Merry Christmas; funding immunization hazards and compensations

View 755 Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas.

For those who have asked, I’m all right. I did manage to bash myself a bit Friday which has slowed me down, but it’s nothing serious and I’m recovering nicely. We had a good Christmas, both by Skype and with Frank and his partner who drove in from Texas to spend the afternoon with us, and all’s well.


I found this amusing:


I should be back in business tomorrow. Have a great week.


And for your contemplation:

TSA Agent Blows Whistle

It’s nothing that we — and millions of Americans and millions of foreigners — did not already know, but maybe having a TSA worker repeat it will clue in millions more. 


A former TSA screener turned blogger who is now causing embarrassment for the federal agency has revealed that TSA officers routinely laugh at and make fun of passengers’ nude body scanner images in back rooms.

In a blog entitled Taking Sense Away, the anonymous ex-TSA worker reveals how he, “Witnessed light sexual play among officers, a lot of e-cigarette vaping, and a whole lot of officers laughing and clowning in regard to some of your nude images, dear passengers.”

The revelation was in response to a reader who asked, “Tell us, please, what really happens in that private room and why the TSA does not want it seen in public nor recorded.”

The ex-TSA screener also ridiculed the existence of I.O. rooms (image operator rooms) where naked images produced by body scanners are viewed by TSA agents.

“The most ridiculous thing is that these I.O. rooms even exist, to begin with. The backscatter machines are useless, as I and many, many others have previously pointed out. They should never have been put into use to begin with; TSA officers should never have been viewing nude, radiation-rendered images of passengers in those private rooms, period,” he writes.

“That’s why there are federal lawsuits pending against TSA (Ralph Nader, Bruce Schneier, et al) and why TSA is trying to backpedal and sweep the radiation scanners under the rug away from oversight committees and the public at large, as quickly as possible, right now. The entire thing was, as usual, a hare-brained, tax payer money-wasting, disaster of an idea.”

In a separate blog post, the whistleblower explains how TSA higher-ups are fully aware of the public’s disdain for the agency and that, the, “TSA is the laughing stock of America’s security apparatus,” with most employees desperate to transfer into a more respected government agency.

The whistleblower also highlights how TSA screeners would punish passengers who displayed a bad attitude by subjecting them to pointless bag searches with zero justification.


You can work with those harassment devices, however.  I won’t get into the details, but smart people will figure out ways to make the harasser wish that he’d never harassed you.  Many professional and bureaucratic remedies exist; you can apply the same for devastating effect. 


Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo

Nothing unexpected, of course.



I have been talking to my son Frank who does various commercial advertising stuff. There is an interesting situation involving vaccinations and inoculations and compensation for those who ( several per million ) have really terrible reactions to them. Statistically if you give essentially any immunization whatsoever, a few people per million are going to have terrible reactions – possibly fatal. It’s not the “fault” of the drug company. It’s not incompetence or bad manufacturing practice. It’s just the way the world is.

The law that compensates these people is from about 1986 and is based on Reagan administration – actually more on Carter administration – data. I charge is made for every vaccination, and the funds go to compensate victims of vaccinations.  It is possible to refine this some and come up with some predictions about who will have a larger probability of something awful happening if they are immunized, and to tie those probabilities a little closer to the specific immunization. It’s tricky. It involves careful data collection and meticulous work. It doesn’t take brilliance – at least that won’t be necessary although brilliance might make it faster and cheaper – but it will take thorough and careful work, and a lot of careful record keeping, and supervision. All that costs money, but it’s research worth doing. Some of the money is available in the funds appropriated for compensation: the fund is financed by a flat fee on inoculations, and has grown faster than intended, so some of the money might be available to appropriate as research.

On the other hand, this is the kind of research project that can be done by existing grant supervision agencies: it just needs the money and some careful attention to the research grant terms and work statements. I suggest that there are plenty of US government activities that could be abolished and money saved by declaring those doing needless jobs as redundant. Bunny inspectors come to mind, but perhaps there wouldn’t be enough saved by sacking the lot of them. Couldn’t hurt to do it of course.

But given the above story and other materials we see in the news, may I suggest that the TSA could spare a lot of money for some needed research that might actually save lives? It’s not as if the TSA were so very good at what it does.

More another time, but it’s something to think about.


