Extraordinary Claims and other matters

Chaos Manor View, Wednesday, August 19, 2015

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded—here and there, now and then—are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

“This is known as ‘bad luck’.”

– Robert A. Heinlein



After this great glaciation, a succession of smaller glaciations has followed, each separated by about 100,000 years from its predecessor, according to changes in the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit (a fact first discovered by the astronomer Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630). These periods of time when large areas of the Earth are covered by ice sheets are called “ice ages.” The last of the ice ages in human experience (often referred to as the Ice Age) reached its maximum roughly 20,000 years ago, and then gave way to warming. Sea level rose in two major steps, one centered near 14,000 years and the other near 11,500 years. However, between these two periods of rapid melting there was a pause in melting and sea level rise, known as the “Younger Dryas” period. During the Younger Dryas the climate system went back into almost fully glacial conditions, after having offered balmy conditions for more than 1000 years. The reasons for these large swings in climate change are not yet well understood.


I hate Time Warner. So, I suppose, does everyone else; certainly I am not alone.

Today I got the Blu-Ray disks for my Pioneer Blu-Ray burner, and thought I would test it out, but I had some questions, The box needs USB 3.0 cable in; the connector in the box is USB 3.0 Micro B, which is not like any other USB cable I know of. The one that came with the box has a strange looking male plug that cannot possibly fit into any normal looking USB port on one end, and two normal looking USB male plugs on the other. The instructions say they are 3.0, but that is the only way I would know it; they don’t look different from the USB plug on the old keyboard except the innards of one is blue and the other the more usual whit. The two are connected in parallel, so that they can work together to supply power if your computer can’t put enough amperage out of one USB port.

The whole USB port/plug situation interested me. I know there are 3 levels of USB, and several levels of cable/plugs. The Kindle Fire needs one kind, there’s and older mini size for other stuff, and it’s a bit of a mess. Of course when I went to look it up it was just after four o’clock and there was the usual Time Warner slowdown so I couldn’t use the Internet. Given the years it took to get me any high speed connection I suppose I should rejoice, but Time Warner seems to dislike Studio City. Eric gets faster and better connections way north of the city, and they don’t die at four o’clock.

I connected the Pioneer Blu-ray BDR-XD05S Slim Portable Burner to the docking station for the Surface Pro 3, and everything just worked. It was a bit frustrating at first, causing several – uh, intemperate – remarks. The slim Pioneer is not easy to open and nearly impossible to open when it is not under power. There is an easy way to remove the disk, but it’s not apparent at first. The software – I presume Windows 10 – works although some of the prompts are not what you expect. Plan on spending half an hour the first time you use it if you haven’t burned some disks for a while; it works very well, but it’s a bit different from earlier times and older OS. And you don’t need NERO, Burning ROM any longer. Windows 10 knows how to do everything. The bottom line is that I have all my critical works – books in progress – burned to a Blu-ray, I have taken the burner out of the system and the disk out of the machine, put the disk back in and reconnected the burner to another machine, read enough of the files to know they are good copies, and struck away that set in the box it came in.


Blu-ray backups
I’ve been reading about your backup issues, and was wondering what your opinion was of the M-Disc technology? I bought and LG Blu-Ray burner that apparently has the ability to use an M-Disc, and until recently had never heard of it. Blu-ray versions are apparently available in 25GB and 100GB sizes.

Tom Brosz

I put this question to my advisors and got:

    It’s a case of getting what you pay for. DoD testing did find the M-Disc had superior longevity, although it did not go so far as to support all of the company’s claims. The cost per discs is substantially higher, so use should be reserved for items that merit as opposed to stuff that need only last a couple of year before being replaced several times over by more recent archival backups.



Blu-ray backups

I wonder how easy it will be to find high-quality blank m-disk media in the future?  Uptake seems pretty small so far, and without a big user base I don’t think media will be easy to find or cheap when located. 
I was at Costco earlier today. They had a Seagate 5 (!) TB portable hard drive for $139.  USB 3 interface.   Almost bought one, but I’ve already got a couple of 2 TB WD Passports that I’m not really using to best advantage.
I was alive when 5 TB was more storage capacity than existed in the entire universe (as we know it).

It’s a niche market that the general public isn’t ever likely to know or care about. Blu-ray burning is still pricier than it would be if it had seen the same uptake as DVD before it but if you aren’t handling high quality video the need can be hard to find. A lot of businesses that would love to clear out their warehouse space full of old records can make good use of it but that market isn’t enough for every new PC to ship with a BD-R reader, never mind a burner. Perhaps as 4K recording becomes mainstream it will get a boost.

    If you have the need the product is there with a little looking.

    I suspect the premium on M-Disc includes a very healthy margin for the company. They know their market is always going to be limited but willing to pay for what the product delivers. So long as Milleniata remains in business the media should be available.


And that, I think, ought to do it. The Blu-ray burner wasn’t expensive, and with USB was extremely rapid. The disks are now safely stored away from fire, ransomware, computer crashes, and it was all quick. The RAID will be automatic, and I have merely to remember to make a disk copy at frequent intervals.


The science is settled

Hello Jerry,

That the ‘science is settled’ is NOT confined to what is euphemistically known as ‘climate science’ but is now apparently the position of ALL science.  In particular, physics.

Here are two articles on the subject, both of which point out that nowadays, when observations of the behavior of the universe in action conflict with ‘settled science’ the universe is adjusted to fit theory. 

Dark matter and dark energy are cases in point:  when large scale astronomical structures were observed to behave in ways not predicted by ‘settled science’, it was considered to be conclusive evidence that the universe was constructed largely (~95%) of ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ whose properties, quantities, and distribution could be deduced from the requirement that the universe conform to ‘settled science’.  In other words, since the theory was correct, the universe as observed wasn’t, so the universe was adjusted.

This article was precipitated by the reaction of the experts to the announcement of thrust from what are generically known as EmDrives, but includes references to dark matter and ‘cold fusion’:


I will be the first to admit that the existence of the ‘EmDrive’ effect is far from confirmed, but what the article is bemoaning is the immediate reaction of the experts:  the observations conflict with theory, therefore they are experimental error or deliberate hoax.  They may be right in this case, but is it necessary to trash the reputations of the apostates, personally and professionally (as they did with Pons and Fleischmann when they announced anomalous heat from their experiments) and as they are now doing with Dr. McCulloch with his MiHsC theory as he describes on his blog posting for 18 August:  http://physicsfromtheedge.blogspot.com ?

McCulloch claims (I certainly don’t have the ‘creds’ to either support or reject his theory) that his theory explains the observations from which the existence of dark matter/dark energy was confirmed (and quite a few other deviations of observations from theory) without requiring either.  The response by ‘settled science’ has not been to point out the error of his ways, but to make him a ‘physics non-person’ and to remove anything about his theory from common reference sources such as Wikipedia (ongoing) and arXiv. 

As Dr. McCulloch says:  “It is possible for a paradigm to survive not because it is more successful, but because it deletes the alternatives, and this is what an unscientific minority of dark matter supporters are doing.

