WORD; Trump; A new EM drive?; and other matters

Chaos Manor View, Wednesday, April 20, 2016

“This is the most transparent administration in history.”

Barrack Obama

Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.

Under Capitalism, the rich become powerful. Under Socialism, the powerful become rich.

Under Socialism, government employees become powerful.


I’ve been distracted by health concerns, not so severe as to be life threatening but serious enough that they can’t be ignored, and consume time in dealing with them. So it goes. I am also doing my turn on the really excellent book Niven, Barnes, and I are doing on interstellar colonization; we’re trying to be realistic, including looking into why someone would want to colonize another star, given the problems of getting there. It’s good stuff, but time consuming, with all my work confined to two finger typing, with frequent corrections of every line, sometimes every word.

That, by the way, progresses better than you might think, but only so ;long as I use Word 2010: that version has a very easy method for adding to the autocorrect dictionary, so that qword can easily be converted to word, and words with a c at the end, or c at the beginning, can sometimes by autocorrected; the c comes from hitting the c key along with the space bar. There is also the problem of losing all my text if I hit alt-spacebar and certain other keys thereafter; the text vanishes.

I’ve overcome that by getting the habit of saving as “currentwork.doc” what I am working on at the moment, and setting AutoSave to the shortest possible interval and then clicking on the little save icon whenever I look up and correct.

Today I hit some key combination that put a black line in my Word text. I couldn’t delete it, either with the backspace or the delete key, and I couldn’t select it, so I couldn’t delete it that way. Went online and asked about undeletable black lines, but the remedy I was told would work told me to use click on items that don’t appear in the Windows 10 ribbon; what version they are for is irrelevant. I finally copied all my text and pasted it into Notepad; then I copied that, and pasted it into a just opened Word file; jimmied the definition of Normal to be what I wanted; and normalized everything. Worked but seems needlessly tedious. Apparently I did something like hit the dash key three time and Word helped me by turning that into so kind of format box, and the instructions for turning that off can’t be found; or rather I didn’t find them for Word 10. In the old days I’d dig until I solved that, but I used the Notepad trick instead. I was eager to keep writing, because it was a good scene I had been doing. Didn’t do much good, of course. Once the flow is broken, it’s hard to start up again.

But it was a good scene, and now I have time to do a View. I was describing a girl, nineteen, as she wakes up from cold sleep to find she’s still aboard a ship, not landed on new planet as she had expected when she went to sleep.


I’m about to give up on reading neo-conservative magazines, at least until after the election. They could have an article about a paleontologist discovering a new dinosaur, but before the article was done there would be a screed denouncing Trump. They’re obsessed with him and can’t write about anything else. The current Weekly Standard has an article about Hillary and her eMail and the Attorney General; and sure enough, they have to take a shot at Trump as part of it, as if he had anything to do with her keeping government business on her private server.

Trump is probably the least qualified candidate who ran for the Republican nomination this year. If you didn’t know that, you’d have to be a hermit to avoid finding it out. He also has far more delegates than any other candidate. I would think that would send a clear message to the Republican elite, particularly the country club establishment; but like the Bourbon kings of France restored after the Revolution, they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

Wouldn’t I want a more qualified, somewhat more experienced candidate? Well, of course. But the establishment wasn’t about to let anyone not within its ranks to get anywhere close to the nomination. In 1956 the goal was “anyone but Reagan” among the Republican elite. Now it’s anybody but Trump. Before Trump they made it clear to all: it’s going to be one of us, like it or lump it. We can deal with upstarts.

But they didn’t intimidate Trump, and now he’s laid all of their compliant candidates low, and they’re turning to an old enemy, Cruz, in despair. The notion is that he’ll “grow” in office; it’s for sure that Trump won’t grow under their definition of grow.

But in fact he’s likely to. He has some good advisors and he has a definite point of view that may be hard to discern because it’s masked by his blatant – loudmouthed and irritating, if you like – tactics. But he has never wavered on his desire to fill the Supreme Court with Justices as near in scholarship and view to Scalia as possible; that alone would be enough to get me to the polls for Trump if he’s nominated.

He has consistently said we need to turn control of the schools to the local districts and stop dictating to them from Washington. This has been taken as meaning that he doesn’t know what to do on a nation al scale. Well, I have news: neither does anyone else, and the attempt, even with the best of will, will always fail. The schools worked better, over all, when they were paid for by local school district taxes and run by local school boards elected by the people who paid those taxes. If you don’t believe that, get a copy of the California Sixth Grade Reader from a hundred years ago and compare it to your child’s present day ninth grade reader. Then weep.

No, he’s not a “movement conservative”, but I’m not sure I still am, and I was a protégé of Russell Kirk and Stefan Possony, and a friend of Bill Buckley and Willmore Kendall. I’ve been in that “movement” a long time. Long enough to see National Review use the egregious Frum to read most of us out of the movement.

Trump is not a movement conservative, but his inclination is to set goals and get people working on them, not to jail and fine them for not doing so. He understands that being served by mindless minions is not the path to glory or wealth. Compared to Hillary or Sanders or anyone in Obama’s train, I’ll take Trump any day. I would prefer someone with government experience – some, not one whose only experience is in government – but we seem to be fresh out of those. I suppose I’d rather have establishment country club Republicans than anyone likely to be nominated by the Democratic establishment even if a plague took all the present candidates; we tried that with Bush I, who cleared the White House of Reagan people the day after inauguration, and proceeded to saddle us with the Americans With Disabilities act and a new Federal bureaucracy; but that’s another story.

Trump is a pragmatic populist. I can live with that.


Trumpism and Clintonism Are the Future

I know this guy. He’s not a conservative, but he’s smart.


It is certainly an analysis worth reading.


Zubrin: ‘The profound global warming of the past four centuries cannot be plausibly ascribed to anthropogenic causes, but it certainly has happened, and the greens cannot deny it.’



Roland Dobbins


New EmDrive Theory – MIT Tech Review

Dear Dr. Pournelle,
A recent article in the on-line edition of MIT Technology Review describes a new EmDrive theory. The theory may account for the EmDrive’s apparent violation of conservation of momentum. Moreover, the article suggests fly-by anomalies (described as unaccountable “jumps in momentum observed in some spacecraft as they fly past Earth toward other planets”) provide supporting observational evidence. Here is the link:
Yours truly,
Jim Bonang




For all you Star Trek Fans

Almost fell off my chair!

Star Trek – The Lost Episode

Star Trek – The Lost Episode

Although the lost 80th episode was never aired, this trailer has been uncovered through the diligent efforts of …


Brice Yokem




This is intolerable.  You don’t arrest six-years-olds at their school for NOT being in a fight which didn’t even occur at the school.