I have not time to write at length on this, but what I am doing here is making a case for some immunizations as a public good. I recall growing up with compulsory smallpox vaccinations; they killed a small number of children every year, but they had the desired effect of making smallpox rarer and rarer for the immunized and susceptible alike. In those days diphtheria was a dread disease that killed a lot of children every year. The immunizations essentially eliminated it as a conscious public threat, although it’s still out there ready to come back if there’s a large enough population of susceptible children – it’s a concentration thing. The Iditarod race came out of getting vaccines through the snow and ice in days before airplane deliveries.

I understand that requiring someone to be vaccinated is an encroachment on freedom. I know the arguments; but the issue was settled before any or us were born, and few of you grew up in a time when major epidemics were not only common but inevitable. By my time smallpox was no longer a danger because most of us were immunized but polio season came every year, and we were  all terrified when it came. Schools and summer camps closed, there were quarantines – almost every year in Shelby County Tennessee.

But any time you have mass immunizations some will die of allergies. Some will be badly injured. If you want freedom from smallpox and polio you cannot rely on suing the drug makers. The 1986 law approaches this by taking the compensation requirement away from the drug people and the Tort bar, and making government responsible. Even so some will be harmed; it seems an ethical obligation to minimize that number, and as our science gets better being able to predict those likely to be harmed by immunization gets better – but the research is expensive and isn’t particularly romantic, it just requires meticulous preservation and analysis of date, lots of patience, and money.

I think we would all be safer if we had research grants on finding ways to identify people likely to have a bad reaction to immunizations; and I suspect we’d save a lot more lives than the TSA inspectors are saving. Certainly per dollar spent.

More another time.





Winterset; Plan B fails and the financial cliff approaches; and the world has not ended.

View 754 Friday, December 21, 2012


I am pleased to tell you that we have passed both dawn and noon local time in the Mayan palaces, temples, and pyramids in Yucatan, and the world does not seem to have ended. Edgar Cayce predicted the rise of Atlantis with resulting tsunamis creating disasters on the Atlantic coast, and some time later – I’d have some warning – on the Pacific coast. I am pleased to say that so far there is no sign of that happening. Alas, Cayce wasn’t so exact as he might have been, and the rising of Atlantis may not happen until the opening of the New Cycle.

Tomorrow morning begins a new Long Count cycle under the Mayan Long Count calendar. Each cycle lasts 1,366,560 days. The Romans used to have the Secular Games (you see remnants of them in Catholic Jubilee years) which by law were “something no living man has seen, and no man living will see again.” I think a 1,366,560 day cycle qualifies.


The Republican Plan B which would halt the tax rise (average of $3500 annually per household) in 2013 for everyone making under $1,000,000 a year, but would allow the rate for those making a million a year to revert to the previous level before the Bush Tax Cuts could not get enough Republican votes to pass. It was doomed in the Senate and President Obama had said he would veto it, but the Speaker apparently thought he had enough votes to get it through the House.

The plan was to present the coming tax crisis as the Democrats’ fault for rejecting Plan B.

The Club for Growth, a tax cut advocacy group which preceded the Tea Party and is not a part of the Tea Party movement, had this to say:

“Like many of you, we at the Club have been watching the ongoing debate over the “fiscal cliff” closely. A brief reminder of how we got here: President Obama and Republicans in Congress agreed to a 2-year extension of the Bush tax rates two years ago, and then pushed through a deal to raise the federal debt limit last summer that created “sequestration” or automatic spending cuts if a so-called “super committee” couldn’t reach a deal on deficit reduction. The combination of tax increases and spending cuts set to happen at the beginning of January 2013 is a culmination of these two deals in what is now known as the “fiscal cliff.”

The Club opposed the August 2011 debt limit deal because it raised the debt ceiling without structural reform (like a Balanced Budget Amendment). We firmly believed that Congress would never allow sequestration to happen, and that all we’d be left with is trillions in new debt.

Earlier this week, after publicly putting tax increases and yet another increase in the debt limit on the table during negotiations with President Obama, House Speaker John Boehner announced that he would put forward a proposal to raise marginal income tax rates, as well as rates on capital gains and dividends. He called this anti-growth tax increase “Plan B.”

Thanks to members of the House, elected with Club PAC support, the Plan B tax increase was defeated. Fiscal conservatives revolted, and Speaker Boehner was forced to pull the bill. The Speaker even tried to “buy” votes by including spending increases that broke the sequestration deal (just as we predicted).