That is the common practice in ‘Climate Science’, by the way.  Note how over the last 5 years or so the reputation of Dr. Judith Curry has changed from the respected climate scientist who was the Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, when she was enthusiastically on board with Catastrophic Global Warming driven by anthropogenic CO2 (ACO2) to now, when she has merely expressed doubts as to the certainty of the looming catastrophe, she is portrayed as an incompetent, anti-science shill of the Republicans and oil companies by her former comrades-in-arms.

The same goes for anyone with the temerity to engage in research into the existence of low energy nuclear reactions (generic cold fusion).  Even suggesting that research should be conducted in the field, never mind opining that it may be real, is a career killer for budding physicists.

I certainly can’t support OR reject LENR, EmDrives, or theories in conflict with general relativity using theoretical arguments, but as a layman I think that the ex cathedra rejection of experiments and the creation of an unobservable 95% of the universe because of conflict with EXISTING theory bodes ill for the advancement of science.

Bob Ludwick

I asked Stephanie to comment on this because I still have problems typing. I may also get comments from other physicist friends.

Okay, here’s the thing, Jerry. This is my personal opinion on the matter, as well as my attempt to explain; YMMV.

Climate science is, or should be, based on the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere. This is, in fact, the reason why physicists, astronomers, chemists, etc. often do NOT go along with the “consensus” on AGW, because it does not fit the physics/chemistry/astronomy of the situation as we know it. (Yes, I’m aware that the group of astronomers in Belgium is playing games with historical records of sunspot numbers, and as an astronomer I’m not best pleased by it. I see no scientific justification for doing so.)

But when we start looking at cosmology and such like, we are looking at fundamental physics on many levels. And that physics does have many levels, starting with Newtonian physics, then adding special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics, the various string theories, M theory, et cetera. So if you encounter something that appears to knock out one of those levels, you have to realize that it doesn’t JUST knock out that level, it knocks out pretty much all the levels above it. The lower the level, the more fundamental and earth-shaking the result. We’re talking, in some cases, about scrapping pretty much the whole of physics and starting from scratch, or nearly so. This is Not A Good Thing, in many ways, because we have used established physics in so many ways in our world. (Engineering is largely physics applied to the real world — imagine if we found, e.g., that quantum mechanical fluctuations could readily occur on a macro scale, and affected a particular structure commonly used in architecture, say. Would you ever feel safe in a high-rise again? In your own house??) Consequently there is a strong urge to try to make the current levels fit observations, rather than immediately going back and saying, “Oh, physics is wrong, drop back and punt.” But this is not a new thing; it is the way it has ALWAYS been.

Example: Epicycles. An attempt to make the previously-known science fit observations of planetary motion. And then Kepler came along and there was a hullaballoo for awhile, and then it was found that his model fit observations better, and so now we have Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion.

Example: Steady State Universe. There were no galaxies, there was only the universe, and it had always been just like it is. Then Edwin Hubble realized that the unusual spectra he was getting from those peculiar stars could be explained if they were regular spectra with extreme blueshifts, and he discovered that those peculiar stars are what we now call quasars, and they were far distant galaxies in their own right, speeding away from us at incredible velocities. And then astronomers began to realize that all those “spiral nebulae” and such were also galaxies, and they were also blueshifted, but at an amount corresponding to their distance. And lo, Hubble’s law was born.

I can go on and on like this for a very long time. It is the history, and the nature, of science done properly, according to the scientific method.


The problem most experts have with the “Em Drive” is that it apparently violates principles that are in one of those lower levels of physics. It’s like a perpetual-motion machine — a PMM violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which is in the very foundation of physics; if a true PMM were ever constructed, we would have to throw out the whole of physics and start over. Something similar is happening with this “Em Drive,” in that it would nix a very fundamental brick in the foundation of physics, and to most experts and experienced scientists, it smacks strongly of “perpetual-motion machine.” Therefore they are either inclined to the notion that the whole concept is wrong, or that there is something about the setup that hasn’t been taken into account, which CAN be explained by physics as we know it.

(Also, feel a little sorry for those experts — you cannot imagine how many really way-out-there concepts, inventions, etc. they get, and have to deal with. I myself have reached a level of fed-up re: Moon Hoaxers that borders on knee-jerk.)

Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”

My own view is that if they keep having to adjust the data to fit the models, I don’t care how much consensus they have.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. EM drive requires strong evidence that you can get thrust without reaction mass. They have not really shown that yet. Until they do – allow someone not connected with them test it in a swing and demonstrate continuous thrust over time, the burden of proof is on them.

Man made climate change is in the same situation except that there are no lab experiments; but their models do no predict the past, so why should we believe they will predict the future? We know it has been warmer (in Viking times, and probably in Roman times), and rather than ex[plain that they adjust the data. I don’t know how to measure the temperature of my city block to a tenth of a degree; when they can do that reliably I will believe they know the Earth temperature to that accuracy. When you can take the conditions of 1950 as input to a model and run it and it gives today’s conditions, I will take the model seriously; but I cannot see any reason to spend billions of dollars on measures there is no real evidence to show we need. I like Los Angeles without smog. I don’t worry a lot about CO2 “pollution”. But then I don’t invest in green technology.


Iran Deal Worsens

You will need to set down your beverage before reading this one:


Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate a site it has been accused of using to develop nuclear arms, operating under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.



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Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo


Footfall and fusion rockets


Your recent discussion of an illustration of the Archangel Michel from Footfall has inspired me to reread the book again. It has been years. Since I have sense dallied with writing military hard Sci Fi with as many rivets as possible, I invested a bit of time in working out some of the math relevant to fusion rockets. The results are somewhat sobering. It is dependent on vehicle mass and acceleration of course, but the type of ships that make interesting stories would require fusion rockets with a power output of Petawatts (1eex15) to Exawatts (1eex18 Watts). To put this in perspective, the insolation of the Earth and ther habitable planets is on the order of 1eex17 Watts. Most of that energy is hopefully the KE of the exhaust, but the Gaussian distribution of velocities in a high temperature plasma combined with collisions with dust and gases in the near vacuum of space would transform much of that energy into heat. Most of that heat energy will be radiated as X-rays and UV, but some will be in the visible spectrum. If you gave any info on the mass of the alien ship in Footfall, I have not reached it yet but I would imagine that it is a multimillion ton ship. The bottom line is that a big ship with a fusion rocket is going to light up the night sky. You will not have to discover it by comparing subsequent photo images.

Of course dramatic license must be exercised to promote a good story. The size of the Motie light sail along with the power of the launching lasers and boost duration were all exaggerated to make a great story.

James Crawford=

Okay for starters, his comment about “Earth and their habitable planets” doesn’t make sense. Right now we have one habitable planet in our system, and it IS Earth. His calculation regarding the solar irradiance of Earth is roughly correct if you simply assume a circular cross-section intercepting the — it is indeed about 100 petawatts, as an order of magnitude. (Actually it’s closer to 200, being around 175, but order of magnitude, sure; and yes, I did the calculation myself, and THEN found the value online that confirmed my calculation.)