First-graders cuffed, arrested, charged; Murfreesboro outraged

Jessica Bliss, The (Nashville) Tennessean

USA TODAY – USA TODAY – ‎Wednesday‎, ‎April‎ ‎20‎, ‎2016

Police handcuffed multiple students, ages 6 to 11, at a public elementary school in Murfreesboro on Friday, inspiring public outcry and adding fuel to already heightened tensions between law enforcement and communities of color nationwide.



Vaccines and Antigen Load

Hi Jerry,
I’d just like to point out a couple of things about your argument about vaccines. I’m willing to accept as plausible the idea that a harmful level of vaccination exists but I’m a) a little unclear why what we are doing today is considered “too much” (or potentially so) and what we did 5, 10 or 20 years ago isn’t? It sounds somewhat arbitrary especially when b) the antigen load – the amount of foreign material is actually lower today than it was in 1983 when we covered only seven diseases. Back then we were putting 15 000 antigens into a child by age four. Today it’s something like 400. So with regard to the foreign substances anyway today’s vaccine schedule is lower than the one I had when I was a kid.


And it will take years to determine the effect on number of autoimmune disorders


Out-of-date apps put three million servers at risk of ransomware (ZD)

About 2,100 servers across 1,600 different networks have already been compromised, meaning they can be infected with malware at any time.

By Zack Whittaker for Zero Day | April 18, 2016 — 14:56 GMT (07:56 PDT) | 

More than three million internet-facing servers are at risk of hijack by ransomware because they are running out-of-date software.

Cisco-owned Talos Group said in a blog post that they had conducted a search of machines that were already compromised, which showed at least 2,100 servers across 1,600 separate networks, belonging to schools and universities, government departments and aviation companies. were vulnerable to infection.

Malicious actors are using out-of-date versions of Red Hat’s JBoss enterprise server, a middleware software that integrates devices, data, and users across different platforms, as the initial point of compromise.

The security research team warned that these servers could be infected by Samsam malware at any moment, a new kind of ransomware that infects through compromised servers and locks up files until a ransom is paid.

Hackers targeting servers is a relatively new kind of attack for ransomware actors, given that a network’s most sensitive data rests on the server rather than individual computers. That raises the stakes, and makes it more likely that the ransom will be paid.

Some of the compromised servers belonged to schools running Destiny, a content management system developed used to keep track of books and other items. Follett, which maintains the Destiny software, immediately issued a fix for the flaw, which researchers said it was “imperative” that all users install the patches.

Talos researchers said in their advisory urged administrators to remove external access to the server, but added that ideally reimaging the system and installing patches would be better.


Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.




Vaccination, immune systems. Why Putin’s People Love Him. Patents, and other important matters.Updated to include selected comments

Chaos Manor View, Friday, April 15, 2016

“This is the most transparent administration in history.”

Barrack Obama

Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.

Under Capitalism, the rich become powerful. Under Socialism, the powerful become rich.

Under Socialism, government employees become powerful.


My taxes are done and mailed out. I made a bit less this year than last, meaning that I overpaid the quarterly estimate payments, so I should get some back. Just as well. Authors have that problem: you can’t ever quite know how much you’ll make, and money tends to come in large lumps or not at all. With the rise of eBooks that’s changing a bit; more importantly my backlist is worth something; I made a decent amount out of 20 and 30 year old books, and Amazon pays monthly, rather unlike traditional publishers who periodically issue reprints of books, then pay promptly on credible threat of lawsuit.

I have to take Roberta out to Kaiser this afternoon; she has got an appointment with a suitable specialist, and we may see the end of the problems she’s been having. We can all hope so, but I’m not likely to get much work done today. Actually, I have already more or less cleaned up my desk and got a long way towards clearing my mail, so I guess you’d have to say I got some needed work done, just it wasn’t fiction.


This came out in early April, and has been in the stack for commenting on ever since, but I’ve been distracted. The topic is important.


Anti-Vaccination Lunacy Won’t Stop

Robert De Niro made the right call in pulling ‘Vaxxed’ from his film festival. But the bogus message rolls on.


W. Ian Lipkin

April 3, 2016 6:14 p.m. ET


This week’s fare at the Angelika Film Center in New York City includes “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,” a purported documentary that began its run on Friday. If only the theater’s schedulers had been making a droll point by choosing April Fool’s Day to launch this dangerously misleading movie falsely linking vaccines to autism. Instead, they all too eagerly snatched up the film after it had been ousted on March 26 from plans for the Tribeca Film Festival later this month.

The decision to remove “Vaxxed” from the festival was the right one, and credit goes to organizers, in particular co-founder Robert De Niro, who has a son with autism, for having the courage to reconsider their plans. If “Vaxxed” had been submitted as science fiction, it would merit attention for its story line, character development and dialogue. But as a documentary it misrepresents what science knows about autism, undermines public confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and attacks the integrity of legitimate scientists and public-health officials.

By the topic, I don’t mean Mr. De Niro’s decision not to show a film I’ve never seen, because from the description of it I doubt it presents any evidence I’m not aware of; the important topic is, should you get your children vaccinated; or in my case, having done so, do you attempt to persuade your grown children to vaccinate if they have married someone who doesn’t believe in it? Just what are the risks and benefits, and is there more expected value in vaccination than in avoiding it?

The questions are more ethical than scientific. Some are ethical arguments posing as scientific questions; and, alas, there is so far as I can see a fair amount of misrepresentation, and sometimes outright lying, on both sides of the issue.

First, let’s clear out some deadwood about risks. There is no such thing as a risk-free vaccination (or, as is more usual, an immunization, usually by hypodermic injection. I say this because when I was young and smallpox vaccination was compulsory and nearly universal, even in rural areas of the Old South, the procedure was fairly painful, and left a noticeable scar. The vaccination fluid was put on your skin, usually high on the left arm for boys, but alternatively on the inside of the thigh for girls, after which the nurse or technician, or rarely the doctor, jabbed you about thirty times with a sharp needle while the vaccination serum was on the skin, thus conveying it through the skin and into the muscle below. The reason most girls chose the inner thigh was because the scar, which was about the size of a nickel coin, was quite visible, and in its early years unsightly, although it faded with time. I’ve had two, one in first grade which was the usual time in Tennessee in the thirties, and once when I joined the Army at the outbreak of the Korean War.

By the time the immunization of the second vaccination wore off, smallpox had been eliminate in the United States, and vaccinations were no longer routine or compulsory. Vaccination worked. Smallpox exists only in a few laboratories, kept by Powers that have promised not to weaponize it or use it in secret to decimate their enemies or commercial rivals.

In early colonial days, the risk of death from vaccination was not negligible, varying from a usual 2% to sometimes as high as 8%, depending on location and the general health of the population. Since the fatality rate of smallpox was always higher than 20% and rose to 80% in some outbreaks, and there was a pretty good likelihood of at least one outbreak of pox in your locality during your lifetime, there were powerful arguments in favor of vaccination, even in the early times before Jenner discovered that if you were deliberately given a case of cowpox, it immunized you to smallpox. In pre-Revolutionary times, vaccinations were done by introducing tissue from a smallpox patient into your system. In the TV series on John Adams, Abigail Adams is shown insisting that her family be inoculated; the physician uses a scalpel and tissue from a pox victim.