Lawmakers now need to focus on the long term pro-growth solutions to grow our economy and reform entitlements instead of their myopic concerns of how polls will blame them tomorrow, next week, next month, or ahead of the next election. The standard by which we should measure legislation is not whether it generates revenue to the government. Instead, the paramount consideration should be whether it promotes growth and reduces the size of government.

The Club will continue to closely monitor the progress of Congress and urge Senators and Representatives to find a pro-growth solution to the fiscal cliff. Stay tuned.”

The Republicans now seem determined to allow the US to go over the financial cliff, since it is unlikely that any Republican Bill that has any chance of passage in the House will be acceptable to the Democrats. It is not clear whether the Democrats can concoct a bill that could attract enough Republican votes to pass, but it is not impossible.

The “financial cliff” that will take effect on January 1 is the reversion to the Clinton era tax rates before the Bush tax cuts, and the sequestration of funds that automatically takes place due to the Republican/Democrat compromise bill that raised the debt limit ceiling. The Act makes many drastic cuts in Federal spending – actual cuts, not merely reductions in planned increases – but does not affect Federal employee pay or pensions. It makes large cuts in military spending, but not in military pay. Medicaid, Social Security, and veteran benefits are not affected. There are those who say that blanket cuts in Federal spending would be a Good Thing.

Note that the Federal Zero Interest Rate policy is not affected; this policy has enormous effects on investment strategies. Do note that everyone who holds cash is subject to a 2.5% tax on total cash holdings (including money in checking accounts) and in general the return on savings accounts doesn’t cover inflation either.

The financial cliff includes taxes on medical devices; it is not clear why pacemakers, crutches, splints, ankle braces, replacement knees and hips, and so forth deserve a special tax and should be made more expensive. Since a great deal of the cost of such devices is borne by Medicare and Medicaid, and thus the tax is paid by the Federal Government, the effect is a rise in costs for those covered by private insurance or by their own bank accounts; which may in fact be the purpose of the tax, which seems to be inserted by those who favor increased government control of medical care.

Once we go over the cliff, the Democrats will propose “tax cuts for the middle class” and will probably gain a great deal of credit for having done so. They repeal the Bush tax cuts and later come up with Obama tax cuts. The Republicans do not seem to have made many political gains from being responsible for the Bush Tax Cuts (which the upcoming Obama Tax Cuts will probably not match – he wants more revenue, and it’s easier to get that from the middle class) but it is likely that Obama will get a lot of credit for his. So it goes.

Of course the Senate has not passed a budget for years. It will be interesting to see if it can do so.

Under the Constitution no money can be drawn from the public treasury except through a law that originates in the House of Representatives and which has been passed by the Senate.


The NRA position is that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

It hasn’t said much about who the bad guys and who the good guys are. King George and Lord Germain undoubtedly had different ideas from those of Samuel Adams and George Washington.


And when we disarmed they sold us
And delivered us bound to our foes…


It is evening and the world has not yet ended. I suspect most of us will still be here tomorrow. The days will begin to be longer, and another year begin. Or another Long Cycle if you are a Mayan astrologer. Happy New Year.


I continue to point out that if we took $10,000 from each of the 2% of Americans every year, that would amount to $62 Billion a year; about the amount the US borrows every month. Not insignificant, but also not likely we can get that much more from people already paying taxes at the current rate.






A Warning; Madness and liberty; Kipling and Longfellow

View 754 Wednesday, December 19, 2012


A WARNING clip_image003

I got this email today:

: Warning: My email was hijacked by a SPAMBOT

This morning I opened an email from an old friend. It held one line that said "Hey, check this out" and a link to an article on MSN. I opened the article.

Evidently the article was a SPAMBOT. Soon thereafter I found numerous MAILER-DAEMON "DELIVERY FAILED" notices in my inbox. The evidence is that the SPAMBOT illegally used my e-address to propagate SPAM to those on my address book.

If you see an email from me in your inbox with the subject "Hey!", DO NOT OPEN IT! Delete it.

Thank you.

As it happens I had already received the deadly message purportedly from him, and I had marked it to be looked at later when I had time. I had not opened it but I might have. I don’t know what would have happened. In another time I’d have gone to a quarantined machine and opened it just to see what would happen, but I don’t do so much of that any more.

