RAND, Aerospace, Jiu Jitsu, and other matters. Mail 682 20110706

Mail 682 Wednesday, July 6, 2011





Article about RAND that you might enjoy.




–Gary Pavek



RAND was a think tank, and over time it became too intellectual for General Schriever and Air Force Systems Command. Schriever, who built the modern Air Force and who understood megamissions very well, caused the creation of the Aerospace Corporation, which was to be “practical” rather than theoretical. Schriever ordered two major studies of the future of the Air Force: Project Forecast, which dealt with winged aircraft, and Project 75, which was a study of missile systems. Both were intended to answer the megamissions question. For more on megamissions see my lecture at the war college. Colonel Francis X. Kane was the Director of Project Forecast. Project 75 was done at Aerospace with Bill Dorrance as Director; I was the Editor of the study. Both were very influential in the development of USAF weapons systems.

RAND and Aerospace Corporation worked together. RAND considered Aerospace a bit too rough and ready, too operations oriented with too little regard to matters intellectual. Aerospace people thought of RAND as too theoretical with too little regard for practical matters. The Air Force generally required RAND critiques of major Aerospace studies, and most RAND Air Force studies required similar participation from Aerospace before the final report could be written. This cross fertilization was often useful and sometimes very much so, but it could lead to considerable frustration as well.

RAND had managed to establish the principle that RAND people were always on duty thinkers, and thus should fly first class when on company business since they were expected to work during the flights. This sometimes meant that a RAND intellectual would be flying first class while the spouse sat back in steerage with the Aerospace troops when we all went to a major conference. (In those days families often went to major conferences (paying their own way while the staffer got a paid ticket.) Aerospace Corporation staff were also expected to work while on the road, but weren’t authorized first class tickets. In practice, at least in my case, we did so much travel that we got upgrades from the airlines, so the RAND first class privilege wasn’t as important as it might have been.

There were other major government owned think tanks, mostly on the East coast. MITRE and Lincoln Labs were the two I worked with.

RAND published a wide variety of documents on many important matters. Herman Kahn’s Techniques of Systems Analysis, a RAND document, was the best (indeed nearly the only) systematic introduction to systems analysis/operations research in publication for some years, and remains one of the best even today. RAND did studies on such matters as “hostile trade”, a study of Japanese economic warfare in previous centuries.

Everyone used to enjoy visiting RAND in Santa Monica, and the Indonesian rijsttafel restaurant down the street.


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Birthright Lottery on its way




Tim of Angle


Think of it as science fiction in everyday life…


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The Last Shuttle


Dear Dr. Pournelle,


I hope this finds you well. It may be a deficiency in my searching prowess, but I haven’t seen much recent commentary from you about the impending last shuttle flight. I’d ask that you be gentle to the old bird, oinking and inefficient flying pork-barrel that she was. For those of us who were starry-eyed kids in the seventies she was as close to the promised Flying Car as we will likely ever get in our lifetimes. In these mean and loathsome times it is difficult to imagine sitting in a cherry tree dreaming of Mars, but it was once possible. Maybe it will be again someday. Until then, the shuttle will remain our last attempt to grasp the stars. Please be kind to her memory!


In addendum, I guess I need to re-read Fallen Angels again. Great book, but of all the damnable futures to come true, why that one…?


Thanks again,


Jeff Stoner


I did a long piece on this in today’s view. Thanks. As to Fallen Angels, we tried to be logical when we wrote it.


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U.S. Warns Terrorists Might Try to Plant Bombs Inside of People – FoxNews.com




Here come the Semtex breast implants!




No doubt the detonator could be disguised as a pacemaker.


Jim Crawford


If I were running al Qaeda, I would think of rumors to start and operations to make which would cause the United States to react by harming itself. This looks like one such. The costs of TSA are tens of billions a year and the humiliation of the American people. The costs to al Qaeda are fairly small. QED


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What It Costs to Resist Hackers


Very interesting story about cyber-security in the LA Times. I’ll just sample a couple of lines:




The business of protecting computers and servers from intruders has been growing nearly 10% a year since 2006, but security industry officials say 2011 may be the busiest yet. Companies are expected to spend $75.6 billion, easily surpassing last year’s record of $63 billion….