As the science of immunology developed, vaccines for a wide variety of diseases were developed. Some of these had been routine childhood diseases that nearly everyone got, with fairly low – but not zero – fatality rates. Others, like diphtheria, had much higher fatality rates. Compulsory immunization became widespread, and we are all better off for it.

It was quite clear that if everyone were inoculated against, say, measles, then even the small number of measles fatalities would be prevented; and well meaning people hastened to make inoculation against “childhood diseases,” fatal or not, compulsory.

There were religious objections, and various states had various procedures for objecting to, and gaining exemptions to, the inoculations. Naturally, obtaining these exemptions was made rather onerous; the whole point of compulsory inoculates was to develop herd immunity and thus eradicate the disease in the United States.  There were inevitable tragic cases, but these were considered unfortunate but acceptable as a cost of public safety.

In my judgment this was carried beyond all reason. While immunization to very low rate fatality diseases was effective, the number of fatalities due to the inoculations themselves was not zero, and a few of these inoculations killed children who were unlikely ever to have contracted the disease unless it was deliberately given to them by the inoculation. I would think that the risk/benefit ratio must be huge before compulsory vaccination and immunization is decreed. It is clear that smallpox vaccination was of enormous benefit to all mankind. It is not so clear that measles immunization reaches that level; surely it is worth debating.

When my children were very young, it was routine in the States of Washington and California to insist that they be given a “DPT” shot: an inoculation against Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus (lockjaw). Most children got this, and the public health results were impressively good. But over time there came the theory that if several inoculations were good, more would be better; and to save time and money, let them all be given at once. In some States and Counties as many as 18 inoculations were given at once; and these were compulsory.

The theory was that if a few inoculations were good, more would be better, and look at how much money we saved!

In my judgment this went far beyond reason. Most adherents of inoculations will assert that multiple inoculations are no more dangerous than single ones; but this appears to be an assumption. The purpose of immunization and inoculation is to stimulate the immune system. It would seem reasonable to assume that in a some cases this might work all too well, and overstimulate the immune system; possibly even to cause autoimmune disorders. This is an hypothesis impossible to disprove. It is not believed by most immunologists; but their evidence for this rests on analysis of the same statistical data that the proponents of overstimulation of the immune system causing autoimmune disorders use to prove their case. Each side accuses the other of not understanding the data. Most of the adherents on either side do not understand statistical inference well enough to inspire much confidence in their conclusions. Both sides also contain well qualified statistical experts. 

In the case of smallpox, the benefits are so great that it seems pretty clear that compulsory immunization is the ethical thing to do.  In the case of measles I do not think the case is that clear. 

Fortunately, we have ceased to give a dozen or more immunizations at the same time to infants; but the arguments used to justify doing so have embittered the immunization debates. Some of the proponents of immunization flat out lied (as did some of its opponents, to be sure). Both sides appealed to “science” although both sides were defended loudly and publicly by “experts” who manifestly knew so little about statistical inference that their opinions on the subject were worthless. Common sense would say that increased stimulation of the immune system could incline its overdevelopment and bring about autoimmune disorders. Fortunately the massive multiple immunizations were mostly discontinued.

Immunization is one of the great discoveries of medical history. Smallpox and other plagues had an enormous effect on human history. When I was a child, the fear of polio ran like wildfire through the whole community every spring and early summer. Outbreaks of polio were common. The Salk vaccine against polio was discovered when I was in graduate school, and immunization to polio took three sessions. The early immunizations were administered in a sugar cube. I was among the very first to sign up to get them, and I had my three within months of Salk’s discovery. I was at that time a member of a fencing club, and I had a casual friend named Bruce who was a good practice partner at foil. I was an epee man, and he was somewhat better at foil that I was, so foil practice bouts with him tended to be instructive. Then, one say, he didn’t show up at the club; it was said he had polio. I visited him in hospital; he was in an iron lung, a pressure chamber that breathed for him. He had taken the first of the immunization sugar cubes, but before he got the rest he came down with a crippling case of polio. My visit with him was terrifying and depressing. There but for the grace of God…

My point being that I start with a favorable view of immunizations. I reject on theoretical grounds massive multiple immunizations; give a dozen immunizations, but let them be spread out over a few years, not given all at once. I suppose the (in my time) traditional DPT shot is all right, since it was nearly universal in my day and the rise of autoimmune disorders did nor start until I was out of graduate school; but surely three at a time is enough? Perhaps three in infancy; three more on the third birthday, work up to having had a dozen immunizations by first grade; but spread them out over the first five or six years of life. Add a few more in grade school.

But use a bit of common sense. Stimulation of the immune system is good; but can there not be overstimulation? At least in a statistically significant part of the population?


I received this comment on the above:


Salk Vaccine

Dear Dr Pournelle,
An interesting comment on vaccines. You have, I think, confused the Salk and Sabin vaccines. the first vaccine for polio was developed by Jonas Salk, became available in 1955 and was given by injection, not orally. the Sabin vaccine which was the oral one was developed after this and became available in the early 60s.

The Salk vaccine is an inactivated virus and is not able to produce infection; it has an efficacy of up to 90% or so against some strains of the Polio virus.

The Sabin vaccine is an attenuated live virus taken orally. It has few side effects and the risk of contracting Polio is very low, of the order of 1 or 2 per million treated.

There have been many lives saved by these vaccines (and many others). in the year before the Salk vaccine there were some 35,000 cases in the US and by the early 60’s this had fallen to fewer than 5,000 or so according to Sorem A, Sass EJ, Gottfried G (1996). Polio’s legacy: an oral history. Washington, D.C: University Press of America. ISBN 0-7618-0144-8.
I remember getting the Salk while at school in 1957 or thereabouts.
By the time I worked as a resident at a children’s hospital in the early 70’s there had not been a case admitted for many years. We still saw many admissions with measles, mumps and rubella however, with encephalitis and deaths at rates much higher than the complications of those vaccines. I won’t get into any comment on Andrew Wakefield and the harm his greed has caused by influencing the scientifically illiterate.
Kind regards
Nick Hendel

Thank you for the correction. As I said, I write from memory on this. I think it clear that the elimination of polio is another example of having made the right decisions; we need not fear polio every Spring.



I was pleased to see your reasoned approach to vaccinations, but please be aware that the CDC currently recommends at least 15 vaccination doses in the first six months of life. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-combined-schedule-bw.pdf


I was unaware of that. I think it a mistake, and I do not see the urgency.



I received this Thursday. It deserves attention. I haven’t time to write a critique, but I urge you to read it.

Why Vladimir Putin’s People Love Him.