The site that leads to is http://msn. msnbc. msnbc- news3. com/jobs/ which I include so you can see that on first look it appears harmless, but on examination is fairly suspicious. In any event, stay away from it unless you are an expert at this sort of thing.

The subject of the message (at the moment) is Hey!  The message will come from someone who has your email address.  I think not from me; I never visited that site and I see no signs of anything out of the ordinary here. But be careful.


I am working on my essays, but I have been slowed down by many matters, some pleasant and some not so much so.

I also have to do a piece on the state of “mental health science” and the impulse to change the law. The Newtown school massacre has sparked two movements for federal legislation: one to limit possession of guns, the other to expand federal control over persons likely to commit crimes and expand federal power on “helping” people with “mental health problems.” Both are pernicious. The states have plenty of power in these matters. There is no need for new Federal legislation.

Of course the greatest influx of assault weapons into the hands of criminals was Operation Fast and Furious in which a Federal Agency under the supervision of the Department of Homeland Security arranged for more than 2500 AK-47 Assault Rifles to be passed along to Mexican criminal organizations. I don’t know the exact numbers, but I would bet that more than 27 people have already been killed by those Us Government Issued weapons than were killed at the Connecticut school – and of course the Fast and Furious count is not done yet.

As to the confiscation of weapons, it was said well enough long ago.

Kipling’s poem, which we ought to read at frequent intervals, is also here, with some appropriate illustrations:

And when we disarmed they sold us
And delivered us bound to our foes…


When I was in graduate school I became involved in the movement to limit mental health detentions. As Professor Cole put it, do not people have a right to be punished, rather than locked up forever for their own good? One case was that of a man who pleaded guilty to a sex crime for urinating on a school wall at a time when there were pupils present but he wasn’t aware of that: they were peering at him through a hedge. He was sent to Atascadero essentially at the pleasure of the State of California, and remained there for 10 years until he finally found someone interested in taking his case. He was drunk on beer at the time, and it was 0830 in the morning. He had not exposed himself to anyone before and was embarrassed. He had not realized that his guilty plea was to a sex crime and made him a lifetime sex offender.

Fifty years ago there were many cases like that, madhouses full of people who had long since ceased to be threats to themselves or others, but who were very useful as unpaid orderlies and attendants (trustees, of course) in the asylums.

We also had the Cold War, and the famous cases of people in the USSR sent to mental health hospitals for treatment for their dissent from Communism.

The result was a movement that did justice to a number of people who possibly deserved punishment, but their punishment became life sentences. Unfortunately the pendulum swung too far. From prohibiting imprisonment of sane people in madhouses it swung to abolishing the madhouse as if there were no madmen.

In those days before the reforms a panel of three, one policeman, one psychiatrist, and one official of an institution for treatment of mental disorders could commit someone for years. No judge and jury. Just a panel of experts.

Again the pendulum swung too far. Rather than tighten up the criteria for involuntary commitment, and possibly inserting some kind of judge and jury into the system for long term commitment particularly in cases in which there had not been a crime, only odd behavior, it became very difficult to put away people who were clearly out of their minds, and almost certainly dangers to themselves if not others – dangers to themselves if only because they could not refrain from driving others, like shop keepers, into fits of rage.

None of this is simple. Locking people away is a serious matter. So is madness. And the state of the sciences is such that we really don’t know what we’re doing. It is true that psychiatric medicines – meds – have changed schizophrenia from dementia praecox – young onset dementia – into something that can be ameliorated and possibly controlled. At one time a diagnosis of schizophrenia was essentially a diagnose of lifetime psychosis since there was no known cure or even amelioration, either on the medical side or among the various schools of psychotherapy from Freud to Rogers to Horney to – well, you get the idea.

Now the MD’s can prescribe meds which sometimes have real effects. They don’t precisely cure but they do arrest the deterioration, and some people on meds can function in a way nearly indistinguishable from those who don’t have one or another of the disorders. I decline to get into specifics here. I’m way out of date. The DSM didn’t really exist when I studied abnormal psychology in grad school. Of course there is a good argument that the DSM was essentially a device for the convenience of insurance companies and mental health practitioners who could put in labels for getting paid by someone other than the patient; but that’s another conversation.

I don’t think anyone has a solution to the problem of detecting and deterring mad killers. I do think that leaving it to the states, with some possibilities of intervention by the federal courts on behalf of those involuntarily committed, is a deeply flawed system – but far better than anything we could get from a Congress advised by “mental health experts.”

