to stand ready to draw a huge nuclear line in the sand of Arabia, Persia, and the 'stans. Or we acquiesce and become Mohammedan monsters instead of monsters of our own design. Such a choice, eh? JW: Iranian official: In event of attack, "oil prices will reach $250 a barrel and this will lead to the death of European countries and America in terms of economy and security." ### In the Gaza Strip's Jab aliya refugee camp, Aref Suleiman was raised on Palestinian struggle against the Jewish state. Today he lies in an Israeli hospital bed, his body riddled with Palestinian bullets, his wounds tended daily by Israeli nurses. For the 22-year-old Mr Suleiman, who was shot five times point blank by Hamas militants last month during a renewed bout of Palestinian infighting, this is not the Arab-Israeli conflict he learnt about as a child growing up in Gaza's desperate, rubbish-strewn alleys. "Palestinians shoot me and Jews treat me," he laughs bitterly. "It was supposed to be different." What can *I* add to this? Read the whole thing. Then ask "who here is good and who here is evil?" UK Telegraph: Shot by their own side, healed by the enemy ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070610 LGF took a critical hit and expired as its database drive went to meet its maker. Nevertheless he provides a pointer to an uncharacteristic article in the New York Times. It is a discussion of Jihadi etiquette for taking lives. When it is permissible and when is it not. The answer is "almost anywhere and any time." The usual paraphrase is "if it benefits the Jihadi Mohammedanism movement anything is acceptable and indeed is mandatory." Michael Moss and Souad Mekhennet refine this a little with six basic rules about taking lives. If it weren't so deadly serious it'd be funny. It is a study of human, the rationalizing animal. Here the animal is rationalizing murder on Mohammedan grounds. I hope folks can find this before NYT vanishes it. NYT: Permission, The Guidebook for Taking a Life ### Over on Jihad Watch Marisol has excerpted "Al-Qaida's new African alliance watched," by Katherine Shrader for the Associated Press. Yes, it is finally dawning on people that Africa has become another staging ground for al Qaeda attacks. (To my knowledge Hezbollah has little if anything in the way of resources in Africa.) JW: Al-Qaeda's new African alliance a growing concern ### I mentioned this before but it bears mentioning again. We are going to have to attack Iran. We are also going to have to deal with a MASSIVE missile attack by Iran on the entire Middle East with the intent to utterly overwhelm any anti-missile batteries that may exist. That raises the stakes to nuclear almost immediately. Yet, we cannot fail to confront Iran. So we are going to have to be willing to see much of the world go up in smoke, and much of the rest of it will have to go up in smoke as they start causing problems. Both the level of destruction required to preserve at least some shreds of our way of life, the thought of giving in to the Mohammedan Jihadis are unthinkable, and the thought of being dhimmis to the Mohammedan Jihadis is unthinkable. Which unthinkable is more unthinkable than the other? We may be as little as weeks away from having to make that decision. Forced into a decision between those three choices *I* would open the bidding with several dozen nukes on Iran. Maybe God Fire would bring the troops to their senses. JW: Iran threatens Gulf blitz if US hits nuclear plants ### Do you believe the Mohammedan Jihadi claims that there is no compulsion in religion? If so read this one carefully. DW: Killers of Chaldean priest, deacons in Iraq wanted their conversion to Islam ### To add to the fun we have Hezbollah rearming and retrenching under the watchful eye, but without a hint of hindrance, of the United Nations Peace keeper force. 1) We need the U. N, the way a suicidal maniac needs a sharp knife. 2) This is part of the attack Iran has promised above. Israel is going to cease to exist when the attack happens. We should give Israel the honor of the first few nukes to land on Iran before we finish the job. DW: Hizballah digs in and rearms -- under the watchful eye of the U.N. ### Lest we forget - Robert Spencer is blogging the Qur'an on Hot Air. Be sure to at least visit the "his students threw him out of the window" link, which is the second one below. It is especially interesting. Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 2, “The Cow,” verses 1-39 www.chisea: The Virgins and the Grapes: the Christian Origins of the Koran ### For what it is worth Joe Lieberman feels it's time to do something about Iran. Significantly he did not mention the recent Iranian government threats. I rather feel he is right. And we should have wiped out the Iranian nuclear processing facilities months ago. Every month we wait is another month's production of missiles that are going to rain on the Middle East. HA: Video: Lieberman feeling froggy towards Iran ### Hee hee hee hee. Chortle. Giggle. Ya GOTTA read this one. IW: Blood and organs of Pig-Eating Kafirs ### Lebanon has netted a big fish in its conflct with Al Qaeda in the Palestinian refugee camps. The rumor mill has indicated they had somebody big. They've finally released his name, Ahmad Merhi. He has direct links to Syrian President Assad's brother-in-law, General Asef Shawkat. That is a direct link between Syria and the general unrest in Lebanon. Go Lebanon! Good on ya! Gateway Pundit; Lebanon Catches Terrorists Linked to Al Qaeda AND Syrian Regime ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070611 For those who care, LittleGreenFootballs is back on the air. I twitted Charles to remind him that hardware backups are as important as software backups. (I wish he had a spiffier send an email to him window.) {^_-} ### Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, the Tarheel jihadist, writes letters to the Daily Tar Heel, student newspaper of the University of North Carolina. Robert Spencer delineates how these letters show his attempts to explain his SUV attack on the students as being righteous and proper according to the Qur'an. This is an excellent example of how the Qur'an itself becomes a document of hatred in the hands and minds of its believers. This is not Robert or me misinterpreting the Qur'an. This is a Mohammedan directly stating HIS interpretation of that dreadful document of evil to support his terrorist attack. About his trying to convince the courts he's reformed and repentant I surely hope the courts take his word with a grain of salt as big as Mt. Everest. JW: Letters from a mujahid ### Most of the concerned blogs are noting that CAIR has been hemorrhaging membership. Powerline notes that at the same time they are on a building campaign and building multi-million dollar offices, per the root Washington Times report previewed at the "preview" link on the Powerline blog. Powerline helpfully provides pointers to a couple articles in the last 12 months that show where CAIR money is coming from. It is not exactly from "friendlies". Powerline: NOT FOR MEMBERS ONLY ### I don't know which is more despicable, the UK tolerating this or that it happens in the first place. Mohammedan women are abusing soldiers at the troops hospital. JW: UK: Muslim women abuse soldier at troops hospital ### Well, the Islamic Center of Boston Cultural Center is completed. The dome was placed onto the top of the minaret today - with a US flag flying upside down. There are good reasons for the US flag to be flying there upside down. It appears most of the financing for that Mosque came from Saudi Arabian Wahabbi sources. That's Al Qaeda's sponsor that is a miniscule particle of a bit more moderate than Al Qaeda. It seems the politics that essentially gave them their choice piece of land were not quite honest and above board, either. JW: Distress call ### As Spencer notes, there is indeed a genocide going on in Iraq. The Chaldean Christians, an ancient sect of Arab Christians also known as Assyrian Christians, is being very systematically eliminated. They receive direct threats, convert, accept submission, die, or get out of town within 24 hours with the clothes on your back. Detroit, Dearborn in particular, is where a lot of these displaced Christians manage to find a place in the US if they can get here. JW: Detroiters fear for Christian Iraqis ### Heh heh - Cox and Forkum is good today. C&F: War is Heck ### {^_^} ================== Daily Diatribe 20070612 As a kid who grew up with an interest in science and engineering that my father accidentally on purpose instilled in me before he died when I was only 4 and a half years old I very fondly remember Don Herbert, better known to kids my age as Mr. Wizard. He passed away Tuesday June 12, 2007. Thank you, Don, for making science look accessible to anyone. You epitomized the "can do" spirit of the post war era. Go with love. Fox News: Don Herbert, 'Mr. Wizard,' Dies at 89 ### ICE raided an Oregon foot plant. "According to an affidavit filed by Maximillian Trimm, a special agent with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, only 48 of nearly 600 employees at the Fresh Del Monte Produce fruit and vegetable