Roland Dobbins

Particularly note Putin’s reactions to American intervention against the Serbs in the Balkans. There was little debate in the White House or in Congress as we took the anti-Christian side in a conflict far away with little national interest at stake, or so we thought. But the stakes were high: we had much to lose, even if we had little prospect of gain. Why did we intervene? In the Balkans?

I have received this comment:








DARPA X program?
Congrats on the Heinlein award! Well deserved.
DARPA is working on affordable space access. I guess we can hope.
XS-1 has four primary technical goals:
Fly 10 times in a 10-day period (not including weather, range and emergency delays) to demonstrate aircraft-like access to space and eliminate concerns about the cost-effectiveness and reliability of reusable launch.
Achieve flight velocity sufficiently high to enable use of a small (and therefore low-cost) expendable upper stage.
Launch a 900- to 1,500-pound representative payload to demonstrate an immediate responsive launch capability able to support both DoD and commercial missions. The same XS-1 vehicle could eventually also launch future 3,000+- pound payloads by using a larger expendable upper stage.
Reduce the cost of access to space for 3,000+-pound payloads, with a goal of approximately $5 million per flight for the operational system, which would include a reusable booster and expendable upper stage(s).

Jim Utt


An important interview:



Bill Whittle knocks it out of the ballpark

In this video Bill Whittle takes on the whining progressive leftist crybabies who fall apart at the sight of a gun or a white person wearing dreadlocks without appreciating the blacks who suffered so much and wear them.

Maybe it’s time we start screaming at these crybabies about their cultural appropriation of everything from modern medicine to, would you believe, hip hop?



He knocked the ball right out of the ball park.


Amusing, but perhaps this is breaking a butterfly on the wheel?



Magic Leap has written our future in its patent filings

The problem with this patent is prior art. In 1998 I wrote about augmented reality that multiple people could share. If I thought of it, lots of other people thought of it. It is not a new idea, I think.




Well, among other things, it would appear they’re trying to patent The Matrix, and I expect the Wachowskis (sisters both now, I have to understand) might have somewhat to say about that. 

But in general it sounds like they ARE trying to simply patent SFnal ideas. They are probably gambling upon scientists and engineers eventually figuring out how to do these things, and then they come in and declare that it either belongs to them, or levy royalties upon their use, because they already own the patents.

I put it as not unlike the folks who go around gathering up web domain names, and then offering your own name back to you for an annual fee.

I have had little dealings with the patent office in my time. (Not none, but not a lot.) So I have no idea if the patent office staff has a degree of common sense or not. It might work, or they might throw it all out.

That’s just the take of an author deep into completing her latest WIP by writing the climax — meaning my brain is mostly elsewhere at the moment. YMMV.
Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”

   Trolls trolling?



Congress and classified material

Dear Jerry,

A recent post by a Former Serving Officer stated a member of Congress could be legally charged if they were to reveal classified information.

At first I nodded in agreement, but then I wondered: what about if the member of Congress made the revelation on the floor of Congress in a speech?

I could look this up, but it’s so much more interesting to ask someone with a PhD in political science: Isn’t there some form of immunity for members of Congress when speaking officially on the floor of the Congress?

If so (and I do not remember all the details, so I may be quite mistaken), what would happen if a member of Congress stood up and read into the record something horrendously vital to national security, like the location of the national Twinky reserve and the combination to the safe containing Elvis’s current address and similar stuff?

Seriously, though, does Congressional immunity apply?


The plain language of the Constitution gives Senators and Members of Congress absolute immunity from arrest or interrogation for anything said in speeches or debates; if a Congressman gives classified material in a speech, it is unclear what, other than removing his access to such materials, can be done. Of course this does not apply to officers of the United States, including heads of departments or even the President. There seem to be conflicting precedents.


Wisdom on growing older

“It ain’t no disgrace to be old. But darned if it ain’t _inconvenient_, I can tell you that much about it.” – “Moms” Mabley

I am seriously considering getting this emblazoned on a sweat shirt.

(“inconvenient”) in italics.


Send me one if you do…


Left key and right key

In Windows, left mouse key means “do it” (sometimes click once, sometimes click twice) or “choose this one”. Right mouse key means “give me a list of stuff I can do with this thing.”
Of course this split doesn’t really mean much for a START button.
I’ve been using the right button to get “File Explorer” and “System Properties” since Windows 95, so looking for stuff here made sense.
I’ve been a “keystroke oriented” windows user since the beginning. For a while in the nineties I had a laptop with windows and no mouse unless I bothered to dig one out of the side pocket of the briefcase — I usually didn’t bother.
I was one of the ones who sent the “safe mode” advice. I got to the run command with the keystrokes I’ve been using for the RUN command since the nineties. Well, not quite. It used to be control-escape, R to get the run window. Now, control escape, start typing finds “stuff”. So when I tried the old control-escape r … it automatically suggested “Run – desktop app” as an available choice.

Greg Goss



Air Force planning to build an A-10 replacement?
I’d have to see plans and proposal to believe it. My faith in the upper echelons of the Air Force is lower than low. But, it wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve been wrong!

Peter Wityk

We can hope, but I have little faith that they will do it right.


Court Rules Police Can Legally Make Up Lies to Pull People Over To Fish for Criminal Behavior buffy willow


Appalling. But not surprising.




Heinlein Award


Congratulations on receiving the well deserved Heinlein Award!

The trail that you have helped to blaze through the thickets of Government Bureaucracy has been taken up by the Private Sector. The progress that has been made by SpaceX and Blue Origin is moving us closer to a Moon Colony. As you have said many times, the Moon is the logical place to launch missions to the Asteroids and Planets.

Space Exploration has been on hold for almost 50 years since the first Moon Landing. The entry of the private sector into the orbital launch and suborbital space tourism business is generating public interest and moving the bar forward. Private Companies are starting to investigate the economics of a permanent Moon Colony.

A Human foothold outside the Earth’s Gravity offers opportunities far beyond Space Exploration. One of these is experiments designed to gain an understanding of Gravity. 45 years ago I used to go to the same bar in Pasadena frequented by Richard Feynman. One evening I found myself sitting at a table next to his and asked him when he thought that we might have an understanding of gravity. He replied, “Not in my lifetime or yours.” We know that he was correct on the first part of his answer. I hope he was wrong on the second part. The recent detection of gravity waves and the prospect of breakthroughs leading to increased Space Exploration give me hope.

Thank you for all you have done to keep the hope and promise of Space alive while entertaining us with fascinating stories of what the future might hold.

Bob Holmes

Thanks. I’ll put this up to stand for many others. Thanks to all of you.


Prosecutor suspended over fake Facebook profile used in murder prosecution.



Roland Dobbins



Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.




Vaccination, immune systems. Why Putin’s People Love Him. Patents, and other important matters.

Chaos Manor View, Friday, April 15, 2016

“This is the most transparent administration in history.”

Barrack Obama

Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.