Sony has alone estimated it will lose more than $170 million from hackers breaching its PlayStation Network in April and stealing credit card information of its 70 million members. The damage includes loss of revenue and additional spending on security enhancements and legal fees.





Are these shovel ready jobs?



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Laid-Back in the Lab, Maybe, but They Spurred the Weapons Race


Interesting NYT article at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/science/05bomb.html?ref=technology about the competition between the very bureaucratic Los Alamos folks and those at Lawrence Livermore.



    In 1952 the physicist Ernest O. Lawrence <http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1939/lawrence-bio.html> assembled a group of young scientists to design weapons that were radically different from those being designed at Los Alamos National Laboratory <http://www.lanl.gov/> in New Mexico, the nation’s original nuclear weapons <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/science/topics/atomic_weapons/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier> lab.


    Dr. Francis researched the history of the nation’s nuclear weapons program when she was in graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the mid-1990s.


    In a recent telephone interview she said the photos revealed the casual approach to designing weapons that prevailed at Livermore, in a significant contrast to the more formal, bureaucratic national security culture that was characteristic of Los Alamos.


    She said the rivalry between the labs played an essential role in the emergence of intercontinental ballistic missiles, which required lighter, more powerful weapons.


    “It is not an exaggeration to say that the competition between the labs was as significant — or even more significant — as the United States-Soviet Union competition in driving innovation in the arms race,” she said. “This led to a culture of entrepreneurialism at Livermore, a less conservative approach to weapons design and riskier endeavors.”







John Harlow, President BravePoint


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“It is because we only teach the students how to memorize, and we test them and test them, and punish them if they cannot pass the tests.”




Actually, we don’t teach memorization in the sense of addition and multiplication tables, and memorizing and reciting poetry. In fact, in many cases it’s pretty hard to determine just what has been taught; many universities have concluded ‘not much’ and institute routine remedial courses for incoming freshmen.


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Intelligence Computer Doesn’t Work


It seems even the U.S. military is not immune to poor technical

support and a lack of mastery of the cycles of innovation:



How much money does it cost to build a computer system which shares

real-time intelligence among troops fighting in both Iraq and

Afghanistan? The question is still out, but we know for sure that the

$2.7 billion the Army has spent didn’t accomplish the goal.


That’s the report from experts and analysts familiar with the system,

and which have used the system, and concluded that not only does it

not work the way it was supposed to, it is actually making

intelligence sharing more difficult.




This incident outlines lacking mastery; mastery of the cycles of

innovation is an important indicator of national power in most RAND

and CIA models. This was one area we could point to and say that

America still had an edge. China has a better Supercomputer, the

Japanese have something better than that, and our guys can’t even get

decent tech support… *sigh*


Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC


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Indian tribes welcome much-maligned FEMA homes EarthLink – U.S. News




Dear Jerry:


It’s not exactly a silk purse made from a sow’s ear, but this story says

that not all government actions are fruitless.




Francis Hamit


I am sure there is a lesson in this story, but I am not sure that you and I draw the same conclusions here.


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Public education




The state of public education in Atlanta:






Somehow I am not astonished.


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You wrote: “We have far too many who seem to have majored in self-esteem while in fact learning little that is estimable.”




Confidence often passes for accuracy, but the two are not synonymous.

I believe you are onto something here. People go to school and schools sell them confidence. Yes, you can pass our dumbed down tests! Yes, you can pass through our degraded program! Yes, you can pay us for the rest of your life! We used to focus on solutions, now we focus on good feelings. The whole thing is a scam. They sell confidence — it’s a con; it’s a scam!


The whole economy is the same scam. It won’t get better by being cynical about it. It won’t get better by being stoic about it.