Jim is in a better position to calculate the useful output of a fusion engine. At first glance I’m inclined to doubt that it requires that much power to move a spacecraft of reasonable size. Constant acceleration of a decent-output engine(s) is the key, as we all know already. So we can reduce the size of the powerplant/engine significantly.

Then, of course, we must define “reasonable size.” I’m thinking offhand that “multimillion ton” spacecraft are overkill in general. I suppose if you’re carrying a small spaceborne city as a generation ship, as in Footfall, it’s possibly reasonable. However, the bigger/more massive the craft, the greater the initial drain on the system building it, so I think that would have been a bigger limitation than the engines, actually. If a Space Shuttle impact can seriously damage the thing, then it ain’t no Borg cube for sure.

For comparison, ISS is about 500 tons currently and IMHO is not the most efficient design, given the multiple countries involved, with no governing body overseeing. The mass of one of the World Trade Center towers was about 495 million tons, and contained nearly 2 million square feet of office space. If we assume a habitable-area ceiling height of 8 feet, then we have a usable/habitable volume of over 15 million cubic feet. If this ain’t enough for a spaceborne city, there’s a problem — and we still haven’t reached a million tons. I’d have to say he needs to significantly scale down his notion of the size of the craft.

I would also think that a 100PW engine output (which I think I’ve already established is way overkill) is hardly going to “light up the night sky.” It might resemble a small planet moving through the sky — IF the “exhaust port” happened to be angled in the right direction for the observer to even see. If the bulk of the spacecraft is between the observer and the exhaust, arguably you would see nothing, or perhaps a smallish IR-emitting cloud.

On the other hand, if you have a solar slingshot trajectory, that should have been the point at which the astronomers detected the alien craft, based on my experience as an astronomer. Might not have been initially recognized as a spacecraft, but they’d almost certainly have known something was there, IMHO. If nothing else, they’d probably have seen the transit against the solar disk. But stuff happens, and we didn’t have things like the STEREO probes up yet, so for story purposes, hey, it works.

The previous discussion is assuming he’s talking entirely the alien craft. If we’re talking the PO spacecraft, at least to some extent the answer is “we don’t know,” because we don’t really know how nukes behave in space, never having made the tests.

Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”

Jerry, I mistyped yesterday and only caught it when I was reading your blog today. The mass of the World Trade Center North Tower was 495 million POUNDS, not tons. And that’s of order a quarter of a million tons. Hence yes, we can say readily that a small spaceborne city does not have to weigh multi-million tons.

Sorry about that.
Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”

I did enough due diligence for a novel written in the 80’s…


Batgirl, RIP.



Roland Dobbins





Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.




Lippmann, Bezos, RAID 5, Microsoft Windows 10, and other distractions from fiction.

Chaos Manor View, Monday, August 17, 2015

I’m still in the throes of fiction, so this is a mixed bag of things you might want to pay attention to.

Amazon strikes.  Saturday I ordered a Blu-Ray burner and disks for making a full backup of everything important.  A Pioneer burner came today: a slim thing, USB 3 (2 works), ready to use – but the disks have not yet shipped, so I can’t try it out.  Why Amazon thinks it important to get the burner here without disks is a matter for speculation.  And in my case all the DVD disks are upstairs and this not accessible to me anyway. Fie. Fie I say.  Of course I had no plans to do anything with the Blu-Ray today because I didn’t expect it to be here, so I have no cause to be angry with Amazon for getting it here before the disks – even ONE blank disk – but, well, Fie! Fie, I say.





RAID 5 is not as safe as you think!
I have been caught out by this recently and you should consider rebuilding your raid as RAID 6 if your device supports it.
RAID 5 only allows a single disk to fail. If all your drives come from the same batch it is possible that a second drive could fail (and the probability is proportional to the size of the disk) while your raid is rebuilding itself after the first drive has failed. (This is what happened to me – I only survived because of the excellent disk recovery toolset R-TOOLS and their amazing virtual raid facility.)
If RAID 6 is not a possibility then you should – at least – find an alternate sources for your drives and try and ensure that your disks do not all come from the same batch.
Good luck and best wishes,

True, but our new RAID 5 system is only part of my backup mania. It will replace something else, and it will be automatic; but critical items get copied to several places as they are made, and at periodic intervals are burned into DVD’s, soon to be replaced by a new Blu-ray burner, which can hold most everything on a disk that can be carried home by Niven. The RAID 5 will back up all my systems, invisibly, at low power costs, for about $600 for the system. And it’s something to write about.

A DVD or Blu-Ray burner does it all, cheaper, but less conveniently. I do make certain to burn copies of all works in progress. Everything else can, with effort, be replaced if lost.

Eric adds:

    All I can really say is that RAID 5 is a step up from relying on single disks on a networked PC. The NAS will not be the primary back up solution, it will be the center of storage to enable that solution, which is to burn BD-R discs. This can be done frequently at low cost. The purpose of the NAS is to simplify the storage situation and reduce the power consumption of keeping multiple PCs available on the network. (The use of SSDs for fast booting should also reduce the desirability of leaving machines on 24/7 as it becomes more convenient to wake a machine as needed, especially for a single user.) RAID in general is not a backup strategy. It can be PART of one in that it can simplify by providing a central target to backup.

    The issue has been known for a while, although not given much consideration by NAS companies in their marketing:




There remain questions of what the consumer should and can do. Without getting into a several times more costly NAS box with several more bays and dedicating those bays to multiple parity drives, how does one safely get a lot of storage in one place? Should one forego the higher RAID levels and just be prepared to restore the whole thing if a drive fails? Considering the sacrifice in capacity (in this case 10.9 TB usable out of 16 TB raw capacity) for RAID 5 and higher, then factoring in the risk factor of high capacity drives, it makes one wonder if it would just be easier to apply an 8 bay NAS as a mirrored pair of striped arrays and  have any failure and repair be a matter of copying rather than a long arduous rebuild with risk of failure.

There are no easy answers. Would a set of 1 TB drives have been safer? Probably, as the number of reads required during the rebuild would be substantially lower. Avoid RAID altogether if performance isn’t at issue? We’re talking about a single user most of the time in this case. I recently got a Seagate 4 TB single drive NAS for under $100. (This has been replaced in the product line by a newer model with improved features and performance but is fine for a single user needing an independent drive seen by multiple machines.) I suppose we could have gotten two of these, used one as backup to the other, and had about the same level of safety for an adequate amount of capacity, though on a device where the enclosure is scarcely adds more than the price of the bare drive, failure of the enclosure electronics becomes a significant issue. I’ve recovered numerous working drives from failed USB enclosures. On the positive side, another virtue is that these small units can easily be snatched up and taken away in case of a disaster, such as fire or earthquake requiring evacuation.

The second link above lists some measures that can help alleviate the risk. I’ll be investigating whether any of these are implemented in the equipment in question. 4K sectors are almost certainly used but I need to look into the others.


You wrote:


Walter Lippmann once said that diplomacy was like writing checks; but the account they were written against was military power. He later added that he included industrial power in that.