Under Capitalism, the rich become powerful. Under Socialism, the powerful become rich.

Under Socialism, government employees become powerful.


My taxes are done and mailed out. I made a bit less this year than last, meaning that I overpaid the quarterly estimate payments, so I should get some back. Just as well. Authors have that problem: you can’t ever quite know how much you’ll make, and money tends to come in large lumps or not at all. With the rise of eBooks that’s changing a bit; more importantly my backlist is worth something; I made a decent amount out of 20 and 30 year old books, and Amazon pays monthly, rather unlike traditional publishers who periodically issue reprints of books, then pay promptly on credible threat of lawsuit.

I have to take Roberta out to Kaiser this afternoon; she has got an appointment with a suitable specialist, and we may see the end of the problems she’s been having. We can all hope so, but I’m not likely to get much work done today. Actually, I have already more or less cleaned up my desk and got a long way towards clearing my mail, so I guess you’d have to say I got some needed work done, just it wasn’t fiction.


This came out in early April, and has been in the stack for commenting on ever since, but I’ve been distracted. The topic is important.


Anti-Vaccination Lunacy Won’t Stop

Robert De Niro made the right call in pulling ‘Vaxxed’ from his film festival. But the bogus message rolls on.


W. Ian Lipkin

April 3, 2016 6:14 p.m. ET


This week’s fare at the Angelika Film Center in New York City includes “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,” a purported documentary that began its run on Friday. If only the theater’s schedulers had been making a droll point by choosing April Fool’s Day to launch this dangerously misleading movie falsely linking vaccines to autism. Instead, they all too eagerly snatched up the film after it had been ousted on March 26 from plans for the Tribeca Film Festival later this month.

The decision to remove “Vaxxed” from the festival was the right one, and credit goes to organizers, in particular co-founder Robert De Niro, who has a son with autism, for having the courage to reconsider their plans. If “Vaxxed” had been submitted as science fiction, it would merit attention for its story line, character development and dialogue. But as a documentary it misrepresents what science knows about autism, undermines public confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and attacks the integrity of legitimate scientists and public-health officials.

By the topic, I don’t mean Mr. De Niro’s decision not to show a film I’ve never seen, because I from the description of it I doubt it presents any evidence I’m not aware of; the important topic is, should you get you children vaccinated; or in my case, having done so, do you attempt to persuade your grown children to vaccinate if they have married someone who doesn’t believe in it? Just what are the risks and benefits, and is there more expected value in vaccination than in avoiding it?

The questions are more ethical than scientific. Some are ethical arguments posing as scientific questions; and, alas, there is so far as I can se a fair amount of misrepresentation, and sometimes out right lying, on both sides of the issue.

First, let’s clear out some deadwood about risks. There is no such thing as a risk-free vaccination (or, as is more usual, an immunization, usually by hypodermic injection. I say this because when I was young and smallpox vaccination was compulsory and nearly universal, even in rural areas of the Old South, the procedure was fairly painful, and left a noticeable scar. The vaccination fluid was put on your skin, usually high on the left arm for boys, but alternatively on the inside of the thigh for girls, after which the nurse or technician, or rarely the doctor, jabbed you about thirty times with a sharp needle while the vaccination serum was on the skin, thus conveying it through the skin and into the muscle below. The reason most girls chose the inner thigh was because the scar, which was about the size of a nickel coin, was quite visible, and in its early years unsightly, although it faded with time. I’ve had two, one in first grade which was the usual time in Tennessee in the thirties, and once when I joined the Army at the outbreak of the Korean War.

By the time the immunization of the second vaccination wore off, smallpox had been eliminate in the United States, and vaccinations were no longer routine or compulsory.

In early colonial days, the risk of death from vaccination was not negligible, varying from a usual 2% to sometimes as high as 8%, depending on location and the general health of the population. Since the fatality rate of smallpox was always higher than 20% and rose to 80% in some outbreaks, and there was a pretty good likelihood of at least one outbreak of pox in your locality during your lifetime, there were powerful arguments in favor of vaccination, even in the early times before Jenner discovered that if you were deliberately given a case of cowpox, it immunized you to smallpox. In pre-Revolutionary times, vaccinations were done by introducing tissue from a smallpox patient into you system. In the TV series on John Adams, Abigail Adams is shown insisting that her family be inoculated; the physician uses a scalpel and tissue from a pox victim.

As the science of immunology developed, vaccines for a wide variety of diseases were developed. Some of these had been routine childhood diseases that nearly everyone got, with fairly low – but not zero – fatality rates. Others, like diphtheria, had much higher fatality rates.

It was quite clear that if everyone were inoculated against, say, measles, then even the small number of measles fatalities would be prevented; and well meaning people hastened to make inoculation against “childhood diseases” compulsory.

There were religious objections, and various states had various procedures for objecting to, and gaining exemptions to, the inoculations. Naturally, these were made rather onerous; the whole point of compulsory inoculates was to develop herd immunity and thus eradicate the disease in the United States.

In my judgment this was carried beyond all reason. While immunization to very low rate fatality diseases was effective, the number of fatalities due to the inoculations themselves was not zero, and a few of these inoculations killed children who were unlikely ever to have contracted the disease unless it was deliberately given to them by the inoculation.

When my children were very young, it was routine in the States of Washington and California to insist that they be given a “DPT” shot: an inoculation against Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus (lockjaw). Most children got this, and the public health results were impressively good. But over time there came the theory that if several inoculations were good, more would be better; and to save time and money, let them all be given at once. In some States and Counties as many as 18 inoculations were given at once; and these were compulsive.

The theory was that if a few inoculations were good, more would be better, and look at how much money we saved!

In my judgment this went far beyond reason. Most adherents of inoculations will assert that multiple inoculations are no more dangerous than single ones; but this appears to be an assumption. The purpose of immunization and inoculation is to stimulate the immune system. It would seem reasonable to assume that in a few cases this might work all too well, and overstimulate the immune system; possibly even to cause autoimmune disorders. This is an hypothesis impossible to disprove. It is not believed by most immunologists; but their evidence for this rests on analysis of the same statistical data that the proponents of overstimulation of the immune system causing autoimmune disorders use to prove their case. Each side accuses the other of not understanding the data. Most of the adherents on either side do not understand statistical inference well enough to inspire much confidence in their conclusions. Both sides also contain well qualified statistical experts.

Fortunately, we have ceased to give a dozen or more immunizations ate the same time to infants; but the arguments used to justify doing so have embittered the immunization debates. Some of the proponents of immunization flat out lied (as did some of it’s opponents, to be sure). Both sides appealed to “science” although both sides were defended loudly and publicly by “experts” who manifestly knew so little about statistical inference that their opinions on the subject were worthless. Common sense would say that increased stimulation of the immune system could incline its overdevelopment and bring about autoimmune disorders. Fortunately the massive multiple immunizations were mostly discontinued.