Complaining about it has not helped; nobody seems to listen. But, fret not. I’ve decided I will not despair, I’ll just emigrate if it comes to that. This is not my problem. I did not create this problem. And, I will not accept this as my problem. If the people do not get their act together, I’ll move. I’m done paying for others’ idiotic choices.



Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC


I am a bit old to run, and I don’t have too many places to go. Back in the Cold War days I had my survival company. Mel Tappan chose to go to Oregon. I could have joined him, but as I said then, the best way to survive a nuclear war is not to have one, and I could do a lot more about that in Los Angeles than I could from the Rogue River. I stayed and developed the Council I chaired, and perhaps it did some good in developing the concepts of and arguments for Strategic Defense. Through General Schriever and others we had a path to the President so our arguments did not get lost. I don’t have all those paths now. But I remind you all that despair is a sin. Sail on. And on. And on.


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Asian pollution halts global warming



Isn’t this Fallen Angels in reverse?


(Actually, the physics in FA is better…)




We worked hard on that book.


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Voting and citizenship


You recently mentioned Heinlein’s views on voting qualifications as

laid out in Starship Troopers.


Nevil Shute had similar ideas that he laid out in his 1950 (or so)

book “In the Wet”. The book revolves around a fever dream of some

events that take place about 50 years in the future ie; 2000. Very

prescient in many ways. He predicted the European population

implosion and one of the plot points is a sort of goofy Prince of

Wales who has no desire to succeed his mother the Queen.


In any event, a major plot point is what is called “The Seventh

Vote”. By that time voting qualifications had changed. Every adult

citizen got one vote. However, you could earn additional votes. I

seem to recall that clergy got an additional vote, military service

got one, finishing school another, raising a child who stayed out of

trouble another and so on. One could earn up to 5 additional votes or

6 total. The Queen could award the “Seventh Vote” for some sort of

meritorious service. In the novel the hero saves the queen from a

bomb and gets the seventh vote for that.


I have always thought the idea of one man/one vote was not a good way

to run a country. Seems to me that the people who contribute more

should have more say in how it is run. Maybe we need a system where

one gets extra votes for meeting certain milestones. Or perhaps base

it on taxes. 1 vote for paying up to $1,000. Another for paying

1-10,000. Another for 10-50,000 and so on.


There are many other ways that multiple votes could be awarded, all

of which have merits and demerits.


The problem is that now people can, or think they can, vote themselves rich.


As Bastiat asked in “The Law”, if it is immoral for me to use a gun

to take $100 from you, why is it moral to have someone else do it in

the name of government?


Be well,

John R Henry CPP

“All progress is made by a lazy person looking for an easier way.” –

Lazarus Long


Neville Shute had a very good novel in which multiple voting schemes were used. We tend more to egalitarianism now. Of course the equality theory is absurd: it is true mystically, or religiously, in the same sense the compared to man all earthworms are equal, so compare to God all humans are equal. There is more difference between Einstein and God than between Einstein and the village idiot. In that sense they are equal, but in no other. Given multiple votes for achievements is very much against the egalitarian principle.

In classical philosophy injustice consists of treating equal things unequally, but just as important it is unjust to treat unequal things equally. That seems to be lost, along with religion, in this modern world; yet if we have lost religion, we have actually lost even the pretense of equality. C. S. Lewis understood this thoroughly. Without recognition of inequality there can be no equality.

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LA Times does something useful?


You may have seen this a ka-jillion times already, but here it is again.




It’s a link to a blog that discusses the LA Times apparently trying to link teachers to performance! With statistics that already exist but the LA County Unified doesn’t report! This appears to be legitimate public service?! And the Teacher Union are organizing a boycott?!






Thanks again for the site; just started reading it again more (and re-upped the sub., too) after hearing you on TWiT. I hope you do more of those! Picked up “Oath of Fealty” in a used bookshop just the other day also…interesting how it in some ways presaged the “gated communities” and other items of latter-day “civilization”. The discussions on taxes and “social contract” must have seemed weird in the 80s? Funny too how wireless comms. and the “mainframe” model of computing were “missed” in that era of S.F. Next up: “The Gripping Hand”…you and Niven do rip along at a good pace you know?