Lippmann was onto something, but he never asked the deeper question:

What are military power and industrial power instances of? These are instances of national power. I read RAND monographs on measuring national power when I learned threat analysis.

They taught me that we are part of an entity called a “society” and that another entity called “the state” extracts resources from a society and transmutes those resources into national power, which is ultimately military power. For all activities of state exist on a continuum of warfare from diplomacy, through covert action, punitive military action, and war.

Everything a citizen does can be measured in terms of national power.

How well are people educated? Do they have access to formal and informal education? Can we exploit existing ethnic divisions among the people? All of these things come into consideration when measuring national power and finding ways to exploit a state’s weaknesses when planning covert or military action.

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Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo

Well, yes; but in my defense I wasn’t writing an essay on Mr. Lippmann, or on systems analysis, or on threat assessment. I have to look at the blasted keyboard as I type now, and writing is a bit more painful than it used to be. My point was that the size of the Army is one factor; it might have been important in trying to deter Hitler or Stalin before WW II, and it might not; deterrence is an event that takes place in the mind of the opponent (as is surprise) and his assessment of your will is probably more important than the absolute size of your army. An opponent might not be able to assess your potential on the proper time scale.

Hitler’s advisors had no idea of how quickly the United States could raise, equip, and train a huge military force. They even thought they had detected a fatal flaw in our mobilization capabilities (not in our plans, which were pretty laughable): the ability to make military optics. Based on their own experience they saw this as a major bottleneck; as it happens, we merely invented ways of building opticals by new and much more rapid processes. Same with many other bottlenecks.

Sometimes intel finds weaknesses that aren’t really there. Surprise!



Jeff Bezos disputes article about Amazon’s ruthless culture (MN)

By Levi Sumagaysay / August 17, 2015 at 6:56 AM

“I strongly believe that anyone working in a company that really is like the one described in the NYT would be crazy to stay. I know I would leave such a company.”

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO, on the New York Times article over the weekend that painted a nightmarish portrait of his company’s work environment. In a memo to employees obtained by GeekWire, Bezos said “doesn’t describe the Amazon I know” and urged employees who see the type of harsh practices described in the article to tell HR, or him directly.

Money quote from the NYT article: “Nearly every person I worked with, I saw cry at their desk,” said Bo Olson, who worked in book marketing at Amazon for less than two years.

The article, based on interviews with more than 100 current and former employees of the retail behemoth, included gems such as: a peer review system in which employees gang up on other employees they see as poor performers; a woman who suffered a miscarriage pressured to go on a business trip the day after surgery; a woman who had breast cancer who was put on a “performance improvement plan.”

In his memo, Bezos told employees: “Hopefully, you don’t recognize the company described.”

The article is not the first unflattering account of Amazon’s demanding culture. The 2013 book “The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon” described Bezos’ management style as sometimes brutal. (“If I hear that idea again, I’m gonna have to kill myself” is among the many putdowns Bezos is said to have uttered to employees.) And that’s just about treatment of the company’s white-collar workers. The experiences of Amazon’s warehouse workers have also gotten plenty of press over the years.

I don’t know any Amazon workers, but I cannot think that a big company of surly terrified workers could be much of a retail success.


I used to doubt Microsoft. Then I installed Windows 10.


By Vivek Wadhwa August 17 at 7:00 AM

I don’t know if I broke a law of computing or committed heresy.  But I installed Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro. I had feared that this would condemn me to purgatory in the gates of computing hell.  But it has been an incredibly positive experience: my favorite Microsoft Office applications — Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint — work faster than ever before, and I can still use Apple peripherals — a Thunderbolt Display and Thunderbolt external hard drives. The best part is Windows 10 itself: it is a beautifully designed operating system that gives me the best of the past and present — maintaining the usability and familiarity of the old Windows operating system, and letting me download slick apps designed for tablets.

Another Microsoft product that I had written off years ago is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.  The jury is still out, but Microsoft’s new browser, Edge, seems faster than Google’s Chrome.  I may end up switching browsers as well.

I had thought I would never install a Microsoft operating system ever again after my experience with Windows 8.  It was terrible: inelegant, difficult and expensive. It took me about 10 minutes to conclude that Microsoft had lost touch with its customers and was destined to go the way of AOL and Myspace, and I switched all I could to Apple. 

But I still needed the Microsoft Office tools, because they are industrial strength and Apple still has no products that are as good.  To use these, I had to load Windows and Office under VMWare on my MacBook.  Instead of getting the best of both worlds, though, I got the worst: pathetically slow applications, poor battery life, and inconsistent user interfaces.

Then, last week, at an event hosted by CIO magazine, where I gave a keynote, I spoke to a group of Chief Information Officers of large and midsized companies about technology trends.  The vast majority said they were buying Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablets for their users and upgrading desktop machines to Windows 10. In this era of iPads and iPhones, why would any company install such antiquated and clumsy technology, I asked. I was surprised at the response. 

Several CIOs told me that I was out of touch with Microsoft’s new products.  They told me that Surface tablets integrated better with their enterprise-computing infrastructure than do iPads; have much-needed features such as USB 3.0 ports and keyboards; are more secure than iPads; and most importantly, provide a consistent user interface and experience to business users. The CIOs said that Microsoft is a much better company to deal with than Apple, which has become known for arrogance and a lack of concern for the needs of enterprise customers.

I realized that Microsoft is no longer the same “evil empire,” the monopoly, which everyone once hated. It has many loyal fans in the business world.

This didn’t jive with all the criticism that I have been reading in the press about the lack of security of Microsoft’s new operating system. The commonly raised concerns are about Windows 10’s continual uploads and downloads of data to Microsoft servers and the default installation options — which give Microsoft all sorts of rights.

I shared these serious criticisms of Windows 10 with Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella, and asked him how Microsoft planned to address them.  In response, he said that the “core reasons for Windows 10 as a service is more assurance of continuous security updates, app compatibility and roaming of the user info across devices you use with transparency and control with the user. For any business customer there are tons of tools that provide all kinds of additional control.”  He assured me that Microsoft was in touch with customer needs; and all of the CIOs I spoke with agreed with his assessment.  They said that they had customized the Windows 10 installation for their needs and believed that the new method for distributing updates would provide better security.

This is what convinced me to give Microsoft another chance and take the plunge into Windows 10.

The default options for consumers in the Windows 10 installation are indeed problematic.  I would not suggest that anyone use its default installation settings. They grant Microsoft the right to use your data to market to you; to automatically connect you to Wi-Fi networks and marketing “beacons;” and to sell some of your information. But all of these options can be turned off. Microsoft is actually being more honest than other technology companies are that do much of this without informing customers and hide details in the lengthy contracts that no one reads.  Given that Microsoft is providing Windows 10 for free to the majority of its customers, this is a small inconvenience for people who really care about their privacy or don’t want to be marketed to.

What is clear is that Microsoft is back — in full force.  This is a good thing; Apple and Google desperately need the competition that Microsoft will once again provide.