Immunization is one of the great discoveries of medical history. Smallpox and other plagues had an enormous effect on human history. When I was a child, the fear of polio ran like wildfire through the whole community every spring and early summer. Outbreaks of polio were common. The Salk vaccine against polio was discovered when I was in graduate school, and immunization to polio took three sessions. The early immunizations were administered in a sugar cube. I was among the very first to sign up to get them, and I had my three within months of Salk’s discovery. I was at that time a member of a fencing club, and I had a casual friend named Bruce who was a good practice partner at foil. I was an epee man, and he was somewhat better at foil that I was, so foil practice bouts with him tended to be instructive. Then, one say, he didn’t show up at the club; it was said he had polio. I visited him in hospital; he was in an iron lung, a pressure chamber that breathed for him. He had taken the first of the immunization sugar cubes, but before he got the rest he came down with a crippling case of polio. My visit with him was terrifying and depressing. There but for the grace of God…

My point being that I start with a favorable view of immunizations. I reject on theoretical grounds massive multiple immunizations; give a dozen immunizations, but let them be spread out over a few years, not given all at once. I suppose the (in my time) traditional DPT shot is all right, since it was nearly universal in my day and the rise of autoimmune disorders did nor start until I was out of graduate school; but surely three at a time is enough? Perhaps three in infancy; three more on the third birthday, work up to having had a dozen immunizations by first grade; but spread them out over the first five or six years of life. Add a few more in grade school.

But use a bit of common sense. Stimulation of the immune system is good; but can there not be overstimulation? At least in a statistically significant part of the population?


I received this Thursday. It deserves attention. I haven’t time to write a critique, but I urge you to read it.

Why Vladimir Putin’s People Love Him.



Roland Dobbins

Particularly note Putin’s reactions to American intervention against the Serbs in the Balkans. There was little debate in the White House or in Congress as we took the anti-Christian side in a conflict far away with few national interest at stake, or so we thought. But the stakes were high: we had much to lose, even if we had little prospect of gain. Why did we intervene? In the Balkans?


DARPA X program?
Congrats on the Heinlein award! Well deserved.
DARPA is working on affordable space access. I guess we can hope.
XS-1 has four primary technical goals:
Fly 10 times in a 10-day period (not including weather, range and emergency delays) to demonstrate aircraft-like access to space and eliminate concerns about the cost-effectiveness and reliability of reusable launch.
Achieve flight velocity sufficiently high to enable use of a small (and therefore low-cost) expendable upper stage.
Launch a 900- to 1,500-pound representative payload to demonstrate an immediate responsive launch capability able to support both DoD and commercial missions. The same XS-1 vehicle could eventually also launch future 3,000+- pound payloads by using a larger expendable upper stage.
Reduce the cost of access to space for 3,000+-pound payloads, with a goal of approximately $5 million per flight for the operational system, which would include a reusable booster and expendable upper stage(s).

Jim Utt


An important interview:



Bill Whittle knocks it out of the ballpark

In this video Bill Whittle takes on the whining progressive leftist crybabies who fall apart at the sight of a gun or a white person wearing dreadlocks without appreciating the blacks who suffered so much and wear them.

Maybe it’s time we start screaming at these crybabies about their cultural appropriation of everything from modern medicine to, would you believe, hip hop?



He knocked the ball right out of the ball park.




Magic Leap has written our future in its patent filings

The problem with this patent is prior art. In 1998 I wrote about augmented reality that multiple people could share. If I thought of it, lots of other people thought of it. It is not a new idea, I think.




Well, among other things, it would appear they’re trying to patent The Matrix, and I expect the Wachowskis (sisters both now, I have to understand) might have somewhat to say about that. 

But in general it sounds like they ARE trying to simply patent SFnal ideas. They are probably gambling upon scientists and engineers eventually figuring out how to do these things, and then they come in and declare that it either belongs to them, or levy royalties upon their use, because they already own the patents.

I put it as not unlike the folks who go around gathering up web domain names, and then offering your own name back to you for an annual fee.

I have had little dealings with the patent office in my time. (Not none, but not a lot.) So I have no idea if the patent office staff has a degree of common sense or not. It might work, or they might throw it all out.

That’s just the take of an author deep into completing her latest WIP by writing the climax — meaning my brain is mostly elsewhere at the moment. YMMV.
Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”




Congress and classified material

Dear Jerry,

A recent post by a Former Serving Officer stated a member of Congress could be legally charged if they were to reveal classified information.

At first I nodded in agreement, but then I wondered: what about if the member of Congress made the revelation on the floor of Congress in a speech?

I could look this up, but it’s so much more interesting to ask someone with a PhD in political science: Isn’t there some form of immunity for members of Congress when speaking officially on the floor of the Congress?

If so (and I do not remember all the details, so I may be quite mistaken), what would happen if a member of Congress stood up and read into the record something horrendously vital to national security, like the location of the national Twinky reserve and the combination to the safe containing Elvis’s current address and similar stuff?

Seriously, though, does Congressional immunity apply?


The plain language of the Constitution gives Senators and Members of Congress absolute immunity from arrest or interrogation for anything said in speeches or debates; if a Congressman gives classified material in a speech, it is unclear what, other than removing his access to such materials, can be done. Of course this does not apply to officers of the United States, including heads of departments or even the President. There seem to be conflicting precedents.


Wisdom on growing older

“It ain’t no disgrace to be old. But darned if it ain’t _inconvenient_, I can tell you that much about it.” – “Moms” Mabley

I am seriously considering getting this emblazoned on a sweat shirt.

(“inconvenient”) in italics.


Send me one if you do…


Left key and right key

In Windows, left mouse key means “do it” (sometimes click once, sometimes click twice) or “choose this one”. Right mouse key means “give me a list of stuff I can do with this thing.”
Of course this split doesn’t really mean much for a START button.
I’ve been using the right button to get “File Explorer” and “System Properties” since Windows 95, so looking for stuff here made sense.
I’ve been a “keystroke oriented” windows user since the beginning. For a while in the nineties I had a laptop with windows and no mouse unless I bothered to dig one out of the side pocket of the briefcase — I usually didn’t bother.
I was one of the ones who sent the “safe mode” advice. I got to the run command with the keystrokes I’ve been using for the RUN command since the nineties. Well, not quite. It used to be control-escape, R to get the run window. Now, control escape, start typing finds “stuff”. So when I tried the old control-escape r … it automatically suggested “Run – desktop app” as an available choice.

Greg Goss



Air Force planning to build an A-10 replacement?
I’d have to see plans and proposal to believe it. My faith in the upper echelons of the Air Force is lower than low. But, it wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve been wrong!

Peter Wityk

We can hope, but I have little faith that they will do it right.


Court Rules Police Can Legally Make Up Lies to Pull People Over To Fish for Criminal Behavior buffy willow


Appalling. But not surprising.




Heinlein Award


Congratulations on receiving the well deserved Heinlein Award!