Jay R. Larsen


Great Flash and Other matters Mail 682 20110705

Mail 682 Tuesday July 5, 2011


This ought to have been posted yesterday.

Subj: Fwd: Best Flash Mob Ever



It is certainly worth watching. Exuberant.

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Hary Brown

It’s a Michael Caine movie now available to stream on Netflix. He is a pensioner who chum is killed by the local gangbangers. But Harry was a Royal Marine once.


“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

Dwight David Eisenhower

I have not seen that, but this is a favorite plot with me. I even liked Streets of Fire which had a similar theme. I like stories in which bad guys pick the wrong victim…

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So, DSK gets put on suicide watch at Rikers until he resigns from the IMF — this is all before the investigation occurs. The maid is connected to the mob, etc. Now, like a row of sharkteeth the next accuser stands ready to put this guy away. This is so blatantly obvious.


Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

It does seem rather a parody of real justice. We still don’t know everything but where is all the money coming from?


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The Day is Done

I was struck by your comments concerning “The Day is Done” and agree with your thoughts on the decline of education in the face of increasing money spent on it. My students (I teach CS at a liberal arts college) often seem to resent the idea that earning the grade they want involves a great deal of talent and time investment. Most come out of high schools with GPAs > 4 with homework commitments of less than an hour a week. Of course, the shift has been going on for a while. I still remember an episode of “The Brady Bunch” where Greg was forced to watch/help his father recite “The Day is Done” at a school show; the point was that such old poetry had no place in the “hip” world he inhabited. And, in elementary school in the late 70s, I was considered strange for picking Kipling’s “If” to memorize for a class poetry day. On the other hand, my 83 year old father can still recite “The Gettysburg Address” and Leigh Hunt’s “Abou Ben Adhem” flawlessly—they and many other pieces shaped his worldview.


Kenny Moorman

Abou Ben Adhem, may his tribe increase– Sixth Grade. It’s in the California Sixth Grade Reader I am working into a (public domain so very minimum priced) eBook. Along with a number of other poems and stories we all once knew or at least had heard of. Like Horatius at the Bridge. Incidentally you can find Horatius and the other Lays of Ancient Rome on this site with a short introduction.


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Subject: Researchers create rollerball-pen ink to draw circuits

Almost like Motie technology:



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A bit of hope for alternative fuels –


Alternative fuels for the military need to be “drop-in”: Navy Sec’y

I see real hope for alternative fuels and Mabus says why I think it can happen, “The sheer size of the military needs, Mabus said, means that “what we can do, what the military can do, is we can bring a market.”

I hope.



Bringing a market is often all that is needed. If NASA had done space that way…


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Subj: Good nukes! TVA signs letter of intent to buy B&W small modular reactors



>>The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) (NYSE:BWC) announced today that Generation mPower LLC (GmP), a majority-owned subsidiary of Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Energy, Inc., has signed a letter of intent with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) that defines the project plans and associated conditions for designing, licensing and constructing up to six B&W mPower small modular reactors (SMRs) at TVA’s Clinch River site in Roane County, Tenn. … GmP remains on track to deploy the first B&W mPower reactor by 2020 at TVA’s Clinch River site. …<<

Rod Montgomery==monty@starfief.com


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Fallen Angels – life imitates art.


Roland Dobbins

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‘The man who makes war without the approval of elected legislators is no longer a president, but a king.’


The King of England constitutionally had the right to make war on whom he pleased. He needed Parliament to pay for it. Congress was explicitly given that power in the Constitution with the English precedent in mind.


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Obama Losing Canada’s Oil to China


This story really requires no comment from me, but I’ll point out that given a pipeline the US would have a competitive advantage that would enable the purchase of Canadian oil at a discount. We are all going to have to learn how to walk.