For what it’s worth, my experiences with Windows 10 have been mostly positive. It does take patience, or did for me. I have not used Windows 10 on Apple equipment, but I will probably get a MacBook Air to replace the one that died of a swollen battery (long after the warranty) and we’ll see; I do these silly things so you don’t have to. This is, after all, the successor to the User’s Column.

It may be, though, that the Surface Pro will become my favorite machine. On the other hand, Apple hardware is elegant, and Thunderbolt is great technology; so we’ll see. I’m in the middle of fiction now so it will be a while; I’m in no hurry.

And I much agree that competition can only improve both Apple and Microsoft.


Sandbox bypass in Android Google Admin console revealed


A researcher has unveiled the details of a vulnerability in the console after Google failed to patch the flaw. [UPDATED]

By Charlie Osborne for Zero Day | August 17, 2015 — 08:07 GMT (01:07 PDT) |

[Update 11.34GMT: Google statement added]

A security flaw allows third-party applications to bypass sandbox restrictions in the Google Admin console has been disclosed.

Posted on Full Disclosure on Friday, Rob Miller, senior security researcher, from MWR Labs says the flaw, found within Google’s Android Admin application, allows third-party apps to bypass sandbox restrictions and read arbitrary files through symbolic links.

If the console received a URL through an IPC call from another application on the same device, the Android app loads this link in WebView. However, if an attacker used a file:// URL which pointed to a domain they controlled, then it is possible that symbolic links bypass Same Origin Policy and is able to retrieve data out of the Google Admin sandbox.<snip>


Astronauts found something troubling in these shots from space


clip_image003NASAThe International Space Station in orbit.

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are snapping photos of Earth to measure light pollution, and they’ve found something surprising: Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) — which are touted for their energy-saving properties — are actually making light pollution worse. And the change is so intense that ISS crew members can see it from space.

To see it, take a look at these photos that astronauts snapped of the bustling city of Milan.<snip>


Are Driverless Cars Safer Cars?    (journal)

Regulators likely to accept assisted driver technologies that emphasize protection 


Orr Hirschauge

Aug. 14, 2015 5:30 a.m. ET

JERUSALEM—Automotive executives touting self-driving cars as a way to make commutes more productive or relaxing may want to consider another potential marketing pitch: safety.

“If you want to create a car technology with mass adoption, it needs to be about safety,” says Amnon Shashua, chairman of Mobileye NV, a fast-growing supplier of assisted-driving technology. “Positioned as a comfort feature or as something that is cool to have, the autonomous car would not make it to the mass market.”

Jerusalem-based Mobileye develops machine-vision chips and software. According to Mr. Shashua, its chips by 2018 will be used on a car that takes over steering if the driver has a heart attack, falls asleep at the wheel or becomes otherwise incapacitated.

He declined to comment on the manufacturer or how its vehicle would monitor the driver’s condition. Mr. Shashua said such technology could be via a smart wristband, or biometric sensors in the seat. <snip>


Apple shows interest in driverless car test track (LA Times)


Is Apple building a self-driving car? That’s the rumor, and Apple’s not saying.

The British newspaper the Guardian said Apple may sign up with GoMentum Station in Concord, northeast of San Francisco. The former naval base is now a testing ground for driverless cars, boasting 20 miles of roads and a military guard. Mercedes-Benz and Honda have already put the space to use, said the Guardian.

Apple declined to comment.<snip>













Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.




Heat Wave; A backup tale. Insure against ransomware. Standing armies.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

It has been oppressively hot in Los Angeles today. I have a large window air conditioner in the dining room, and another upstairs in the Monk’s Cell, and a big air conditioning system in the big upstairs complex Great Hall, Office, Bathroom, Cable Room, and Bookshelf room).  That office complex does not connect with the Monk’s Cell, which is actually one of the two bedrooms of the original house built in 1932; it was used as the room of the oldest boy while the boys were still living here, but after the last one moved out I took it over as the writing room; I kept a simple computer, and a good but simple big screen monitor  and a wireless Microsoft Comfort Curve keyboard.  There was a wireless mouse also.  The only Those were on Bluetooth wireless.  The only Internet connection was a very slow wireless connection, just good enough for sending copies of anything I wrote to the main machine in the Office complex.  No games, no phones, no books, do distractions.  I got a lot of writing done up there.

That was before the stroke. I have not been to the Monk’s Cell since the stroke: I could go up the stairs, but I am not sure I could get back down without strong help.

I can’t go up to the Office complex either.  Actually, I can, and I can get back down, safely; but if I fell while up there Roberta would have a real problem and it is taking a chance that she doesn’t want me to take, so I never go there if Alex or Eric or someone else in good health with all his strength isn’t here to be there with me.

All of which means I can’t use either of my offices, and have to make do with the old office I bought the house to get fifty years ago, only it’s smaller now because it has the staircase to the complex in it.  There go two air conditioners.  And I am damned if I will take over the dining room with more computer equipment, although if this heat wave goes on I may have to take Precious, the Surface Pro 3, in there with the fifty year old window air conditioner we bought in San Bernardino when I was working for Aerospace at Norton Air Force Base. Incidentally, Norton was then the Hq. of Ballistic Systems Division (Air Systems Division was in Texas).  BSD was in San Bernardino because Bernie Schriever, the 4 star commander of Systems Command, wanted it as far from the Pentagon as possible, and Los Angeles wasn’t far enough; to get to Norton you either had to have your own airplane or fly into Los Angeles, then drive 90 miles east to get to San Bernardino.  It was hot as hell. But people who came out for meetings really wanted those meetings, and video phones did not exist.  We got a lot of work done.  And Schriever and his successors had their own airplanes.  All 3 stars  and above in USAF had their own 707’s.  But that was then.

Our Los Angeles house cools nicely at night and is well insulated if we button up in the mornings, so while I had air conditioning put in the upstairs offices, we almost never need it downstairs in the old house.  Alas this heat wave has hot nights too, and it doesn’t cool off until not long before dawn.  No fun.


I am writing this on Swan, a Windows 10 system in the back bedroom.  If you see it before Sunday it means we have solved a bunch of problems, all simple once solved, but perplexing because Microsoft doesn’t leave some of the old ways in their new updates; the vocabulary is different.  You “initialize” a new hard drive, not “format” it, and if you don’t know that it may take you a while to find it out.

I just hit “Publish” and it did so without problems, so that’s another problem solved; we had a time getting Live Writer installed on this Windows 10 machine; there will be a report on that in Chaos Manor Reviews when our long suffering managing editor gets it written and posted.

Swan (this Windows 10 system) is in a Thermaltake case with a hard drive toaster built into the top. That is, you take a 4 terabyte (or smaller, of course) hard drive and push it in the slot, and Voila!, there it is in your system just like a thumb drive.  Well, not quite so simply; it isn’t formatted, and my first attempt produced 2 two terabyte partitions which was not what I wanted.  Eric is writing up what we had to do to make one big drive out of it.