The trail that you have helped to blaze through the thickets of Government Bureaucracy has been taken up by the Private Sector. The progress that has been made by SpaceX and Blue Origin is moving us closer to a Moon Colony. As you have said many times, the Moon is the logical place to launch missions to the Asteroids and Planets.

Space Exploration has been on hold for almost 50 years since the first Moon Landing. The entry of the private sector into the orbital launch and suborbital space tourism business is generating public interest and moving the bar forward. Private Companies are starting to investigate the economics of a permanent Moon Colony.

A Human foothold outside the Earth’s Gravity offers opportunities far beyond Space Exploration. One of these is experiments designed to gain an understanding of Gravity. 45 years ago I used to go to the same bar in Pasadena frequented by Richard Feynman. One evening I found myself sitting at a table next to his and asked him when he thought that we might have an understanding of gravity. He replied, “Not in my lifetime or yours.” We know that he was correct on the first part of his answer. I hope he was wrong on the second part. The recent detection of gravity waves and the prospect of breakthroughs leading to increased Space Exploration give me hope.

Thank you for all you have done to keep the hope and promise of Space alive while entertaining us with fascinating stories of what the future might hold.

Bob Holmes

Thanks. I’ll put this up to stand for many others. Thanks to all of you.


Prosecutor suspended over fake Facebook profile used in murder prosecution.



Roland Dobbins



Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.




O frabjous day! Windows 10, Declassification, and Other matters

Chaos Manor View, Monday, April 11, 2016

“This is the most transparent administration in history.”

Barrack Obama

Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.

Under Capitalism, the rich become powerful. Under Socialism, the powerful become rich.

Under Socialism, government employees become powerful.



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I chortle in my joy!

I went to the Writers of the Future annual award ceremony last night, where I was one of the presenters, but I can’t tell you much about it. For days now my hearing had been fading, and by Sunday afternoon it was so bad that I could understand nothing; at least nothing that was not said directly to me by a person close by and speaking straight on so that I got some clues from facial expressions and lip reading. I could hear, sort of (although far less that I thought I was hearing), but I comprehended nothing. I noticed this at church Sunday: I could barely hear that the choir (with my wife in it) was singing, but I hadn’t a clue what. Needless to say I did not comprehend the lessons or the homily. At the awards ceremony I understood nothing, including the keynote speech, which was about the need to colonize Mars. I didn’t even hear my own remarks and introduction to the winner.

Apparently it went well enough, and no one, including close friends who would have told me, noticed, so I got through it all right; but it was a depressing day.

This morning I called Michael Galloway and he drove me out to COSTCO; I was too depressed to drive. By that time I had conjured up a dozen scenarios, most involving unobserved mini-strokes, and I didn’t trust myself to drive.

Got to COSTCO and went to the hearing aid center. The technician I bought the Kirkland hearing aids from was not there, but that didn’t matter. I explained that I could no longer hear, we took them out and she went to her work bench, fiddled about with them for a few minutes, and brought them back. I put them in, and suddenly the suspiciously quiet store sounded like a big warehouse with thousands of people shopping in it, and I could hear her say “How’s that” clearly and distinctly although she was talking past me, not directly to me.

And indeed, they are as good as new. Ear wax. Not in my ears; I clean that out religiously. In the hearing aids themselves. On reflection I should have thought of that, but I hadn’t, and no one else had suggested it either. So now I hear the birds singing, and I make no doubt that I will be able to understand when people are talking to me; I can even overhear them when they are talking to each other and not me. I have the suspicion that this has been getting progressively worse for weeks and I didn’t notice; now I am hearing birds sing.


Wednesday night: I finished my taxes. Not as tough as I thought, and I did a good job of estimating my income for the quarterly payments.  Tomorrow I’ll send them in.  Feels good to have that done



Dr. Pournelle,

Please try opening outlook in safe mode, then it should (may?) open up in normal mode.

Type ‘outlook -safe’ (or outlook.exe -safe) in a run window. Close safe mode Outlook and open in normal mode.

I experienced the endless Outlook blue opening screen after my work laptop was re-imaged from Windows 7 to Windows 10. While running things in Windows 10 seemed snappier, particularly shut down time, I had odd connection issues to my client’s VPN. Because the OS was locked down, I couldn’t update the sound and camera drivers. As far as upgrading to Windows 10, my advise is to have complete backups, and be ready to abandon the computer.

Back in the day, I would buy Byte magazine for your columns. At that time, your approach to problem solving was the greatest take-away. As you have expressed, presently problem solving with Windows depends on arcane knowledge that cannot be solved through traditional problem solving methods.

Your equipment travails are transient. Your comments on current events tie into the human condition and are often worth going back to read, even after many years. Whereas technical issues… Please consider giving up on Precious so you can focus on your writing projects (I really want to read more of Janissaries).

To finish, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts via Chaos Manor. I think of you as my mentor.

Jan Stepka
Lexington, KY

How do I open it in safe mode? Several others have suggested this, but I am manifestly ignorant of how to accomplish it.

oulook.exe -safe

Hit the Windows key, type r and click on Run, and type in ‘outlook -safe’. Then press the  Enter key. You can also type ‘outlook.exe -safe’.

Jan Stepka

It’s all my fault. I had tried run outlook / safe and essentially got the message that there is no such command; and got discouraged. Doing Start > r get me menus, but none of them were “run”. I used to be more persistent. This time I click start and typed r, and on the Surface nothing happened. Finally I was persistent, and did Start > “run” and indeed it opened a small blue window, not the big black command line window. I typed in outlook.exe –safe, and behold! Outlook opened just fine. No difficulties. It’s been running and updating incoming mail for hours. The secret was persistence; and realizing that Microsoft has changed the / key for entering arguments to – which does not seem intuitive to me at all.

Now it’s time to close Outlook (safe mode) and try to open it again. I’ll do that now.

Well, it worked; of course in the Microsoft manner. It closed fine. I went to open it, and the Outlook icon in the screen bottom tool bar had vanished. I looked in the Start Menu, and was shown an icon for Outlook 2016. Pressed that, up popped the small blue Window saying “Starting” along with the moving dots indicating trundling; then a full two seconds later, Outlook 16 opened. New version, I suppose, triggered by my attempt to do a repair installation? Anyway, I’ve got it, and the Surface is working fine again.

The moral of the story is that Windows 10 and the Surface Pro work fine, but it is probably not a wise idea to be involved with the experimental updating Windows 10 test program unless you like to do silly things – lots of silly things – and don’t so them with a main production machine.

But it has been a good day. The Surface Pro is working again – and when it works right it’s wonderful, and used with One-Note is as good a research machine as ever I’ve had.

And I can hear again!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I chortle in my joy!