processing plant had valid Social Security numbers. Only 100 had been placed under administrative arrest by Tuesday morning. There is no word since then about more being placed under arrest. So let's figure this two ways. It's at least a week since the last ICE captures. So we either get 100 or 550 per week. At that rate 12 million people will breed faster than we can export them if we can only manage 5124 to 28679 per year captured. And that does not include being tossed out on their ears. Of course, at least 100 of them are people breaking other laws beyond "mere" immigration laws. Hut my reading of what Fox News has reported is that all 550 were breaking laws about taxes and potentially about identity theft. That has some interesting implications. Is it possible to live and work here in the US as an illegal alien and not break collections of laws that can really hurt other people, like identity theft. Will we find ourselves trying to get substantially all of the illegal aliens in this country out? Only 10% at the Oregon plant were "relatively legitimate." How many years will it take and what will we have to do? Fox News: Immigration Officials Arrest 100 Illegal Workers in Raid on Oregon Food Plant ### We need an immigration bill. The above article highlights it. The Bush/Kennedy/McCain Shamnesty bill is the best we are going to get as a starting package. Senate Republicans may have a solution for pushing it into a state that can get passed and can ensure some national security as a result of its passage. Some Senate Republicans propose "borrowing" some $4.4 billion against fines and penalties expected from the Z-Visa program to build and complete a Southern border barrier, fence, or whatever else might be appropriate for each stretch of the border. Unfortunately we need that money for the enforcement and processing needed for the Z-Visas. But then, money is an ultimate fungible commodity. That is what makes it so useful. If what is described in the article below becomes part of the bill it becomes almost acceptable as an ugly compromise. Fox News: Senate Republicans Work $4.4 Billion Border Security Amendment ### Collateral damage is an interesting term. Wikipedia defines it thusly: "Collateral damage is a U.S. Military term for unintended or incidental damage during a military operation. The term, which originated as a euphemism during the Vietnam War, can refer to friendly fire, or the killing of non-combatants and destruction of their property." This becomes significant when one faces an idiot chattering that the victims of the insurgent bombings is just a little justifiable collateral damage. By all appearances the damage from insurgent bombings is anything but incidental to the attack. It is the intent of the attack. Charles finds the NYT article in which they discover Jihad technology somewhat bemusing for its tone from some inspired apologists for the Jihadis. LGF: New York Times Notices Jihad, Immediately Goes into Whitewash Mode ### Charles has a nice pointer to a video by LGF "operative" Kasper. It features an interview with the divorced wife of a British Jihadi. Her former husband, it seems, expected her to indulge in a little creative suicide. Wives are replaceable parts, I guess. Former hubby-Jihadi was somewhat irritated by her irrational refusal to take life wantonly. LGF: Video: Wife of a British Jihadi ### We have a religion that requires the extinction of all other religions and it is named Mohammedanism or "Islam". We have a religion of peace, love, forgiveness. and things like turning the other cheek and it is named Christianity. The 2nd religion is on the first religion's slaughtering block. So why on Earth is the 2nd religion funding mosque construction for the 1st religion? I would hope the British Christian churches funding some Mohammedan mosques would do some explaining. It leaves me scratching my head in amazement. UK Telegraph: Mosque funding madness ### Here is a chapter of the late Anwar Sheikh's book titled "Islam: The Arab Imperialism". This chapter is titled "Prophet and Nationalism". It is a chapter (and book) that every black Amarican who has adopted Mohammedanism should read and understand its implications. It explains the cases of foreign (non-Arab) Mohammedans who suffer under near slavery conditions at the hands of Arab Mohammedans. Mohammedanism is an EXTREMELY racist religion. This chapter reveals just how deeply rooted this racism and nationalism exists in Mohammedanism. IW: Islam: The Arab Imperialism - Prophet And Nationalism ### {^_^}


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