We are building a big RAID 5 NetGear box; you’ll get the details later.  Amazon had a sale on 4 terabyte drive, so I bought 5 of them.  I figured on using it in Swan’s “toaster” drive slot and using it for backups from the other machines; a place to store critical files like unfinished novels.  But today Eric sent this:

Bare hard drive storage


    You may want to have one of these if you plan to use a bare drive for backups. One of the biggest malware threats these days is encrypting ransomware. These encrypt all of the files they find in the standard directories and of certain major types like DOC, XLS, etc. They’ll go after ever volume in a system that has a drive letter, including mapped network drive. You then get a message telling you where to send money to get the key to get back your files. In one example I witnessed, a law office paralegal’s PC was struck along with her directory on the server. Fortunately, that directory was the only part of the server her account could access.

    So far, they don’t go after cloud drives (OneDrive doesn’t get a drive letter in Explorer) or search for accessible network volumes on their own but I expect it will just be a matter of time before they gain that level of sophistication. Meanwhile, I STRONGLY recommend keeping local backup drives offline when they are not in active use. Also, don’t map network drives used for backups. Most backup software is smart enough to use a UNC location and don’t need a drive mapping.

    This is also why I recommend to businesses that they have at least one BD-R burner. This is a form of the Blu-ray spec that delivers 25 GB (pre-formatted) per disc in its most common form. A completed BD-R cannot be altered by ransomware, so provides an additional layer of safety. It’s also a cheap way to keep offsite copies of critical data. The blanks are more expensive than DVDs, largely due to lower market volume but the 5X difference in capacity more than makes up for it, and the convenience of using far fewer discs for large amounts of data is another factor.

Well, I already had an extra 4 TB drive.  Here was a nice case to keep it in.  Time to get all the really critical files onto it, and that drive in a drawer where ransomware hacker can’t get at it.  I ordered the box and we spent some time setting it up.  It appears on Swan as a drive with a letter, and thus can be found by ransomware, but not if it’s only in the toaster slot long enough to receive the critical files; meanwhile we will get the NetGear RAID 5 going; it won’t have a drive letter at all, and will be automatic in receiving backup copies of everything incrementally from all my machines.  I also ordered a Blu-Ray drive and a stack of Blu-ray disks; periodically I’ll burn copies of critical files onto that, take the disk out, and let Larry take it home.  Even if the ransomware hackers figure out how to get to disks that have no drive letters, they aren’t going to be able to do anything to a Blu-Ray DVD. I generally only work with collaborators so the chances of any significant amount of new text being lost is not all that high, but I do a lot of silly things so you don’t have to.

So we wrote all the important stuff on Swan to the big toaster drive. No problem. A lot of gigabytes, but it didn’t take all that long. Went in the other room to write Swan’s critical files – and couldn’t.  I didn’t have permission.  I could see the drive, but I could not write to it. Gnashing of teeth.  Back to Swan.  Fiddle with permissions so that I have permission to write to that drive from everywhere else on the net.  Back to Alien Artifact, and still no joy.  More gnashing of teeth.

Back to Swan:  shut down.  Didn’t want to shut down.  Task manager doesn’t work the same in Windows 10 as it does in 7 and before.  They improved it.  Maybe. I’ll reserve opinion on that.  But I finally got it shut down.  Restarted – and it said it was updating. Don’t turn off the computer.  Now that machine is set to do automatic updates; why now? Then it did it again. Reset itself again.  And finally came up – and yes, I could copy files from Alien Artifact. And from elsewhere. Did so, and that 4 terabyte disk is now in a desk drawer safe from any ransomware hacker.  The RAID 5 has built itself, but remains blank until we start backing up to it.  It has ten terabytes of storage room, in a RAID 5 configuration so one disk can fail and we can still recover.  I thought of ordering one more drive just in case and realized that is silly; big drives only get cheaper and it doesn’t take but a day or so to get them from Amazon. Let Amazon store spares for me.

Added Sunday: removing the toaster drive causes the machine to forget any permissions you set for that disk; when you put the hard drive back in the slot, go to This Computer, right click on the drive letter the system assigns it, properties, sharing, advanced sharing, permissions, and set them to allow writing to the drive from another machine – either everyone, or just yourself, as you choose.  You have to do that each time you remove and later reinsert that drive.  Makes sense, of course: you have no way of reserving that drive letter to that particular removable disk drive.


US Unable to Meet Russia in Sustained War?

This is hardly a surprise:


Behind closed doors some Pentagon officials have acknowledge that the US military has been battered by years of war in the Middle East and is not prepared for a prolonged military engagement with a major global power like say Russia regardless of how likely this scenario might be.

They cite a series of classified war games different US agencies conducted lately and military drills in Europe to support this assessment.

Surprising as it may seem, this revelation comes at a time when an increasing number of high-ranking military officials have called Moscow a key existential threat to the US. The rhetoric reflects a months-long trend. Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis Washington has been increasingly belligerent towards Russia.

Yet the Pentagon seems to be worried it could well be unable to put its money where its mouth is.

Two major areas of concern are logistics and Washington’s current ability (or inability) to sustain a large troop presence in the Baltics or Eastern Europe, two officials from the US Department of Defense told the Daily Beast. NATO countries have long frivolously insisted that Russia threatens this region, which is neither in Moscow’s interests nor its plans.

“Could we probably beat the Russians today [in a sustained battle]?

Sure, but it would take everything we had. What we are saying is that we are not as ready as we want to be,” one of the Pentagon officials clarified.



“everything we had” reminds me of world war and total war… This doesn’t fun… I think most of us prefer military operations to occur without an effect on daily life at home…

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Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo

Historically the US has not kept a large standing army; the Navy was our important agent of influence in peace time. We built armies at need.  We built them fast.  The professional German view was that we learned faster than any of their other opponents; our troops fought to win and get it over with so they could go home.  They were not professional soldiers, and couldn’t wait to get out of the military; although we did have some long serving professional soldiers.

Todays forces require a crack deterrent force; we had that in SAC although I am told that is no longer true. We have not had an objective study of long and short term military requirements in some time – at least not anything official.  The Navy has traditionally had the mission of protecting the homeland until we could mobilize. The President owned the Navy; Congress owned the Army.

Secretary of State Albright famously asked what is the good of having a powerful military if you can’t use it. and entangled us in the Balkan dispute on the anti-Slavic side, thus making historically Pan-Slavic Russia hostile; we have not seen the last of the grave consequences coming from this.  Bombing the Chinese diplomatic buildings in the Balkans  — said to be by accident – didn’t help our relations with China either. Having a standing army tends to generate reasons for using it to interfere in territorial disputes overseas.

I think most strategic analysts agree that we need a vigorous strategy of technology; a credible deterrent; and a strong Navy.  We do not have the Navy, our deterrent credibility is fading, and I do not think we are going in the right direction in our strategy of technology; not as we did during the Cold War. Were it my decision, I would allocate resources to those three missions before expanding the Army.

Detroit went from producing 5 obsolete tanks and no artillery to rolling out thousands of each per month, and did so in less than a year.  We also turned out a ship a day.  But that was long ago; many wonder if we could do it now.

The best way to survive a nuclear war is not to have one.  That takes something like SAC.