We are, after all, dealing with fundamental matters of freedom. What is one free to do? At what point have you made it clear that you are a real danger to the world although you have not yet harmed anyone? These are matters of deep concern for those who love freedom.

Freedom is not free. And eternal vigilance remains the price of liberty.


We do not teach poetry in school any longer. When I was in school from first grade through high school graduation we read numerous poems, and were required to memorize and recite some of them. It is a practice that might be reinstituted. See my references to Kipling’s Gods of the Copybook Headings above.

I was recently reminded of this by Longfellow. At one time half the people in this nation could have recited it. Many who have never heard the entire poem will find familiar lines and phrases.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

                    SAID TO THE PSALMIST

    TELL me not, in mournful numbers,
        Life is but an empty dream ! —
    For the soul is dead that slumbers,
        And things are not what they seem.

    Life is real !   Life is earnest!
        And the grave is not its goal ;
    Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
        Was not spoken of the soul.

    Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
        Is our destined end or way ;
    But to act, that each to-morrow
        Find us farther than to-day.

    Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
        And our hearts, though stout and brave,
    Still, like muffled drums, are beating
        Funeral marches to the grave.

    In the world’s broad field of battle,
        In the bivouac of Life,
    Be not like dumb, driven cattle !
        Be a hero in the strife !

    Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant !
        Let the dead Past bury its dead !
    Act,— act in the living Present !
        Heart within, and God o’erhead !

    Lives of great men all remind us
        We can make our lives sublime,
    And, departing, leave behind us
        Footprints on the sands of time ;

    Footprints, that perhaps another,
        Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
    A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
        Seeing, shall take heart again.

    Let us, then, be up and doing,
        With a heart for any fate ;
    Still achieving, still pursuing,
        Learn to labor and to wait.


As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man—
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:—
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!





Notoreity, climate contradictions, slinky, guns and child murder, and other topics

Mail 754 Sunday, December 16, 2012


Training Mass Murderers

Lanza, just like Cho, Loughner, Holmes and the rest, is a creation of the commercial media.

Regardless of their other psycho-pathologies, they were all malignant narcissists, absolutely craving mass attention.

One of them commits a mass murder, seeking attention.

What does the commercial media do? They REWARD him with publicity which would have made the Beatles in their heyday, green with envy.

Crazy isn’t stupid. They take malignant narcissists who would literally KILL for publicity, then when they kill, they give them… PUBLICITY.

I don’t know how big of a stumbling imbecile somebody has to be in order to believe that if you respond to negative behavior with positive reinforcement, you DIMINISH the incidence of that behavior. Why do you think they tell you not to feed bears?

Some conspiracy theorists would say that all of this is to ENCOURAGE these kinds of crimes in order to further an agenda. I say it’s much more likely that the commercial media just doesn’t CARE. This is about MONEY, and despite all of the hypocritical duplicity about "gun industry profits", the commercial media spend more on paperclips in a year than the firearms industry grosses. "If it bleeds, it leads!" And if it needs to bleed MORE in order to prop up the bottom line, that’s just fine with the people raking in the ad and ratings revenues. Like I.G. Farben, their goal isn’t dead bodies… but they’ll cheerfully stampede across those bodies to get to that goal… and it’s plastered with dollar signs.

Chris Morton

Canada’s School Shootings Policy

Recommend we all study Canada’s policy to protect against school shootings. First of all, no mention would be made of the perp. No pictures, no interviews with family, nothing! There is a law against it. Secondly the schools are prepared. Each class can be locked from the inside. The teacher who secures the classroom then blocks up the door’s window if there is one, with a colored sheet that indicated "Secured" or slides it under the door. So law enforcement responding can look down the hall and see the SAFE rooms versus those not so declared. Perhaps your Canadian readers can tell us more.

David Barbee

I recall many years ago, perhaps in 10th grade, finding in the section on the assassination of a US President a line to the effect: “His name is known, but historians have determined not to publish it. There is no need to add to his notoriety.” I think they were referring to the assassination of McKinley but I am not certain.

Obviously such sentiments were abandoned long ago.


Japan is No Exception

Sadly attacks on schools happen occasionally in Japan as well. I remember one that hit the news a while back and dug up the link of the event on wikipedia.

