Medical Update

Alex Pournelle reports today on Dr. Pournelle’s current health status:

As of this morning, Dad is improving still. More motor skills, more speech improvement (at least to me). He is also annoyed at his inability to express himself by typing, though I suspect he will be back to banging away pretty quick, at least with 2 fingers.

Tomorrow starts the long term intensive physical therapy and then home adaptation. Will update as that happens.

Thanks again for all the good wishes.

Here’s a picture of Dr. and Mrs. Pournelle:

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Pournelle

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Pournelle

Note that comments are enabled on this update, for expressing good wishes and encouragement.

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109 Responses to Medical Update

  1. I am very glad you are doing so well Jerry — continue your recovery and I wish you and your family the best for the holidays and the new year !!!! TomLesser

  2. Dave Porter says:

    Thank You Alex for this good news.
    Jerry, your survival and recovery is a great Christmas gift to America. It will likely be squandered, but it is a gift nonetheless, and one for which I am thankful.
    Roberta and Jerry, please take good care of each other (of course, I know you will) and a very Merry Christmas to you both, as well as Alex, Phillip, Jennifer, their families, and any others I’ve forgotten. God bless you all.
    Thanks again, Dave (in Detroit)

  3. Douglas M. Colbary says:

    Good to have you with us, Get well soon.
    Very Best Wishes Sir.

  4. Dan Seto says:

    Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  5. Our prayers are with you, your wife and family. May you enjoy comfort, peace, happiness and a life of bliss.

  6. Scott St. John says:

    Thoughts and prayers are now going for you and yours. Reading your daughter’s book, Outies.

  7. David G. D. Hecht says:

    You and your family remain in my prayers. For once, “May you have a happy, healthy, and blessed New Year!” is not just a cliche!

  8. Patrick Herbert says:

    Dr. Jerry,
    I’ve been reading you since the late 80’s in Byte Magazine. Best wishes and our prayers for your recovery. None of us are ready to lose your unique voice.

  9. Tim Bolgeo says:

    Jerry and Roberta,
    I have been keeping up with Jerry’s stroke and progress and am very glad to hear that Jerry is improving. I know for a fact that a lot of people have been praying for his recovery. Both of you mean more to me than you realize and I am just happy that my Christmas Wish seems to becoming true. Jerry’s recovery from the stroke. Ms. Roberta, please take good care of yourself because I know you are running yourself ragged taking care of Jerry. My love and best wishes to both of you and I hope that you and your family have a Merry Christmas. Uncle Timmy.

  10. Charles Adams says:

    Jerry & Roberta,

    It is great to a picture of both of you. Many years ago the Nebula Award Ceremony was held at the Beverly Wilshire (I believe) I had a chance to sit with both of you and the Nivens. Roberta stole my heart.

    Seeing both of you is a joy in these times. It reminds me of my great blessings. You two are counted in them!

    All the Best!

  11. Jake Stapleton says:

    Speedy Recovery Dr. Pournelle!

  12. Robert Griswold says:

    Wishing you a full recovery and a splendid celebration of Christmas.

  13. Mike Flynn says:

    The Long Awaiting is nearly over. Merry Christmas to all.

  14. William Clardy says:

    It’s good to see you’re already getting out of that bed, Dr. P. Don’t you dare let that “claw” keep you from your writing.

    Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a speedy recovery as you head into yet another year.

  15. Alan Biddle says:

    Merry Christmas, Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Pournelle and your entire family. You fans and friends are all hoping and praying for your speedy and complete recovery. You have entertained and inspired more than one generation!

  16. Meredith Dixon says:

    I’m glad you’re doing better, and I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

  17. Richard M says:

    May God’s unfailing love and care surround you while you recuperate. Thinking of you during this time of illness, and praying you will find strength in the Lord and his never ending supply of love. (+) Mark 1:41 {And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth His hand, and touched them…}

  18. Michael P. says:

    Please have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Godspeed with your recovery. I know many have expressed this thought, butI wanted you to know that your books have enriched my life.

  19. Kev of Tasmania says:

    You are the only author I have read and re-read as much as I have R.A.H, get well soon and enjoy your Christmas.

  20. Rudolf Winestock says:

    Best wishes and merry Christmas.

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