I could eliminate ISIS in a year with two Divisions, the Warthogs, and air supremacy forces. I do not think we could conquer Iran and her allies without a lot more mobilization.

Walter Lippman once said that diplomacy was like writing checks; but the account they were written against was military power.  He later added that he included industrial power in that.


Clinton, Deutch, and classified material

Dear Jerry –

All of the current affaire Clinton reminds me strongly of the John Deutch case, which you may remember. From May 1995 to December 1996, Deutch was DCI of the CIA. After his term was over, he took a number of government-issue computers with him under a rather dodgy set of consultant contracts, and it was later determined that some of these, despite being labeled “Unclassified”, did indeed have classified data on them, with the possibility that many more had been destroyed before the CIA (which acted very slowly to scoop up the suspect machines and media) had the chance to collect them. In addition, several of the machines had been connected to the internet and so were vulnerable.  A rather curious condition of bureaucratic lethargy followed, including the destruction of the collected machines before really detailed forensics could be performed (Deutch was adamant that his privacy might be compromised). The bureaucratic foot-dragging by several of Deutch’s supporters was considerable.

Eventually – after more than 2 years – the case was referred to DOJ, who declined to prosecute.

Deutch was preemptively pardoned by Bill Clinton on his last day in office.

See http://fas.org/irp/cia/product/ig_deutch.html for the Agency’s report.


Jim Martin


“I just wanted to open a bank. I didn’t think that much about it.”



Roland Dobbins



Top Secret NoForn; and other matters

Chaos Manor View, Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hot today. Still working on fiction. I am appalled at Mrs. Clinton’s mishandling of classified materials; when I was in that business, TOP SECRTET NOFORN was a fairly big deal, not to be removed from a secure facility and disclosure on a need to know basis and if access to the document was given it was to be signed out and access recorded. Sometimes, when I was working on a report with a partner whose clearance I knew there ,might be some relaxation of those rules, but not much; I certainly wouldn’t have let him take it out of the room.

When I worked on Project 75, the survey of all known ICBM technology (we were pre-designing the ICBM force to be installed in 1975, this being 1964) the document itself was so sensitive that although I wrote every word in it – or edited it if I didn’t write it – the entire document was at a need to know above mine, so although I could have any chapter, I turned it and signed for a different document when I finished a chapter; never saw the completed document which described all the possibilities for a missile force, and analyzed the vulnerabilities of each. I could hardly complain; I can’t think what the GRU would have paid for it.

I doubt they’ll find much on Mrs. Clinton’s server, as I am sure she has erased all the files and copied them over with harmless files, then reorganized the disk; possibly several times. On NCIS they would magically find it all anyway, but in the real world, I doubt it. Still, you never know, except she would have to be extraordinarily stupid to leave classified files intact on an unsecured system. I presume her house was well guarded while the files existed.

Still, I hear rumors of copies made on thumb drives; they tell me that intelligence people fill all the thumb drive slots with epoxy glue…


Shillery Emails: The Vice Slowly Tightens

Ah, I love the subtitle of this article “the vice slowly tightens”.

This is the latest on the Clinton email scandal:


The political class is seriously underestimating the impact of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy. They see it mainly as a problem of public opinion and electoral politics, where it has been increasingly costly but not yet fatal. The political damage—the drip, drip, drip of revelations—has been bad, but there is worse to come.

Hillary Clinton’s big problem now is legal, and it could well be insurmountable politically. Here’s why. Once a “political” issue finally moves into the legal system, as the Clinton email server has, it moves forward with an independent logic. That logic will slowly ensnare Secretary Clinton.

You can already see it happening. Two weeks ago, the Department of Justice acknowledged that it “has received a referral related to the potential compromise of classified information.” The referral was not criminal, and the Clinton camp immediately pummeled the New York Times’ sloppy reporting that it was. But that’s small ball and misleading at that. The DOJ is not investigating a civil matter here.

It is investigating a crime. As that investigation moves forward, it will take on a life of its own, as it should in a government of laws.

Even if the Department of Justice is highly politicized—and it is—there is a powerful legal procedure here that will be hard to kill off. It began when the intelligence community’s inspector general, I.

Charles McCullough III, and his counterpart at the State Department, Steve Linick, made a referral to DOJ, saying that classified materials may have been compromised. McCullough also wrote Congress that a spot check of 40 Clinton emails showed that “four contained classified [intelligence community] information.” That meant classified materials were being held in an unauthorized, insecure site—the Clinton server.

In fact, the materials were also being held in a second unauthorized site. Clinton had given the materials to her attorney, David Kendall, on thumb-drives for his safekeeping. Since the communications are, by her own admission, official business and possibly classified, she may not have been authorized to transfer them, nor he to receive them.

The FBI has clear legal responsibilities when it is presented with such a referral. It must investigate and secure the materials.

Fortunately, the FBI is run by a director with a reputation for independence and integrity. James Comey’s agency has now gotten the server and thumb-drives, the ones Clinton said she would never give up. She had no choice but to surrender them or face obstruction-of-justice charges.



The article continues and it’s worth reading.

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Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo



I’ll assume you know the meaning of TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN; SI being a subset of SCI, I don’t see how Clinton can avoid criminal prosecution. Look what happened to Petraeus for much less…

You and I both know there is no excuse for this; you can’t even think of one. Let’s see what the FBI says.

The Daily Beast summarized the situation aptly:


In short: Information at the “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN” level is considered exceptionally highly classified and must be handled with great care under penalty of serious consequences for mishandling.

Every person who is cleared and “read on” for access to such information signs reams of paperwork and receives detailed training about how it is to be handled, no exceptions—and what the consequences will be if the rules are not followed.

In the real world, people with high-level clearances are severely punished for willfully violating such rules. At a minimum, those suspected of mishandling things like NSA “signals intelligence”—intercepts calls, emails, and the like—have their clearances suspended pending the outcome of the investigation into their misconduct. Any personal items—computers, electronics—where federal investigators suspect the classified wound up, wrongly, will be impounded and searched. If it has TOP SECRET//SI information on it, “your” computer now belongs to the government, since it is considered classified.

What, then, does all this means for Hillary? There is no doubt that she, or someone on her State Department staff, violated federal law by putting TOP SECRET//SI information on an unclassified system. That it was Hillary’s private, offsite server makes the case even worse from a security viewpoint. Claims that they “didn’t know” such information was highly classified do not hold water and are irrelevant. It strains belief that anybody with clearances didn’t recognize that NSA information, which is loaded with classification markings, was signals intelligence, or SIGINT. It’s possible that the classified information found in Clinton’s email trove wasn’t marked as such. But if that classification notice was omitted, it wasn’t the U.S. intelligence community that took such markings away. Moreover, anybody holding security clearances has already assumed the responsibility for handling it properly.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had no authority to disseminate IC information on her own, neither could she make it less highly classified (a process termed “downgrading” in the spy trade) without asking IC permission first.