Arondell Hoch

Dear Dr Pournelle,

In Japan, the typical scenario is that of a teenager flunking school exams and stressed out from cram school who snaps, murders his parents with a baseball bat and the commits suicide.

I doubt gun control (or lack thereof) is the issue: Canada has more firearms per capita than we do, but a much lower incidence of violent murder. Culture matters.

There are some studies that show news articles focusing on a mass murderer encourage copycat killers. Perhaps the press should agree to inflict damnatio memoriae to scum like Langa.

Fazal Majid



Does the top of the falling slinky fall at or faster than any other object dropped in 1g? I suspect:

a. the center of gravity of the entire spring is falling at 1g, b. the tension on the spring is additive to the force of gravity at the top end so it falls faster, and c. the tension on the spring is subtractive from the force of gravity on the bottom end, so it doesn’t move until the c.g reaches it.

Chris Spratt

Falling slinky

That reminds me of a problem we were given in Freshman physics lo these many years ago. What is the tallest brick smokestack that can fall over in one piece? Simplifying assumptions: the smokestack is a right circular cylinder; the shear strength of the mortar between the bricks is zero.

The answer is that at some point on the smokestack, the vertical acceleration will exceed 9 m/sec^2, and the joint will fail at that point. Once you see that, you can calculate where that point is. I’ve long since forgotten the number, though.

Joseph P. Martino


POTUS is making his move to disarm the citizenry concurrently with his purge of the military. The eagerness with which Obama is exploiting the Newton Connecticut massacre to ban "assault weapons" is sickening given FBI Homicide data that shows that only a tiny fraction of young homicide victims are killed with firearms.

Year of incident by Weapon used for United States

Return to selection page <> Download the tab delimited file Download data <> Printer friendly version Printer-friendly <>

Display Options:

<> Count Row % <> Column % <>


Age of oldest victim

0 to 5, 6 to 11

Count Firearm Knife Blunt object Personal Other/unknown Total

1980 101 43 45 307 181 678

1981 90 48 84 305 200 728

1982 107 36 68 362 166 739

1983 103 41 51 328 166 690

1984 80 44 51 319 145 640

1985 105 54 53 302 183 697

1986 92 32 55 365 183 727

1987 93 50 51 322 202 719

1988 133 40 63 346 220 803

1989 143 43 37 324 213 761

1990 123 40 45 362 179 749

1991 133 44 44 395 242 859

1992 141 30 64 374 187 797

1993 153 26 55 414 222 871

1994 156 33 39 445 198 870

1995 142 23 47 397 207 817

1996 111 25 50 456 235 878

1997 101 21 47 387 199 755

1998 96 33 55 385 203 772

1999 74 21 70 315 200 681

2000 67 28 67 348 179 689

2001 80 25 40 382 232 759

2002 117 31 35 340 188 711

2003 88 22 48 369 211 738

2004 69 29 57 331 188 674

2005 82 29 54 343 203 711

2006 79 26 53 327 222 708

2007 90 29 53 365 227 764

2008 89 21 60 349 252 770

2009 82 22 60 315 189 668

2010 72 25 61 311 209 678

Total 3,192 1,019 1,663 10,991 6,234 23,099

Suggested citation: Puzzanchera, C., Chamberlin, G., and Kang, W. (2012). "Easy Access to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports:1980-2010." Online. Available: <>

Data source: Federal Bureau of Investigation. Supplementary Homicide Reports 1980-2010 [machine-readable data files].

James Crawford

And by far the greatest killer of children in the US is the automobile.


Subj: Nassim ("Black Swan") Taleb: Learning to Love Volatility

I especially liked "Rule 4: Trial and error beats academic knowledge."

Perhaps nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century American anti-intellectualism was wiser than we knew! Certainly wiser than we were taught by mid-twentieth-century … intellectuals.

"Rule 5: Decision makers must have skin in the game" is a close second.

I had not previously known the Roman rule, that engineers had to sleep under the bridges they built.


I have been reading this book and planned to recommend it. And do not forget Thomas Sowell on intellectuals, many of whom see themselves as The Enlightened and the Rest of Us as The Benighted.