Jim Crawford

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Littoral Ship Corroding: USN cut protection from specs


Gee, whoda thunk it? Steel + aluminum + salt water? Naa, don’ need no cathodic protection system…

73s/Best regards de John Bartley K7AAY

Amateur Radio – the first technology based social network


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Day Book and off-line “blogging”

Dear Jerry,

I’m a long-time reader of your great stuff.

First, i wish you the best with your health.

Second, i am also very interested in the issues you raise, including “sequence of blog posts” and “day book”…

“The business of chronological and blogological order still needs resolution. Not much I can do about that either, except to try to keep various bundles of thoughts together rather than letting them get spread out across a number of separate posts. That requires a bit of forethought, which means that the concept of a day book, a log of one’s thoughts and actions for the day, gets lost and nearly impossible. That needs rethinking because this was conceived as a day book, not a “blog” as that has come to be understood.”

One software that addresses some of this is called MacJournal (http://www.marinersoftware.com/products/macjournal/) which may give you some of what you want, including keeping the master copy of your blog posts on your local machine. I am just starting to use it, and learn its capabilities, but it looks promising.

Take care,


Rick is working on a plan that will allow viewing this place in any order one likes. It takes a bit to develop. We’ll see. Stay tuned…

DSK Twitter and other matters Mail 681 20110703-1

Mail 681 Sunday July 3, 2011 – 1

Balancing the Budget
Canadian Defense Spending

Twitter Post on DSK

A twitter post 10 minutes AFTER an arrest isn’t remarkable in the modern world. It was incorrect anyway as he was arrested at the airport and not at the hotel. How many people on the Air France flight 23 would have seen police remove him from the plane?

"Jonathan Pinet, a youth activist in President Sarkozy’s UMP party, wrote "a mate in the US just told me that DSK’s been arrested in a hotel in NYC an hour ago". A second, three minutes later, read: "I got it from a friend of his who works at the hotel".

A blogger on Le Post, a news website, pointed out that the tweet was posted at 4.59pm New York Time, just 10 minutes after Mr Strauss-Kahn was seized on an Air France plane. Mr Pinet had said he had been arrested an hour previously in his hotel, raising questions on how he had obtained the information so fast."



I would presume that the NY DI’s office is a fairly leaky affair. And given that DSK was the leading opposition candidate to the President of France, and given some of the antics of the 12th Bureau – who knows? An interesting mystery.

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Hello Jerry,

"I would still doubt the accuracy of an average annual Earth temperature to a tenth of a degree even for the present year, and I know no evidence at all that we have 1/10 degree accuracy for the year 1800 or even 1890; but at least it will be interesting to see the data."

And wisely so.

A thought experiment: If you, for whatever purpose, needed to know the ‘annual temperature’ of the county you live in, to an ACCURACY of

0.1 degree (C or F), can you think of a data acquisition system that would provide an answer in which you were confident?

I guess another way of thinking about the problem is: Can you DEFINE the ‘surface temperature of the Earth’ in such a way that it can with confidence be measured with a precision of 0.1 degree, and have we now or have we ever had a data acquisition system in place that is capable of making that measurement?

My opinion is that the answer to both questions is ‘No’.

Bob Ludwick

I have often asked that question of people who are supposed to know. The answers I get boil down to variants of "I don’t know but I have confidence in those who are doing it," and "Oh, you wouldn’t understand, it’s too complicated." That latter usually comes from someone I have already found inarticulate on the subject (of course many science people are) and who usually doesn’t impress me with his easy familiarity with differential equations (I no longer am either: that’s something that takes a lot of use and practice). I have poked through many references to explanations as to how data points and their weights in the global averages are selected, but I have yet to find one very satisfactory. It may be that I just can’t understand because it’s too complicated – which raises the interesting question of how do we know those who are spending our money understand it if they can’t explain? They usually get unhappy when questioned closely, too.

But with the release of the primary data we may find some answers. I sure don’t know how they know to 1/10th degree the average temperature of the Earth in 1776 or 1888 or for that matter in 1940. I know how to guess it within a degree or so, and I can find enough data on frozen rivers and growing seasons to get a feel for whether it was colder or hotter (seems reasonable to suppose that it was colder in 1776 than in 1888, and colder in 1888 than in 1940) but as to finding a reliable way to know how much colder, even to a degree, I don’t have the foggiest.