It is a very big deal and less connected people who do this sort of thing ruin their lives, as any IC counterintelligence official can attest. During my NSA time, I saw junior personnel terminated for relatively minor infractions of security regulations. While the U.S.

government unquestionably does over-classify items on the policy side, where almost everything in the Defense and State Departments gets some sort of classification stamp, not usually at a high level, intelligence reporting by its very nature is classified. If you don’t want the responsibility of a high-level government position, which inevitably brings with it TOP SECRET//SI access, then don’t accept that burden.



Yeah, exactly; don’t accept the burden and then say “well I thought it would be easier if I just did things my own way and ignored the law.”

After all, “at this point what does it matter”? And we’re all worried about what a jerk Trump is and how many lions are dying.

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Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo


Hackers Cut a Corvette’s Brakes Via a Common Car Gadget [Wired]

Car hacking demos like last month’s  over-the-internet hijacking of a Jeep have shown it’s possible for digital attackers to cross the gap between a car’s cellular-connected infotainment system and its steering and brakes. But a new piece of research suggests there may be an even easier way for hackers to wirelessly access those critical driving functions: Through an entire industry of potentially insecure, internet-enabled gadgets plugged directly into cars’ most sensitive guts.

At the Usenix security conference today, a group of researchers from the University of California at San Diego plan to reveal a technique they could have used to wirelessly hack into any of thousands of vehicles through a tiny commercial device: A 2-inch-square gadget that’s designed to be plugged into cars’ and trucks’ dashboards and used by insurance firms and trucking fleets to monitor vehicles’ location, speed and efficiency. By sending carefully crafted SMS messages to one of those cheap dongles connected to the dashboard of a Corvette, the researchers were able to transmit commands to the car’s CAN bus—the internal network that controls its physical driving components—turning on the Corvette’s windshield wipers and even enabling or disabling its brakes.

“We acquired some of these things, reverse engineered them, and along the way found that they had a whole bunch of security deficiencies,” says Stefan Savage, the University of California at San Diego computer security professor who led the project. The result, he says, is that the dongles “provide multiple ways to remotely…control just about anything on the vehicle they were connected to.” <snip>


EPA acting like a criminal

Colorado river and the Cement Creek spill.

The EPA uses private contractors to clean up sites. Does anybody have any info on who contractors were and how much time/money they saved by their “accident”.
Or has my trust in government hit a new low,
BTW spill just dumped higher concentrations of stuff already present in runoff from mineral rich Rockies. So only transient effects will occur sort of like Gulf oil spills.



Electric Car-Aid Acid Test


Wall St. Journal

A line of electric cars and newly installed charging stations are seen in front of the Portland General Electric headquarters building in Portland, Oregon. Photo: Don Ryan/Associated Press

Aug. 10, 2015 7:25 p.m. ET

To the list of subsidies for elite lifestyles in the name of fighting climate change, you can now add charging stations for luxury plug-in cars and other electric vehicles. A growing number of states are forcing all consumers to pay for these green amenities that only a fraction of them will ever use.

The fleet of battery-powered cars is rising, and their owners are more than twice as wealthy as most Americans. An Experian Automotive study found that more than 20% of them are middle-aged professionals who make more than $175,000 a year. But deploying the new equipment to keep these affluent drivers on the go isn’t cheap, and states and power companies are starting to socialize the cost of these green frills over all rate-payers. <snip>


China fired another shot in the ongoing currency war:


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China on Tuesday carried out the biggest devaluation of the renminbi in two decades to boost its slowing economy, marking an escalation of international “currency wars”, surprising markets and risking a political clash with Washington.

The 1.9 per cent downward move by the central bank was its biggest one-day change since 1993 — and since China abandoned its tight currency peg for a managed float in 2005. It pushed the renminbi’s “daily fix” to Rmb6.2298 against the dollar, compared with a Rmb6.1162 rate the day before. Before Tuesday, the biggest shift this year had been a 0.16 per cent adjustment.

The move, coming as economic growth has flagged and the currency has been under upward pressure from its informal peg to the rising dollar, is in sharp contrast to policy during earlier times of stress when Beijing resisted pressure to devalue. It should help combat an unexpectedly large fall in China’s exports fuelled by the renminbi’s relative strength.

It also came as China is pushing to have the renminbi accepted as a global reserve currency alongside the dollar, yen, euro and sterling by the International Monetary Fund, which this month cited the need for great exchange rate flexibility as a key requirement.



The average person has no idea what this means. So China is devaluing its currency; why should I care? Oddly enough, Trump is calling it:


“They’re just destroying us,” the billionaire businessman, a long-time critic of China’s currency policy, said in a CNN interview.

“They keep devaluing their currency until they get it right. They’re doing a big cut in the yuan, and that’s going to be devastating for us.”


“We have so much power over China,” he told CNN. “China has gotten rich off of us. China has rebuilt itself with the money it’s sucked out of the United States and the jobs that it’s sucked out of the United States.”



I suppose now they’ll accuse him of being racist for these comments.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I’m either not supporting or am directly opposing the others as well..

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Most Respectfully,

Joshua Jordan, KSC

Percussa Resurgo


Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”

The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’


What is the origin of the false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming?


Joseph Bast And

Roy Spencer

Last week Secretary of State John Kerry warned graduating students at Boston College of the “crippling consequences” of climate change. “Ninety-seven percent of the world’s scientists,” he added, “tell us this is urgent.”

Where did Mr. Kerry get the 97% figure? Perhaps from his boss, President Obama, who tweeted on May 16 that “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.” Or maybe from NASA, which posted (in more measured language) on its website, “Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”

Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.

One frequently cited source for the consensus is a 2004 opinion essay published in Science magazine by Naomi Oreskes, a science historian now at Harvard. She claimed to have examined abstracts of 928 articles published in scientific journals between 1993 and 2003, and found that 75% supported the view that human activities are responsible for most of the observed warming over the previous 50 years while none directly dissented.

Ms. Oreskes’s definition of consensus covered “man-made” but left out “dangerous”—and scores of articles by prominent scientists such as Richard Lindzen, John Christy, Sherwood Idso and Patrick Michaels, who question the consensus, were excluded. The methodology is also flawed. A study published earlier this year in Nature noted that abstracts of academic papers often contain claims that aren’t substantiated in the papers. <snip>


The Future of Russia
I came across an interesting article on the Economist web site:
It suggests that the break-up of Russia might be a greater danger than Putin’s expansionism.



How I missed hearing about this, I don’t know. I heard all about the new Ferguson shooting almost as soon as it happened, but this is almost a week old, and I’m just now hearing about it. Did any of the rest of you hear about this before now?




The EPA, of all groups, after blocking other groups and threatening them with federal charges for years, went in with earthmovers and a plan to drain the mine without even checking the condition of the mine or the water level in it first. Then they didn’t tell the various governors about it for a full day. And it happened last WEDNESDAY, and they are STILL not releasing information about how much of what is in there!

There are not enough words in my vocabulary for this stupidity, and I have a pretty large vocabulary.
Stephanie Osborn

“The Interstellar Woman of Mystery”

Fortunately, nature tends to correct human error; but imagine the penalties if a private company did this. I think not one head has rolled or one person’s pay was docked… Naybe we are getting all the government we pay for. Good and hard.




Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.