Frack me! UK shale gas bonanza ‘bigger than North Sea oil’


“Reports suggest that the UK sits on one of the richest deposits of shale gas in the world. An unpublished but independent estimate of UK gas potential by the British Geological Survey suggests it may be more significant to the UK economy than North Sea oil. Cuadrilla initially estimated the UK has enough gas to make it self-sufficient for 15 years at current consumption rates – but this may be underestimated by a factor of four:”

“The combination of fracking and horizontal drilling techniques can be used to unlocked new reserves of exploitable gas. (The combination is also deployed to unlock renewable geothermal energy.) The consequences for the energy market have been dramatic. US gas prices have fallen by two thirds, the country is now self-sufficient on gas – and the United States enjoyed the largest fall in CO2 emissions of any major country as its power generators switched from coal to gas.”

Hmm. Fracking drops CO2 emissions.

Hmm. We’re not going to run out of fossil fuels anytime soon.


And of course there are plentiful energy resources in the United States if we were allowed to develop them. And with energy you can do anything. See A Step Farther Out…


Climate Report Draft Contradicts Itself


At risk of being the 37th person to send you this:

Apparently the most recent draft of the round 5 IPCC report contains in its chapter 7 an admission that, statistically, solar forcing (as measured by galactic cosmic ray-induced isotope levels in the geological record – solar activity affects GCR arrivals) seems to be a major component of historical global temperature changes, even if the exact mechanism is not yet known. It’s not the actual solar energy levels arriving; those only account for a fraction of the climate changes that strongly correlate with overall solar activity. The section goes on to name solar activity-linked variation in GCR arrival affecting cloud cover levels as a possible mechanism.

The draft’s chapter 8, meanwhile, written by a different group, gives the politically correct version: Their climate model that includes only direct solar energy-level variations ("total solar irradiance") fails to explain the majority of temperature changes since 1980, therefore the unexplained difference must be anthropogenic CO2. (Yeah, right.)

From the above story: "The report still barely hints at the mountain of evidence for enhanced solar forcing, or the magnitude of the evidenced effect. Dozens of studies (section two

here) have found between a .4 and .7 degree of correlation between solar activity and various climate indices, suggesting that solar activity “explains” in the statistical sense something like half of all past temperature change, very little of which could be explained by the very slight variation in TSI. At least the Chapter 7 team is now being explicit about what this evidence means: that some mechanism of enhanced solar forcing must be at work."

Three guesses how this contradiction gets resolved in the final version report. Meanwhile, though, the cat is out of the bag.

sign me




Egypt arming for attack on Israel?


The formation of a revolutionary guard personal loyal to Morsi would undermine the power of the Mamaluks.

James Crawford=

Or start a civil war. The SS had to have the night of the long knives to get rid of the SA. The Wehrmacht did not intervene.

Jerry Pournelle

Chaos Manor

I found myself thinking about the night of the long knives when the Adm commanding the CBG in the Med and the General commanding Africom were relieved for attempting to intervene in Benghazi then Petreus chose to resign in disgrace for having an affair that hadn’t been so secret rather than continue to lie about it.

Hitler had his Brownshirts. Mussolini had his Blackshirts. Obama has his Brown Bra Brigade.

James Crawford


Roman Roads

"What the Romans didn’t do for us"

I don’t like that headline. What the Romans did do was to adopt a local custom, or practice, and make it a normal way of doing things. My historical analysis may be unsound here, but did not the Romans attempt to invade the British Isles a hundred years prior to what the article refers to? Granted it was a failed invasion, I submit that they saw the technology used locally and also after reflection saw that it was a sound and useful technology. Maybe it took them a hundred years to figure out that what one nation can do another can as well (witness nuclear profusion). I think you have often said that once a thing is ‘proved’ to be possible, it is only a matter of engineering to make it feasible. I paraphrase.

The Republic of Rome was adept at conquering other nations and incorporating the subjugated nations’ technology and philosophy. Perhaps it took an Empire to conquer the Brits?

I dunno, I don’t often quote or reference the Guardian, although I do miss one of your contributors who did so…

I just wanted to ‘smack’ that one down, for old time sake.

I raise a toast to Dr. Erwin.