Balancing the budget

Hello Jerry,

You were right on about the silliness of the whole idea that the budget can be ‘balanced’, given the size of government. I particularly liked your suggestion that an income line item, ‘lots of money from the Easter Bunny’ is just as realistic as a large number of budget income line items that were put forward with a straight face.

Government always justifies the retention of a favored program (and its associated bureaucracy) by saying ‘It only costs a few dollars/ cents’ per citizen, it does a lot of good (always debatable), and everyone can surely afford such a pittance for so much good.’. Well, there are a LOT of government programs. And a lot of government employees and civilian contractors working on them. As a matter of fact, it is now to the point where the population is divided roughly in half: those who work for civilian purposes and those who are supported either directly by government or who work for a ‘civilian’

contractor which never pays a dime to one of its employees that didn’t come from a government contract. Of course in my case it is even worse, as in addition to drawing a salary from a wholly owned subsidiary of the government for 15 years I am also drawing a retirement from the government, plus social security and medicare. I am not unique.

While the programs are justified by citing their miniscule individual cost, it would be just as valid, given our current 50/50 government/ civilian split, to view the situation as one in which each individual civilian is responsible, completely, for supplying the salary and benefits for a specific government employee. Since for equivalent jobs the government employee typically makes more than his civilian sponsor, what are the chances of ‘balancing the budget’ by confiscating ever more of the civilian’s resources?

The ONLY way to EVER balance the budget is the make the government smaller. DRASTICALLY smaller. Remember: Government size, power, control over its citizens, and command of resources increase monotonically with time. All governments. Smaller, at least enough smaller to matter, ain’t happenin’. Default and/or Weimar style inflation are. So are SWAT Teams for every department of government (IRS and Park Service come to mind), to ensure that objection to government stupidity doesn’t get out of hand (from the government’s perspective).

Bob Ludwick

The Canadian example comes to mind. Remember when Canadian coinage was a nuisance and the Canadian dollar was a joke? They aren’t laughing so much now. Of course Canada has one enormous advantage over the US, as does most of Europe: no need for a defense budget. The Americans will, at need, still be overpaid, oversexed, and over there.

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Canadian Defense Spending

Dr. Pournelle:

On Sunday 3 July 2011 you said in your daybook: "Of course Canada has one enormous advantage over the US, as does most of Europe: no need for a defense budget."

With respect, I beg to differ. Canada does indeed have a defence budget, and we always have. Granted, sometimes we spend more and sometimes we spend less, dependent entirely upon which party happens to be in power at the time. But Canada has always had a standing army of brave men and women ready to serve wherever the need arises.

We may not be as active in policing the world as the American armed forces, but our soldiers, sailors, and airmen have served with distinction in peacekeeping missions all across this globe for more years than I’ve been alive, and continue to do so to this day. Currently our soldiers are actively participating in missions in Afghanistan and Libya, as well as participating in anti-piracy missions in the Horn of Africa. Indeed, Robert Gates himself has praised Canada’s contributions to NATO missions for years.

Would we rather fight with you than against you? Hell yes. That’s just good sense, I think. We’d rather be your ally than your friend. But don’t underestimate Canada. We’re not above taking up arms if it comes down to it. I invite you to remember your own comments about how when you were serving in Korea you and your fellows were mighty happy that the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry was on your side.

Or, perhaps I’m simply feeling a tad more patriotic than usual. We did just, after all, celebrate Canada Day.

I wish you the best of health, Doctor.

Very best regards,

Michael J A Tyzuk, CDOSB

Thank you. I meant no denigration of Canada, more a comment on the endless commitments the US has undertaken since the end of the Cold War. I see no need for a continuation of NATO, as an example. I believe the US would be better of with bilateral defense pacts, beginning of course with Canada. The need for mutual defense with Canada is fairly obvious, with positive results for both sides. In contrast, although I have many friends in Estonia and the old Estonian government in exile that operated during the Cold War awarded me an Estonian medal for my work in the Captive Nations program prior to the Treaty of Leningrad, I do not see why the United States wants or needs a mutual defense treaty with Estonia; I could make the same inquiries regarding most other European nations.