Another revelation, at least to me: clicking on the monochrome quadrisected icon on the lower left on you screen – the one that looks like the “Windows” key on your keyboard, but does not look like the Technicolor start icon in most Windows Help files – produces a menu, both a list and a bunch if icons. RIGHT clicking on it produces an entirely different Menu in black and white with many other commands, most of which experienced users will be used to, nearly all useful, and fairly unambiguous. Why left-click and right-click produce such wildly different results is worth debating; but I didn’t know about it, and I find many others did not know about it. You probably did, but if you didn’t, try it. Incidentally, if you left-click first, the polychrome menu stays up though covered by the monochrome menu when you right-click; but if you right-click first, then left-click, the right-click menu goes away.


Preventing windows 10

Hi Jerry,

Microsoft has apparently decided that privacy busting usage monitoring was a competitive advantage at the same time they decided to stop telling customers (including large enterprises) what was being pushed with OS updates. That’s not something that I’ll tolerate, and it’s a large part of why they have to force-feed the upgrades.

For those who want to put a fork in the windows 10 forced upgrades, try this: http://ultimateoutsider.com/downloads/ I’ve found that it shuts it down cleanly, and reversibly.

For those who have upgraded, they can at least mitigate the worst of the windows telemetry and tracking with https://www.safer-networking.org/spybot-anti-beacon/ which is a lot easier than trying to find all the hidden preferences.

Unfortunately Office 2016/365 is just as bad, and there’s no easy way to turn it off short of using a firewall to block all traffic (which results in pestering every launch to validate licensing). Between that and the absolutely horrible performance in Excel 2016 on the mac (a full second to navigate to a new cell in a blank spreadsheet – on multiple machines), I cancelled my subscription and downgraded to the terrible, but usable, perpetually licensed Office 2011.

When did Microsoft get so creepy?



A tempting sentiment, but I have no real choice but to go with what Microsoft presents. In BYTE days I had the resources of 30 expert BYTE editors who had, among their other duties, the task of answering my questions, even if it took a lot of research. I still have very canny Advisors, but they are volunteers and advising me isn’t their day job. It makes a difference. I do agree that Office 10 or 11 is superior to any of the “improvements” I have seen recently; but I suspect many of us have enough work to do that we will simply live with the “improvements” – so long as we can learn how. My recent experiences have reinforced my views of the “helpfulness” of Microsoft Help.

Windows 10

Is it not an option to run a stable (non-beta/non-experimental) version of Windows 10 on the Surface? I mean if you want to live on the cutting edge, that is one thing. But it seems to be interfering with how you want to use the machine.


Yes, but it is the machine I didn’t think I would need soon; now I may have to go on the road, and it will be important, so I have to rethink. But I do a lot of silly things.


The CoDominium isn’t dead

Dear Dr. Pournelle,

You might be interested to learn that ‘codominium’, rather than consigned to the dustbin of history, is now on the lips of serious policymakers in discussing Russian-American relations, especially in the so-called “near abroad”.



Brian P.


Why It’s Time to Dispel the Myths About Nuclear Power.

From the Manchester Guardian, of all places:



Roland Dobbins


Dear Dr. Pournelle,

It appears that insanity has branched out from the fuzzy studies and is infecting mathematics.


In this particular case, the question was “5×3=”?

The student responded

5×3 = 5+5+5 = 15.

This question was marked incorrect. The teacher wanted the answer to be

3×5=3+3+3+3+3 = 15.

Evidently the commutative property (ab=ba) is not something the teacher understood, and a rigid rule-bound approach to mathematics takes precedence over thinking. What’s more , the rules are

arbitrary; I could not possibly know from looking at the problem

that the teacher would want 3x3x3x3x3 rather than 5x5x5.

I can understand the desire to teach students to break down mathematics into step-by-step mini-problems , and I understand why the student needs to show his work rather than simply give the answer. But IMO, if the answer is correct and there is no error in the intermediate steps it should be graded correctly.

As it is, being “correct” is more a matter of memorizing what the teacher wants and repeating it back, discouraging independent thought.


Brian P.

God save us. But if we make control of the schools local again, and really give them control, this will still happen: but only rarely and in particular local districts where it is acceptable; most will find it as absurd as we do, and understand that schools are not for the teachers but to teach the pupils.

And of course, as I was taught, I would simply say “15” because we memorized the plus and times tables; we learned up to ten, but I strongly recommend learning them to twenty; not only does it make it easier for the rest of your life, but the rules are more easily inferred from simple usage.


W 10: Access Control Panel

Hi Dr Pournelle — As well as the techniques for opening CP you mentioned, there’s this: Left-click on the start menu icon (bottom left of screen) gives you the usual ‘baby’ menu, complete with pretty pictures etc. But Right-click opens the ‘grownup’ menu. There’s Control Panel, right there.
Best regards
Richard B.

On 4/10/2016 5:58 PM, Jerry Pournelle wrote:

Holy catfish.  You’re right.

Jerry Pournelle

Chaos Manor

W 10: Access Control Panel

It’s a neat feature, that right click, isn’t it. Needless to say I found it by accident.
Best regards
Richard B



D’s allegations turn out not to be the case.  What he appears to have forgotten is that the originating authority has that power, to change classification levels.  Hillary Clinton can no more declassify something originally classified by the NSA or CIA than I can.  Moreover, some things are in fact classified for actual reasons, and trying to change those goes above merely erasing a marker on a digital document.  The Secretary of State does not have the authority to risk exposure of national technical means, nor highly placed HUMINT assets.  She is not the POTUS, and if the POTUS tried to delegate his authority over other Executive Agencies to the head of one in particular, the resulting bureaucratic uproar would be well deserved.  Just from the descriptions of what was in the messages which were withheld or sanitized I can tell some of them were from specific agencies and were of particular caveats within Top Secret/SCI.  Anyone who spends time with that sort of information can do the same.

Moreover, there are federal laws covering what information can be sent over what network, and Congress has a say in that, no executive agency has the right to disregard, for instance, the FOIA, as was clearly done in this, and other, cases ongoing.

There are a number of wrinkles involving classification levels, when I wasn’t yet retired I kept a printed out guide on what types of information should be considered to be of what classification level on my desk.  This was so when somebody came by to complain that something should be at the level which was convenient, instead of correct, I could rely on something other than my gravitas for backup.  Indeed, some discovered that information which is individually innocent becomes classified when aggregated.

BTW, when Congressdiots leak the information they can certainly be legally charged, because once again they do not have the power to declassify because they are not the originating authority.  That they are not is not a good thing, and does not make it legal.  The POTUS does, though it is almost always a very, very bad idea.  After all, the definition for what should be TS is “Top Secret shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.” BTW, you don’t have to knowingly mishandle classified information to be guilty legally, it works somewhat differently than most US law.

Formerly Serving Officer


And now I have to do my taxes. But I can hear again!



Dear Jerry

Sincerest congrats on the National Space Society Heinlein Award!!!!


Best wishes


Christopher Stott
Chairman &  C.E.O.
ManSat LLC





Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.