(misspelt of course)



Brian P. wrote some interesting comments on distributionism and, of course, most of his comments are correct. [] One thing you both missed is that socialism, communism, and all the other isms used to define the practice were created to exacerbate problems. These paradigms are designed to do exactly what they do, create a growing underclass and solidify the ruling class. Read Tragedy and Hope by Quigley or any of the other writings on how these political systems actually work to learn more. I do not believe for one second that consequences we observe from these systems are unintended; that’s part of the propaganda. Oops, we made a mistake, let us introduce more lackluster polices to fix it. Ooops we messed up again; we just can’t get anything right. Let’s kill off more dissidents, steal more wealth, and try this new policy, which will make matters even worse. These policies always follow this pattern and it is no more a mistake than when a conman rips you off and pretends he didn’t know it would happen and that circumstances are beyond his control. Through clever propaganda and manipulation of emotions, these systems gain popularity and power. The only remedy to these systems is critical thinking, analysis, and observation as Brian P. did with his letter. It was good of him to write it and good of you to publish it.

Through shrewd application of Hegelian dialectics, it is easy to confuse and mislead even intelligent people with these systems and the reasons intelligent people are misled are two fold. First, the intelligent person realizes he’s smarter than others and so he thinks the answers will come to him with less effort and he becomes lazy and does not want to concentrate fully on the problem, but still offers a half-baked statement about it and others run with that. Second, the intelligent person becomes confident that they are accurate, but confidence does not equate to accuracy and when we use intellectual systems. e.g. analytics, mathematics, it really does not matter how smart you are. A smart person can create new mathematical theorems and scientific theories; you don’t have to be smart to apply what someone else already invented. If you have the discipline and psychological fortitude, you can apply almost any paradigm. Obviously, more discipline and fortitude is need to apply Tensor equations than is required by the Pythagorean Theorem.

Because most people are even lazier than the intelligent members of society, they take the half-baked theories — presented with confidence — by lazy intellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals and we get trouble as popularity for lackluster policies rises — consider the latest election. I believe that blaming stupidity or incompetence for our problems is the lazy man’s way out. "There was no plan to do this, he’s just stupid". And then, everyone can feel good about themselves because these people who are conning them are really so much dumber than the speakers are even as the speakers lose their freedoms, their fortunes, and their dignity. I hope to see more letters like those from Brian P.


Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo


Legacy of Daniel Boone

AW&ST 12/10/12: "One of the engineers on NASA ‘s Orion multi-purpose crew vehicle is an accomplished Ph.D. astrophysicist named Catherine Boone. Now working at Ball Aerospace , she helped Lockheed Martin develop a machine-vision system that Orion may one day use to dock with other spacecraft en route to Mars (AW&ST Jan. 9, p. 44). She is also a descendant of 18th century American pioneer Daniel Boone. There is something extremely fitting about one of old Daniel’s offspring helping pave the way into the Solar System. Apparently, it’s a very strong gene."


* * *

"Mad Science" means never asking, "What’s the worst that could happen?"

–Schlock mercenary


Phobos is hollow and artificial.


Don’t know how this will fit into the GUCT (Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory) I’m working on, but I thought I’d pass it along since as it may interest you…

That is the least goofy url that I could find about it, the UFO sites are a bit farther out with it… Here’s my favorite conspiracy minded one:

Lots of nice pictures and a timeline going back to the Viking missions.

BTW, although I don’t put much stock in this sort of thing, but it sure would be cool if it really is artificial and hollow. I think a manned mission there would be the best investigative start to settle the question once and for all… I would actually settle for another manned mission to the moon to settle whether it is actually hollow and artificial. Did you see this: ?


Doesn’t Richard Hoagland (Enterprise Mission) have some words on the hollow moon of Mars? My problem is that I know many of the people involved in processing the data from Mars, and I just don’t think they’re in on a conspiracy, and I know they’re smart enough that if there were one they’d know. Of course my judgment may be failing, but I thought this back when I was still smart…


APOD: 2012 December 10 – Time Lapse: A Total Solar Eclipse,


APOD: 2012 December 10 – Time Lapse: A Total Solar Eclipse:

Very cool.



I think this beats your bunny inspectors:

How Ernest Hemingway’s cats became a federal case The descendants of Ernest Hemingway’s cats – dozens of them – freely roam the writer’s former home, now a museum. In a controversial court case, a judge says the felines must be regulated under federal law.


“The exhibition of the Hemingway cats is integral to the Museum’s commercial purpose, and thus, their exhibition affects interstate commerce. For these reasons, Congress has the power to regulate the Museum and the exhibition of the Hemingway cats.”


By this ‘reasoning’, there is nothing in the land which the Congress cannot regulate. Utter madness.

Roland Dobbins