It is still the case that Canada has a much smaller defense establishment than would be needed by most wealthy nations with enormous coastlines (we will stipulate that for over a century there has been no need to defend Canada’s southern border). That helped in Canada’s economic miracle. Of course no one in Washington seems aware that Canada had an economic miracle.

Canada spends about the same percentage of GDP on defense as Brazil and Norway. I’m not saying that’s unreasonable. It’s in fact fairly normal (as opposed to Mexico which spends about a third of that). The US spends about three times that percentage. That’s a heavy burden.

A Mixed Bag on Saturday Night Mail 681 20110702

Mail 681 Saturday July 2, 2011



July 2, 2011 6:53 PM

UK academic wins right to climate change data

(AP) LONDON — Britain’s information watchdog says a closely guarded dataset held by the university at the center of the “Climategate” scandal must be disclosed.

Britain’s Information Commissioner says that the University of East Anglia must hand over a selection from its database of world temperatures records, called CRUTEM3, which draws on readings dating back more than 160 years.

The dataset is one of several which maps global temperature changes over the years and climate change skeptics have long demanded access to it.

In an incident known as Climategate, a series of e-mails stolen last year from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit in Britain showed climate scientists stonewalling skeptics and discussing ways to keep opponents’ research out of peer-reviewed journals.



As the data come out we may yet learn more about this. I would still doubt the accuracy of an average annual Earth temperature to a tenth of a degree even for the present year, and I know no evidence at all that we have 1/10 degree accuracy for the year 1800 or even 1890; but at least it will be interesting to see the data.

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Global Temperature sources, Arctic


Reading the latest information, here in Chaos Manor, about how to ‘see’ where the numbers come from, for the Average Global Temperature, I remembered how much the DC-3 bush pilots, flying out of Resolute Bay, NWT, trusted the Aviation Weather Forecasts, in the Arctic.

They did NOT. Because there were very, very few Weather Reporting Stations in the High Arctic.

Before flying out to our Seismic Camp (which was on giant sleigh runners), they would Radio, and speak with our Crew Manager, to get a Real Time Weather Report. Since he had a Thermometer on his Office Trailer, and an Anemometer and a Recording Wind Vane, on a pole above his Office Trailer, he was easily able to tell the truth. If our conditions were good, and were not deteriorating, the DC-3 supply-flight would come out west, from Resolute Bay, to our location on the Arctic ocean ice.

We were working an area between Mackenzie King Island; Lougheed island; the north tip of the Sabine Penninsula of Melville Island, and down the west side of the Sabine Penninsula. Our Airstrip was simple to build – just about 3/4 of a mile-long, 200 feet wide snowplowed clean by 2 D6 Cats. The edges of the cleared ice were marked, every 100 steps, by a black plastic garbage bag wrapped around a 3-surveyors’ lath tripod. Three extra black plastic-on-a-lath-tripod arrangements were placed across each end, and, to mark an extended centre-line, past both ends of the ice strip, we put up about an half-mile of Flags, made triple-height, (just combine lath in a 4; 3; 2; 1: sequence, nailed flat to each other) with a black plastic garbage bag pulled down, with the open end towards the ground, and tie the top end to the lath, then bunch a bit of the bottom edge that is touching the doubled lath, and tie that off, as well. the wind not only blows the garbage bag out like a flag, some of the wind gets into the open bottom, and slightly inflates the whole thing. I inspected the setups, from out Bell Jetranger helicopter, after each new DC-6 snowplowed ice stip was marked, and the extended centreline flags were easy to see, plus the edge & end markers also showed up well. snow never stuck to any of them, because the rippling caused by the winds made the snow fall off!

