A Proper Job

View 734 Monday, July 23, 2012

1430 EDT Atlanta Airport Delta Crown Room

We’re here and comfortable. This is a public wireless network access. I think I have a way to get a more secure access, but since I don’t intend to do much here I’ll chance using this one for now.

All’s well, we have a long way to go but we’re in competent hands.

The TSA people in Chattanooga are the best I have ever experienced. Nothing is going to make that a pleasant experience, but at least these people are helpful.

Cicero was put on the proscription list to be killed on sight by Marc Antony over the objections of Octavius Caesar and Lepidus. Antony insisted and although Octavius had inherited the Army, Antony commanded it, and Lepidus paid for much of it. Antony insisted, Lepidus supported him, and Octavious acceded. Cicero was tracked down by a squad of soldiers while in transit. Before he got out of his carriage, Cicero, once savior of Rome from the Cataline rebellion, Consul who held the power of the Ultimate Decree and who returned that power to the Senate and People when the crisis was over, told the soldier who would be his executioner: “Young man there is nothing proper about what you are about to do, but I do hope you will do a proper job of it.”

I can say that the Chattanooga TSA did a proper job of what they did, and I did not tell them that story.

Uncle Timmy drove us to the airport and shepherded us through. LibertyCon takes great care of teir guests, and there is everything proper about what they do. I’ll get home fairly late tonight.



I can’t write an essay on the Colorado Killer working on this laptop in the Crown Room.  I refer you to Hansen http://pjmedia.com/victordavishanson/the-demons-of-the-modern-rampage-killer/?singlepage=true which is quite good, and his conclusion proper. The chap in Colorado deserves a fair trial and then hanging. I can’t think the trial needs to be more than an hour long, although I am convinced that he will long outlive me and for that matter most of those he wounded. He will get better medical care than just about any of my readers and most of those I know including me.

Niven comments that he could be taken to a proper operating facility and shot in the head in a way that does not damage the spine, then taken apart for his parts. My comment was that if sold on eBay that would make a fortune. His liver might bring a lot all by itself. Niven nodded sadly. “That is the problem.” But of course competition from China may bring down the prices that can be obtained for freshly killed criminal parts, and of course they don’t have to worry about the costs the trials.

Of course thinking like this – it used to be called Prudence – is long out of fashion. Now virtue begins and ends with intentions, and not understanding consequences is no vice, merely unfortunate. I didn’t realise that not teaching children to sound out words would leave many of them illiterate! I meant for them to read better! iT’S NOT MY FAULT!!

But now I am rambling. I’ll see if I can get back to an Internet connection.


2430 Tuesday AM  I am home without incident, and about to go to bed. All the files have been transferred, my computer systems are working properly, and I learned some Road Warrior lessons. I’ll make a quick pass through the mail, but mostly I am off to sleep.


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