The Seismic Crews, working in the High Arctic, worked from October thru mid-December, then returned in late January (after the worst of the storms had gone). We still had a weeks worth of emergency food in each vehicle, due to the danger of a Blizzard making it impossible to see well enough to drive. And I have driven into the base of a 90-foot-tall cliff, when I strayed off of a previously-driven trail, on Banks island. My Rolligon’s headlights suddenly stopped glowing thru the flying snowflakes, and the 6-cylinder ford diesel tractor engine stalled. I started the engine, and backed up, gazing in wonder at a perfect imprint of the grille-guard, in the snow-covered cliff-face – until a big chunk of the snow-cornice arrive from on high!

I do wonder how good Climate Forecasts can be, when Weather Forecasts suffer from wildly-variable spacing of Weather Reporting Stations. I have looked up the number, and placements, of Weather Stations which launch at least one Weather Balloon a day, and see the scanty numbers as not being enough for coverage. The Arctic, the Antarctic, the pacific ocean, and Africa, all do not have many Weather Stations, and the ones that are there are not evenly spaced, either!


Neil Frandsen

in Lethbridge, Alberta, where the Chinook Winds _blow_. or not… Grin.

Ah but they are doing it the easy way, determining the average temperature of the entire Earth. Much simpler than in your case.


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I got a .50 ’cause they don’t make it in .51



“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

Dwight David Eisenhower

I will stay with the Colt Government Model myself.

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Where in the Constitution does it say that anything harmful to minorities is illegal?

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said today he will appeal a court ruling that overturned the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, which bans the use of race and gender preferences in college admissions and government hiring and contracting.

Schuette said he will make a formal request for a rehearing with the appeals court, a move that will keep the civil rights initiative — known as Proposal 2 — in place at least temporarily.

“MCRI embodies the fundamental premise of what America is all about:

equal opportunity under the law,” Schuette said in a statement.

“Entrance to our great universities must be based upon merit, and I will continue the fight for equality, fairness and rule of law.”

A federal appeals court today overturned Proposal 2, saying the voter-approved measure harms minorities and is unconstitutional.

From The Detroit News:



Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Bill Buckley was fond of saying that we need a new Constitutional Amendment. It should say “nor shall any state for reasons of race or sex deny to any person the equal protection of the laws, and this time we damned well mean it.” Of course that can never happen.

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Sarkozi — who is not French but Royal Hungarian — had two aids who posted about Strauss-Khan on Twitter vis-a-vis the alleged rape 30 minutes before the arrest happened. How would they know? Well, it’s a set up right? Their excuse was they had spies following him and that is how they knew. It’s in google. It is worth knowing. It happens all the time, but this is a great public event where normal people can take 10 minutes of time and learn something. Maybe you could write a view on it?


Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

I expect DSK told them. One possible story: he was seduced and accepted the offer. He was then warned by someone in the DA’s office of the coming auto de fe in his honor. He sent his story to aides. Of course that’s just a story, but it’s a lot more likely than the one told by the maid.

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Afghanistan logistics not yet dumb enough

They’re even talking air. Uncle Sam wept.

Gregory Cochran

U.S. turns to other routes to supply Afghan war as relations with Pakistan fray


What are you, an isolationist?

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Libertarian Republican: Bachmann – Palin Mud Wrestling match?


Perhaps this would be the proper method for the Republican Party to nominate a Presidential candidate? May be even make it pay per view to fund the campaign?



I do not think either would participate. For perhaps different reasons. But I can think of other interesting mud wrestling matches. Think of Pelosi—

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going John Galt


Message Body:

Dear Doctor Pournelle,

I’m in a bad mood today, but it seems to me John Galt was right.

Since we are punitively taxing the rich, and since we are now going after the means of creating wealth, I am serously considering saying to hell with it and just voting democrat. If that’s want people want, if we have to crash everything in order to rebuild it in a more rational manner … then let’s go ahead and get it over with. The best way to crash everything at the moment seems to be to vote democrat.

I know, “despair is a sin,” and all that.


Sounds like IWW logic.

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